DIY (Do It Yourself) TutorialThe Behavioral Based Interview

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1、DIY (Do It Yourself) TutorialThe Behavioral Based InterviewWest Chester UniversityHR Employment Services and Office of Organizational DevelopmentFall 2006Are you ready?lHave you conducted a job analysis, updated the job description and set standards and expectations for the position?lIf the answer i

2、s “yes”, this tutorial will prepare you to choose the best from the rest!lTutorial Objectives:lFormulate behavioral based interview questionslEffectively prepare you for all six parts of the interview How to Use the Competency Model to Formulate Behavioral Based QuestionslBy analyzing the recent pas

3、t, you are able to:lIdentify Critical Competencies lIdentify Critical Success Factors (CFSs)lClarify the “ideal” candidateStep One: Identify CompetencieslWest Chester University Competency Model identifies important competencies that employees should have to support the Universitys Plan for Excellen

4、ce. lA list of these competencies can be found in the bottom left quadrant of the HR Office of Organizational Development website One: Identify Competencies (Cont.)lVital Competencies (Sample):lKnowledge & ServicelCustomer ServicelInterpersonallClear CommunicationlSoci

5、al, Ethical, Legal & Human IssueslRespectlChange Management & InnovationlAccountabilitylFlexibilitylResource ManagementlDependabilitylQuality AssurancelLeadershiplOrganizationStep One: Identify Competencies (Cont.)l“Nice to Have” Competencies (Sample):lKnowledge & ServicelDevelop SelflInterpersonall

6、Self ManagementlSocial, Ethical, Legal & Human IssueslPromotes Learning from OtherslChange Management & InnovationlChange LeadershiplResource ManagementlProject ManagementStep Two: Identify Critical Success FactorslCritical Success Factors (CFSs) are the essential areas of activity that must be perf

7、ormed well if you are to achieve the mission, objectives or goals for your department. lThe History: The idea of CSFs was first presented by D. Ronald Daniel in the 1960s. It was then built on and popularized a decade later by John F. Rockart, of MITs Sloan School of Management, and has since been u

8、sed extensively to help organizations enhance hiring practices and business strategies. Step Two: Identify Critical Success Factors (cont.)lUse your set job standards and expectations to develop your Critical Success FactorslSamples of Critical Success Factors (CFSs): lSustain successful relationshi

9、ps with faculty and stafflEffectively engage “Distributed Leadership”lActively support the “Plan for Excellence”lSet and maintain a level of expected staff performancelProvide customer focused training for stafflManage any disruption of businesslContinually identify and fix broken processeslIncrease

10、 efficiency and reduce institutional memoryStep Three: Develop Behavior-based Interview QuestionslWhat is a Behavioral Question?lA description of the situation, competency or critical success factor, the applicants actions and results of those actions. lHire for attitude through behavior based quest

11、ions.lCritical Success Factor Sample Questions CSF: Identify and fix broken processeslBehavioral: Tell me about one of the more difficult broken processes you had to fix.lTheoretical: How would you go about fixing a broken process?lLeading: You dont feel youd have any difficulty improving our broken

12、 processes, do you?Sample Behavioral QuestionslTell me about the most challenging project you have every worked on? What made it challenging?lGive me an example of how you coached an underperformer to an exceptional employee. What were your biggest challenges/rewards?lWhat professional development c

13、ourses or conference have you attended? What did you take away and how did you apply what you learned?The Dos of Behavior-based InterviewingDO:lAsk behavioral based questionslAsk straightforward questionslEmphasize recent pastlSeek contrasting behaviorsLessons LearnedlPhrase questions so that the ap

14、plicant can easily provide negative informationlAsk follow up questions where needed; especially on feelings and opinionslExplain that you are taking notes to ensure accuracy.DO:lUse positive reinforcementlBe friendly, open and naturallShow appreciation and praiselShow signs that you are listening t

15、o themlFocus talkative applicantslAllow for silenceApplicants need time to think prior to answeringlRate the applicants skills against your notes soon after the interview.The Donts of Behavior-based InterviewingDONT: lAsk leading questionslAsk theoretical questionslJump to conclusionslAsk questions

