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1、 商务英语翻译答案商务英语翻译答案Business English Translation1oCulture is the lifeblood of a nation. We should foster and practice core socialist values, strengthen civic morality, and advance cultural and ethical progress. We will continue to deepen reform of the cultural sector, improve policies pertaining to the

2、 cultural economy, and enhance Chinas overall cultural strength and competitiveness. We will deliver basic public cultural services in a standard and equitable way. We will develop culture and arts, the press and publishing, and radio, television and film, and run archives :kavz well. We will promot

3、e the flourishing of philosophy and the social sciences. We will encourage the people to read.o文化是民族的血脉。文化是民族的血脉。o要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,加强公民要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,加强公民道德和精神文明建设。道德和精神文明建设。o继续深化文化体制改革,完善文化经济政策,继续深化文化体制改革,完善文化经济政策,增强文化整体实力和竞争力。增强文化整体实力和竞争力。o促进基本公共文化服务标准化均等化,发展文促进基本公共文化服务标准化均等化,发展文化艺术、新闻出版、广播电影电视、档案

4、等事化艺术、新闻出版、广播电影电视、档案等事业,繁荣发展哲学社会科学,倡导全民阅读。业,繁荣发展哲学社会科学,倡导全民阅读。oWe will enhance the development of cultural industries and foster a well-regulated market for cultural goods. We will carry forward Chinas cultural traditions and work to protect cultural relics. We will accelerate the spread of Chinese

5、culture overseas, develop cultural trade, strengthen our international broadcasting capabilities, and enhance Chinas cultural soft power. We will develop fitness activities for everyone, competitive sports and the sports sector. China has an ancient civilization with a long history, and it can certa

6、inly develop a strong modern culture.o提升文化产业发展水平,培育和规范文化市场。提升文化产业发展水平,培育和规范文化市场。o传承和弘扬优秀传统文化,重视保护文物。传承和弘扬优秀传统文化,重视保护文物。o加快文化走出去,发展文化贸易,加强国际传播能加快文化走出去,发展文化贸易,加强国际传播能力建设,提升国家文化软实力。力建设,提升国家文化软实力。o发展全民健身、竞技体育和体育产业。发展全民健身、竞技体育和体育产业。o我国是历史悠久的文明古国,也一定能建成现代文我国是历史悠久的文明古国,也一定能建成现代文化强国。化强国。Business English Tra

7、nslation 2o记者招待会记者招待会o经济议题经济议题o和谐社会和谐社会o货币政策货币政策o经济过热经济过热o消费者价格指数消费者价格指数o科学发展观科学发展观o文化软实力文化软实力o反腐倡廉反腐倡廉o调控房价调控房价press conferenceeconomic issuesharmonious societymonetary policyoverheated economyconsumer price indexscientific outlook on developmentsoft power of Chinese cultureanti-corruption bidhousi

8、ng prices controlBusiness English Translation 2o城乡差距城乡差距o教育公平教育公平o司法公正司法公正o民主监督民主监督o人均收入人均收入o扩大内需扩大内需o医疗改革医疗改革o农村留守人口农村留守人口o综合国力综合国力o就业指导就业指导rural-urban divideequal access to educationjudicial justicedemocratic supervisionper-capita incomeexpand domestic demandhealthcare reformrural left-behind popu

9、lationoverall national strengthcareer guidanceo-The economy was stable and improved. The gross domestic product (GDP) reached 56.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.7% over the previous year. The rise in the consumer price index (CPI) was kept at 2.6%. The registered urban unemployment rate was kept a

10、t 4.1% and 13.1 million urban jobs were created, an all-time high. Total imports and exports exceeded US$4 trillion, reaching a new high. -Personal income continued to rise, and economic performance continued to improve. The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by 7% in real terms, a

11、nd the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.3% in real terms. The number of rural people living in poverty was reduced by 16.5 million and the urban-rural income gap continued to narrow. The profits of industrial enterprises with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more from their mai

