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1、一、一、Fast reading and summary1. Who are the characters of the passage?1. Wang Kun and Wang Wei2. What have they dreamed about since middle school? 2. Taking a great bike trip3. When did they get the chance to go?3. After graduating from college4. Which river did they decide to go along? 4. The Mekong

2、 RiverSummary: Wang Kun and Wang Wei were preparing for _ down the Mekong River. Before the trip, they went to the library to _ _about the river and they also got _to go with them too.a great bike tripfind out moredetailed informationtheir cousins二、二、Careful reading and retellingWang Kun1.He and his

3、 sister have dreamed about taking_ .2.He is _ of his sister and always _ to her.Wang Wei3.She is a(n) _ girland has a serious _.4.She doesnt _ details and neverchanges her _ easily.5.She visited her _ and got them _ too. interested in cycling a great bike tripfondgives instubborn and determinedshort

4、comingcare aboutmindcousinsPreparations for the journey6.They bought _and decided to _along theMekong River from where it beginsto where it ends.7. They went to the _ andfound a large _that showed details of world _.expensive mountainbikescyclelibraryatlas with good maps geographyThe Mekong River8.I

5、t begins in a(n) _on aTibetan mountain. Half of it is in_.9.Its source is in _Provinceand it travels across western _Province.10.When it enters _, itspace slows. At last the river delta enters _.glacierthe South China Sea Southeast AsiaYunnanQinghaiChinaA. YunnanB. Qinghai C. Tibet D. Western Yunnan

6、1. The source of the Mekong River is in _ .三、三、ComprehendingA. Very strong and determined opposition.B. Difficult to deal with.C. Difficult to use.D. Determined not to change ones mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable.2. What does the word “stubborn” in the second paragraph mean?A.

7、 Dao Wei and Wang Kun have dreamed about taking a great bike trip since middle school.B. Once Wang Kun has made up her mind, nothing can change it.C. Several months before the trip, Wang Wei and I went to the library to look for details of world geography.D. The Mekong River enters the South China S

8、ea from Thailand.3. Which of the following is true?A. Wang Wei was so stubborn that Wang Kun gave in to her at lastB. they got the chance to take the bike trip after senior middle schoolC. the trip will not be so difficult as Wang Kun imaginesD. Wang Weis proper way to do the trip is to care about d

9、etails4. We can know from the text that.A. Wang Kun and Wang Wei were preparing for their trip.B. Wang Kun and Wang Wei were making their trip down the Mekong.C. The brother and sister and the bicycle trip.D. How the brother and sister made their trip down the Mekong.5. What is the text mainly about

10、?四、四、 话题议写话题议写议一议议一议Do you like travel? If you do, tell your partner the reasons. If you dont, also tell your partner the reasons.写一写写一写以约以约120个词就个词就“旅游旅游”发表你的看法发表你的看法, 内容包内容包括括: 现在旅游已成为一种全球流行的活动;现在旅游已成为一种全球流行的活动; 旅游的好处;旅游的好处; 你是怎样看待旅游的。你是怎样看待旅游的。One possible version: I like travel, for travel has b

11、ecome a worldwide activity. Never before have so many people traveled to so many different parts of the world. With transport becoming more comfortable and convenient, more and more people want to leave their homes to see more of the wonderful world. People travel for many reasons, but perhaps the m

12、ost common is traveling for pleasure. It provides a good way to get your mind off your work. When you return, you are refreshed and ready to work harder. Travel is also one of the best means for learning. One may have heard or read about something, but one can never get a real picture of it until he

13、 sees it with his own eyes. I believe that the knowledge got from your own experience is more useful than that got from books.1.dream about _2.说服某人去做某事说服某人去做某事 _3. be fond of _4. 做某事的最好的方法做某事的最好的方法 _the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth.梦想梦想persuade sb.to do sth.喜欢喜欢5. care about _ 6. 改变某

