【病毒外文文献】2005 A Major Determinant for Membrane Protein Interaction Localizes to the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of the Mouse Coronavi

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《【病毒外文文献】2005 A Major Determinant for Membrane Protein Interaction Localizes to the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of the Mouse Coronavi》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【病毒外文文献】2005 A Major Determinant for Membrane Protein Interaction Localizes to the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of the Mouse Coronavi(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY, Nov. 2005, p. 1328513297Vol. 79, No. 210022-538X/05/$08.00?0doi:10.1128/JVI.79.21.1328513297.2005Copyright 2005, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.A Major Determinant for Membrane Protein InteractionLocalizes to the Carboxy-Terminal Domain of theMouse Coronav

2、irus Nucleocapsid ProteinKelley R. Hurst, Lili Kuo, Cheri A. Koetzner, Rong Ye, Bilan Hsue,and Paul S. Masters*Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York 12201Received 6 June 2005/Accepted 3 August 2005The two major constituents of coronavirus virions are the membrane (M

3、) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins.The M protein is anchored in the viral envelope by three transmembrane segments flanked by a shortamino-terminal ectodomain and a large carboxy-terminal endodomain. The M endodomain interacts with theviral nucleocapsid, which consists of the positive-strand RNA genome

4、 helically encapsidated by N proteinmonomers. In previous work with the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a highly defective M proteinmutant, M?2, was constructed. This mutant contained a 2-amino-acid carboxy-terminal truncation of the Mprotein. Analysis of second-site revertants of M?2 revea

5、led mutations in the carboxy-terminal region of the Nprotein that compensated for the defect in the M protein. To seek further genetic evidence corroborating thisinteraction, we generated a comprehensive set of clustered charged-to-alanine mutants in the carboxy-terminaldomain 3 of N protein. One of

6、 these mutants, CCA4, had a highly defective phenotype similar to that of M?2.Transfer of the CCA4 mutation into a partially diploid MHV genome showed that CCA4 was a loss-of-functionmutation rather than a dominant-negative mutation. Analysis of multiple second-site revertants of CCA4revealed mutati

7、ons in both the M protein and the N protein that could compensate for the original lesion inN. These data more precisely define the region of the N protein that interacts with the M protein. Further, wefound that fusion of domain 3 of the N protein to the carboxy terminus of a heterologous protein c

8、aused it tobe incorporated into MHV virions.Coronavirus assembly results from an accumulation of in-teractions among four structural proteins, the positive-senseRNA genome, and a host membrane envelope obtained fromthe site of budding, which is the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgiintermediate compartment

9、. Three of the four structural pro-teins are embedded in the virion envelope: the spike protein(S), the membrane protein (M), and the small envelope pro-tein (E). The fourth, the nucleocapsid protein (N), resides inthe virion interior, wrapping the positive-strand RNA genomeinto a helical nucleocaps

10、id.The most abundant viral constituent is M, a 25-kDa proteincontaining three transmembrane segments flanked by a shortamino-terminal ectodomain and a large carboxy-terminalendodomain. The M protein is the central organizer of assem-bly, in that it self-associates (8, 10, 21), captures S for virioni

11、ncorporation (36, 37), and selectively packages the fraction ofN protein that is bound to genomic RNA (3234). The Sprotein is responsible for viral attachment to host cell recep-tors and for the membrane fusion event that initiates infection.This type I membrane protein, shortly after its synthesis,

12、 fold-ing, and oligomerization, forms complexes with M protein inthe endoplasmic reticulum (36, 37). The M-interacting domainof the S protein was localized to the transmembrane-endodo-main region of the molecule, based on the assembly of chi-meric S proteins into virus-like particles (VLPs) (16) or

13、virions(18, 23). More recently, this determinant was further localizedto the endodomain of S, which could confer virion assemblycompetence if transferred to a heterologous transmembraneprotein (48).The general (1, 3, 4, 31, 45), but not universal (20), consen-sus from studies of VLPs is that formati

14、on of coronaviruses ismediated by just the M and the E proteins, and that neither Sprotein nor the nucleocapsid plays an obligate role in virionmorphogenesis. The precise role of E protein in this process isenigmatic, with some evidence pointing to a direct interactionbetween E and M (1, 5) and othe

15、r observations suggesting thatE acts independently of M in the budding compartment (4, 26,41). A very recent finding that may shed light on the workingsof the E protein is the demonstration that the E protein ofsevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus has the prop-erties of a cation-selective i

16、on channel (47). The constructionof E protein mutants of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) hasconfirmed the critical role of E in viral assembly (14). Surpris-ingly, however, MHV remains viable, although severely im-paired, following deletion of the E gene (25), whereas disrup-tion of the E gene of porcin

17、e transmissible gastroenteritis virus(TGEV) is lethal (6, 38).The interaction between M protein and N protein has beenpreviously explored by biochemical and molecular biologicalmethods for both MHV (33, 34, 44) and TGEV (12). In agenetic approach, we constructed and analyzed a highly defec-tive MHV

18、mutant with a carboxy-terminal truncated M pro-tein, M?2, and we identified suppressors of this mutation that* Corresponding author. Mailing address: David Axelrod Institute,Wadsworth Center, NYSDOH, New Scotland Avenue, P.O. Box22002, Albany, NY 12201-2002. Phone: (518) 474-1283. Fax: (518)473-1326

19、. E-mail: masterswadsworth.org. Present address: Stratagene, 11011 N. Torrey Pines Rd., La Jolla,CA 92037.13285 on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from mapped to the carboxy terminus of the N protein (24). This ledus to more closely examine which

20、amino acids in N proteindetermine its recognition by M protein. Based on interstrainsequence comparisons, the MHV N protein has been proposedto comprise three conserved domains, separated by two highlydivergent spacer regions (A and B) (39). Domains 1 and 2,which make up most of the molecule, are ve

21、ry basic, with theRNA-binding property of N mapping to domain 2 (27, 35). Incontrast, domain 3, the carboxy-terminal 45 amino acids of N,has an excess of acidic residues. In the present study, we car-ried out a systematic mutagenesis of domain 3, and we iden-tified an adjacent pair of functionally e

22、ssential aspartates, anal-ysis of which revealed further genetic cross talk between thecarboxy termini of the N and M proteins. In addition, we foundthat fusion of N protein domain 3 to the carboxy terminus of aheterologous protein caused it to be selectively incorporatedinto MHV virions.MATERIALS A

