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1、 Unit 5 Music【诵读诵读积积累累】1. As is well known, singing is his second life. 众所周知众所周知, 唱歌是他第二生命。唱歌是他第二生命。2. Listening to music is a way to relieve stress for the students. 听音听音乐对乐对学生学生们们来来说说是减是减轻压轻压力的方式。力的方式。3. Im not keen on American pop songs, for they are not my cup of tea. 我我对对美国流行音美国流行音乐乐不感不感兴兴趣趣, 因

2、因为为那不是我的那不是我的挚爱挚爱。4. Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. 在所有能在所有能够让够让我感到快我感到快乐乐的事情中的事情中, 唱歌是我最想做的。唱歌是我最想做的。5. Music is so important a part in my life that I even cant live without music. 音音乐乐是是我我生生活活中中如如此此重重要要的的一一部部分分以以至至于于没没有有它它我我甚甚至至无无法法生生活。活。6. Most students p

3、refer to listen to pop music while there is still a small proportion who likes classical music. 大部分学生喜大部分学生喜欢欢听流行音听流行音乐乐, 然而然而, 仍然有小部分喜仍然有小部分喜欢欢古典音古典音乐乐。7. In school, there are music lessons where students can take the chance to perform their talents. 在在学学校校里里, 有有一一些些音音乐乐课课, 在在这这些些音音乐乐课课上上学学生生们们能能够够

4、有有机机会会表表现现他他们们的才能。的才能。8. There is no limit to what I sing so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. 至至于于我我唱唱什什么么没没有有任任何何限限制制, 只只要要它它能能表表达达出出我我的的情情感感, 把把美美好好的的嗓嗓音音传传递递给给他人就可以了。他人就可以了。【尝试尝试运用运用】一一词词多多译译渴望渴望_be keen on; be eager for;be dying for; long for句式演句式演练练他如此依他如

5、此依赖赖父母以至于离开他父母以至于离开他们们他便寸步他便寸步难难行。行。_大部分人反大部分人反对这对这个个观观点点, 然而也有一些人支持然而也有一些人支持这这种种观观点。点。_ _学学习习英英语语是了解世界的一个方法。是了解世界的一个方法。_众所周知众所周知, 环环境状况正在境状况正在恶恶化。化。_He depends on his parents so much that he cant go withoutthem.The majority are against the opinion while there are somesupporting it.Learning English

6、is a way to learn about the world.As is well known, the environment is getting worse and worse. 单词盘单词盘点点核心速核心速记记1. _ (vt. & vi. ) 滚动滚动;(使使)摇摆摇摆 (n. ) 摇摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈2. _ (vt. ) 假装;假扮假装;假扮 3. _ (vt. &vi. ) 系上;系上;缚缚上;附加;上;附加;连连接接4. _ (vt. ) (使使)组组成;形成;构成成;形成;构成rollpretendattachform5. _ (vt. )

7、 赚赚;挣挣得;得;获获得得6. _ (adj. ) 额额外的;外加的外的;外加的7. _ (n. & vi. & vt. ) 广播;播放广播;播放8. _ (adj. ) 熟悉的;常熟悉的;常见见的;的;亲亲近的近的9. _ (adj. ) 痛苦的;疼痛的痛苦的;疼痛的earnextrabroadcastfamiliarpainful联联想串想串记记10. _ (n. )过过路人;行人路人;行人_ (pl. )11. _ (vt. & vi. ) 表演;履行;表演;履行;执执行行_ (n. )表演表演, 演奏演奏_ (n. )表演者表演者12. _ (vi. ) 依依赖赖;依靠;依靠_ (a

8、dj. )可靠的;可信可靠的;可信赖赖的的13. _ (adj. )幽默的;幽默的;诙谐诙谐的的_ (n. )幽默幽默passer-bypassers-byperformperformanceperformerrelyreliablehumoroushumor14. _ (adj. ) 吸引人的;有吸引力的吸引人的;有吸引力的_ (vt. )吸吸引引; 引起引起_ (n. ) 吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物15. _ (adj. ) 自信的;确信的自信的;确信的_ (n. )自信;自信;信任信任16. _ (adj. ) 简简短的;短的;简简要的要的 _ (n. ) 摘要

9、;大摘要;大纲纲_ (adv. ) 简简要地;短要地;短暂暂地地17. _ (n. ) 投入;投入;热爱热爱_ (vt. )奉献奉献; 致力于致力于_ (adj. ) 献身的;忠献身的;忠诚诚的的18. _ (adj. ) 敏感的;易受敏感的;易受伤伤害的;灵敏的害的;灵敏的_(n. ) 感感觉觉;感官;感官attractiveattractattractionconfidentconfidencebriefbriefbrieflydevotiondevotedevotedsensitivesense. 短短语语互互译译1. 梦梦见见;梦想;梦想;设设想想 _2. 认为认为有有(重要性、意重要