14、人的主意改变某人的主意 _ 7. make up ones mind _ 8. 让步让步; 屈服屈服 _give in关心关心; 忧虑忧虑; 惦念惦念change ones mind下定决心下定决心Ever since middle school my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 从高中起从高中起, 我我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次了不起姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。的自行车旅行。 (P18L1-2)1. dream读一读读一读 朗读下列句子朗读下列句子, 归纳归纳dre

15、am的词的词性和意义。性和意义。 I had a sweet dream last night.(词性词性: _;意义意义:_ ) He dreamt about/of becoming a scientist.(词性词性: _;搭配搭配: _; 意义意义: _ )梦想做某事梦想做某事 n.梦梦vi.dream about/of doing sth.练一练练一练 用用dream翻译下列句子翻译下列句子。我梦想有朝一日我会成为著名的小提琴家我梦想有朝一日我会成为著名的小提琴家, 我会努力学习去实现我的梦想。我会努力学习去实现我的梦想。I dream of one day becoming a f

16、amous violinist and I will study hard to realize my dream. He dreamed that one day he would become a boss.(词性词性: _;意义意义: _ )梦想梦想 vt.记一记记一记 have/dream a sweet/terrible dream 做做了一个甜美了一个甜美/可怕的梦可怕的梦dream about/of doing sth.梦想做某事梦想做某事realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想.and then she persuaded me to buy one.

17、然后她说服我也买了一然后她说服我也买了一辆辆(山地车山地车)。 (P18L4)2. persuade读一读读一读 朗读下列句子朗读下列句子, 体会体会persuade相关搭配的不同意义。相关搭配的不同意义。 She tried to persuade me to change my mind but failed.(搭配搭配: _; 意义意义: _ )说服某人去做某事说服某人去做某事 persuade sb.to do sth. I tried to persuade my father not to smoke but failed.(搭配搭配: _; 意义意义: _ )说服某人不要去做某事

18、说服某人不要去做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth. Can you persuade her into wearing the school uniform?(搭配搭配: _; 意义意义: _ )说服某人去做某事说服某人去做某事 persuade sb. into doing sth. Weve persuaded the manager out of the impractical plan.(搭配搭配: _ ; 意义意义: _ )说服某人不要做某事说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb.out of(doing)sth.练一练练一练用用persuade的适当形

19、式填的适当形式填空。空。Toms 1 _was so 2 _that I was at last 3_ by him to go out for a walk with him.persuadedpersuasionpersuasivepersuasion n.说服说服; 劝服劝服persuasive adj. 有说服力的有说服力的; 令人信服的令人信服的advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事persuade sb. not t

20、o do sth.= persuade sb. out of (doing) sth.说服某人不要做某事说服某人不要做某事persuade 强调说服、劝服的结果。强调说服、劝服的结果。advise 只表示劝说的动作只表示劝说的动作, 不表示劝说的结果。不表示劝说的结果。记一记记一记After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip. 大学毕业后大学毕业后, 我们终于我们终于有机会骑自行车旅游了。有机会骑自行车旅游了。 (P18-L11)3.graduate vi& n.毕业毕业; 毕业生毕业生

21、读一读读一读朗读下列句子朗读下列句子, 请指出各句中请指出各句中graduate的词性和意义。的词性和意义。 I am an arts graduate.(词性词性: _;意义;意义: _ ) She graduated from a key university.(词性词性: _;意义;意义: _ )毕业毕业n.大学毕业生大学毕业生vi.练一练练一练 用用graduate的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。Lily was a 1 _of Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学北京师范大学)and after 2_, she became a teacher.gradu

22、ationgraduate记一记记一记graduation n.(大学大学)毕业毕业graduate from 从从毕业毕业Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她对去某尽管她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚些地方的最佳路线并不清楚, 她却坚持她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排妥当。要自己把这次旅游安排妥当。 (P18L16)4.insist读一读读一读朗读下列句子朗读下列句子, 归纳归纳insist的用的用法和意义。法

23、和意义。 He insisted on our going by train instead of by plane.(用法用法: _; 意义意义: _ )坚持某事坚持某事/做某事做某事 insist on sth/doing sth. The young man insisted that he should be sent to where he was most needed.(用法用法: _; 意义意义: _ )坚决要求、主张坚决要求、主张 insist that-clause The boy insisted that he hadnt stolen the money, but n

