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1、Travellingabroad课时作业课时作业考点互动探究考点互动探究基础知识回顾基础知识回顾与名师对话高考总复习高考总复习课标版课标版英语(专版)英语(专版)contents1.识记填读识记填读2.联想填读联想填读3.构词填读构词填读4.语境填读语境填读5.句式填读句式填读6.核心词汇核心词汇7.单元语法单元语法8.微型考场微型考场9.名师讲坛名师讲坛.识记填读识记填读1_ vt. 推荐;建议推荐;建议答案答案recommend2_ n. 代替者;代用品;代替者;代用品;vt.用用代替代替答案答案substitute3_ n. 草稿;草案;草稿;草案;vt. 草拟;起草草拟;起草答案答案d

2、raft4_ vt. 承认;确认;答谢承认;确认;答谢答案答案acknowledge5_ vt. 反驳;驳斥反驳;驳斥答案答案contradict6_ n. 事业;事业心;公司事业;事业心;公司答案答案enterprise7_ adj. 可选择的;随意的可选择的;随意的答案答案optional8_ n. 常规,日常事务常规,日常事务答案答案routine.联想填读联想填读1 _继继 续续 干干 下下 去去 keep up保保 持持 , 维维 持持_不让不让靠近,远离靠近,远离答案答案keep it up;keep off2fit in相适应相适应_与与合得来;适应合得来;适应答案答案fit i

3、n with3comfort n舒适舒适_舒适地舒适地答案答案in comfort4occupy vt.占占用用;占占领领be_忙忙着着做做,忙忙于于某某事物事物be busy_忙于忙于答案答案occupied with;with 5apology n道歉道歉make_/_to向向道歉道歉答案答案an apology to;apologize6_不可能的不可能的_毫无疑问毫无疑问答案答案out of the question;out of question7 settle in(迁迁 入入 新新 居居 、 更更 换换 工工 作作 后后 )安安 顿顿 下下 来来_定居;平静下来定居;平静下来答案

4、答案settle down.构词填读构词填读1lecture n. & vi. 演演讲讲;讲讲课课_ n. 讲讲课课者者,演讲者演讲者答案答案lecturer2_ n. 资资格格;资资历历quality n. 品品质质;素素质质;质量质量答案答案qualification3_ n. 准备;预备准备;预备prepare v. 准备准备答案答案preparation4_ n. 需需要要;要要求求require vt. 需需要要;要要求求;规定规定答案答案requirement5agent n. 代代理理人人;经经纪纪人人_ n. 服服务务机机构构;代理机构代理机构答案答案agency6abunda

5、nt adj. 丰丰富富的的;充充裕裕的的_ n丰丰富富,富足富足答案答案abundance7comfort n. 舒舒适适;安安慰慰;vt. 安安慰慰_ adj. 舒舒适的;安逸的适的;安逸的答案答案comfortable8occupy vt. 占占用用;占占领领;占占据据_ n. 占占用用;占占领;职业领;职业答案答案occupation.语境填读语境填读1 Before_(做做 报报 告告 ), you have to make full _(准备准备) ahead of time.答案答案giving a report;preparations2I am glad to learn t

6、hat you have well _(适适应应) to the new school life and _(适适应应) the new teachings. Just _(继继续续努努力力) and you will do better.答案答案adjusted;fit in with;keep it up3Nowadays I have been _(忙忙于于) my experiment,so I have to make _(道道歉歉) to her that I cant attend her wedding.答案答案occupied with;an apology4_(就就我我个个

7、人人而而言言),I think it is _(不不可可能能的的) for her to marry him. I dont think she can _(融入融入) his family.答答案案As far as I am concerned;out of the question;fit in with5 After a long _(准准 备备 ), I finally got the _(资资格格) to be a guide. Now I can _(安安顿顿下来下来)答案答案preparation;qualification;settle down.句式填读句式填读1It wa

8、s the first time he _ (看看) the 3D film.答案答案had ever seen2 But I was also very nervous as I didnt know _(可以期待什么可以期待什么)答案答案what to expect3I have been _ (忙忙于于) work that I havent had time for social activities.答案答案so occupied with4You have to _ (习习惯惯于于) a whole new way of life,which can take up all you