10、性、意义义);附上;附上;连连接接 _3. 熟悉;与熟悉;与熟悉起来熟悉起来 _4. 打碎;分裂;解体打碎;分裂;解体 _5. 另外;也另外;也 _6. 最重要;首先最重要;首先 _dream ofattach. . . tobe/get familiar withbreak upin additionabove all7. to be honest _8. in cash _9. play jokes on _10. rely on _11. or so _12. sort out _说实说实在地;在地;实话说实话说用用现现金;有金;有现钱现钱戏戏弄弄依依赖赖;依靠;依靠大大约约分分类类.

11、句型透句型透视视1. “代代词词ofwhich”构成的定构成的定语语从句从句The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, _ (其中大多数其中大多数)was based loosely on the Beatles. 2. 过过去分去分词词短短语语作定作定语语Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs _ (由由别别的音的音乐乐家家创创作的作的). most of whichwritten by other musicians3. no

12、t . . . without . . . 双重否定句式双重否定句式Freddy and his band _(无无论论走到哪里都会有人跟随走到哪里都会有人跟随). 4. as if引引导导方式状方式状语语从句从句Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked _ (就像他就像他们们是密友是密友). could not go out anywhere without beingfollowedas if they were close friends. 语语篇完形篇完形

13、 To be honest, most of us have 1. _ of being part of a band as a famous singer or musician. Many bands may start as a group of high-school students. Sometimes they may play to 2. _ so that they can earn some 3. _ money. Later they may give 4. _ in pubs or clubs and hope to make records in a studio.

14、dreamedpassers-byextraperformances The Monkees started in a different way. It began as a TV show. The TV organizers put an 5. _ in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, who could play jokes on each other as well as play music. However, the performances were so 6. _ that after a year or so, the Mon

15、kees started to play their own 7. _ and write their own songs. After producing many records, the band 8. _ up about 1970. Happily, they 9. _ in the mid-1980s and produced a new record to 10. _ their former time as a real band. advertisementpopular/attractivemusicbrokereunitedcelebrate1. 选选用框中用框中词汇词汇

16、的适当形式完成句子的适当形式完成句子perform, be attached to, break up, in the form of, pretend(1)She _ to be doing her homework when her mother came in. (2)He works in a college which _ the University of this city. pretendedis attached to(3)During the Chocolate Salon in Paris, there will be many kinds of chocolate _

17、flowers on show. (4)Once _, the song written by the young singer will attract young listeners. (5)Three policemen were needed to _ the fight.in the form ofperformedbreak up2. 选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式仿写句子中的句式仿写句子(1)城里今年城里今年发发生了生了340起事故起事故, 多数是由粗心引起的。多数是由粗心引起的。As many as 340 accidents happened in the city thi

18、s year, _(2)莫言写的莫言写的书书很受人很受人们欢们欢迎。迎。_(3)我我们们每次每次见见面无不是从面无不是从谈论谈论体育开始的。体育开始的。_(4)她匆忙离开房她匆忙离开房间间, 好像很生气。好像很生气。_most of which were caused by carelessness.The books written by Mo Yan are very popular with people.We never see each other without talking about sports first.She left the room hurriedly as if

19、 (she was) very angry.核核心心考考点点pretend3年年1考考sensitive3年年1考考above all3年年2考考not. . . without. . .3年年1考考1. pretend vt. &vi. 假装;假扮假装;假扮(2011广广东东高高考考)More often, it would be better if we dont pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when were scared. 在在我我们们感感到到脆脆弱弱时时不不要要假假装装坚坚

20、强强, 在在我我们们感感到到害害怕怕时时不不要要假假装装勇敢勇敢, 事情往往会事情往往会变变得更好些。得更好些。He pretended to have been there three days ago. 他假装三天前去他假装三天前去过过那里。那里。He pretended _ _ _ an important document when the boss came in. 老板老板进进来来时时他假装在看一份重要的文件。他假装在看一份重要的文件。to be reading【点津点津】pretend后接后接动词动词不定式作不定式作宾语时宾语时, 根据不同的根据不同的语语境要境要求求, 不定式可

21、以采用一般式、不定式可以采用一般式、进进行式、完成式来表达不同的行式、完成式来表达不同的时时间间概念。有概念。有类类似用法的似用法的动词还动词还包括:包括:happen, appear, seem, claim。【高考高考链链接接】(2010辽辽宁宁高高考考)The new movie _ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time. A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:这这部部新新电电影影有有望望成成为为电电影影票票房房史史上上票票房房最最高高的的影影片