23、ND METHODSCells and viruses. Wild-type MHV strain A59 and mutants were propagated inmouse 17 clone 1 (17Cl1) or L2 cells; plaque assays and plaque purifications ofmutant recombinants and revertants were carried out in mouse L2 cells. Theinterspecies chimeric virus fMHV.v2 (17) was grown in feline FC

24、WF cells orAK-D fetal lung cells.Plasmid constructs. Clustered charged-to-alanine (CCA) mutants 1 through 6were originally constructed in pB36 (29), which is a donor RNA transcriptionvector that encodes an RNA comprising the 5? end of the MHV genome (467nucleotides nt) fused (via a 49-nt linker) to

25、the 3? end of the genome, beginningat the start codon of the N gene. Mutations were generated by splicing overlapextension-PCR (19) and were inserted into pB36 by exchange of the segmentbetween the AccI site in spacer B and the BstEII site in the 3? untranslatedregion (3? UTR) (29), producing vector

26、s pBL56 through pBL61, respectively. Ofnote for subsequently obtained results, the CCA4 mutations in pBL59 changedN gene codons 440 and 441 from GAU (D) to GCU (A). In CCA1 plasmidpBL56, an additional silent mutation was inadvertently generated, changing Ngene codon 447 from GGG to GGA.All other mut

27、ants were constructed in pMH54 (23) or pSG6 (17), which aredonor RNA transcription vectors that encode RNAs comprising the 5? end of theMHV genome (467 nt) fused (via a 73-nt linker) to the 3? end of the genome,beginning at codon 28 of the HE pseudogene. Plasmid pSG6 is identical topMH54, except for

28、 a coding-silent BspEI site that spans codons 444 to 446 of theN gene (17). The CCA4 mutations of pBL59 were transferred to pMH54, byexchange of the segment between the NheI site in domain 2 of the N gene andthe BclI site in the 3? UTR, to produce vector pLK94. For the purpose ofreconstructing intra

29、genic CCA4 revertants, a reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) product, generated from revertant 2 and containing the I438S, D440A, andD441A mutations, was cloned between the NheI and BclI sites of pSG6 toproduce vector pKRH5. Similarly, an RT-PCR product generated from revertant17 and containing the Q

30、437L, I438S, D440A, and D441A mutations was clonedbetween the NheI and BclI sites of pSG6. For the purpose of reconstructingintergenic CCA4 revertants, individual RT-PCR products generated from cho-sen revertants were incorporated into pKRH5 via unique restriction sites. Forthe M gene mutations I128

31、T (revertant 1), Y143H (revertant 9), and Y156H(revertant 5), an RT-PCR product was cloned between the EagI and BssHII sitesoccurring in the M gene ectodomain and endodomain, respectively. For the Mgene mutation V202I (revertant 7), an RT-PCR product was cloned between theM gene BssHII and N gene Nh

32、eI sites.Transcription vector pA112, containing a duplication of the N gene, wasconstructed as a precursor to the previously described pA122 (11), which con-tains a single copy of the N gene transposed to the position occupied by gene 4in the wild-type MHV genome. The sequences of the upstream and d

33、ownstreamboundaries of the transposed N gene are given as junctions 5 and 6 in Fig. 3 ofreference 11. In the upstream copy of the N gene in pA112, the hemagglutinin(HA) epitope tag, YPYDVPDYA, replaces amino acids 386 to 394 of spacer B,and a His6tag is appended to the carboxy terminus. Details of t

34、he constructionof pA112 and deletion derivatives will be reported elsewhere (C. A. Koetznerand P. S. Masters, unpublished results). CCA4 mutations in the duplicated copyof the N gene were created in a subclone by PCR mutagenesis, with simultaneouselimination of the His6tag, and these were shuttled i

35、nto pA112 via uniqueSse8387I and XbaI sites flanking the upstream copy of the N gene.Donor RNA transcription vectors encoding derivatives of the gene for greenfluorescent protein (GFP) replacing most of gene 4 of MHV were constructedfrom pMH54GFP (7) (generously provided by Jayasri Das Sarma and Sus

36、anWeiss, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine). N protein domain 3 (inconstruct pMH54GFP-d3) or N protein spacer B plus domain 3 (in constructpMH54GFP-Bd3) was fused to the GFP open reading frame (ORF) by three-way ligations making use of the unique SalI and NotI sites bounding the GFPgene

37、in pMH54GFP (7) as well as a BsrGI site near the carboxy terminus of theGFP ORF. In each case, the BsrGI-NotI fragment incorporating the N genesegment was generated by PCR, and a two-amino-acid spacer (SG), creating aunique BspEI site, was added between the GFP ORF and the start of the N genesegment

38、. Derivatives of pMH54GFP-Bd3 containing the CCA4 mutations werethen made by PCR mutagenesis, replacing the BspEI-NotI fragment encompass-ing the N gene segment.To bacterially produce maltose binding protein fused to the carboxy terminusof the N protein, the region of the N gene encoding spacer B pl

39、us domain 3 wascloned between the BamHI and HindIII sites of vector pMAL-p2 (New EnglandBiolabs). The fusion protein (designated MBP-Bd3) and control maltose bindingprotein were inducibly expressed in Rosetta(DE3)pLysS cells (Novagen).All manipulations of DNA were carried out by standard methods (42

40、). Thecompositions of all plasmid constructs were initially verified by restriction anal-ysis. Then all cloned cDNA precursors, PCR-generated segments, and newlyreconstructed or created junctions of each plasmid were confirmed by automatedDNA sequencing.Mutant construction by targeted RNA recombinat

41、ion. Mutants CCA1, CCA2,CCA3, CCA5, and CCA6 were created by targeted recombination betweendonor RNAs from pB36-derived transcription vectors and the recipient virusAlb4 (22), as described previously (29). All other viral mutants were obtainedfrom targeted recombination using the interspecies chimer

42、a fMHV.v2 as therecipient virus, as described in detail previously (17, 2325). In brief, monolayersof feline AK-D or FCWF cells were infected with fMHV.v2 and were subse-quently transfected with capped synthetic donor RNA by electroporation (GenePulserII; Bio-Rad). Donor RNAs were generated by trans

43、cription with T7 RNApolymerase (mMessage mMachine; Ambion) using PacI-truncated plasmid tem-plates. The infected and transfected feline cells either were overlaid onto murinecell monolayers or else were directly plated into 10-cm2wells. Released progenyvirus was harvested at 24 to 48 h postinfection

44、 at 37C. Recombinant candidateswere selected and purified by two rounds of plaque titration on murine L2 cellmonolayers at 37C.For analysis of each recombinant candidate, total RNA was extracted frominfected 17Cl1 cell monolayers (Ultraspec reagent; Biotecx), and reverse tran-scription of RNA was ca

