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1、东方之子东方之子_cross产品产品介绍介绍目录 Content车型概述Overview品牌定位Brand position车型概述Introduction V5 车型概述 - OverviewThe life habit in USA requires the housewives to use a kind of vehicle that meets their demand much more. The vehicle must have favorable sports function, higher driving position to ensure the driver (pa

2、ssenger) a better driving outlook as well as enough space to facilitate their loading and unloading the comparatively bulky goods-for example, the equipment that their children will use in the football team. Under drive of this demand, 设计故事设计故事 - Design Short Story欧美的生活习惯使主妇们需要有一种更符合她们需求的车来供她们使用,这样的


4、都很难将这新品种划分到任何的类别中去。品种,而且他们都很难将这新品种划分到任何的类别中去。in 2003, many suppliers all pushed out a new variety of vehicle that combines functionsof sedan, light-van and sports, but they are difficult to divide this new variety into any sort.V5 车型概述 - OverviewDefinition of New Crossover: it is a Crossover Vehicle

5、 from freewill crossover combination of model characteristics of SD, MPV, SUV, Pickup and Station Wagon etc., which has appearance and operating control performance of SUV together with versatility brought by space of MPV and comfortability brought by configuration of sedan as well as fashionable ap

6、pearance characteristics and the essential feature of high safety.设计理念设计理念 - Design ConceptNew CrossoverNew Crossover定义:是跨越定义:是跨越SDSD、MPVMPV、SUVSUV、皮卡、旅行车等车型特征的、皮卡、旅行车等车型特征的 “ “跨越车跨越车” ”,同时,同时具备具备SUVSUV的外形及操控性、的外形及操控性、MPVMPV空间带来的多功能性以及轿车配置带来的舒适性,并具有时空间带来的多功能性以及轿车配置带来的舒适性,并具有时尚的外观特征与高安全性的基本特点。尚的外观特征与

7、高安全性的基本特点。V5 车型概述 - Overview设计者定位V5为多功能轿车。根据用途,V5主要定位为商务用车,同时兼有家用和休旅车的功能。V5结合了MPV、SUV和轿车的优点,2800mm的轴距,4662mm的车长保证了舒适空间。ACTECO发动机在降低油耗、保护环境方面卓有成效。安全气囊、ABS、EBD、TCS以及高位刹车灯的等装备使V5达到四星级安全标准。产品定位产品定位 Product PositionV5 车型概述 - OverviewThe designers position the V5 as a all-round vehicle. In terms of purpos

8、e, it is mainly positioned as a commercial vehicle, but also given with both family and travel purposes. Accordingly, the designers combine the features of the MPV, the SUV and the sedan. Its bright exterior and comfortable space are interpreted by a 2800 mm wheelbase, a 4662 mm vehicle length, as w

9、ell as light color interior trimmings. The application of the ACTECO engine reduces the fuel consumption and enhances its environmental protection performance. The safety features like air bags, ABS, EBD, TCS and high-mounted brake lights make it meet with the 4-star safety standard.Designed with un

10、ique exterior, flexible space combination, outstanding comfortable and handling performance, it is indeed an all-round vehicle.产品定位产品定位 Product PositionV5 车型概述 - Overview大事记大事记 - Milestone2003年4月1日,项目正式启动;Apr 1st 2004, B14 project started; 2007年6月2日,东方之子Cross在深圳车展上市;Jun 2nd 2007, Eastar Cross releas

11、ed to the market in Shenzhen Auto Show.2007年6月2日,东方之子/东方之子Cross“千里一箱油”挑战车队从北京抵达安徽,东方之子Cross创下一箱油行驶11739公里的好成绩,百公里耗油6.12L;Jun 2nd 2007, “one-box of fuel for one-thousand kilometer” challenge was held from Beijing to Anhui, with oil consumption for 100 kilometer of 6.12L;2007年7月19日至9月1日,“今日希望学子,明日东方之子