22、片之之一一。promise除除了了表表示示“允允诺诺, 答答应应”外外, 还还有有“有有的的希希望望”的的意意思思;agree“同同意意, 赞赞同同”;pretend“假假装装”;decline“衰老衰老, 衰退衰退”。根据句意应选。根据句意应选A项。项。2. attach vt. &vi. 附上;系上;附上;系上;贴贴上;使依恋上;使依恋(1)attach. . . to . . . 把把固定固定(附在附在上上)attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为认为有重要性有重要性/意意义义/价价值值attach to (使使)与与有有联联系系/关

23、关联联(2)attached adj. 依恋;附属于依恋;附属于be attached to 附属于;依恋附属于;依恋Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 你的申你的申请请表上表上请贴请贴一一张张近照。近照。At the coming fashion show in Beijing, the designers will _ _ _ _ showing Chinese traditional style. 在即将到来的在北京在即将到来的在北京举举行的行的时时装秀中装秀中, 设计设计者将着重展示中国者将着重展示中国的的传统风传统

24、风格。格。The school _ _ _ Beijing University. 这这所学校附属于北京大学。所学校附属于北京大学。attach great importance tois attached to3. perform vt. &vi. 表演;履行;表演;履行;执执行行(1)perform the role of 扮演扮演的角色的角色perform an operation/a play 进进行手行手术术/演一演一场戏场戏perform ones duty/promise 尽某人的尽某人的责责任任/履行某人的承履行某人的承诺诺(2)performance n. 执执行;表演;履行

25、行;表演;履行put on/give a performance 表演表演(3)performer n. 执执行者;表演者行者;表演者(2011山山 东东 高高 考考 )When they discovered that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought tickets for the performance. 当当他他们们得得知知Black Wednesday 乐乐队队要要在在当当地地的的剧剧院院演演出出时时, 为为了看演出他了看演出他们们都都买买了票。了票。As China

26、s largest salt water lake, Qinghai Lake performs an important role in keeping the balance of the environment around it. 作作为为中中国国最最大大的的咸咸水水湖湖, 青青海海湖湖对对于于维维持持其其周周围围环环境的平衡起着重要作用。境的平衡起着重要作用。We put on a song and dance performance to welcome the guests. 我我们们表演歌舞表演歌舞, 欢欢迎来迎来宾宾。(语语境填境填词词)The _ promised that

27、 he would _ _ _ and would _ _ _ well according to the plan. As a result, he _ _ _. 这这位位执执行者行者许诺说许诺说他将尽他将尽责责按按计计划做好划做好实验实验。结结果他履行了果他履行了自己的自己的诺诺言。言。performerperformhis dutyperform the experimentperformed his promise4. sensitive adj. 敏感的;灵敏的;容易生气的敏感的;灵敏的;容易生气的be sensitive to 对对敏感的敏感的, 体体贴贴的的, 善解人意的善解人意

28、的be sensitive about 介意介意;在乎;在乎When your body needs energy, you will be more sensitive to some tastes. 当你的身体需要当你的身体需要摄摄取能量取能量时时, 你就会你就会对对某些味道更敏感。某些味道更敏感。As a celebrity, she is very sensitive about everything to do with her. 作作为为名人名人, 她很在乎和她有关的一切。她很在乎和她有关的一切。【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别别并并选词选词填空填空sensitive“敏敏感感的

29、的;易易受受伤伤害害的的;灵灵敏敏的的”, be sensitive to“对对敏感的敏感的, 体体贴贴的的, 善解人意的善解人意的”sensible“明明智智的的;意意识识到到的的”, be sensible of“意意识识到到, 认认识识到到”allergic“过过敏敏的的”, be allergic to“对对过过敏敏;对对十十分分反感反感”填空:填空:Music is a _ topic. My dad is _ to rock n roll and forbids me to listen. Im _ that a great deal more is still to be don

30、e. sensitiveallergic sensible【高考高考链链接接】(2010湖湖北北高高考考)If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my _ reaction will be to tell the police. A. physicalB. immediateC. sensitiveD. sudden【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:如如果果我我发发现现看看起起来来像像嫌嫌疑疑人人的的人人, 我我立立马马的的反反应应是是报报警警。根根据据句句意意, 这这里里指指反反应应敏敏捷捷、迅迅速速, 因因此此选选择择B。physical 身

