广东省高考英语一轮总复习 Module2 unit 61 Design课件 北师大版 新课标

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1、Part 1 Of 21. imagine vt. 想象,幻想,猜测 imagine (doing) sth. Can you imagine life without hot water? 你能想象没有热水的生活吗? 同时,imagine后可跟that或how引导的从句。 I imagined that she was quite surprised when she heard the truth. 我想她听说真相后一定很惊讶。 1.他以为人们不喜欢他,但他们是喜欢他的。 _ _He imagines that people dont like him, but they do.imagi

2、nation n. 想象imaginary adj. 假想的;虚构的2. 她想象着自己走进办公室,递上辞呈。She imagined _ the office and _ her resignation. 3. 你可以想象我是多么惊讶。 You can imagine _.依境活用依境活用【答案】2. walking into; handing in3. how surprised I was依境活用依境活用2. contrastvt. 把与相比 常用搭配:contrast A with / and B It is interesting to contrast the two lifesty

3、les. 比较这两种生活方式很有趣。 n. 常用搭配:in contrast to / with意思是“和 形成对比(相反),比较起来”,介词短语, 后接名词。相比较的两者,一般都会形成鲜 明的对照。 The blue curtain provides a beautiful contrast to (with) the white wall. 蓝色的窗帘和白色的墙壁形成美丽的对比。In contrast to her sister, she was always considerate towards others.与她的姐姐截然相反, 她总是能体谅他人。in contrast / by c

4、ontrast 相当于副词,“相比之下”,“与相反”。但要注意,这个用法通常放在句首,用作状语。The old house had been large;by contrast the new flat seemed small and cramped.老房子很大,相比之下,这套新公寓又小又窄。1.对比之下, 这篇文章显得更突出。 _ _ _2.白色的云朵和湛蓝的天空形成了美丽的对比。 _ _By contrast, this article is more outstanding. / Compared with that one, this article is more outstand

5、ing.The white clouds provide a beautiful contrast to (with) the sky.3. promote vt.提拔,常用搭配:promote sb. to sth. The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain. 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。 促进,增进,鼓励,支持 We must promote commerce with neighboring countries. 我们必须促进与邻国的贸易。 He likes to read biographies of great

6、 men to promote himself. 他喜欢读伟人传记来提高自己。 政府决定发展公共福利。 _ _The government decided to promote public welfare.promotion n. 促进,提升,推广4. fix ones eyes on / upon 注视 如果这个短语的宾语eyes提前作句子的主语, 则这个句子通常用被动语态。 He stood there and his eyes were fixed upon / on delicious food. 他站在那里,眼睛盯着美味的食物。fix a date for 为确定日期fix one

7、s eyes / attention on (upon) 眼睛盯着/注意力集中在fix sb. up for the night=put sb. up for the night 安排某人住宿fix sb. up with sth.=provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物5. leavevt. 留下某物、留给、放在;某物落在、忘在 某地,一般与表地点的介词短语连用。 I left my English book at home once again. 我又一次把英语书遗落在家里。 Youd better leave your e-mail address to us. 你最好

8、给我们留下你的邮箱地址。 leave sb. by oneself=leave sb. alone 意为“把某人独自留下”。 It is very dangerous to leave the children home alone / by themselves. 把儿童单独留在家中是非常危险的。 汉语中的“遗落”在英语中可表达为:leave或forget。不过,leave多与表场所的副词(句子或介词短语)连用;forget通常不与表场所的副词连用,但外出时把东西忘记在家里的时候通常用forget。试比较: Ive left my pen in the classroom. 我把我的笔落在教

9、室了。 Ive forgotten my pen. 我忘了带笔了。表示“留给”、“交给”,一般与介词with或to搭配。Leave it with / to me if you are too busy.假如你太忙的话把它交给我吧。His father left a large sum of money to him when he passed away. 他父亲去世的时候给他留下了很大一笔钱。vt. & vi. 离开、出发,常用于短语leave for someplace,意为“动身、出发(去某地)”。 He left Beijing for Shanghai. 他离开北京前往上海。lea

10、ve属非延续性动词,它不能和表示一段时 间的词连用,如果要表示“离开一段时间”, 要用be away来代替。 I have been away for several months. 我已经离开几个月了。n. 休假,假期;许可,同意 I have 3 days leave. 我有3天的休假。 He asked his headteacher for sick leave. 他向班主任请病假。 常用短语take leave of, take ones leave意为“向告别”。Mary took her leave without saying goodbye to us. 玛丽不辞而别。lea

11、ve作使役动词, 表示“使/ 让保持某种 状态”,常用搭配leave+宾语+宾语补足语。 a. 用形容词作宾语补足语 Leave the door closed when you go out. 出去时记住要关门。 b. 用不定式作宾语补足语Leave her to do it herself. 让她自个儿去做。c. 用现在分词作宾语补足语They left me waiting there alone for about one hour. 他们让我在那独自等了一个小时。d. 用过去分词作宾语补足语 John left the job unfinished when he went out

12、to play. 约翰出去玩的时候他手头上的工作还没完成。leave的过去分词left, 常用作后置定语,表示 “剩下的”。 Ive got two tickets left for tomorrows film. 明天的电影票我有多余的两张。 1.他们打算早晨动身去罗马。 _2.你为什么不能让她一个人待一会儿? _They are leaving for Rome in the morning.Why cant you leave her alone?3.我把钥匙忘在办公室了。 _4.到5点的时候,办公室里几乎没剩下什么人了。 _ _Ive left my key in the office

13、.By 5 oclock there was hardly anyone left in the office.6. sell vt. 出售 sell sth. at a high price 以高价出售某物 sell sth. at a loss 赔本出售某物 sell sth. at a discount 减价出售某物 be sold out of 卖光 I persuade him to sell his car to my uncle for 100,000 yuan. 我说服他以10万的价格将车子卖给我叔叔。注意其中介词的使用:“卖给某人”介词 用to;价格用for。如果表示某物销售

14、状况不错,常常将sell与well 搭配,且不用被动语态。 This kind of clothes sells well. 这类型的衣服卖得不错。 The tickets for the film were completely sold out. 这部电影的票已售完。sale n. 销售on sale表示减价出售(美);出售(英);上市;廉价的,特价的The latest model of this washer is now on salein your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店出售。Is this toothpaste on sale today?这种牙膏今天打特价吗?且on sale多指商品性质的东西。This shampoo is on sale.这种洗发水正在销售中。for sale 待售We have many types of cosmetics for sale.我们有许多种化妆品待售。sales tax 销售税salesman 推销员



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