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1、人教英语七年级下册人教英语七年级下册2Unit1CanyouplaytheguitarSe2Unit1CanyouplaytheguitarSectionActionA课件课件2 2Revise play chessI can ,I want to swimI can ,I want to Presentation teltellst:rstorytell storiesI like telling stories. I can tell stories well. I am good at telling stories. I want to join the story telling c

2、lub. Presentation ratwrite-writingwrite storiesI like_stories. I can_ stories well. I am good at_ stories. writing writewritingshow n. v.school show We want students for the school show. :(r)orWe want students for the school show. Can you sing or dance? I can sing _dance.Tom cant sing _ dance.andort

3、:ktalktalk showtalk to We want students for the school show. Can you sing or dance? Please_ Mr. Hu after school. talk to k fu: kung fudo kung fuI can_ Can you do kung fu?Come _show us.do kung fu.and Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. What club does Bob want to join?2. What club does J

4、ane want to join?A sports club.The English club and the art club.2c1. What can Bob do?2.What can Jane do?He can play soccer.She can speak English very well and draw.2cRead again and answer:1.同学们听课文录音,注意语音、语调及标点符号应有的停顿。2.展示自己,看看谁读的流利,谁的语音语调最准确。v试总结试总结:情态动词有人称和数的变化吗情态动词有人称和数的变化吗?也就是说也就是说动词需要进行变化吗动词需要进

5、行变化吗?vHe/She/I/You/They can _(sing). singv 否定句:直接在can后面加not 结构:主语+cant(can not) +动词原形I cant sing.v 一般疑问句:直接把一般疑问句:直接把can提前到句首。提前到句首。Can you sing? Yes,I can./No,I cant.Exercise : 3a.Write questions and answer with the words and phrases.1.Wu Jun/ speak English/speak Chinese2. Mike/ play basketball/ pl

6、ay tennis3. Jane and Jill/ dance/ sing4.Grace/ play soccer/play volleyball Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant ,but he can speak Chinese.Can Mike play basketball? No, he cant ,but he can play tennis.Can Jane and Jill dance? No, they cant, but they can sing.Can Grace play soccer? No, she cant, but

7、she can play volleyball. School Show Sunday 6:30 pm.In the music room. What can you do?Come and show us! _Welcome to our party! Report : Our school have a school show. We want to join it. Li Xin can do the Chinese Kung fu. Mary can play the guitar, Jim can and I can Namewhat can you do Li Xindo Kung Fu 结束结束



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