9、r concentration in the beginning. 答案答案get used to5Besides,as far as he was concerned,_(其其他人的想法他人的想法) was not the most important thing.答案答案what other people thought必必会会recommend doing sth.建议做某事建议做某事recommend sth. for. 推荐某物做某种用途推荐某物做某种用途recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事recommend that sb. (should

10、) do sth. 建议某人建议某人做某事做某事(从句用虚拟语气从句用虚拟语气)必必会会substitute A for Bsubstitute B with A 用用A代替代替Bsubstitute for sb./sth.代替代替/取代某人取代某人/某物某物必必会会meet/satisfy ones requirement 满足满足/达到达到某人的要求某人的要求require vt. 需要需要require doing/to be done 需要做需要做require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事require that. (should) do sth. 要

11、求要求必必会会acknowledge sth./sb.感谢感谢/承认承认/认可某物认可某物/某人某人acknowledge sb./sth. as/to be.公认某人公认某人/某物为某物为acknowledge that承认承认acknowledge doing sth. 承认做了某事承认做了某事It is/was acknowledged that.是大家公认的是大家公认的必必会会be occupied with sth./(in) doing sth. 忙于忙于(做做)某某事事keep sb. occupied 使某人忙碌使某人忙碌occupy sb./occupy oneself wi

12、th/(in) doing sth. (使使)某人忙于某人忙于(做做)某事某事必必会会keep up(with)赶上,不落在后面赶上,不落在后面keep in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系keep ones word/promise 信守诺言信守诺言keep. out of 不使不使入内;不惹事入内;不惹事keep away from 不不(使使)接近接近必必会会fit in with 相符合,适应相符合,适应be fit to do sth. 适合做某事适合做某事fit sb. in sth. 使某人胜任某事使某人胜任某事be fit for 胜任,合格胜任,合格keep fi

13、t 保持健康保持健康类类词词辨辨析析fit指某件东西大小、尺寸指某件东西大小、尺寸“正适合正适合”某人某人suit指物品的式样、颜色、口味、特色及时指物品的式样、颜色、口味、特色及时间、地点等间、地点等“正适合正适合”某人。某人。fit in指相处融洽,有共同的看法、兴趣而能指相处融洽,有共同的看法、兴趣而能“相融合相融合”。match指两件事物放在一起看上去很协调,比指两件事物放在一起看上去很协调,比较较“相配相配”。go with可与可与match互换,也指事物之间的搭配与互换,也指事物之间的搭配与协调。协调。Whoever finishes the task first,he is su

14、pposed to win the prize._答答案案whoever无无论论谁谁先先完完成成任任务务,都都应应当当获获得得这这个个奖。奖。Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesnt get much exercise._答答案案even though尽尽管管Tim锻锻炼炼得得并并不不多多,但但他他的的身身材保持得很好。材保持得很好。基础知识基础知识.语境填词语境填词1Mr. Brown was once elected _(州州长长) of the state of California. 答案答案governor2Mary

15、was _(合格的合格的) as a doctor this year. 答案答案qualified3She made it _(充充分分地地) clear that she wanted him to leave. 答案答案abundantly4Ill do all that is _(要求要求) of me.答案答案required5I have already _(道道歉歉) to her for not replying sooner to her email.答案答案apologized.选词填空选词填空adjust to;settle in;fit in;be occupied w

16、ith;keep it up;out of the question1You did very well in your study.Please_.答案答案keep it up2 Apart from the possible financial hardship of retirement,many find it hard to_ having little to do.答案答案adjust to3When we arrived,my uncle_ his garden.答案答案was occupied with4They are not sure whether their son c

17、an_ well with his new classmates.答案答案fit in5I havent_ my new job.I still find it all rather strange.答案答案settled in基本技能基本技能.微语法微语法让步状语从句让步状语从句A用用whatever,even if,however,although填空填空1_regular exercise is very important,its never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.解解析析句句意意:尽尽管管有有规规律律的的锻锻炼炼很很