45、rried out with a random hexanucleotide primer andavian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (Life Sciences). To ascertain thepresence of incorporated mutations or genes, PCR amplifications of cDNAswere performed with AmpliTaq polymerase (Roche) using primer pairs flankingthe relevant regions o

46、f the genome. RT-PCR products were analyzed directly byagarose gel electrophoresis and were purified with Quantum-prep columns (Bio-Rad) prior to automated sequencing.Western blotting. For preparation of lysates, confluent monolayers (10 to 25cm2) of 17Cl1 cells either were mock infected or were inf

47、ected with wild-typeMHV or constructed mutants; cells were then incubated at 33C or 37C. At 6 to18 h postinfection, monolayers were washed twice with phosphate-buffered salineand then lysed by addition of 600 ?l of 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl,1.0% Nonidet P-40, 0.7 ?g/ml pepstatin, 1.0 ?g/ml

48、 leupeptin, 1.0 ?g/ml aprotinin,and 0.5 mg/ml Pefabloc SC (Roche). Lysates were held for 5 to 15 min on ice andwere then clarified by centrifugation. For analysis of proteins assembled intoMHV virions, viruses were purified by polyethylene glycol precipitation followedby two cycles of equilibrium ce

49、ntrifugation on potassium tartrate-glycerol gradi-ents, as described in detail previously (48). Samples of either infected-cell lysatesor purified virions were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis through 10% or 12% polyacrylamide gels and then transferred toa polyvi

50、nylidene difluoride membrane. Blots were probed with one of the fol-lowing antibodies: anti-N monoclonal antibody (MAb) J.3.3, anti-M MAb J.1.3(MAbs J.3.3 and J.1.3 were generously provided by John Fleming, University ofWisconsin, Madison), an anti-HA epitope tag MAb (MAb 12CA5; Roche), apolyclonal

51、rabbit antiserum raised against a bacterially expressed maltose bind-ing protein-MHV N protein fusion, or an anti-GFP MAb (BD Biosciences).Bound primary antibodies were visualized using a chemiluminescent detectionsystem (ECL; Amersham).13286HURST ET AL.J. VIROL. on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina Sta

52、te University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from RESULTSIsolation of mutants in domain 3 of the N protein. In pre-vious work our laboratory constructed a highly defective Mprotein mutant, M?2, in which the carboxy-terminal two aminoacids of M protein were truncated (24). Analysis of second-s

53、iterevertants of M?2 demonstrated that certain mutations in thecarboxy-terminal region of the N protein could compensate forthe M protein truncation, suggesting a direct interaction be-tween these two protein domains. To further examine thefunction of domain 3 of the MHV N protein, we generated acom

54、prehensive set of six CCA mutants spanning domain 3,generally following the algorithm of Wertman and coworkers(46). In each case where two or more charged amino acidsoccurred within a sliding window of five or six residues, amutant was designed that replaced all charged residues withalanines (Fig. 1

55、A). This mutagenesis strategy tests the assump-tion that linear clusters of charged amino acids are foundmainly on the surfaces of proteins, where they can potentiallymake strong contributions to protein-protein interactions.The six CCA mutants were isolated by targeted RNA re-combination, a method

56、that is used for the site-specific intro-duction of mutations into coronaviruses via recombination be-tween a synthetic donor RNA and a recipient virus that can becounterselected (28, 30). CCA mutants 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 wereobtained by an earlier version of targeted recombination thatmade use of sele

57、ction against a thermolabile recipient virus,Alb4 (22, 29). These mutants were phenotypically indistin-guishable from the wild type, with the exception of mutantCCA3, which formed somewhat smaller plaques than the wildtype at all temperatures tested (data not shown). Despite re-peated attempts, howe

58、ver, we could not obtain mutant CCA4from Alb4. Additional attempts were made to obtain CCA4following the development of a host-range-based selective sys-tem for targeted RNA recombination. This system makes useof an interspecies chimera, named fMHV, which has the spikeectodomain of feline infectious

59、 peritonitis virus (FIPV) inplace of that of MHV. As a result, fMHV grows in feline cellsbut not in mouse cells. This tropism is reversed by targetedFIG. 1. Construction of a comprehensive set of CCA mutants in domain 3 of the N protein of MHV. (A) Schematic of the proposed structureof MHV N protein

60、, with three domains separated by two short spacers (designated A and B) (22, 29, 39, 40). The expanded region of amino acidsequence shows the carboxy terminus of N protein, including part of spacer B and all of domain 3. Residue numbers and charged residues areindicated above the wild-type sequence

61、; for CCA mutants 1 through 6, only those residues that differ from the wild type are shown. (B) Strategyfor selection of mutant CCA4 by targeted RNA recombination between the interspecies chimera fMHV.v2 (17) and donor RNA transcribed froma derivative of plasmid pMH54 (23). fMHV.v2 contains the ect

62、odomain-encoding region of the FIPV S gene (shaded rectangle) and grows in felinecells but not in murine cells. A single crossover within the HE gene should generate a recombinant that has simultaneously reacquired the MHVS ectodomain and the ability to grow in murine cells and has also incorporated

63、 the mutations in the N gene (star). The rearranged order of genesfollowing the S gene in fMHV.v2 precludes the occurrence of a secondary crossover event downstream of the S gene (17). (C) Plaques of purifiedmutant CCA4 (Alb334) compared to the reconstructed wild type (Alb240) (25). Plaque titration

64、s were carried out on mouse L2 cells at 37C.Monolayers were stained with neutral red at 72 h postinfection and were photographed 18 h later.VOL. 79, 2005INTERACTION BETWEEN CORONAVIRUS N AND M PROTEINS13287 on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from

65、recombination with a donor RNA that restores the MHV Sectodomain and simultaneously transduces additional con-structed mutations into the MHV genome. Resulting mutantsare selected on the basis of the restoration of the ability of thevirus to grow in mouse cells (23, 24). In a recent version of thiss

66、ystem, the genes downstream of S have been rearranged in therecipient virus fMHV.v2 (Fig. 1B), thereby effectively eliminat-ing the possibility of downstream crossover events that couldexclude the mutation(s) of interest (17).A total of 12 independent targeted recombination experi-ments with donor R

67、NA containing the CCA4 mutations wereconducted in three separate sets, in which wild-type donorRNA yielded robust numbers of control recombinants. In onlyone of these trials were we able to recover three tiny-plaquesiblings, designated Alb334, Alb335, and Alb340. All three ofthese mutant candidates

