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1、实用英语语法句法强化训练二Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望II 用it作主语的句子(2)汉译英练习汉译英练习(E)1) If it is convenient I can see you tomorrow. 2) 如果方便的话,我可以明天见你。如果方便的话,我可以明天见你。2) Its getting very competitive in the car industry. 汽车行业的竞争越来越激烈了。汽车行业的竞争越来越激烈了。3) I hate it when

2、people talk about me behind my back. 我很讨厌人们在背后谈论我。我很讨厌人们在背后谈论我。4) It looks as if were going to lose our jobs. 看来我们要失业了。看来我们要失业了。5) What is it like in the army these days? 现在部队情况怎样?现在部队情况怎样?6) Its full moon tonight. 今晚是满月。今晚是满月。3.改写下列句子,用改写下列句子,用it 作主作主语,对斜体部分加以斜体部分加以强强调(19.2.3):):1) We have been tal

3、king about you.2) Lao Zhang ought to be responsible for what has happened.3) Lao Yang first put forward the idea.4) She consented to their request only out of courtesy.5) He didnt commit this mistake through ignorance.6) The Wuhan Bridge was completed in 1957, not in 1958.7) We should guard against

4、this kind of thing.8)She didnt know anything about it until I told her.9)We are not working hard for ourselves alone.10) How did you miss such a fine lecture?11) This meeting was held in Beidaihe.12) You ought to be criticized.13) She didnt change her mind without hesitation.14) They didnt do this f

5、or their personal interests.15) Who called the meeting?16) Why do you object to the idea?答案答案1)Its you that we have been talking about.2)Its Lao Zhang who ought to be responsible for what has happened.3)Its Lao Yang who first put forward the idea.4)It was only out of courtesy that She consented to t

6、heir request.5)It wasnt through ignorance that he committed this mistake.6)It was in 1957, not in 1958, that the Wuhan Bridge was completed.7)Its this kind of thing that we should guard against.8)It wasnt until I told her that she knew something about it.9)It isnt for ourselves alone that we are wor

7、king hard.10)How was it that you missed such a fine lecture?11)It was in Beidaihe that this meeting was held.12)It is you who ought to be criticized.13)It wasnt without hesitation that she changed her mind.14)It wasnt for their personal interests that they did this.15)Who was it that called the meet

8、ing?16)Why is it that you object to the idea?4. 汉译英英练习(19.2.3):):1)It was Mary who helped me. 是是玛丽帮助了我。帮助了我。2)It was Tom who told me about it. 是是汤姆告姆告诉我我这事的。事的。3)Who was it that took away my cellphone? 是是谁把我的手机拿走了?把我的手机拿走了?4)Its John whom you should ask. 5) 你要你要问的人的人应当是当是约翰。翰。6)5) Its Nancy whom Im

9、worried about. 7)我担心的是南希。我担心的是南希。6) Its for you that I did all this. 我做我做这一切都是一切都是为了你。了你。7) It is you who has been wrong. 错的是你。的是你。8) Its on Monday night that all this happened. 这一切都是在星期一晚上一切都是在星期一晚上发生的。生的。9) It was Goethe who said this. 这话是歌德是歌德说的。的。10) It was then that I heard his steps. 就在那就在那时我听

10、到了他的脚步声。我听到了他的脚步声。11) What is it that you want me to do? 你要我做的是什么?你要我做的是什么?12) It wasnt until 1949 that the town was liberated. 这座城市直到座城市直到1949年才解放。年才解放。13) When was it that you got to know her? 你是什么你是什么时候候认识她的?她的?14) How was it that you forgot to lock the door? 你是怎么忘了你是怎么忘了锁门的?的?15) It wasnt for my

11、self that I did it. 我我这样做不是做不是为了我自己。了我自己。16) Was it in 1996 that this happened? 这事是事是1996年年发生的生的吗?5. 汉译英英练习(19.2.4):):(A)1) Its difficult to find the place. 很很难找到找到这个地方。个地方。2) Is it necessary to go there today? 今天有必要去那儿今天有必要去那儿吗?3) Its nice to see you. 很高很高兴见到你。到你。4) Its better to leave early. 最好早些最

12、好早些动身。身。5) When will it be convenient for us to meet? 我我们什么什么时候候见面比面比较方便?方便?6) Is it possible to get tickets now? 现在有可能弄到票在有可能弄到票吗?7) Its impossible to get there today. 今天不可能到达那里。今天不可能到达那里。8) Its easy to deceive oneself. 欺骗自己是很容易的。欺骗自己是很容易的。9) It was absurd to be frightened. 惊恐是荒谬的。惊恐是荒谬的。10) Its si

13、lly to believe such nonsense. 相信这种胡说八道是愚蠢的。相信这种胡说八道是愚蠢的。 (B)1) It isnt a good habit to eat too fast. 吃得太快不是好吃得太快不是好习惯。2) Its a crime to waste public money. 挥霍公款是一种犯罪。霍公款是一种犯罪。3) Its her duty to take care of the children. 照看孩子是她的照看孩子是她的职责。4) Its an honour to attend the banquet. 很荣幸出席很荣幸出席这次宴会。次宴会。5)