12、”东方之子Cross浙江百万助学活动浙江举行,资助100名品学兼优的贫困学子圆了大学梦; Jul 19th to Sep 1st 2007, a donation in the name of V5 helped 100 students to fulfill their dreams to go to university;2007年11月12日,五座版东方之子Cross供市;Oct 12th 2007, five-seat V5 released into market; 2007年11月20日至12月2日,爱心勾勒美好未来东方之子Cross爱心嘉年华活动在广东成功举办,奇瑞公司、广东各经

13、销商及东方之子Cross车主共同将爱心善款捐赠给了江西省定南县富田小学。Oct 20th to Dec 2nd 2007,Chery and Guangdong distributors made a donation to a primary school in Jiangxi Province.V5 品牌定位 V5 Brand Position品牌六要素品牌六要素 6 Elements for Brand 将每个车型拟人化之后,运用到以下六个代表元素中,然后在每个元素的各自范围内找出最适合该人(车)的典型代表Embody the idea of “personification of ea

14、ch model” upon the following 6 representative factors, then try to find out which match the person(model) most in the sphere of each factors.年龄年龄Age(28-35)动物动物Animal(袋鼠kangaroo,马walk horse)性别性别Gender(男男male)性格特征性格特征Character/Personality(有威信 powerful, 可信赖 reliable, 舒适 comfortable)公众人物公众人物Public Figur

15、es(王石 Wang Shi陈道明 Chen Daoming )音乐音乐MusicB14有威 powerful, 可信赖 reliable, 正式的 not casual, 安全 safe, 大气 generous, 功成名就 success, 志向远大 ambitious, 勤勉的 diligent可信赖 reliable, 舒适 comfortable, 非正式 casual, 有活力 dynamic, 安全 safe, 多才多艺 versatile快乐 happy商用商用 Commercial Use家用家用 Family UseV5 品牌定位 V5 Brand Position品牌形象

16、品牌形象 Brand ImageV5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction外形设计外形设计 - Exterior外形设计外形设计 - Exterior - Exterior全车外张弧线和低风阻设计,动感活力抗外侵力强,动感腰线,蓄势待发;车身设计吸收了轿车、MPW和SUV的设计元素,外型美观而且内部空间大,大大提高了乘坐的舒适性。车身线条流畅使得整车稳重大气中透出十足的动感,真正体现了crossover的风格。前脸前脸 - Face - Face波云式前大灯波云式前大灯 Front lampFront lampV5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction外形设计外形设计 - Exteri

17、or正侧面正侧面 Side viewSide view车轮车轮 Tire Tire通风前盘式/后盘式制动,( 205/55R1691W)205宽胎与扎实的底盘完美匹配,既抓地力强,滑移率小,又减小风阻系数,转弯灵活后视镜后视镜 rear-view mirror rear-view mirrorV5后视镜可手动折叠,镜片电动调节,对后方的观察视野更加宽阔,电动除霜功能更是省却车主的烦恼,光带式转向灯,大大提升了驾驶视野的安全性。V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction内部设计内部设计 - Interior方向盘方向盘 Steering wheel Steering wheel整合的三幅式个

18、性化真皮方向盘,由英国莲花公司设计Feather tri-spoke steering wheel, designed by UK LOTUS Company 浅色真皮座椅浅色真皮座椅 Feather seat in Feather seat in light colorlight color歇脚踏板歇脚踏板 Pedal for rest Pedal for rest footfoot放松腿脚,减轻驾驶疲劳,体贴的人性化关怀To decrease driving fatigue, and provide humane concernV5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction内部设计内部设计

19、 - Interior多媒体家庭影院系统多媒体家庭影院系统 Multi-media home theater 六喇叭立体音响系统、六碟CD、三屏DVDGPS影音导航仪,解除旅途疲劳,增加快乐气氛。To provide entertainment on the trip自动空调自动空调 Automatic air Automatic air conditionerconditioner自动变排量冷暖空调为高级车之配置,通过车内温度传感器对车内空气温度和流量进行自动调节电动天窗电动天窗 Electronic sunroof Electronic sunroof大面积双模式电动天窗,操作方便自如,使