68、were confirmed to have the two pointmutations creating the residue changes D440A and D441Aexpected for CCA4. However, all three also contained a nearbymutation, I438S, resulting from an additional single-nucleotidechange. This low frequency of success, as well as our failure toobtain any recombinant

69、 solely harboring the CCA4 mutations,suggested that the additional mutation is required for the via-bility of the CCA4 mutant.Isolation and mapping of revertants of CCA4. The CCA4mutant exhibited an extremely defective phenotype, reminis-cent of that of the previously studied M?2 mutant (24). Itprod

70、uced much smaller plaques than the wild type (Fig. 1C),and it grew to maximal titers that were orders of magnitudebelow those of the wild type. Even more severely than for theM?2 mutant, stocks of the CCA4 mutant could accumulaterevertants within a single passage, because of the strong selec-tive pr

71、essure imposed by the growth defect of the mutant. Toexamine the molecular basis for reversion, we isolated andcharacterized a total of 28 revertants (Fig. 2). Revertants 3, 15,26, and 28 were identified as large-plaque isolates from theoriginal passage-3 stocks of Alb334 and Alb335 and are inde-pen

72、dent, since they differ from one another. Each of the otherrevertants was individually obtained as a large plaque isolatedfrom a passage-3 stock begun from an independent tiny plaqueof either Alb334, Alb335, or Alb340. Most revertants hadplaques that were wild-type sized, although some had sizesinte

73、rmediate between those of the mutant and the wild type;all revertants isolated were purified through two rounds ofplaque titration.To map possible genetic changes that could counteract theCCA4 lesion, we sequenced RT-PCR products from each re-vertant spanning the entirety of the E, M, and N genes. T

74、heresults of this analysis, summarized in Fig. 2, allow two generalinferences. First, with one potential exception, all revertingmutations were second-site. This possibly means that a singlechange of either A440 or A441 back to aspartate is insufficientto restore wild-type function to the N protein.

75、 Second, mostreverting mutations were found more than once, implying thatthe revertant search was saturating. In light of this, it is note-worthy that, as with revertants of the M?2 mutant (24), nochange was found in the E gene of any of the 28 independentrevertants of CCA4.Significantly, nine rever

76、tants were mapped to the M gene,identifying four residue changes, I128T, Y143H, Y156H, andV202I, that potentially could individually suppress the CCA4mutation in the N gene (Fig. 2). This intergenic compensation,although spread over a wider region than that of the intragenicrevertants of the M?2 mut

77、ant (24), provided further evidencefor an interaction between the M protein endodomain anddomain 3 of the N protein. To establish whether the mutationsfound in M were indeed responsible for reversion of the NCCA4 mutant, we independently reconstructed each of theserevertants. Initially, however, it

78、was necessary to clarify the roleof the I438S mutation in N protein. To accomplish this, wedirectly examined the progeny of targeted recombinations re-sulting from transfection of fMHV.v2-infected cells with donorRNA containing the mutations of interest. This direct ap-proach was taken to avoid sele

79、ction of additional revertingmutations that might accumulate upon purification and pas-sage of reconstructed candidate revertants. When targeted re-combination was carried out with donor RNA containing theI438S mutation in addition to the original CCA4 mutations(D440A and D441A), tiny-plaque recombi

80、nants were obtainedat a high frequency (Fig. 3). This showed both that I438S is anadaptive mutation that is required for recovery of the CCA4mutant and also that the original D440A and D441A mutationsalone are apparently lethal. When targeted recombination wascarried out with donor RNA containing ea

81、ch one of the can-didate M protein reverting mutations combined with all threeCCA4 mutations, only large-plaque recombinants were ob-tained, and these were the same size as reconstructed wild-typerecombinants (Fig. 3). This demonstrated that all four of themutations identified in the M protein were

82、individually able tocompensate for the defect in the CCA4 mutant. It incidentallyalso showed that the N protein mutation P199S in revertant 6is extraneous (Fig. 2), since the M protein Y156H mutation issufficient for reversion.The other 19 revertants mapped to the N gene (Fig. 2).Thirteen of these c

83、ontained the same single-residue change,Q437L. Remarkably, this identical mutation had previouslybeen shown to be an intergenic suppressor of the M?2 muta-tion (24). Two other point mutations, D386G and S438C (thelatter of which changes the adaptive mutation I438S), alsoappeared to account for rever

84、sion in revertants 24 and 10,respectively. The remaining four intragenic revertants hadmore extensive changes brought about by insertions or dele-tions. In revertant 25, a 15-nt insertion resulted in the replace-ment of V407 by ELKYYL at the boundary of spacer B anddomain 3 (Fig. 2). The 15 inserted

85、 nucleotides (5?-AACUGAAAUACUACC-3?) exactly match a tract of negative-strandRNA in the S1 region of the S gene. In revertant 26, a 40-ntinsertion resulted in the replacement of the carboxy-terminalfour amino acids of the N molecule by 13 heterologous resi-dues. Curiously, this insertion (5?-AAUGCUG

86、CAACACUUUCAUUUAUUGGAUGGUCAUCAUCCU-3?)mayalsohave arisen by nonhomologous recombination with the S gene,since 31 of its bases form a gapped match to the positive strandof a different part of the S1 region. Conversely, the otherrevertants contained in-frame deletions: of a single amino acid,Q437 (reve

87、rtant 28), and of 17 amino acids at the boundary ofspacer B and domain 3 (revertant 27). Additionally, revertant27 had a point mutation, A440V (changing the original D440Amutation). For the most frequent intragenic reverting muta-tion, Q437L, we demonstrated by reconstruction that this sin-gle chang

88、e was in fact responsible for the suppression of the13288HURST ET AL.J. VIROL. on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from FIG. 2. Summary of the sequence analysis of the E, M, and N genes of revertants of CCA4 sibling isolates Alb334, Alb335, and Alb

89、340.Revertants 1, 4 to 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 25, and 26 were obtained from Alb334; revertants 2, 3, 7 to 9, 11, 14, 16, 27, and 28 were from Alb335; revertants17 to 24 were from Alb340. The E, M, and N proteins are represented linearly at the top. Solid rectangles indicate the membrane-bound domainsof

90、the E and M proteins; the gray rectangle indicates the RNA-binding domain of the N protein (27, 35). Positions within the M and N proteinsat which potential reverting mutations were found are connected by arrows to the wild-type residue, under which the changes found in eachrevertant are given. All

91、coding changes are shown; the only other changes were silent mutations at codon 8 of the M protein and at codon 212 ofthe N protein of revertants 11 and 9, respectively. No changes were found in the E gene of any of the revertants. Boxed residues are those thatwere chosen for further analysis. At th

92、e bottom are shown the carboxy-terminal sequences of the N proteins of revertants 25 to 28 in comparisonto those of the wild type and the CCA4 mutant. Amino acid residues that differ from those of the wild type, including insertions, are underlined;arrowheads indicate the positions of deletions.VOL.

