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1、Understanding Forest Tenure Reform in China集体林区林权改革模式经济分析2006年21日123Background 研究背景80年代早期的农村联产承包制的改革,吹响了中国经济体制改革的号角Agricultural Land Reform (HRS) in early 1980s ignited Chinas transition toward a market oriented economy农业生产力得到了极大提高Dramatic growth in agricultural productivity农村改革带来民营经济、私有经济的极大发展Treme

2、ndous contribution from private sector to the whole economy当前,政府仍然致力于加强农民土地权利的政策方向Strengthening farmer land rights still main focus of policy trend (ALCL, RRL, etc)4Forest Sector in China 中国林业在林业部门,政府管制程度高于大多数经济部门Forest sector remains most tightly controlled by government and administration采伐、运输、林地利

3、用方面的约束性政策还大量存在Control in logging, shipping, land use, etc.天然林保护工程 Logging ban政府主导型林业建设项目Lots of government programsAnd.5Forest Tenure in China 林权制度两种所有制形式 Two ownership typesState: 国有 42% forest area and 68% volume;Managed by state forest enterprises and farmsCollective 集体所有58% area and 32% volumeGr

4、owing share of timber productionMany management arrangement6Collective Forest Tenure 集体林区村集体是集体林地的法定所有人Village collectives as legal owners农户、联户、各种经济组织可以通过承包的形式经营集体所有的森林Farmer households, a group of farmers, outsiders, all entitled to contract and manage collective owned forestland林业管理方面的放权让利的改革时有反复D

5、ecentralizaiton of management was slow and not smooth since 1981.截止到1986年,约70%的集体林地实行了农户承包经By 1986, around 70% household managed1987年以后,有所反复Then setback in 1987.7Household-Contracts in Fujian and Jiangxi, 1986 and 2000农户承包经营比例8第二次林权改革:更深入的改革Process of tenure reform以福建省为发源地 Fujian pilot in 20022003 p

6、rovincial policy Village representative committees decision makersLand contract fee江西省 JiangxiCommence in 2004Village representative committees making decisionsNo Land contract fee allowed9本研究的目的 Purpose of this study解释林权改革中新的林权模式产生的的影响因素对林权改革的绩效进行评价为决策提供研究支持Explain the process and outcome of tenure

7、 reformUnderstand determining factors for different types of tenure arrangement Answer the questions of optimal forest management system in collective forestsEvaluate performance of tenure reform against the set criteriaIdentify areas of policy improvement in new tenure system10调查省份的基本情况 Studied Are

8、as-Basic Facts11林业在全省GDP中的比重Forestry Share in GDP 1950s-199912林业收入占农民家庭总收入的比例Forestry Share in Household Revenue (1)13林业收入占农民家庭总收入的比例Forestry Share in Household Revenue (2)14森林火灾率(次数)Forest Fire Incidence 1990-200415火灾影响面积Forest Fire Affected Area 1990-200416产权改革调查 Survey Scope村级和入户调查Survey conducte

9、d in April-June 2006福建:10个县,30个乡、60个村、600户农户Fujian: 10 counties, 30 townships, 60 villages, 600 households江西:5个县、15个乡、30个村、300户农户Jiangxi: 5 counties, 15 townships, 30 villages, 300 householdsPeriod of 2000-200517森林经营权类型划分Categories of tenure types五种主要类型 Five types of tenure arrangement自留山 Private pl

10、ots单户经营 Village household contract联户经营 Village household partnership林权转让经营 Market allocated plots集体经营 Collective management生态公益林 Ecological forests Formally established around 200118假说 Hypotheses由于村民代表大会是林权改革的决策单位,村民代表大会的的决策能力将决定林该的质量,一般来说,村级民主较为健全的地方,林改较为深入,村民在林改中获得的经营权利较多,而集体经营的比例越小。Since village

11、representative committees are making the call, the outcome of tenure reform is dependent on the quality of these rural committees. In more democratic villages, decentralization is deeper, more households contract instead of outsider market allocation, collective management, etc.良好的社会资本有益于联合管理模式的形成In

12、 villages with good social capital, more partnership, less individual management多种经营、非农就业机会发展好的地方,对林地的需求较小In villages with good alternative income (off-farm job, higher ag productivity, etc.),lower demand for forest land = more collective, market allocation, less individual and partnership(?)较为贫困的地方

13、对林地的需求较高Lower per capita income lead to higher demand for forestland政府干预越多,林农经营林地的积极性越低In areas with tight government control, less demand for forestland (or more transfer-out afterwards)产权不稳定会导致农民经营林地的积极性降低Tenure insecurity is negatively affecting individual contracts (adjustment, eco-forests,etc.)

14、19不同产权模式形成的影响因素分析Determinants of tenure types对产权类型比例变化的系统方程的估计-Estimation of a system of tenure share change2021结果讨论 Discussion of Results产权不稳定,政府干预较多的地方,农民经营林地的积极性较低Tenure insecurity, government interference reduce demand of individual farmers for forestland替代收入增加会降低对林地的需求Alternative income reduces

15、 demand for forestland市场条件改善会提高农民的林地的需求Improved market access increases private management社会资本良好会促进联户经营Better social capital leads to more partnership 限制收取土地承包费会降低农民获得林地的机会,事实上不利于农民真正获得林改所提供的福利改善Restriction on collective rent seeking reduces share of land allocated to individual farmers and increase

16、s share of land kept by collectives(sad reality)22林改的近期效果Immediate impacts of tenure reform家庭经营比例增加Increased individual management木材采伐和人工造林都有所增加Afforestation increased农民的林业收入增加Forest income increased due to increased harvest23福建林权改革成果Outcome of Tenure reform in Fujian24江西林权改革成果Outcome of Tenure Refo

17、rm in Jiangxi25木材生产 Timber harvest afterwards26造林面积 Afforestation after tenure reform (ha)27木材生产长期趋势 Timber Production Trends28林业收入占农民家庭总收入的比例Forestry Share in Household Revenue (1)29林业收入占农民家庭总收入的比例Forestry Share in Household Revenue (2)30结论 Concluding Remarks在本次林改中,家庭经营,农民自主经营的比例增加Increased househo

18、ld-based management is the main trend in this round of tenure reform by collective choices社区集体管理适宜于社会资本较好的地方-如少数民族地区Community-based management will be more suitable where social capital is solid (tribal areas)改善产权稳定性,减少政府干预可以调动农民经营林业的积极性Improved tenure security and reduced government interference ca

19、n induce higher private farmer interests in forest management, therefore higher welfare for farmers and better conservation林权改革也是一个渐进的过程,很难一步到位,与既得利益进行妥协,可以加快改革步伐,更快实现改革目标Forestland tenure reform is a process of compromises, policy should be formulated in a more thoughtful way so that reform benefit is to be maximized.31Next更大范围的调查Expansion of survey to 9-10 provinces林权改革的绩效分析Performance analysis对配套林业政策改革的研究Direction for policy adjustment32Household-Contracts Household-Contracts in the southern collective forest in the southern collective forest region (1986)region (1986)33



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