18、重重要要,但但是是在在临临近近就就寝寝的的时时候候锻锻炼炼绝绝不不是是一一个个好好主主意意。根根据据句句意意可可知知,此此处处是是一一个个让步状语从句。让步状语从句。答案答案Although2_difficulties you are experiencing right now,I can help you to develop a positive mind and take steps to improve your life.解解析析whatever引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句,修修饰饰名名词词,相相当当于于no matter what,意意思思是是“无无论论什什么么”,其其他他几

19、几个个词词都都不不能能修修饰名词。饰名词。答案答案Whatever3The engineers are so busy that they have no time for outdoor sports activities,_they have the interest.解解析析句句意意:工工程程师师们们如如此此忙忙碌碌,以以至至于于他他们们没没有有时时间间进进行行户户外外体体育育运运动动,即即使使他他们们有有这这种种兴兴趣趣。even if表表示示“即即使使”,符合句意。,符合句意。答案答案even if4_hard you may try,you cant persuade Tom to

20、 give up smoking,for he is addicted to it.解解析析句句意意:不不管管你你多多么么努努力力,你你都都不不可可能能说说服服Tom戒戒烟烟,因因为为他他已已经经上上瘾瘾了了。因因为为hard在在这这里里是是副副词词,所所以以用用However。答案答案However5_ the weather is like tomorrow,we will set sail for Canada.答案答案WhateverB完成句子完成句子1_,I do not like its shape.虽虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状。然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢

21、它的形状。答案答案While/Although I like the color of the hat2All the nations should be equal,_.所有国家都应平等,不管它们是否强大。所有国家都应平等,不管它们是否强大。答案答案whether they are strong or not3Old _,he still works hard.尽尽管管他他年纪大了,但他仍努力工作。年纪大了,但他仍努力工作。答案答案as he is4Keep calm,_ _.无无论论发发生生什什么么事事情情都都要保持冷静。要保持冷静。答案答案whatever/no matter what

22、happens5_,it is my friend who cheers me up.不管什么时候我不高兴,总是我的朋友给我鼓励。不管什么时候我不高兴,总是我的朋友给我鼓励。答案答案Whenever Im unhappy.微完形微完形There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the _1_home from work in the evenings. A m

23、an will be_2_the newspaper,and seconds later it_3_as if he is trying to_4_it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger_5_next to him._6_place where unplanned short sleep_7_is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打打鼾鼾) so_8_that the professor has to ask another student

24、 to_9_the sleeper awake.When people are really_10_,nothing will stop them from falling asleepno matter where they are.1A.way Btrack Cpath Droad解解析析on the way home表表示示“在在回回家家的的路路上上”,为为固固定定表表达达法法,不不使使用用track“小小路路,跑跑道道”,path“小小路路,小小径径”和和road“道路道路”。答案答案A2A.buying Bfolding Cdelivering Dreading解解析析文文章章第第一

25、一句句话话为为主主题题句句,表表示示人人们们因因劳劳累累几几乎乎在在任任何何地地方方都都能能入入睡睡。此此处处为为一一个个实实例例,表表示示一一个个人人看看着着报报纸纸就就睡着了,故选睡着了,故选D项。项。答案答案D3A.acts Bshows Cappears Dsounds解解析析It appears as if.表表示示“看看起起来来好好像像”。句句意意:几几秒秒钟钟以以后后他他看看起起来来好好像像要要吃吃它它。此此处处指指他他拿拿着着报报纸纸打打瞌瞌睡睡。解解题题时时注注意意it的的提提示示,如如果果用用acts应应用用he作作主主语语,因因此此不不能能误误选选A项。项。答案答案C4A

