【精品】中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第19节 九上 Module 11-Module 12课件 外研版1(可编辑)

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《【精品】中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第19节 九上 Module 11-Module 12课件 外研版1(可编辑)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精品】中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第19节 九上 Module 11-Module 12课件 外研版1(可编辑)(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中考英语 第一部分 教材梳理 第19节 九上 Module 11-Module 12课件 外研版1第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12重难点梳理重难点梳理一、默写检测一、默写检测(一一)考纲单词默写考纲单词默写(下面为常考的考纲下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。量。) 1.整体的;普遍的_ 2.感觉;直觉看法_ 3.主题_4.(在)今晚;(在)今夜_general feeling subject tonight第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 125.冲;奔_ 6.复数祝贺_

2、7.标准;水准_ 8.困难;困境_ 9.添加_10.菜单_rush congratulationsstandard difficultyadd menu 第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 1211.获胜者_ 12.女衬衫_13.授予;呈递_ 14.制造厂;工厂_ 15.瓶_16.橡胶_winner blousepresent factory bottlerubber第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 1217.(外)孙子_ 18.污染_19.敌人;仇人_ 20.杀死;弄死_ 21.石油_22.重说;重新做_grandson po

3、lluteenemy killoilrepeat第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 125.扔掉;丢弃_ 6.请求;要求_ 7.处理_ 8.照顾;照料_ 9.许多,很多_ 10.对有害_ throw away ask fordo with look after tons of be harmful to第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 1211.弄明白_ 12.注意_ find out pay attention to第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12二、语法考点聚焦二、语法考点聚焦whic

4、h,who引导的定语从句引导的定语从句【教材典句教材典句】 1. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.祝贺我们的获胜者,并感谢所有的参赛者。2.The photo which we like best was taken by Zhao Min.我们最喜欢的照片是由赵敏拍摄的。第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 123.A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in Engla

5、nd has won the prize for 展示北京和英国剑桥的一组照片已获得奖。第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12【练习练习】 ( )Do you know Mo Yan?Of course.He is the famous writer_won the Nobel Prize in 2012.A.who B.whom C.which D.what( )What are you looking for?Im looking for the watch_I bought yesterday.A.which B.who C.whose D.whereA

6、A第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12巩固练习巩固练习 一、单项选择一、单项选择( )1.Most students like the teachers_understand them well.A.which B.who C.where D.when( )2.Larry has put on too much weight because of his_diet.A.health B.unhealth C.healthy D.unhealthyBD第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )3.WeChat(微信) is

7、an invention_can help people talk to friends,share photos,ideas and feelings freely.A.which B.who C.whose D./( )4.The plane landed_yesterday.Everyone was happy.A.safely B.safe C.unsafety D.unsafeAA第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )5.Look!That is the woman_I met yesterday.Oh?Shes my aunt.A.what

8、B.who C.where D.when( )6.I am chosen to go on a business to England.Its a(n)_experience.Few people have changes to do it.A.usual B.usually C.unusual D.unusuallyBC第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )7.Is the girl_is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?Yes,she is a journalist from

9、CCTV.A.who B.that C./ D.it( )8.How_he is!He is always acting_.He is really a_.A.foolish;foolishly;fool B.fool;foolishly;foolC.foolish;fool;fool D.foolishly;foolish;foolAA第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )9.Please show me the book_you bought yesterday.Sorry,I left it at home.A.who B.where C.whic

10、h D.why( )10.What you said sounded_but in fact it was untrue.A.reasonable B.reasonful C.reasonless D.unreasonCA第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )11.Sorry,we dont have the coat_you need.A.what B.who C.whom D.which( )12.The children live in a village_.They come here almost every day.A.nearby B.ne

11、ar C.nearly D.near by( )13.Is that the man_helped us a lot after the earthquake?Yes,he is.He is so helpful.A.whose B.which C.when D.whoDAD第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )14.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War?A.lately B.latest C.later D.latter( )15.Zhou Feng

12、is a student.He has learned English for about 7 years,but he can_understand the English speakers.A.hard B.harder C.hardly D.hardestBC第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )16.Mr.Black is an_in the army,not an_in the government.You can not easily find him in his_.A.official;officer;office B.officer;o

13、ffice;officialC.official;official;official D.officer;official;officeD第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )17.Do you know Lin Dan?Yes,he is a famous badminton_.A.plays B.play C.player D.played( )18.Do you know the man_is talking to our teacher?Bettys father.A.which B.whom C.who D.whatCC第十九节第十九节九年级九

14、年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )19.Its cool and_in autumn in our hometown.Its great!You can play outdoors often.A.sun B.sunny C.rain D.rainy( )20.People are talking about the old houses_Jackie Chan bought in Anhui twenty years ago.A.which B.where C.who D.whenBA第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12二、阅读理解二、

15、阅读理解Air pollution comes from factories,power stations and traffic tools.The harmful smoke from power stations can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain.But this “chemical rain”gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes.In第十九节第十九节九年级九年级

16、(上上)Module 11Module 12Germany,over 50% of the countrys trees had been damaged by the year 1986. Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air.In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia.A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe.It is said that

17、125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident.第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12 In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal.Over 2,500 people were killed that night,and hundreds of thousands of

18、 people were injured.Many of the injured lost their sight. Air pollution is at its worst over big cities where millions of people第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12live, work, and travel in cars, buses, and trucks.Factory chimneys can be fitted with devices to cut down air pollution,but this is exp

19、ensive.If better public transport and cycle roads were available in towns and cities,people would be less likely to use their cars,reducing the amount of pollution.Smoking cigarettes adds第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12to the general levels of air pollution as well as damaging our health.No-smok

20、ing areas cut down on this pollution and save non-smokers breathing in other peoples cigarette smoke.第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )21.Where does“chemical rain”come from?A.Smoking. B.Factory gas.C.The cloud of radiation. D.The harmful smoke from power stations.D第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Mod

21、ule 12( )22._people died in Russia because of a nuclear power station accident in 1986.A.125,000 B.Over 2,500 C.12,500 D.Over 25,000( )23.The serious accident at a factory in India was in_. A.1984 B.1985 C.1986 D.1987( )24.Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “chimneys”? A.低下B.烟囱C.机器D.污水

22、AAB第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12( )25.What does the fourth paragraph mainly tell us?A.What makes the air polluted?B.The serious situation of air pollution.C.What can be done to cut down air pollution in big cities?D.Smoking is the most reason that causes air pollution.C第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Modul

23、e 11Module 12三、短文填空三、短文填空The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means.Life today is easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought some new 26._.One of the biggest problems is pollution.Pollutionproblems第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Modu

24、le 12comes in many 27._ .We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it. Man has polluted the earth already.The more people, the more 28._.Many years ago,the problem was not so 29._ because there were not so many people.Now man is slowly polluting the whole world.wayspollutionserious第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上

25、上)Module 11Module 12 Air pollution is still the most serious.Its 30._ for living things in the world.31._ pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us become angry more easily. Many countries are 32._ rules to fight pollution.They stop people 33._ burning coal inbadWatermakingfrom第十九节第十九节九年级九年级(上上)Module 11Module 12houses and factories in the city. The pollution of SO2 is now the most dangerous problem of air pollution.It is caused 34._ heavy traffic.It is sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be 35._ air pollution.byless谢谢观看!



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