12、n business operations rose by 12.2%. Government revenue increased by 10.1%.o经济运行稳中向好。国内生产总值达到经济运行稳中向好。国内生产总值达到56.956.9万亿元,比上年万亿元,比上年增长增长7.77.7。o居民消费价格涨幅控制在居民消费价格涨幅控制在2.62.6。o城镇登记失业率城镇登记失业率4.14.1。o城镇新增就业城镇新增就业13101310万人,创历史新高。万人,创历史新高。o进出口总额突破进出口总额突破4 4万亿美元,再上新台阶。万亿美元,再上新台阶。o居民收入和经济效益持续提高。居民收入和经济效益持续

13、提高。o城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增长城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增长7 7,农村居民人均纯收,农村居民人均纯收入实际增长入实际增长9.39.3,农村贫困人口减少,农村贫困人口减少165O165O万人,城乡居民万人,城乡居民收入差距继续缩小。收入差距继续缩小。o年收入达年收入达20002000万以上工业企业利润增长万以上工业企业利润增长12.212.2。财政收入增。财政收入增长长1O.11O.1。 o-Progress was achieved in adjusting the economic structure. Grain output exceeded 600 million metri

14、c tons, increasing for the tenth consecutive year. The value-added of the service sector accounted for 46.1% of GDP, surpassing secondary industry for the first time. The proportion of the gross regional product of the central and western regions to Chinas GDP continued to rise, and development in d

15、ifferent regions became better balanced. Chinas total electricity consumption increased by 7.5%, and the volume of freight transport rose by 9.9%. Main real physical indexes matched economic growth.o结构调整取得积极成效。粮食产量超过1.2万亿斤,实现“十连增”。o服务业增加值比重达到46.1,首次超过第二产业。o中西部地区生产总值比重继续提高,区域发展协调性增强。o全社会用电量增长7.5,货运量增

16、长9.9,主要实物量指标与经济增长相互匹配。 Business English Translation 3oIn the first two months of this year, milk powder products accounted for a large proportion of imported goods. Those who make dairy products and dairy companies, as well as the administrative departments, are responsible for the publics lack of c

17、onfidence in the quality of milk powder. o一二月份进口产品中奶粉进口占比重很高。造成老百一二月份进口产品中奶粉进口占比重很高。造成老百姓对一些食品(奶粉)安全缺乏信心的原因,从广大姓对一些食品(奶粉)安全缺乏信心的原因,从广大畜牧工作者、乳业企业到国家政府部门,都有责任。畜牧工作者、乳业企业到国家政府部门,都有责任。Business English Translation 3oDemolitions are now becoming increasingly terrible. I am willing to ask a question very s

18、eriously as a CPPCC National Committee member: Can we not pay so much attention to GDP? Can we choose to slow down the speed of economic development? o拆迁的问题越来越严重。我愿意用一个政协委员拆迁的问题越来越严重。我愿意用一个政协委员的身份非常严肃地提出问题,我们是不是可以不的身份非常严肃地提出问题,我们是不是可以不要那么重视要那么重视GDP?我们是不是可以选择减缓经济?我们是不是可以选择减缓经济发展的速度?发展的速度?NPC & CPPCCN

19、PC: The National Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会全国人民代表大会CPPCC: The Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议中国人民政治协商会议Business English Translation 4oThe past five years since the First Session of the Eleventh National Peoples Congress was a truly extraordinary period of time in the course

20、 of Chinas development. o第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。中极不平凡的五年。 oWe effectively countered the severe impact of the global financial crisis and maintained steady and fast economic development.o我们有效应对国际金融危机的严重冲击,保持经济平稳较快发展。我们有效应对国际金融危机的严重冲击,保持经济平稳较快发展。 oChinas G

21、DP increased from 26.6 trillion yuan to 51.9 trillion yuan, and now ranks second in the world. o国内生产总值从国内生产总值从26.626.6万亿元增加到万亿元增加到51.951.9万亿元,跃升到世界第二位;万亿元,跃升到世界第二位;oGovernment revenue went up from 5.1 trillion yuan to 11.7 trillion yuan.o公共财政收入从公共财政收入从5.15.1万亿元增加到万亿元增加到11.711.7万亿元;万亿元;oA total of 58

22、.7 million urban jobs were created.o累计新增城镇就业累计新增城镇就业58705870万人,万人,oThe per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by an annual average of 8.8%, and the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.9%. o城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均分城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均分别增长别增长8.8%8.8%、9.9%9.9%;Business E