93、 79, 2005INTERACTION BETWEEN CORONAVIRUS N AND M PROTEINS13289 on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from CCA4 phenotype (data not shown). At this time, however, theother N protein revertants have not been reconstructed. Al-though it remains formally

94、 possible that undiscovered muta-tions elsewhere in the genome actually caused the observedreversion, we think this is unlikely, because the putative revert-ing mutations were the only changes found in the entire E, M,and N genes, and they were located very close to the primarymutations.Rescue of th

95、e CCA4 mutant by wild-type N protein. Toexamine whether N protein harboring the CCA4 mutationscould interfere with the function of wild-type N protein, weexamined the phenotype of a partially diploid MHV containingboth a wild-type and a mutant copy of the N gene. It has beenshown previously that the

96、 N gene, with its intact transcription-regulating sequence, can be transposed to an upstream posi-tion, replacing the nonessential gene 4 (11). This genomicrearrangement has little effect on the level of N protein ex-pression and no detectable effect on the viral phenotype intissue culture. Moreover

97、, the placement of an HA epitope tagwithin spacer B plus a His6tag at the carboxy terminus has noeffect on the function of the transposed N gene (Koetzner andMasters, unpublished). We have also constructed mutants inwhich the transposed copy of the N gene (designated N2) ispresent in addition to the

98、 N gene in its normal genomic posi-tion (designated N1) (Fig. 4A). This duplication is stablebecause, although recombination can occur between the twocopies of the N gene, such recombinants do not propagate dueto deletion of the intervening M and E genes (Koetzner andFIG. 3. Reconstruction of viruse

99、s containing the N gene adaptive mutation I438S and M gene reverting mutations of the CCA4 lesion.Derivative plasmids were constructed from the wild-type plasmid pSG6 (17), or from pSG6 containing the N gene CCA4 mutations (D440A andD441A) and the adaptive mutation I438S, in the presence or absence

100、of individual candidate M gene reverting mutations. Donor RNAs transcribedfrom these vectors were used in targeted recombination experiments with fMHV.v2, as shown in the schematic in Fig. 1B, and progeny viruses weretitrated directly on mouse L2 cells at 37C. Monolayers were stained with neutral re

101、d at 72 h postinfection and were photographed 18 h later. Ineach case, plaques from two independent infection-transfections were subsequently purified by two rounds of plaque titration, and the presenceof the expected mutant or wild-type sequences in the M and N genes was confirmed by direct sequenc

102、ing of RT-PCR products prepared from RNApurified from virus-infected cells.13290HURST ET AL.J. VIROL. on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from FIG. 4. Rescue of the CCA4 mutant by wild-type N protein. (A) Schematic of the downstream end of the geno

103、me of the wild type (Alb240)and four recombinants in which the N gene is duplicated. In each, the wild-type copy of the N gene, in its normal genomic locus, is designated N1.In Alb284, the second copy of the N gene, designated N2, is wild type. In Alb429 and Alb430, N2 contains the CCA4 mutations D4

104、40A andD441A, and N2 of Alb429 additionally contains the adaptive mutation I438S. In Alb330, N2 contains a deletion of amino acids 134 to 248 withindomain 2 of the molecule. The HA and His6epitope tags are indicated by gray rectangles. (B) Plaques of the wild type (Alb240) and the Nduplication mutan

105、ts Alb284, Alb429, and Alb430. Plaque titrations were carried out on mouse L2 cells at 37C. Monolayers were stained withneutral red at 72 h postinfection and were photographed 18 h later. (C to F) Western blots of lysates from cells infected with N duplication mutantAlb284, Alb330, Alb429, or Alb430

106、 (C and D) or of purified virions (C, E, and F) probed with an antibody for the HA epitope tag (C), N protein(D and E), or M protein (F).VOL. 79, 2005INTERACTION BETWEEN CORONAVIRUS N AND M PROTEINS13291 on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from Mas

107、ters, unpublished). To test the effect of the CCA4 muta-tions in such a context, we constructed N duplication mutantsin which the N2 gene contained the D440A and D441Amutations in either the presence (Alb429) or the absence(Alb430) of the adaptive mutation I438S (Fig. 4A). BothAlb429 and Alb430 form

108、ed plaques that were indistinguishablefrom those of Alb284, which has a wild-type N2 gene (Fig.4B). In turn, plaques of all three of these duplication mutantswere the same size as those of the wild-type virus, Alb240, andall mutants and the wild type grew to comparable titers. Thisresult shows that

109、the CCA4 lesion is not strongly dominant-negative, which is consistent with the notion that the CCA4mutations act by attenuating or abolishing an essential inter-action of N protein rather than by creating a novel, deleteriousinteraction.To ascertain whether the N2 protein was expressed in theduplic

110、ation mutants, Western blot analysis was performed withinfected-cell lysates and with purified virions. As shown in Fig.4C, an anti-HA antibody detected expression of similaramounts of N2 protein in cells infected with Alb284, Alb429,and Alb430. To demonstrate the specificity of the anti-HA tag,we i

111、ncluded, as an additional control, a duplication mutant,Alb330, in which N2 contains an extensive deletion in domain2. For Alb330-infected cells, a band of the expected molecularmass for N2, 39 kDa, was detected by the anti-HA antibody(Fig. 4C), whereas anti-N MAb J.3.3 detected both the 39-kDaN2 an

112、d the 50-kDa N1 proteins (Fig. 4D). Figure 4D alsoshows that, at least for Alb330, the N2 and N1 proteins wereexpressed in comparable amounts. We also found that N2protein from each of the CCA4 duplication mutants Alb429and Alb430 was incorporated into purified virions in amountssimilar to that of t

113、he wild-type N2 from Alb284 (Fig. 4C).Control blots probed with anti-N and anti-M MAbs showedthat equivalent amounts of virions were analyzed (Fig. 4E andF). Taken together, these results suggest that the CCA4 lesionis a specific defect rather than one creating gross misfolding ordegradation, since

114、sufficient N-N or N-RNA interactions wereretained to allow incorporation of the mutant N protein intovirions in the presence of wild-type N protein. Somewhat sur-prisingly, a fraction of the N2 protein of Alb330 was alsoincorporated into virions. Owing to the large deletion in do-main 2, we would ex