31、身体体的的, 体体力力的的(与与mental相相对对);物物理理的的;sensitive (指感情或意识指感情或意识)敏感的;敏感的;sudden 突然的突然的, 均不合题意。均不合题意。5. rely on 依靠;依依靠;依赖赖;指望;指望rely on sb. to do sth. 指望指望/相信某人会做某事相信某人会做某事rely on (doing) sth. 依依赖赖/信任信任/指望指望rely on it that . . . 相信相信;指望;指望Not having found a better way, we had to rely on him to make the des

32、ign. 由于没有找到更好的方法由于没有找到更好的方法, 我我们们不得不靠他不得不靠他来制作来制作这这个个设计设计。The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. 本本项项目的成功有目的成功有赖赖于于诸诸位一起努力。位一起努力。You may _ _ _ _ he will come to meet you. 你放心好了你放心好了, 他会来接他会来接见见你的。你的。rely on it that6. break up 打碎;分裂;解体;打碎;分裂;解体;结结束;分手束;分手What will happen to

33、the children if Jim and Mary break up? 如果吉姆和如果吉姆和玛丽玛丽离婚离婚, 孩子孩子们们怎么怎么办办呢?呢?I dont know what has broken up their friendship. 我不知道是什么破坏了他我不知道是什么破坏了他们们之之间间的友情。的友情。Sentences can be _ _ into phrases and phrases into words. 句子可以分解句子可以分解为词组为词组, 词组词组可以分解成可以分解成单词单词。broken up【拓展拓展】补补全下列全下列“break+ adv. /prep.

34、”短短语语break _ 出故障;坏掉;失出故障;坏掉;失败败;垮垮掉掉break _ 破破门门而入;打断而入;打断(谈话谈话等等)break _ 强强行行闯闯入;突然入;突然起来起来break _ (战战争、火灾等争、火灾等)爆爆发发;发发生生break _ _ 脱离;脱离;挣挣脱脱downinintooutaway from7. above all最重要;首先最重要;首先He is strong, brave, and above all honest. 他他坚坚强强、勇敢、勇敢, 尤其是尤其是诚实诚实。(2010全全国国卷卷)Above all, the real poet is a m

35、aster of words. 最最为为重要的是重要的是, 真正的真正的诗诗人是人是语语言的巨人。言的巨人。【拓展拓展】补补全下列短全下列短语语_ all 毕毕竟;竟;终终究究all _ all 整体整体说说来;来;总总而言之而言之_ all 全部;合全部;合计计_ all (否定句否定句)一点也不;一点也不;(疑疑问问句句)到底;究竟到底;究竟afterininat【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别别并并选词选词填空填空above all重在重在强强调调所列所列举举内容在所有事物中最内容在所有事物中最为为重要重要first of allfirst of all, first及及firstly

36、侧侧重重于于强强调调列列举举事事物物的的顺顺序序, 用于用于举举例例时时表示表示“首先首先, 第一第一”at first并不并不强强调调列列举举事例的事例的顺顺序序, 而是指而是指时间时间, 意意为为“起初起初, 开始开始”, 相当于相当于at the beginning填空:填空:I thought it was funny _ _, but now I realize it is serious. _ _ _, let me tell you the news. _ _, it is the most important. at firstFirst of allAbove all【高考高

37、考链链接接】(2012江江西西高高考考)He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris. _, he had a wonderful time. A. Above all B. Whats moreC. As a result D. On the contrary【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:他他看看起起来来给给人人的的印印象象是是他他在在巴巴黎黎过过得得不不愉愉快快。相相反反, 他他度度过过了了一一段段美美好好时时光光。A项项意意为为“首首要要的的是是”;B项

38、项意意为为“另另外外”;C项项意意为为“结结果果”;D项意为项意为“相反相反”。8. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed. 弗雷迪和他的弗雷迪和他的乐队乐队无无论论走到哪里都会有人跟随。走到哪里都会有人跟随。(1)not . . . without . . . 意意为为“没没有有就就不不能能”。这这是是一一种种双双重重否否定定句句式式, 表表示示肯肯定定意意义义。其其中中否否定定词词也也可可以以是是no, never或加否定前或加否定前缀缀构成的否定意构成的否定意义义的的词词。(2)常常见见的

39、双重否定的双重否定结结构构还还有:有:no (not) . . . no (not) . . . 没有没有没有没有no (never) . . . without . . . 没有没有不不; 除除不不nothing. . . not/no/含否定意含否定意义义的前的前缀缀的的词词 没有没有不不(3)常常见见的用否定形式表示肯定意的用否定形式表示肯定意义义的的结结构有:构有:cannot . . . too . . . 越越越越;无;无论论怎怎样样 也不也不为过为过cannot wait to do sth. 急于做某事急于做某事cannot help doing sth. 禁不住禁不住/忍不住