16、that will get you and the university in legal trouble (see slide on Employment Law)lLet vague statements, opinions and feelings get by youFollow Up QuestionslCompetency Needed: Project ManagementlInterview Question: Can you think of a specific time when you lead a team on an assignment and was faced

17、 with resistance.lApplicant Answer: There was a new program we had to get off the ground that everyone thought wasnt going to draw students interest. It ended up working and everyone was happy. lBe weary of candidates vague statements and aware of their feeling and opinion statements.lPossible Follo

18、w-Up Question/s: lHow did you get it done?lHow many people were on your team? Tell me how you overcame the resistance to the new program? What strategies did you use? What made the team members happy in the end? lWhat were some lessons learned through that experience?lWhat would you have done differ

19、ently? What was your biggest disappointment on that assignment?Crash Slide in Employment LawlInterview questions should never be asked related to these topics:lMedical or mental health historylMarital statuslSexual orientationlAgelChild care, family planning or number of childrenlReligion or religio

20、us beliefslDisabilitieslReceipt of unemployment insurance, workers compensation, or disability benefitslNational origin and citizenshiplPhysical characteristicslMembership in professional or civic organizations that would reveal national origin, race, religion, or any of the other protected classesG

21、et in the Interviewing MindsetlWhat is the purpose of the interview?lCollect information about the applicant.lDoes the person have the work experience and critical success factors to do the job.lDetermine not only if the applicant can do the job, but whether he/she wants the job.lWho is worth more?

22、A highly motivated person with less experience or a poorly motivated person with a great deal of experience.lGive information so the applicant can make a decision.lTwo decisions that always have to be made. Do you want to applicant and does the applicant what you?lPromote good-will. lEvery interview

23、 adds, or detracts from the Universitys reputation in the community. Organizations with the best reputations tend to attract the best applicants.Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart One: Warm-uplMake the person feel at ease. lYou should have already sent the applicant a parking pass, gave sp

24、ecific directions to campus and a campus contact numberlNow you need to make sure everyone the applicant comes in contact with has read the resume, familiar with the job, thinks positively of the University, has a connection to the position and is genuinely pleasant with positive non-verbals. Six Pa

25、rts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Two: Set the ExpectationslYou should have already communicated the timeframe and with whom the applicant will be meeting prior to the applicants arrival.lNow you set the specific agenda. Where are the bathroomswhen is lunchwho will the applicant meet, and expla

26、in when and why the applicant is meeting with them? Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Three: Body of the InterviewlIf you are using a search committee, give them advance notice to make sure they know their specific role in the interview process. Each member should have a copy of the resum

27、e, agenda, interview questions and have read this tutorial.lAsk behavioral-based questions of the applicant.lAsk additional related questions to gain clarity or more insight into the applicant.Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Four: Describe and “Sell” the JoblYou should have already give

28、n the applicant a job description prior to stepping foot on campus. lNote: A job description is not to be confused with a posting.lTalk about the opportunities and challenges of the positionlCustomize the benefits to the applicantif they disclosed that they have children of daycare age, talk about c

29、hildcare. Mention health care benefits, fitness center, professional development courses, tuition reimbursement, etc. Contact HR for more specific information.Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Four: Describe and “Sell” the JoblSelf-disclose: Honestly describe why you joined the company, w

30、hy youve stayed and how you feel about working for WCU.lBe a Good Storyteller: Convey information in a memorable or entertaining manner. Remember the 4 Csbe clear, concise, catchy and compelling.lFocus on the Applicant: Make your message relevant to the level of experience and interest.lUse Specific

31、 visuals, analogies, statistics.lPracticePracticePractice!Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Five: Applicant QuestionslNote the type of questions you are being asked.lIf no questions, dont jump to conclusions.lTalk to other people who interviewed the applicant separately. Perhaps, insightf

32、ul questions were asked.Six Parts of a Behavior-based InterviewlPart Six: CloselLet the applicant know what comes next and the anticipated timeline.lKeep in touch after interviewing the good applicants to show you still have interest. lLet them know if you have not been able to interview all the applicants.lSend a personal thank you.We hope that you and others involved in the interview process, found this tutorial helpful in choosing the best from the rest!The WCU HR Office of Organizational Development and Employment Services Thanks You for Making the Investment!



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