115、pect this mutant N protein to have lostRNA-binding ability, but it apparently still retained either N-Mor N-N interactions, or both.Overlap of the CCA4 mutations and the epitope for MAbJ.3.3. The anti-N MAb J.3.3 is a widely used reagent in studiesof MHV. This antibody was raised against MHV strain

116、JHM,but it is broadly cross-reactive with the N proteins of a numberof MHV strains, including A59 (15). During the course ofexperiments related to the present work, we found that MAbJ.3.3 recognized an expressed (MHV-A59) N protein frag-ment, comprising just spacer B and domain 3 (amino acids 380thr

117、ough 454), fused to the maltose binding protein (Fig. 5A).This observation was consistent with a previous report thatMAb J.3.3 failed to react with expressed MHV-JHM N proteinthat had been truncated from amino acid 374 through 455 (43).These results prompted us to attempt to further localize theepit

118、ope for MAb J.3.3 with various N protein mutants. For thispurpose, we used two N duplication mutants with large dele-tions in N2, similar to Alb330 (Fig. 4C): N2 of Ndel12 hasa deletion spanning parts of domain 2 and spacer B, and N2of Ndel20 has a deletion spanning all of spacer B and domain3. We a

119、lso examined the classical N protein deletion mutant,Alb4, which lacks spacer B (22), and an intergenic revertant ofthe M?2 mutant that has a Q437L mutation in N protein (andno other change in spacer B or domain 3) (24). In Westernblots of lysates from cells infected with each of these viruses,both

120、MAb J.3.3 and polyclonal anti-N antisera detected allexpected N proteins for wild-type MHV-A59 (50 kDa), theM?2 revertant (50 kDa), Alb4 (47 kDa), and Ndel12 (50 kDafor N1 and 29 kDa for N2 (Fig. 5B). For Ndel20, however,only N1 was recognized by MAb J.3.3, while a polyclonalanti-N antibody detected

121、 both the 50-kDa N1 and the 43-kDaN2. These observations, together with the known N proteinsequence variation between the A59 and JHM strains (39),both confirmed the mapping of the MAb J.3.3 epitope to thecarboxy terminus of the molecule and ruled out spacer B (Fig.5E). We next examined lysates from

122、 cells infected with each ofthe six CCA mutants. In this case, MAb J.3.3 was found to befully reactive with N proteins from mutants CCA1, CCA2,CCA3, and CCA6, but it failed to recognize the CCA4 Nprotein at all and only weakly detected the CCA5 N protein(Fig. 5C and D). Based on these results, we in

123、fer that theepitope for MAb J.3.3 is contained within amino acids 438through 448 of the N protein (Fig. 5E). It must be noted,however, that since we have not shown that this 11-amino-acidsegment can be recognized in the context of an entirely heter-ologous protein, we cannot yet rule out the possibi

124、lity thatother residues in domain 3 contribute to the ability to reactwith MAb J.3.3. Interestingly, the locus of residues 438 through448 precisely overlaps the major determinant of the N-M in-teraction as defined by the CCA4 mutant, suggesting that thisregion of the N molecule is displayed on a sur

125、face easily ac-cessible for protein-protein contacts, either with antibody orwith M protein.N protein domain 3 is sufficient for incorporation of a for-eign protein into MHV virions. To determine whether theputative M-interacting region of N can be transferred to an-other protein, we created a serie

126、s of recombinants expressingvariants of GFP. For this purpose, we used the same donorRNA vector, pMHV54GFP, that had previously been reportedby Das Sarma and coworkers to optimally express the gene forenhanced GFP in place of the nonessential gene 4 (7). Inaddition to a recombinant expressing native

127、 (enhanced) GFP,we constructed viruses expressing GFP with a carboxy-terminalextension of N protein domain 3, GFP-Nd3(wt), or expressingGFP with both spacer B and domain 3, GFP-NBd3(wt) (Fig.6A). Two further recombinants were also tested: GFP-NBd3(DA,DA) and GFP-NBd3(IS,DA,DA), in which theGFP-NBd3

128、fusion protein contained the CCA4 mutationsD440A and D441A, without or with the adaptive mutationI438S. Western blot analysis of lysates from cells infected withthese and wild-type control viruses revealed abundant expres-sion of the expected set of proteins, as identified by the anti-GFP antibody (

129、Fig. 6B). As noted previously (7, 13), GFP andderivative proteins had slower mobilities by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than would be ex-pected for proteins of their molecular masses (27 kDa for GFP,32 kDa for GFP-Nd3, and 35 kDa for GFP-NBd3). We alsodetected a cross-rea

130、cting protein of roughly 55 kDa in all13292HURST ET AL.J. VIROL. on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from FIG. 5. Localization of the epitope for anti-N MAb J.3.3 (15). (A) Western blots of lysates from bacterial cells that inducibly expressed eith

131、ermaltose binding protein (MBP) or maltose binding protein with a carboxy-terminal fusion of spacer B and domain 3 of the N protein (MBP-NBd3).Bacterial cultures were harvested prior to induction (unind) or after 1.5 or 3.0 h of induction. (B) Western blots of lysates from cells that were eithermock

132、 infected or else infected with wild-type MHV-A59, N duplication mutant Ndel20 (Alb354) or Ndel12 (Alb381), or Mdel2rev (Alb302). Thegenomic arrangement of the N duplication mutants is similar to that of Alb330 (see Fig. 4). In Ndel20, the N2 gene contains a deletion of aminoacids 381 to 453 in spac

133、er B and domain 3; in Ndel12, the N2 gene contains a deletion of amino acids 188 to 387 in domain 2 and spacer B. BothNdel20 and Ndel12 contain the His6epitope tag; Ndel12 also retains a fragment of the HA epitope tag, while Ndel20 lacks it entirely. Mdel2revis an intergenic revertant of the M?2 mut

134、ant that has the suppressor mutation Q437L in the N gene. (C and D) Western blots of lysates from cellsthat were mock infected or infected with CCA mutants 1 to 6. Blots were probed with MAb J.3.3 (A, top panel of B, and C) or polyclonal anti-Nantibodies (bottom panel of B and D). (E) Summary of the

135、 abilities of various strains and mutants to cross-react with MAb J.3.3. The sequenceof the carboxy terminus of the wild-type MHV-A59 N protein is shown at the top. For all other viruses, only residues that differ from the wild type(A59) are shown; dashes indicate deleted residues. In Alb4 and Ndel2