24、obody believed him.(用法用法: _; 意义意义: _ )坚持认为坚持认为 insist that-clause练一练练一练 用括号中所给词的适当形用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。式填空。 The old man insisted he _ _(be not) old and _ _(send) back to the working post again.wasnot(should) besent She insisted that she _ (hear) someone in the house and that a policeman _(call) to make s

25、ure. The little girl insisted on her _ _(take) to the garden.heard(should) be calledtakenbeinginsist on sth/doing sth.坚持某事坚持某事/做某事做某事insist that-clause作作“坚决要求、主张坚决要求、主张”讲讲, 后跟虚拟语气后跟虚拟语气, 从句谓语动词用从句谓语动词用should do, 其中其中should 可以省略可以省略; 作作“坚持认为坚持认为”讲讲, 从句根据需要选择时态。从句根据需要选择时态。insist on 表示人的意志和一定要做某事的态表示人的

26、意志和一定要做某事的态度度, 多用于坚持看法、意见、主张。多用于坚持看法、意见、主张。stick to 坚持真理、原则、计划、诺言等。坚持真理、原则、计划、诺言等。记一记记一记She gave me a determined look the kind said she would not change her mind .她给了我一个坚定的眼神她给了我一个坚定的眼神这眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。这眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。 (P18-L21)5. determine读一读读一读朗读下列句子朗读下列句子, 指出各句中指出各句中determine的词性和意义的词性和意义。 Attitudes

27、determine everything.(词性词性: _;意义;意义: _ ) He firmly determined to rise in the world whatever it took.(词性词性: _;意义;意义: _ )决定决定;下决心下决心 vt.决定决定;确定确定vi. She was determined to go to university.(词性词性: _ ; 意义意义: _ ) She was determined that no one should know this secret.(词性词性: _;意义意义: _ ) 决定了的决定了的; 坚决的坚决的;意志

28、坚定的意志坚定的 adj.adj.有决心的有决心的; 坚决的坚决的;意志坚定的意志坚定的练一练练一练 用括号中所给词的的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的的适当形式填空或翻译句子。或翻译句子。 He left the village and _ (determine) never to come back. He has overcome his difficulties with his strong courage and great _ (determine).determinationdetermined 他已经下定决心要出国。他已经下定决心要出国。(3)He has been determ

29、ined to go abroad. 他的脸上有一种坚定的表情。他的脸上有一种坚定的表情。(4)There was a determined look on his face.determine to do决定做某事决定做某事(表动作表动作)be determined to do决定做某事决定做某事(表状态表状态)be determined that-clause 决定某事决定某事(从从句谓语用句谓语用should+动词原形动词原形)determination n.决定决定; 决心决心记一记记一记6.change ones mind/make up ones mind读一读读一读翻译下列句子。

30、翻译下列句子。 His determined look showed that he would not change his mind._ Once he made up his mind to do something, nobody could stop him._一旦他下定决心去做一些事情一旦他下定决心去做一些事情, 就没人能阻止他。就没人能阻止他。 他坚定的表情表明他不会改变主意。他坚定的表情表明他不会改变主意。练一练练一练 根据括号中的中文提示完成下根据括号中的中文提示完成下列句子。列句子。 Finally they _(改改变主意变主意)and decided to take m

31、y advice. He has _(下定决心下定决心) to keep away from the net bar.made up his mindchanged their minds记一记记一记make up ones mind 下定决心下定决心change ones mind 改变主意改变主意读一读读一读 朗读并翻译下列句子。朗读并翻译下列句子。 Whatever happens,never give in to his opinion. _ Finally the mother gave in and bought a toy for her child._Finally, I ha

32、d to give in. 最后最后, 我只好让步了我只好让步了(P18L25) 。7. give in最后那位妈妈让步了最后那位妈妈让步了, 并给她的孩子买了一个玩具。并给她的孩子买了一个玩具。无论怎样无论怎样, 绝不对他的意见让步。绝不对他的意见让步。练一练练一练根据括号中的中文提示完成下根据括号中的中文提示完成下列句子。列句子。 Although defeated by many failures, he never _(向困难向困难低头低头). The enemy _ (被迫投降被迫投降).were forced to give in gives in to difficulties记