20、驾乘人员随时都可以享受大自然灿烂的阳光和清新的空气。V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction动力系统动力系统 PowertrainThe ACTECO engine is jointly developed by Chery and Austria AVL and it is the joint achievement of 200 senior engineers from 8 countries of Europe, America and Asia. It has passed the most standard European & American platform test

21、of 3 million km and 10,000 hours.ACTECO ACTECO 发动机是由奇瑞和奥地利AVL公司集合亚洲和欧美8个国家200多位高级工程师共同开发研制的。通过了欧美三百万公里和一万小时的测试平台。尺寸尺寸 - Dimensions of V5V5 车型介绍 V5 IntroductionV5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction空间设计空间设计 Space Design超大车内空间配合灵活多变的座椅组合可以满足不同用户的用车需求超大车内空间配合灵活多变的座椅组合可以满足不同用户的用车需求Flexible seat combination can satisfy

22、 customers different needs.副驾驶折叠效果Fold assistant drive seat中排座椅叠放效果Fold mid-row seats中后排座椅折叠收平效果Fold mid-and-rearseatV5 has 7 or 5 seats arranged in 3 rows, while the seats in the mid row are arranged in 2+1 style and they are separable, movable and foldable. Of course the back row seats can be arra

23、nged and combined at will, too.V5 provides a unique seat fold & flatly-laid system (FFS) for customers. The seats of the mid and back rows can be folded and laid down flatly, which works out more than 20 combinations, thus extending the interior space and instantaneously satisfying customers needs.

24、The flexible interior space of the V5 puts your splendid life to the extreme, no matter the pleasure of fishing or the joy of having a tour with your family. V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction空间设计空间设计 Space DesignV5提供七座和五座两个车型,中后排座椅可随意拆卸、移动、折叠。V5 为顾客提供独特的座椅折叠模式。中后两排座椅可平整的折叠或放倒,形成20多钟组合方式,以扩大内部空间、满足顾客需求。灵活多变的内部

25、空间组合大大丰富了家庭的生活休闲方式。V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction空间设计空间设计 Space Design储物空间 Storage space储物空间丰富,车内有多达28个储物格 -As many as 28 storage boxes.V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction安全保证安全保证 Safe Insurance安全措施安全措施 Safety equipment 高强度车身材料高强度车身材料- High intensity material双层电镀车身钢板厚度为0.6mm至3.0mm,具有良好的防腐性,同时将车身强度提高60%。The dual face g

26、alvanized steel plate is 0.6 mm to 3.0 mm thick. Such body material owns great antisepsis ability. In the meantime, the intensity of the body is increased by 60%.ABS防抱死制动系统EBD电子制动力分配功能ABS+EBS双安全气囊 -Dual air bags瑞典Autoliv提供安全气囊。 These air bags are supplied by Sweden Autoliv, the world biggest auto sa

27、fety components supplier,V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction安全保证安全保证 Safe Insurance安全措施安全措施 Safety equipment 四眼倒车雷达 - 4-Probe Reverse Radar四眼倒车雷达辅助系统,豪华版配备可视倒车雷达When parking, it is not easy to back a vehicle. However, the reverse radar makes it easier.底盘 - Chassis英国莲花公司调校的整车底盘、强化了的底盘悬挂The chassis has been adjus

28、ted by UK LOTUS Company.ModelChery B14Honda OdysseyMazda 5Ford S-MAXLength mm4,66247804,5054,766Width mm1,82018001,7451,884Height mm1,59015501,6551,658Wheelbase mm2,80028302,7502,850Engine L2.0/2.42.4/3.52.0/2.32.0/2.5Retail Price($)27,50027,80028,70033,316Sales volume of 20061,898284,54784,87841,185V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction竞品情况竞品情况 CompetitorFord S-MAXHonda OdysseyMazda 5Chery V5V5 车型介绍 V5 Introduction颜色选择颜色选择 Color Choice车身颜色车身颜色 - Exterior colors :内饰颜色内饰颜色 - Trimming colors :



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