23、nglish Translation 5o与世界其它地方一样,沃尔玛在中国始终坚持公司与世界其它地方一样,沃尔玛在中国始终坚持公司的优良传统,即专注于开好每一家店,服务于每一的优良传统,即专注于开好每一家店,服务于每一位顾客。始终为顾客提供优质廉价、品种齐全的商位顾客。始终为顾客提供优质廉价、品种齐全的商品和友善服务。沃尔玛在中国每开设一家商场,均品和友善服务。沃尔玛在中国每开设一家商场,均会为当地引入先进的零售技术及创新的零售观念。会为当地引入先进的零售技术及创新的零售观念。在激发竞争的同时,帮助提高当地零售业的经营水在激发竞争的同时,帮助提高当地零售业的经营水平和服务质量,从而促进当地经济

24、的共同繁荣。平和服务质量,从而促进当地经济的共同繁荣。ReferenceoIn China, as elsewhere, we follow the Wal-Mart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time. We strive to provide our customers with friendly services and a wide selection of quality products at low prices. With each Wal-Mart store we b

25、ring along advanced retail know-how to the local market. By fostering a healthy competitive environment, we hope to constantly improve our business operation and customer services, and contribute to the prosperity of the local economy.Business English Translation 6oRoutine duties of the Joint Ventur

26、e Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.oParty B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligationoMr. Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge a

27、ll the firms liabilities and receive all payments due to it.oParty B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the contract.dischargeoRoutine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.o董事会任命的总经理,负责董事会任命的总经理,

28、负责履行履行合营公司的日常职合营公司的日常职责。责。oParty B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation.o乙方同意在许可证到期时并不乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除免除乙方应尽的义务。乙方应尽的义务。oMr. Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firms lia

29、bilities and receive all payments due to it.o会计师史密斯先生已被任命为公司结束业务的清理人,他会计师史密斯先生已被任命为公司结束业务的清理人,他将代理本公司将代理本公司清偿清偿一切债务并收取一切应收的欠款。一切债务并收取一切应收的欠款。oParty B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the contract.o乙方应按合同规定检查每批发出的乙方应按合同规定检查每批发出的货物货物的质量。的质量。 furtheroWe look forward to your

30、further orders.o Further to our telephone conversation, I am able to inform you that my head office has agreed to make you a loan of up to US $2500.oWe hope that the execution of this contract will further our friendly intercourse.oWe look forward to your further orders.o我们期待贵方我们期待贵方更多更多的订货。的订货。oFur

31、ther to our telephone conversation, I am able to inform you that my head office has agreed to make you a loan of up to US $2500.o继继我们在电话中的谈话,我现在通知你,我总公司我们在电话中的谈话,我现在通知你,我总公司同意给予你方同意给予你方2500美元的贷款。美元的贷款。oWe hope that the execution of this contract will further our friendly intercourse.o我们希望这份合同的执行会我们希

32、望这份合同的执行会增进增进我们之间的友好往来我们之间的友好往来oNo doubt there must have been some reasons for the delay in shipment. To cover this contingency we e-mailed you on July 15 that we were extending the L/C for two weeks.oWe wish to cover the consignment against All Risks.oIf you insist on your original quotation, we wi

33、ll have to cover requirements elsewhere. oIn order to cover our order, we have arranged with Bank of China, Shanghai, a letter of credit for US $ 10000.oNo doubt there must have been some reasons for the delay in shipment. To cover this contingency we e-mailed you on July 15 that we were extending t

34、he L/C for two weeks.o无疑,一无疑,一 定有某些原因致使装船延误。为定有某些原因致使装船延误。为应付应付这一这一意外事件,我们已于意外事件,我们已于7月月15日电邮通知你方将信用日电邮通知你方将信用证延期二周。证延期二周。oWe wish to cover the consignment against All Risks.o我们想对该货我们想对该货投保投保一切险。一切险。oIf you insist on your original quotation, we will have to cover requirements elsewhere.o如你方坚持原报价,那我们不得不从别处如你方坚持原报价,那我们不得不从别处购进购进我们我们需要的需要的货品货品。oIn order to cover our order, we have arranged with Bank of China, Shanghai, a letter of credit for US $ 10000.o为为支付支付我方订货,我方已联系中国银行上海分行开立我方订货,我方已联系中国银行上海分行开立10000美元的信用证。美元的信用证。



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