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1、乔治戈登拜伦CONTENTSLIFEPOEMLOVEDEATHGeorge Gordon Byron(22 January 1788 19 April 1824) , commonly known simply as Lord Byron, was a British poet and a leadingfigure in the Romantic movement.Byron was celebrated in life for aristocratic excesses including huge debts, numerous love affairs, rumours of a sc

2、andalous incestuous liaison with his half-sister, and self-imposed exile. He was famously described by Lady Caroline Lamb as mad, bad and dangerous to know. The Byrons Stone in Tepelene,AlbaniaIf I dont write to empty my mind, I go mad. -Lord Byron如果我不将我的想法完全表达出来,我将会发疯。 -拜伦Major poemsThe First Kiss

3、of Love (1806) (text on Wikisource)Thoughts Suggested by a College Examination (1806) (text on Wikisource)To a Beautiful Quaker (1807) (text on Wikisource)The Cornelian (1807) (text on Wikisource)Lines Addressed to a Young Lady (1807) (text on Wikisource)Lachin y Garr (1807) (text on Wikisource)Epit

4、aph to a Dog (1808) (text on Wikisource)Maid of Athens, ere we part (1810) (text on Wikisource)She Walks in Beauty (1814) (text on Wikisource)My Soul is Dark (1815) (text on Wikisource)When We Two Parted (1817) (text on Wikisource)Loves Last AdieuSo, well go no more a roving (1830) (text on Wikisour

5、ce She walks in beautyShe walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes, and starry skies;And all thats best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes:Thus mellowed to that tender light which heaven to gaudy day denies.One shade the more, one ray the less,Had half impaired the nameles

6、s grace which waves in every raven tress,Or softly lightens oer her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet express how pure, how dear their dwelling place.And on that cheek, and oer that brow,So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,The smiles that win, the tints that glow,But tell of days in goodness spent,A min

7、d at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent!评价:这首小诗描写的是诗人在舞会上邂逅的一位美貌夫人,是篇感情细腻、幽思袅袅、脍炙人口的抒情短章。人不风流枉少年-之风流拜伦First love Byron fell in love with Mary Chaworth, whom he met while at school,and she was the reason he refused to return to Harrow in September 1803. His mother wrote, He has no in

8、disposition that I know of but love, desperate love, the worst of all maladies in my opinion. In short, the boy is distractedly in love with Miss Chaworth. In Byrons later memoirs, Mary Chaworth is portrayed as the first object of his adult sexual feelings. 拜伦爱着一个女子, 她就是Mary Chaworth小姐. 这是少年拜伦的初恋, 他

9、写了不少诗送给她. 不幸的是, 这位美丽的女子在拜伦离家上大学之前, 嫁给了别人. 诗人私生活浪漫放荡,恋爱事件层出不穷。在异教徒(1813)、阿比多斯的新娘(1813)、海盗(1814)、莱拉(1814)等诗中均有所反映。1815年结婚后,其妻因谣传拜伦另有所欢,在生下孩子后于1816年1月离开拜伦回父母家居住。两人获准分居后,拜伦于1816年4月出国,此后没有回过英国。 A man who he lovedByron finally returned in January 1804,to a more settled period which saw the formation of a

10、circle of emotional involvements with other Harrow boys, which he recalled with great vividness: My School friendships were with me passions (for I was always violent). The most enduring of those was with John FitzGibbon, 2nd Earl of Clare four years Byrons junior whom he was to meet unexpectedly ma

11、ny years later in Italy (1821). His nostalgic poems about his Harrow friendships, Childish Recollections (1806), express a prescient consciousness of sexual differences that may in the end make England untenable to him.虽然拜伦吸引了很多女孩子的注意, 报复一般地, 他并不爱她们之中的任何一个. 拜伦是贵族, 信国教, 经常得去教堂. 别看Trinity的教堂不大, 里面的唱诗班

12、子可有板有眼. 拜伦在教堂里认识了John Edleston, 他生命里爱过的第一个男人. 只有15岁的John陪伴了拜伦度过他的大学三年. 严谨的剑桥并没给拜伦留下一点儿好印象, 那个卷发男孩是他唯一温情的回忆. 他这一恋情在当时的标准评判下, 大概等同于现在的第三者破坏军婚, 都是要判重刑甚至极刑的罪名. 估计这场恋爱在他, 也是极为认真的吧.毕业之后的拜伦, 他不在乎钱, 颇有点千金散尽还复来的味道. 他走了一条贵族们的typical求职路线. 年轻的拜伦从了政, 进了下议院. 如你所知, 拜伦这个人颇有点侠士风范, 还总喜欢拿着点儿小架子. 于是, 他立志代表穷苦人阶级, 并在他的入会

13、欢迎仪式上给当时的议长一个老大下不来台. 从此, 浪漫主义拜伦正式转型为自由主义拜伦. 这样的性格, 在议会这种地方工作当然不会爽. 如同美玉入泥坑一般让人郁闷. 找乐子拜伦就又复活了. 1809年, 拜伦请了三年长假, 旅行去了东方. 苦行的岁月开阔了拜伦的视野, 更坚定了他自由主义的思想. 唯一的不足是, 这三年里, 拜伦没能找到合适的女友与他同游, 红袖添香是不用想了, 连个女人影子都没见到.The Death of Byron1824年,拜伦忙于战备工作,不幸遇雨受寒,一病不起,4月19日逝世。他的死使希腊人民深感悲痛,全国志哀二十一天。 He travelled to fight against the Ottoman Empire in the Greek War of Independence, for which Greeks revere him as a national hero.He died merely 36 years old from a fever contracted while in Missolonghi in Greece.



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