136、0, the entire deletion is shown. In Ndel12 only the downstream end of thedeletion is represented, and the remnant of the HA tag is underlined. The gray rectangle indicates the region to which the MAb J.3.3 epitope maps.VOL. 79, 2005INTERACTION BETWEEN CORONAVIRUS N AND M PROTEINS13293 on May 8, 2015

137、 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from lysates, including mock-infected cells and cells infected withwild-type MHV; however, this nonspecific band was easily dif-ferentiated from those of the lower-molecular-weight GFPconstructs.When purified virions of the sa

138、me set of recombinant viruseswere analyzed in Western blots, only GFP constructs that con-tained fusions of N protein domain 3 were detected (Fig. 6C).The GFP-NBd3(wt) protein was incorporated into virions at amarkedly higher level than the GFP-Nd3(wt) protein, possiblybecause spacer B provided the

139、necessary distance and flexibil-ity for the functioning of domain 3 outside of its native context.Notably, the CCA4 mutations in GFP-NBd3(DA,DA) andGFP-NBd3(IS,DA,DA) severely reduced, but did not abolish,the incorporation of GFP-NBd3 into virions. Although domain3 clearly enabled the specific incor

140、poration of GFP into MHVvirions, the amount of GFP incorporation, on a molar basis,was well below that of the N protein. This was apparent fromCoomassie blue staining of gels of electrophoresed purifiedvirions, which detected N protein but not GFP derivatives (Fig.6D). The lower molar incorporation

141、of GFP-NBd3 or GFP-Nd3 into virions was likely due to the monovalent nature of theGFP fusion constructs, in contrast to the highly multivalentsetting of N domain 3 in the nucleocapsid. We would expectthe latter to have a far higher avidity for its interacting partner.DISCUSSIONIn previous work it wa

142、s shown that truncation of just the twocarboxy-terminal residues of the MHV M protein, R227 andT228, produced a severely impaired mutant, designated M?2(24). The M?2 virus exhibited a tiny-plaque phenotype and alow growth yield, and it gave rise to spontaneous large-plaquerevertants upon being passa

143、ged. These revertants were allfound to be second-site, mapping either to nearby residues ofthe M protein or else to a locus near the carboxy terminus ofthe N protein that included residue Q437 (Fig. 7). In thepresent study, we constructed a comprehensive set of all sixpossible clustered charged-to-a

144、lanine mutants in the carboxy-terminal domain 3 of the N protein. Each of these mutants hada wild-type or nearly wild type phenotype, except for one,CCA4, which had severely defective characteristics very similarto those of M?2, including the formation of tiny plaques.The originally engineered mutat

145、ions of the CCA4 mutant,D440A and D441A, were most likely lethal, as evidenced byFIG. 6. Transfer of the M-interacting region of N protein to a heterologous protein. (A) Schematic of the downstream end of the genome ofthe wild type (Alb240) and five recombinants in which the GFP gene replaces the no

146、nessential gene 4. Mutant GFP is identical to the MHV-A59EGFP recombinant described previously (7). Mutant GFP-Nd3(wt) contains the wild-type domain 3 of the N protein linked to the carboxy terminusof GFP. Mutant GFP-NBd3(wt) contains the wild-type spacer B and domain 3 of the N protein. Mutants GFP

147、-NBd3(DA,DA) and GFP-NBd3(IS,DA,DA) both contain spacer B and domain 3 with the CCA4 mutations D440A and D441A; GFP-NBd3(IS,DA,DA) additionallycontains the adaptive mutation I438S. (B and C) Western blots of lysates from cells infected with the wild type or GFP-expressing mutants (B),or of purified

148、virions (C), probed with an antibody for GFP. The amounts of virions analyzed in each lane of panel C were normalized to containequivalent amounts of N protein, as determined by staining with Coomassie blue (D).13294HURST ET AL.J. VIROL. on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshtt

149、p:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from the fact that they could be recovered only in the company of anadditional nearby mutation, I438S. We found that, in an MHVconstruct containing a duplication of the N gene, wild-type Nprotein was able to rescue N proteins containing either the twocharged-to-alanine muta

150、tions or all three mutations. Thisshowed that the CCA4 mutations are loss-of-function muta-tions rather than dominant-negative mutations. Moreover, inthe context of the N duplication construct, both of the mutantN proteins were expressed at levels comparable to those of thewild-type copy of the N pr

151、otein (Fig. 4). This suggested that themutant N proteins folded normally and that the CCA4 pheno-type was due to failure to form an essential interaction and didnot result from extensive degradation of mutant N protein.Analysis of multiple independent large-plaque-forming re-vertants of the CCA4 mut

152、ant has resulted in a very clearconvergence with the M?2 mutant results (Fig. 7). Like theM?2 revertants (24), revertants of the CCA4 mutant retainedthe original lesion and exhibited second-site mutations thatwere either intragenic (in spacer B or domain 3 of the Nprotein) or intergenic (in the carb

153、oxy-terminal tail of the Mprotein) (Fig. 2). The presence of the latter class of revertantsleads us to believe that we have now mapped here the recip-rocal of the M protein-N protein interaction that was previ-ously revealed by the M?2 mutant. One picture that emergesfrom our results is that a major

154、 component of the M protein-Nprotein interface may well be a salt bridge between R227 of Mprotein and D440 and/or D441 of N protein, as was formerlyhypothesized (24). However, other observations argue that theM-N interaction is more complex. Arginine side chains notonly form electrostatic interactio

155、ns but also are capable ofparticipation in hydrogen bond networks and in hydrophobiccontacts (2). In addition, we were not able to simply exchangeR227 of the M protein and D440 and D441 of the N protein(data not shown). Surprisingly, it was possible to construct aviable mutant in which R227 of M pro

156、tein was replaced with apair of aspartate residues. However, the replacement of bothD440 and D441 of N protein with a single arginine was lethal,whether in the background of a wild-type M protein or in thatof an R227DD mutant M protein.Remarkably, 13 of 19 independent intragenic reversionevents in t

157、he CCA4 mutant were caused by a single mutation,Q437L (Fig. 2), which had previously been identified as re-sponsible for second-site reversion of the M?2 mutation (24).As with the M?2 revertants, this may be explained by thesubstitution of hydrophobic interactions between L437 of Nprotein and L225 a

158、nd/or L226 of M protein, replacing lostelectrostatic interactions. Other N protein intragenic revertingmutations are more difficult to account for at this time. Nota-bly, four of these contain insertions or deletions in spacer B ordomain 3 (Fig. 2, revertants 25 to 28). The net effect of theserevert

