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1、第16课时Units 7-8123451.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.应该允许16岁的孩子们穿耳洞。【考点1】be allowed to do sth.“被允许做某事”。Passengers are not allowed to smoke here.乘客不允许在此吸烟。【拓展】allow的其他搭配:allow sb.to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。My father allows me to watch TV.父亲允许我看电视。allow doing sth.“允许做某事”。The tea

2、cher allows cleaning the classroom.老师允许打扫教室。12345【典例1】(2018重庆中考B卷)Their parents dont allow them in the river because its really dangerous. A.swimB.swimmingC.to swimD.swam答案:C解析:句意: 他们的父母不允许他们去河里游泳, 因为那样太危险了。allow sb.to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”, 故选C项。【典例2】You cant wear shoes inside this place. It . A.doesn

3、t allowB.isnt allowedC.hasnt allowedD.wasnt allowed答案:B解析:分析句子可知应用一般现在时的被动语态, 故选B项。12345【考点2】“get sb./sth.+过去分词”,表示“使某人/物处于某种状态”,have与其具有相同用法。I must get my hair cut.我必须去理发。Ive already got the dinner cooked.我已经做好了晚饭。12345【拓展】与get相关的其他用法还有:(1)get sb./sth.doing 表示“使某人/物做”,动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,表示使宾语长时间地进行某个动作

4、。Can you get the kite flying?你能让风筝飞起来吗?(2)get sb.to do sth.相当于have sb.do sth.表示“让某人做某事”,不定式作宾语补足语且与宾语之间存在主动关系,表示宾语要做某事。Dont worry.Ill get your father to do it for you.别着急,我将让你爸爸为你做。12345【典例3】When are you going to have your hair ?This afternoon.A.cutB.to cutC.cuttingD.be cut答案:A解析:have sth.done“让某事被做

5、”。过去分词作宾语补足语,与所修饰的宾语之间存在被动关系。故选A项。123452.He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。【考点】stop作动词, 意为“停止, 终止”, 还可意为“阻止; 阻碍”。We should stop the boy from playing with fire. 我们应当阻止这个男孩玩火。12345【辨析】stop doing sth.与stop to do sth. 12345【典例1】Its getting dark now.Why not stop home?OK.Lets go.A.g

6、oB.goingC.to go D.goes答案:C解析:根据句意“现在天黑了。为什么不停下来回家呢?”可知停下来去做另一件事,故用stop to do sth.,故选C项。12345【典例2】Dad,why must I stop computer games?For your health,my boy.A.playB.to playC.to playingD.playing答案:D解析:stop to do sth.“停下来去做另外一件事”;stop doing sth.“停止正在做的事”。由句意“爸爸,我为什么必须停止玩电脑游戏?”可知选D项。123453.But sometimes

7、these can get in the way of their schoolwork,and parents might worry about their success at school.但有时这些(爱好)可能会妨碍到他们的功课,而且父母可能会担心他们在学校取得的成绩。【考点】in the way“挡道的;妨碍人的”。There is a big stone in the way,so we cant pass it.有块大石头挡路,所以我们无法通过。12345【拓展】(1)on the/ones way to “在去的路上”。On the/my way to the shop,I

8、met an old friend of mine.在去商店的路上,我遇见了我的一位老朋友。(2)in this way“用这种办法”。Nick sent a lot of useful messages in this way.用这种办法,尼克送出了大量有用的信息。(3)by the way“顺便说(问)一下”。By the way,have you ever seen the film?顺便问一下,你看过这部电影吗?(4)in a way“从某种意义上说”。In a way,its an important book.从某种意义上说,这是本重要的书。12345【典例】I couldnt g

9、et through the door because there was a big box .A.by the wayB.on the wayC.out of the wayD.in the way答案:D解析:in the way意为“挡道的,妨碍人的”。123454.It must be Carlas.它一定是卡拉的。【考点】“must+动词原形”表示对现在的情况进行有把握的推测或判断,语气十分肯定,意为“一定,肯定,准是,想必”。表示判断、推测时,must一般用于肯定句中。Tom must be in the reading room.汤姆肯定在阅览室里。He can speak J

10、apanese.He must be from Japan.他会说日语,他一定来自日本。12345【拓展】其他情态动词表推测的用法 12345【典例1】(2017成都中考)This pair of glasses be Tonys. Hes the only one who wears glasses. A.mustB.mightC.cant答案:A解析:句意: 这副眼镜肯定是托尼的。他是唯一一个戴眼镜的人。must表示肯定的猜测, 符合句意。故选A项。【典例2】(2018内蒙古包头中考)Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? Go straight ahe

11、ad; you miss it. A.mustntB.cant C.neednt D.shouldnt答案:B解析:句意: 打扰了, 最近的银行在哪里? 直走; 你不会错过它。cant表示推测, 意为“不可能”。根据语境, 可知答案选B项。123455.Or it might belong to Linda.或者它可能属于琳达。【考点】belong to意为“属于”,其主语通常是物,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。The bike belongs to my sister.这辆自行车属于我妹妹。This classroom belongs to us.这间教室是属于我们的。译这个男孩是一年级歌唱队

12、的队员。误The boy is belonging to the singing group of Grade One.正The boy belongs to the singing group of Grade One.【拓展】belong to中的to是介词,后接名词或人称代词的宾格形式,不能接名词性物主代词或名词所有格。This book belongs to me.这本书是我的。12345【典例】The green dictionary belong to .Her name is on it.A.may;CarlasB.must;CarlaC.cant;Carla D.must;Carlas答案:B解析:表示肯定的推测用must,belong to后跟人名,不能跟名词所有格。故选B项。



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