33、一记记一记give in (to sb/ sth.)(向向)让让步或投降步或投降; 屈服屈服(于于)give up 放弃放弃 give构成的短语你还知道哪些构成的短语你还知道哪些?想一想想一想give away 赠送赠送; 捐赠捐赠; 泄露泄露; 出卖出卖give out 用完用完(没有被动没有被动); 分发分发; 发出发出(光、热、声等光、热、声等); 发布发布; 公布公布give off 放出放出; 排放排放(烟雾、气味等烟雾、气味等)1.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong Riv

34、er from where it begins to where it ends.是是我姐姐先想到要沿着湄公河骑自行车我姐姐先想到要沿着湄公河骑自行车, 从它的源头一直骑到入海口。从它的源头一直骑到入海口。(P18-L13-15)句式分析句式分析 It was .who/that .是是_。强调句型强调句型 from where it begins to where it ends在句子中充当在句子中充当 _; 其中其中where it begins和和where it ends是介是介词词from和和to的的 _。宾语从句宾语从句地点状语地点状语仿写仿写昨天所有会员都在俱乐部开会昨天所有会员

35、都在俱乐部开会。(强调地点状语强调地点状语)(1)It was in the club that all the members held a meeting yesterday.(强调时间状语强调时间状语) (2)It was yesterday that all the members held a meeting in the club.2.Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it. 她一旦下了决心她一旦下了决心, 什什么都不能使她改变么都不能使她改变。 (P18L25)句式分析句式分析 这是一个这是一个 _ 句句; once

36、引导一引导一个个_。仿写仿写 _(一旦一旦你听过这首歌你听过这首歌), you will never forget it.条件状语从句条件状语从句复合复合 Once you hear the song 3. We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography. (P18L26-27)句式分析句式分析 句中句中with good maps这个介这个介词短语作词短语作 _ 语语, 修饰修饰a large atlas; that引导一个引导一个 _语从句语从句, 修饰先行词修饰先行词maps。定定后

37、置定语后置定语原句试译原句试译我们找到一本大型地图册,里面有一些世界我们找到一本大型地图册,里面有一些世界地理的明细图。地理的明细图。仿写仿写他建了一座带有小花园的房子他建了一座带有小花园的房子, 他可他可以在小园里种他喜欢的花。以在小园里种他喜欢的花。He built a house with a small garden where he could plant the flowers he liked.4. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Provi

38、nce. (P18L29-30) 句式分析句式分析 句中句中traveling across western Yunnan Province是分词短语是分词短语, 作作 _状语。状语。伴随伴随原句试译原句试译当湄公河经过深深的峡谷时当湄公河经过深深的峡谷时, 河水变成河水变成了急流了急流, 流过了云南省西部。流过了云南省西部。仿写仿写她一个人坐在空空的房子里她一个人坐在空空的房子里, 感感到很孤独。到很孤独。She sat in the empty house, feeling very lonely.一、介词填空一、介词填空1. We were great friends when we w

39、ere _college.2. I had planned _ 20 guests, but only 10 arrived.for at3. There are many ways _ solving the problem.4. _ high altitudes of Tibet, it is difficult to breathe.5. She graduated _Cambridge with a degree in law. fromofAt二、连接词填空二、连接词填空 Wang Kun and his sister, Wang Wei, had dreamed about tak

40、ing a great bike trip ever since middle school. 1 _ graduating from college, they finally got the chance. It was Wang Wei 2 _ first got the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from 3 _it begins to where it ends where Afterwho/thatLast year, she visited their cousins 4 _lived near the river. Then Wa

41、ng Wei planned the schedule for the trip. Wang Kun had some doubts 5 _Wang Wei was determined and insisted 6_ she organize the trip properly. who/thatbutthatKnowing 7 _Wang Wei was a stubborn girl and that 8 _she had made up her mind, nobody could change it, Wang Kun had to give in. 9 _the trip they