26、.open Beat Cfind Dfinish解解析析看看着着报报纸纸打打瞌瞌睡睡的的样样子子看看起起来来就就像像要要吃吃它它一一样样,故选故选B项。项。答案答案B5A.lying Bwaiting Ctalking Dsitting解解析析前前文文举举的的是是在在车车上上睡睡觉觉的的例例子子,此此处处指指他他靠靠在在坐坐在旁边的陌生人的肩膀上就睡着了,故选在旁边的陌生人的肩膀上就睡着了,故选D项。项。答案答案D6A.Next BEvery CAnother DOne解解析析此此处处指指另另一一个个出出现现计计划划外外短短暂暂睡睡眠眠的的地地方方是是在在报报告厅。告厅。another指不定数

27、目中的另一个。指不定数目中的另一个。答案答案C7A.goes on Bends up Clasts Dreturns解解析析go on表表示示“发发生生”,此此处处指指计计划划外外短短暂暂睡睡眠眠发发生生的地方,故选的地方,故选A项。注意项。注意end up表示表示“结束,告终结束,告终”。答案答案A8A.bravely Bhappily Cloudly Dcarelessly解解析析此此处处为为so.that结结构构,根根据据结结果果状状语语从从句句的的提提示示可可知知,他他鼾鼾声声打打得得很很响响,因因此此用用loudly。bravely“勇勇敢敢地地”;happily“高兴地高兴地”;l

28、oudly“大声地大声地”;carelessly“粗心地粗心地”。答案答案C9A.leave Bshake Ckeep Dwatch解解析析指指教教授授让让另另一一个个学学生生把把睡睡着着的的学学生生摇摇醒醒。shake表表示示“摇动摇动”。答案答案B10A.tired Bdrunk Clonely Dlazy解解析析句句意意:当当人人们们真真的的疲疲惫惫的的时时候候,没没有有什什么么能能阻阻止止他他们们入入睡睡无无论论他他们们在在哪哪里里。此此处处是是对对文文章章首首句句的的呼呼应应,根根据据第第一一句句的的提提示示,应应选选A项项。tired“劳劳累累的的”;drunk“喝喝醉醉的的”;l

29、onely“孤单的孤单的”;lazy“懒惰的懒惰的”。答案答案A.微阅读微阅读Researchers have developed new software using smartphones GPS and imaging abilities that determine the exact location of distant objects as well as monitor the speed and direction of moving objects. The software could eventually allow smartphonearmed soldiers t

30、o target the location of their enemies. On the home front,the software could be used by everyone,including golfers judging distance to the green and biologists documenting the location of a rare animal without disturbing it.From the passage we can know that the new software can _.Adetermine the spee

31、d of moving objectsBlocate objects in the distance exactlyCdefend soldiers against their enemiesDhelp biologists protect rare animals解解析析细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章中中的的“determine the exact location of distant objects”“allow smartphonearmed soldiers to target the location of their enemies”以以 及及 “biologists d

32、ocumenting the location of a rare animal”可可知知,新新软软件件可可以以准准确定位远距离的物体。故答案为确定位远距离的物体。故答案为B。答案答案B答案答案According to a recent survey,high school students have different motivations to learn English: 65% of the surveyed students say they learn English to pass examinations while 25% of them to meet the deman

33、ds of their parents and society. Only 8% of them are really interested in the subject.相关模板相关模板With peoples living standards improved and the pace of life getting fast,(身体方面的具体问题身体方面的具体问题) has become a great concern. To prevent(本疾病本疾病),_we should do the following: First,it is absolutely necessary to

34、take some exercise every day. Research shows (身体锻炼的具体作用身体锻炼的具体作用) Besides,(摆脱某种陋习摆脱某种陋习)is an important way to keep healthy. Finally,(还应采取的措施及应注意的问题还应采取的措施及应注意的问题).答案答案With peoples living standards improved and the pace of life getting fast,high blood pressure has become a worrying disease. Accordin

35、g to the picture,to prevent high blood pressure,we should do the following:First,It is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise helps lower blood pressure. Its also important to eat food low in salt. Too salty food may contribute to high bl

36、ood pressure. Besides,getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking is an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking will hurt ones health a great deal,and therefore should be given up. Finally,being stressed also does great harm to your health and we should keep a good state of mind. 欢迎批评指导!放映结束!2021/8/3193感谢聆听!感谢聆听!THANKYOUFORWATCHING!部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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