159、ing events may be to change the phasing of the proteinsecondary structure, making alternative residues available forelectrostatic or hydrophobic interactions with the M protein.At the RNA level, these revertants show that extreme selectivepressure can reveal unusual nonhomologous rearrangementsthat

160、are likely to be occurring constantly at a low frequencyduring MHV RNA synthesis. In particular, the insertions inrevertants 25 and 26 appear to be scavenged fragments ofORFs from other parts of the genome.Consideration of the combined results from the M?2 andCCA4 mutants suggests that the interacti

161、ng regions of the Nand M proteins can be sharply localized in the N proteinprimary sequence but not in the M protein primary sequence(Fig. 7). In the N protein, our CCA mutation set spanned allcharged residues in domain 3. Among these mutants, only theCCA4 mutant had a noteworthy phenotype, and the

162、CCA4mutations fall precisely adjacent to the locus of the intergenicrevertants of M?2 (24). By contrast, in the M protein, inter-genic revertants of the CCA4 mutant cover a region of some 75residues of the cytoplasmic tail, partially overlapping the sitesof intragenic revertants of the M?2 mutant. I

163、f residue R227 isthe major point of M protein interaction with the N protein,then many other residues, some quite distant in the primarysequence, presumably alter the way in which R227 is madeFIG. 7. Genetic cross talk between the N and M proteins. The domain structure of N protein is shown linearly

164、, as in Fig. 1. For the M protein,solid rectangles indicate the three transmembrane (tm) domains. Primary mutations that disrupt N-M interactions (the original lesions of the M?2and CCA4 mutants) are boxed. The locations of second-site mutations, each of which individually suppresses one of the prim

165、ary mutations, areindicated by lines or brackets; the asterisk represents a stop codon. The M?2 primary and reverting mutations (24) are in gray; the CCA4 primaryand reverting mutations (this study) are in black. Arrows indicate compensating intramolecular and intermolecular interactions. (Inset) Sc

166、hematicof the relative topologies and interfaces of the M, N, and E proteins at or within the virion envelope.VOL. 79, 2005INTERACTION BETWEEN CORONAVIRUS N AND M PROTEINS13295 on May 8, 2015 by North Carolina State University Librarieshttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from accessible to N domain 3. This

167、 is likely a reflection of thecomplexity of the folding of the M cytoplasmic endodomain.Additionally, there must be limitations on allowable changes inthe M sequence that could compensate for the CCA4 lesionwhile not adversely affecting any of the other functions of M,since mutations in many parts o

168、f this protein can alter criticalinteractions with other M molecules as well as with the Sprotein (9, 10).The more defined localization of the interacting portion ofthe N protein allowed us to establish that attachment of do-main 3 of N was sufficient for the selective incorporation of aheterologous

169、 molecule into MHV virions (Fig. 6). Incorpora-tion of a GFP-N domain 3 chimera into virions was enhancedby the inclusion of spacer B of the N protein, an effect that ismost likely attributable to the provision of sufficient separationof domain 3 from the GFP molecule. We do not think thatspacer B p

170、lays a specific role in interacting with M, because thesequence of spacer B is highly divergent among different MHVstrains (39), and it can also be engineered to contain variousforeign motifs with no consequence to viral phenotype (40)(unpublished data). The monovalent GFP-NBd3 construct,however, wa

171、s not able to mimic the cooperative M binding ofthe multivalent nucleocapsid. Consequently, GFP-NBd3 wasnot incorporated into virions at levels comparable to those ofnative N protein. The attachment of N domain 3 to a self-associating heterologous protein might produce a chimera ca-pable of competin

172、g with the nucleocapsid.It should be noted that we cannot yet conclusively rule outthe possibility that other parts of the N molecule play a role inassociation with M protein or that more than one type of N-Minteraction exists. In this regard, it remains to be shown how orwhether our genetically def

173、ined interaction correlates with re-sults from biochemical and molecular biological assays thathave addressed the same question. For MHV, an early studyusing virion fractionation procedures uncovered a tempera-ture-dependent interaction between nonionic detergent-solu-bilized M protein and the viral

174、 nucleocapsid (44). Some of theexperiments in that work suggested that the M protein-nucle-ocapsid association was mediated by M binding to viral RNArather than to N protein. More recently, it was found that Nprotein could be coimmunoprecipitated from MHV-infectedcells by MAbs specific for M protein

175、. Significantly, although Nwas shown to be associated with all viral RNAs, the M proteinselected only those complexes of N molecules that were boundto genomic RNA (33). This selectivity was subsequently deter-mined to depend on the presence of the genomic RNA pack-aging signal, which could be transf

176、erred to allow the incorpo-ration of heterologous RNAs into virions (34). Further relatedwork with coexpressed MHV proteins and RNAs attributedthe selection of packaging signal RNA to the M protein (32).Thus, VLPs composed of M and E but not N protein werefound to selectively incorporate RNA contain

177、ing the MHVpackaging signal. The interaction that we have mapped ap-pears to be independent of RNA in that it can be transferredto a heterologous protein, GFP, which is not known to bind toRNA. In addition, domain 3 of the MHV N protein has beenshown to be dispensable for RNA binding (27, 35). Never

178、the-less, it is possible that, within the native N protein, domain 3becomes accessible for interaction with M only after binding toparticular RNA substrates. Such an RNA-dependent bindingof N to M has been proposed for the TGEV N protein (38).For this group 1 coronavirus, the M-N interaction was mea

179、-sured by binding of in vitro-translated M protein to immobi-lized nucleocapsid purified from virions. It was reported thatpurified N protein alone was not bound by the M protein,suggesting that the N protein that was complexed with RNA inthe viral nucleocapsid had an altered conformation comparedwi

180、th free N protein. Analysis of a series of in vitro-translateddeletion mutants of the TGEV M protein localized that pro-teins N-interacting region to amino acids 237 to 252 (38). Thissegment corresponds to amino acids 205 to 220 of the MHV Mprotein, which overlap with only one of the critical residu

181、esthat we have identified in the MHV M protein by geneticmeans (Fig. 7). However, this region of the two M sequences isvery poorly conserved, and the apparent discord between theMHV and TGEV results may stem from differences in therespective folds of the two M proteins, or differences in howindividu

182、al residues influence those folds. These relationshipsshould be clarified when crystal structures of either, or both, ofthe interacting domains of M and N become available.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to John Fleming for providing MAbs J.3.3 and J.1.3and to Jayasri Das Sarma and Susan Weiss for pM

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