14、Its my privilege to serve you. 很荣幸很荣幸为你服你服务。6) It will be a pity to miss the lecture. 错过这次次报告会很可惜的。告会很可惜的。7) Its a shame to be so wasteful. 如此如此挥霍浪霍浪费是可耻的。是可耻的。8) Its just my luck to get caught in the rain. 我运气不佳被雨淋了。我运气不佳被雨淋了。(C)1) It cost me 200 yuan to repair the car. 2) 修修车花了我花了我200元。元。3)2) How

15、long did it take you to finish the book? 4) 完成完成这本本书花了你多少花了你多少时间?5)3) It gave me great pleasure to do this for you. 6) 为你你们做做这件事我很高件事我很高兴。7)4) It made her sad to think of those bitter days. 8) 想到那些悲惨的想到那些悲惨的岁月,她感到很月,她感到很伤心。心。5) It does no harm to offer advice. 帮人出主意没有坏帮人出主意没有坏处。 6)It was considered

16、impossible to fail. 失失败被被认为是不可能的。是不可能的。7)It was against my principle to work just for money. 仅仅为钱而工作是而工作是违反我的原反我的原则的。的。8)It wasnt within my power to answer these questions. 回答回答这些些问题超出了我的超出了我的权限。限。(D)1)Its no use asking me about it. 问我没有用。我没有用。2)Its always sad saying goodbye to someone you love. 和你心

17、和你心爱的人告的人告别总是很是很伤心的。心的。3)Its no good standing here in the cold. 在在这儿站在冷儿站在冷风中是没有用的。中是没有用的。4) It isnt much fun staying at home by yourself. 一个人待在家里没什么意思。一个人待在家里没什么意思。5)Its a waste of time arguing with him. 和他争和他争辩是白是白费时间。6) Is it worthwhile quarrelling with him? 和他争吵和他争吵值得得吗?7) Its hopeless trying to

18、 convince her 想想说服她是没有希望的。服她是没有希望的。8) Its tiring doing this kind of work. 做做这种工作是很累人的。种工作是很累人的。9) It doesnt matter waiting a few more days. 再等几天也没关系。再等几天也没关系。10) It doesnt make any difference my being there. 我是否在那里并没有关系。我是否在那里并没有关系。6. 将下列句子将下列句子译成英成英语:1)有必要先有必要先订票票吗?2)坐船去比坐船去比较便宜。便宜。3)能有机会去向他能有机会去向他

19、们学学习是好的。是好的。4)很很难说哪个方案更切哪个方案更切实一些。一些。5)这个包裹航空寄往昆明要多少个包裹航空寄往昆明要多少钱?6)你你们造造这样一一栋房子要多久房子要多久?7)你不和我你不和我们在一起我在一起我们会很会很遗憾的。憾的。8)你你这样关心朋友是好的。关心朋友是好的。9)获得得这个个奖章是很大的荣誉。章是很大的荣誉。10)我我们这样站在站在这里太傻了。里太傻了。11)等他也没用,他不来了。等他也没用,他不来了。12)再再试一次一次值不不值得得?答案:答案:1)Is it necessary to book tickets in advance?2)Its cheaper to

20、go there (travel) by boat.3)Its good to have a chance to learn from them.4)Its hard to say which plan is more practicable.5)How much does it cost to send the parcel to Kunming by air mail?6)How long will it take you to build a house like this?7)7)Itll be a pity not to have you with us.8)8)Its good o

21、f you to have such concern for friends.9)Its a great honour to be (have been) awarded this medal.10)Its foolish of us to be standing here like this.11)Its no use waiting for him. He isnt coming.12)Is it worthwhile trying again?7. 汉译英英练习(19.2.5):):1)- who is it? 是是谁? -Its me 是我。是我。2)-Is it that Tom o

22、ver there? 是是汤姆姆吗? -No,its Peter. 不是,是彼得。不是,是彼得。3)Its your sister on the phone. 是你姐姐来是你姐姐来电话。4)-who is that? 是是谁呀呀? -Its the postman. 是是邮差。差。5)Why,its you! 啊,原来是你呀啊,原来是你呀!6)Hello,Joseph. Its David here. 喂,喂,约瑟夫,我是戴瑟夫,我是戴维。7)Its my turn. 该轮到我了。到我了。8)It doesnt matter. 没关系。没关系。9) Isnt it awful! 真糟糕真糟糕!

