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1、March April June Womens DayNational DayChildrens Dayn. 3月月n. 4月月n. 6月月n. 妇女节妇女节n. 国庆节国庆节n. 儿童节儿童节JulyAugust September October November Decembern. 7月月n. 8月月n. 9月月n. 10月月n. 11月月n. 12月月writerfind out realat the age of newspapern. 作家作家发现;查明;弄清发现;查明;弄清adj. 真实的;真正的真实的;真正的在在岁时岁时报纸报纸 excatdatebecomeIn the 1

2、860sn. 准确的;确切的准确的;确切的n. 日期日期v. 成为成为在在19世纪世纪60年代年代next writer n. 作家作家 eg: He is a famous Englis writer.他是一位著名的英国作家他是一位著名的英国作家。【拓展】【拓展】writer的动词的动词形式是形式是write 。 After every class, I always write up my notes straight away.每次下课每次下课之后,我总是立即把笔记整理清楚之后,我总是立即把笔记整理清楚。(2)write down “写下写下 ,记下,记下”Write down your

3、 name on this paper, please. 请在这张纸上写下你的请在这张纸上写下你的名字。名字。back become v. (became) 成为成为 表示情况开始、发展和结束的表示情况开始、发展和结束的变化。后接名词、形容词、过去分变化。后接名词、形容词、过去分词作表语。词作表语。 eg: He became a King. 他成了他成了国王。国王。 After the football match, he became famous. 这场足球比赛后,这场足球比赛后,他变得有名了。他变得有名了。back1. Match the festivals with the mont

4、hs.Teachers DayWomens DayChristmasNational DayChildrens Day New Years DayMay Day Spring FestivalJanuaryFebruary March April May JuneJulyAugust September October November December Now talk about the festivals are.Spring Festival is in January or February.2. Listen and choose the correct answer.1 Bett

5、ys grandfathers life was / wasnt different from Bettys.2 Bettys grandfather was born in April 1935 / 1955.3 Bettys grandfather went to America / England in October / November 1941.3. Listen and read.请同学们参照课本请同学们参照课本P54 Listen and read Look at this! Enjoy the book.Everyday EnglishBetty:What are you r

6、eading? Tony:Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer, Mark Twain. Im writing about him for my English class. Betty:I read Tom Sawyer. Very good! Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet. Tony: Yes! . OK. Look at this! His real name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri. He l

7、eft school and began work at the age of twelve. Betty: What did he do? Tony:He wrote for a newspaper. Later he got work on a boat. Betty:Did he stay in Missouri? Tony: No, he went to New York, and other cities. Betty:When did he begin his stories? Tony: I dont know the exact date. But he took the na

8、me Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. He went to Europe as well. But he didnt come to ChinaBetty: Yes, I knew that. Enjoy the book. Tony。Yes, its good.Now complete the table aboutMark Twain.TimeFactsIn 1835At the age of twelveIn the 1860sHe was born in Missouri.He left school and began

9、work.He took the name Mark Twainand became very famous.1 Teachers Day 教师节教师节2 Womens Day 妇女节妇女节3 National Day 国庆节国庆节4 Childrenday 儿童节儿童节5 New Years Day 元旦节元旦节6 May Day 劳动节劳动节7 Spring Festival 春节春节8 be different from 与与不同不同9 find out 发现;查明;弄清发现;查明;弄清10 in the 1860s 在在19世纪世纪60年代年代11 as well 也也12 leave

10、 school 离开学校离开学校13 other cities 其他城市其他城市back【拓拓展展】1860s表表示示19世世纪纪60年年代代。前前面面是是要要加加the的的,数数字字后后面面加加s或或s。但但1860就就表表示示1860年年,前前面面是是不不加加the的的,即即“年年代代”前前面面要要加加the,而而“年年份份”前面不加前面不加the。4. Find the past form of the verbs in the conversation.be become begin doget go was / were became began didgot went knowle

11、ave read take writeknewleftread tookwroteSome verbs have an irregularpast simple, e.g.,“go went”.Remember to make notes of them.Learning to learn1 He began work at the _ of twelve.2 His _ name was Samuel Clemens.5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.age become Eur

12、ope newspaper real writer agereal3 He wrote for a(n) _.4 He _ very famous.5 He went to _, but he didnt come to China.6 He is a great _.newspaperbecameEuropewriter/:/ March Mark market/e/ day May stay/i:/read teacher6. Listen and repeat./u:/food school too/book good7. Work in pairs. Ask and answer th

13、e questions about Mark Twain.Did Mark Twain stay in Missouri?No, he didnt.1 Was Mark Twain his real name?2 Did Betty read Tom Sawyer?No, it wasnt.Yes, she did.3 Did Mark Twain leave school at sixteen?4 Did Mark Twain become a newspaper writer? 5 Did Mark Twain come to China?No, he didnt.Yes, he did.

14、No, he didnt.28 1.Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer,Mark Twain.汤姆汤姆索亚索亚,一本由一本由美国著名作家马克美国著名作家马克吐温写的书。吐温写的书。 by 作介词作介词,意为意为“由由创作创作(编著、导演、编著、导演、作曲等作曲等)”。29 【拓展】by作作介词的其他用法介词的其他用法: (1)表示方式、方法、手段等表示方式、方法、手段等,后常接无冠词后常接无冠词的名词或动名词的名词或动名词,意为意为“通过通过,靠靠,用用”。 eg: Dont judge a person by appearances. 勿以貌取

15、人勿以貌取人。 He made a living by teaching.他以教书为他以教书为生生。 30 (2)表示时间表示时间,意为意为“到到时为止时为止”或或“不迟不迟于于”。 eg: He ought to be here by now.他现在应他现在应该在这儿了该在这儿了。 (3)表示交通路线或工具表示交通路线或工具,后接无冠词的名词后接无冠词的名词,意为意为“乘乘,坐坐”。 go by bus / plane / train 乘汽车乘汽车/飞机飞机/火车火车去去 travel by land / sea / air 陆上陆上/海上海上/空中旅空中旅行行 31 (4) 表示位置表示位

16、置,意为意为“挨着,挨着,在在旁边旁边”。 eg: There is a big park by the river.河边有河边有个个公园公园。back32 2.He left school and began work at the age of twelve. 12岁就离开学校开始工作了。岁就离开学校开始工作了。 at the age of 是是介介词词短短语语,意意为为“在在岁岁时时”也也可可表表示示为为at age, 相相当当于于when 引引导导的时间状语从句的时间状语从句。 eg:He joined the army at the age of eighteen. =He joined the army at age eighteen. =He joined the army when he was eighteen years old.他他18 岁时参了岁时参了军军。33【拓展】表示某人表示某人“大约多少岁大约多少岁”的表达的表达方式方式有有:be over twenty 20 多岁多岁be under twenty 不到不到20 岁岁be nearly twenty 将近将近20 岁岁be in ones twenties 二十二十几岁几岁(从从2029岁岁)back



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