42、 went to the library and found a large atlas with good maps 10 _ helped them know more about the Mekong River.which/thatthatonceBefore三、动词填空三、动词填空1. I _(persuade) to buy the vase.2. Grandpa sat on the sofa, _ (read) a newspaper. 3. I left him, _(determine) never to come back again.determinedwas pers

43、uadedreading4. The Australians like to go _ (camp) in the countryside at the weekends.5. Father is thankful to me for _ (persuade) him to give up smoking.persuading camping四、词形变化四、词形变化1. He employed a truck to transport the fruits and the _(transport) cost 1000 Yuan. 2. We feel grateful to that inte

44、rnational _(organize) which organized this project. organization transportation3. Uncle Li worked in a factory after his _(graduate) from university. 4. We were told that it was _ (final) decided and we had to give in finally. 5. The population is increasing _ (rapid) in this area. rapidlygraduation

45、finally五、选词填空五、选词填空 I remember I was a 1 _ girl at that time. Once I 2 _ to do something, nothing could change it. make up ones mind, change ones mind, stubborn, persuade, proper, insist, give in, make a trip, courage, determinemade up my mind stubbornOne summer holiday, I wanted to 3 _ _ to my uncl

46、es alone. My father 4 _he go with me. He said it was a long way and that it was not 5 _ for a girl to travel such a long distance. He also asked my mother to 6 _ me. persuade a tripmakeinsisted properI gave them a 7 _look, which showed I wouldnt 8 _. I promised them that I would look after myself. F

47、inally they had to 9_. I found that it was this 10 _ that encouraged me to make progress both in my work and study.couragedeterminedchange my mindgive in六、完成句子六、完成句子 1.He is a _(意志坚强的意志坚强的) person. If he _ (下定下定决心决心) do something,he will do it well. determines to determined2.Finally they _(被说服被说服) t

48、o cycle around China.3. He said he _ _(做了一个可怕的梦做了一个可怕的梦)the night before.were persuadedhad/dreamed a terribledream 4. _(他所说的他所说的)was very _ (有说服力的有说服力的)and at last we all accepted his idea.5. He sat there and _ _ (下定决心努力学习下定决心努力学习).What he said persuasive determined to studyhard七、语法填空七、语法填空 Travel h

49、as become 1 _ worldwide activity. Never before 2_ so many people traveled to so many different parts of the world. 解析:解析:1. 意为意为“一种一种”, 表泛指。表泛指。解析解析: 2. 因因never位于句首要用部分倒装位于句首要用部分倒装, have与与traveled是完成时构成谓语是完成时构成谓语, 把助动词把助动词have提前。提前。本句正常的语序应该是:本句正常的语序应该是:So many people have never traveled to so many

50、different parts of the world before. have a With transport 3 _(become) more comfortable and 4 _(convenience), more and more people want to leave their homes to see more of the wonderful world.People travel 5 _many reasons. but perhaps the most common is traveling for pleasure. 解析:解析:3. 这是这是with结构结构,

51、 transport与与become是主是主动关系动关系, 故用现在分词形式。故用现在分词形式。解析:解析:4. 作表语用形容词作表语用形容词, 与与comfortable并列并列解析:解析:5. 与与reasons搭配搭配 becomingconvenientfor6 _ provides a good way to get your mind off your work. 7 _ you return, you are refreshed and ready to work harder. Travel is also one of the best means for learning.

52、 One may have heard or read about something, but one can never get a real picture of it 8 _he sees it with his own eyes. 解析:解析:6. 代替前面的代替前面的traveling。解析:解析:7. 引导一个时间状语从句。引导一个时间状语从句。解析解析:8. 常用结构常用结构not (never)until意为意为“直到直到才才”。ItWhenuntilI believe that the knowledge 9 _ (get) from your own experience is more useful 10 _that you get from books. 解析解析: 9. 过去分词短语作后置定语。过去分词短语作后置定语。解析解析: 10. 作介词作介词, 常用结构常用结构more .than .gotthan



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