23、10) Its a shame,isnt it? 这很很遗憾,是吧憾,是吧?III.主主语从句从句(1)1. 完成下列句子(完成下列句子(19.3.2,19.3.3):): (A) 1)Its a pity (lose the game,leave so soon,etc.)2)It is true (win the championship,get married,etc)3)Its too bad (cant go boating today,not come,etc.)4)Its said (be going to have a baby,be rebuilt,etc.)5)Isnt i

24、t wonderful? (all, get fine marks;cotton output,go up by 40; etc.) 6)Its quite obvious (have no interest in it,not get the letter,etc.)7)Its still a question (how,do it;whether,ought to go;etc.)8)It hasnt been made clear (when,take place; who,head the group ; etc.)9)Its not decided (which,read first

25、;where,meet ; etc.)10)It doesnt make too much difference (how,do it; whether,join us,etc.)答案:答案:1)Its a pity that youve lost the game (you should leave so soon, etc.).2)It is true that our team has won the championship (Rose has got married, etc.).3)Its too bad (that) we cant go boating today (they

26、arent able to come, etc.).4)Its said that Betty is going to have a baby (the temple has been rebuilt, etc.).5)5)Isnt it wonderful that we all got fine marks in the exam (cotton output in this area has gone up by 40%, etc.).6)Its quite obvious that he has no interest in this kind of thing (she hasnt

27、got your letter, etc.).7)Its still a question how we should do it (whether we ought to go, etc.).8)It hasnt been made clear when the ceremony is to take place (who is to head the group, etc.).9)Its not decided which book we are to read first (where they are going to meet, etc.).10)It doesnt make too

28、 much difference how you are going to do it (whether shell come to join us, etc.).(B)1)Its good(that) 2)Its too bad(that) 3)Its strange(that) 4)Wasnt it lucky(that)5)It is possible that 6)Its quite likely that7)Its certain(that) 8)It was surprising that9)Its a good thing 10)It seemed(that) 11)It so

29、happened that 12)It is not known why13)It is uncertain whether14)It doesnt matter whether15)It is curious how 16)It is doubtful whether2. 汉译英英练习:(:(19.3.2):): (A)1)It was evident that you have done the job well. 很很显然你工作干得很好。然你工作干得很好。2)Its clear that he loves her. 很明很明显他他爱她。她。3)It was plain that she

30、had no interest in it.显然她然她对此不感此不感兴趣。趣。4)Its strange that no one has seen it. 真奇怪没人真奇怪没人见过这个。个。5)Its natural that she should forget it. 她忘掉她忘掉这事是很自然的。事是很自然的。6)It is certain that prices will go up. 物价肯定要上物价肯定要上涨。7)Its odd that he hasnt phoned. 很奇怪他没来很奇怪他没来电话。8)Its good that you like the idea. 你你赞成成这个

31、想法很好。个想法很好。(B)l) Its a pity that you cant go. 很很遗憾你不能去。憾你不能去。2) Its a wonder that he is still alive. 他他还活着,活着,这真是一个奇迹。真是一个奇迹。3)Its a shame that youre sick. 你生病了,真你生病了,真遗憾。憾。4)Its a good thing that you are all back. 你你们都回来了,都回来了,这真好。真好。5)Its a matter of luck that they have won. 他他们获胜全靠运气。全靠运气。6)It is

32、 a fearful disappointment to your mother that you didnt come.你没来你你没来你妈很失望。很失望。(C)1)It(so)happened that I wasnt in that day. 恰好那天我不在家。恰好那天我不在家。2)It seems that youre right似乎你是似乎你是对的。的。3)It didnt occur to me that they would object. 我没想到他我没想到他们会反会反对。4)It appears that the plane did not stop at Rome. 飞机似乎

33、在机似乎在罗马停留。停留。5)It strikes me that Ken is a nice lad. 我感我感觉肯是个好小伙子肯是个好小伙子6)Its said that there has been an earthquake in India. 据据说印度印度发生了地震。生了地震。7)Its reported that the prime minister has resigned. 据据报道首相辞道首相辞职了。了。8)Its rumoured that she has committed suicide. 据据谣传她自她自杀了。了。3. 将下列句子将下列句子译成成汉语(19.3.3)

34、:):1)Why she should have said such a thing puzzled him.2)Whom we should send as our representative remains to be discussed.3)When and where this took place is still unknown.4)Whether we should call this kind of sentence elliptic is open to question.5)How she should word the letter troubled her great

35、ly.6)Who is to take Xiao Zhous place as secretary is not yet settled.7)I am going anyway. Whether or not she will go is up to her to decide.8)They have definitely decided to pay a visit to China,but when they are to do so hasnt been made clear yet.4. 汉译英英练习(19.3.3):): (A)1)When hell be back depends

36、on the weather. 他什么他什么时候回来得看天气。候回来得看天气。2)How it all happened was a mystery. 这一切是怎一切是怎样发生的是一个生的是一个谜。3)Whos to be the manager hasnt been decided. 谁当当经理理还没决定。没决定。4)Where the conference is to be held will be announced tomorrow. 会会议在哪里召开将在明天宣布。在哪里召开将在明天宣布。5)What he meant was quite clear. 他的意思很清楚。他的意思很清楚。6)Which is better is hard to say很很难说哪一个更好。哪一个更好。7)Whether well separate is none of your business. 我我们是否要分开不关你的事。是否要分开不关你的事。8)whom well send there is still unknown. 还不清楚我不清楚我们要派要派谁去。去。



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