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1、Would you mind turning down the music?(1a-1c)Is there anything that bother (烦扰烦扰) you?wAt home: My parents often argue with each other. There are too many rules in my family.wAt school: My friends usually borrow something from me but dont return it in time. In class, some students often make too muc

2、h noise.If your room is in a mess, what would your mother say?a dirty room提建议提建议wCould you please clean the room?wYoud better clean the room.wYou should clean the room.wPlease clean the room.wYou must clean the room.wWould you mind cleaning the room? Or a new expression:你介意你介意吗?吗? No, not at all.不,一

3、点也不。不,一点也不。 Using “Would you mind doing ?”doing the dishessweeping the floor Would you mind NO, not at all./Sure, not.making the bed Would you mind Sorry, Ill do it right away.立刻,马上立刻,马上 taking out the trashWould you mind OK. Ill do it in a minute.Would you mind cleaning the floorcleaning the floor立

4、刻立刻 Im sorry. Ill get up in a minute.Would you mind getting upWould you mind turning down the music? No, not at all. /Of course not./Sure, not./Certainly, not. Pair work两人一组,互相借物。两人一组,互相借物。完成任务所需的语言结构:完成任务所需的语言结构:Would you mind lending me your English book?No,not at allsmokeIf someone smokes in publ

5、icpublic (公(公共场所),共场所),what would you say?Could you please not smoke here?Youd better not smoke here.You shouldnt smoke here.Please dont smoke here.You mustnt smoke here.wWould you mind not smoking here?Or a new polite expression: Sorry. Ill get up right away .Would you mind notsleeping lateIm sorry

6、. Ill stop it right away.Would you mind notplaying the computer gamesSorry, we will pick it up in a minute.Would you mind notthrowing litter扔垃圾扔垃圾close the window not play basketball here - Would you mind? clean the classroomnot have a fightingingingingPKwBoys pk girls.wLike this (opposites)Boy1: Wo

7、uld you mind coming to class early?Girl1:Would you mind not coming to class late?. Look and listen: Try to find out four things that bother(烦扰烦扰) them.the CDs are too loud the yard is too dirtytwo boys are playing baseballa bike is in front of the doorWould you mind ?turning down the musiccleaning t

8、he yardmoving your bikenot playing baseball 1a/1ba.Would you mind cleaning the yard?b.Would you mind not playing baseball here?c.Would you mind moving your bike?d.Would you mind turning down the music?abcd1a.Match the requests with the things in the picture.abcdListen and number the requestsa.Would

9、you mind cleaning the yard? _b.Would you mind not playing baseball here? _c.Would you mind moving your bike? _d.Would you mind turning down the music? _No, not at all.Not at all. Ill do it right away.Were sorry. Well go and play in the park.Sorry. Ill do it right away.1c PAIRWORK Look at the picture

10、 and make conversations.A: Would you mind moving your bike?B: Sorry. Ill do it right away.PracticewTask1.Say the sentences using “Would you mind?”w 1. Please clean the blackboard.w 2. Go out please.w w 3. Dont watch TV!w 4. Dont talk in class.w 5. Please get out of the bathroom.w 6.Could you please

11、do the laundry?Task2wPairwork or groupwork Im on duty. Today we are going to do a school clean-up. The leader gives the task to your group members. make a conversation with “Would you mind doing/Would you mind not doing?” ProductionwTask3.(Groupwork)针对本班存在的一些不良现象及习惯,给同学针对本班存在的一些不良现象及习惯,给同学们提一些建议,请用上

12、们提一些建议,请用上Would you mind (not) doing?编对话或演一个小品。下去编对话或演一个小品。下去后,做成温馨小提示标语,张贴上墙,形成后,做成温馨小提示标语,张贴上墙,形成班规。班规。Task4wWrite a polite letter to your new neighbor to complain something.(p57)Progress一、一、SummaryHow to make requests and apologize.(如何提(如何提出请求和道歉。)出请求和道歉。)- Would you mind (not) ? - No, not at all

13、. Ok, Ill do it right away. Sorry. Ill do it in a minute. Im sorry. I wont do it again. Of course not./Sure, not./Certainly, not. Would you mind doing sth.表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。表示礼貌的请求得到许可的用语。“请你做请你做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请请你做你做好吗?好吗?”, 是一种比较客气的表达方式。是一种比较客气的表达方式。 eg. Would you mind opening the window?你介意打开窗户吗?你介意打

14、开窗户吗? 如果要表示如果要表示“请你不要做请你不要做你是否介意?你是否介意?”、“请你不要做请你不要做好吗?好吗?”,只需在,只需在doing 前面加前面加not。 Eg. Would you mind not sitting in front of me?请你不要坐在我前面好请你不要坐在我前面好吗?吗?应答用语:应答用语: 如果同意表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达:如果同意表示不介意时,可用如下用语来表达: Certainly. / Of course not. / Not at all. / No, not at all. 如果不同意表示介意时,常用如果不同意表示介意时,常用“Sorry

15、 / Im sorry.” 并陈述某种理由并陈述某种理由来表示拒绝或反对。来表示拒绝或反对。 Eg. -Would you mind turning off the light in the room? -Im sorry. But I havent finished my homework yet. 二、Translation 1.你介意把门关上吗?好的,我马上就办。2.你介意把收音机关小声点吗?不,一点都不。3.请不要在教室里大声说话好吗?对不起。4.你不要穿那条蓝裤子了。他们难看极了。 好的。我将穿另一条。Would you mind closing the door? OK. Ill

16、do it right away.Would you mind turning down the radio? No, not at all.Would you mind not speaking loudly in the classroom? Sorry.Would you mind not wearing the blue pants? They look terrible.OK. Ill put on another pair.5.5.你能帮忙倒垃圾吗?当然。- you please - - the trash? Sure.- you please - - the trash? Sure.=would you - - - the trash? Of =would you - - - the trash? Of course not.course not. 三、make up your own conversations according to the following picture.Everyday English礼貌造就人礼貌造就人行动比言语更有力行动比言语更有力



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