40、做某事忍不住做某事I couldnt have made so much progress without your help. 如果没有你的帮助如果没有你的帮助, 我就不可能取得如此大的我就不可能取得如此大的进进步。步。Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible in the world. 动脑动脑筋你会筋你会发现发现世上无世上无难难事。事。A man cannot have too many friends. 译译:_一个人一个人拥拥有的朋友越多越好。有的朋友越多越好。【高考高考链链接接】(2011陕陕西西高高考考)I _ t

41、hrough that bitter period without your generous help. A. couldnt have gone B. didnt goC. wouldnt go D. hadnt gone【解解析析】选选A。考考查查虚虚拟拟语语气气。句句意意:如如果果没没有有你你的的慷慷慨慨帮帮助助, 我我肯肯定定无无法法度度过过那那段段艰艰难难的的日日子子。根根据据句句意意可可知知, 此此句句为为对对过过去去事事情情的的假假设设, 主主句句应应该该为为“情情态态动动词词+ have done”结结构构, 故故A项正确。项正确。1. form n. 形状;形形状;形态态;

42、外形;表格;形式;外形;表格;形式 v. (使使)组组成;形成;构成;排列成;形成;构成;排列(1)form the habit of. . . 养成养成的的习惯习惯form into 排成排成, 编编成成(2)in the form of 以以的形式的形式take the form of 采取采取的形式;表的形式;表现为现为的形式的形式fill in/out the form 填表格填表格be in/out of form 处处于良好的于良好的/不好的状不好的状态态Because of the traffic jam, he has _ _ _ _ starting out early. 由

43、于交通由于交通拥挤拥挤, 他养成了早他养成了早动动身的身的习惯习惯。(2011陕陕西高考西高考)Her services were recognised in the form of a Military Medal by the French government. 法国政府以授予她法国政府以授予她军军事事勋勋章的形式章的形式认认可她的服可她的服务务。Smith is out of form and is unlikely to run in the 100 meters race tomorrow. 史密斯的史密斯的竞竞技状技状态态不好不好, 大概不会参加明天的大概不会参加明天的100米米

44、赛赛跑。跑。formedthe habit of2. earn vt. 赚赚;挣挣得;得;获获得得(1)earn ones/a living(=make ones/ a living) 谋谋生生earn money(= make money) 挣钱挣钱earn sb. sth. 使某人使某人赢赢得得/获获得得(2)earnings n. 所得所得, 收入收入, 工工资资He earned fame and fortune. 他名利双收。他名利双收。She earned a living by teaching. 她曾以教她曾以教书谋书谋生。生。Sun Yangs excellent perfo

45、rmance in London Olympic Games _ _ _. 孙杨孙杨在在伦伦敦奥运会中的出色表敦奥运会中的出色表现为现为他他赢赢得了人得了人们们的尊敬。的尊敬。earned himrespect3. to be honest说实说实在地;在地;说实话说实话To be honest, I hate it when people speak with their mouth full of food. 说实话说实话, 我非常我非常讨厌讨厌人人们满们满嘴吃着食物嘴吃着食物说话说话的的样样子。子。【拓展拓展】翻翻译译下列短下列短语语honestly speaking _to tell

46、you the truth _to be frank _to begin with _to be exact _to make things worse _老老实说实说实话实话告告诉诉你你坦白地坦白地说说首先首先准确地准确地说说更糟糕的是更糟糕的是. 单词单词拼写拼写1. He was _ (自信的自信的) that he would be admitted to the famous university. 2. Who will take over the company is a very _ (敏敏感的感的) issue. 3. Being fond of Martial arts n

47、ovel, he is _ (熟悉的熟悉的) with some topics of kung fu. 4. The price they offered was very _ (有吸引力的有吸引力的) and that was why we decided to buy the car. confidentsensitivefamiliarattractive5. Her _(投入投入) to teaching has won admiration and respect from the students. 6. Walking is a good _(形式形式) of exercise

48、for both the young and the old. 7. Great importance should be _(附着;依附附着;依附)to reading widely. 8. Please tell me _(简简略地略地)what happened. 9. The magician often _(表演表演)tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 10. Tom was so _(幽默的幽默的) that we had a lot of laughs together. devotionformattachedbriefl

49、yperformshumorous. 完成句子完成句子1. He is such a person who likes _. (joke)他就是他就是这样这样的一个人的一个人, 喜喜欢欢开每一个人的玩笑。开每一个人的玩笑。2. Not having been here for a long time, I have to _. (rely)由于来由于来这这儿儿时间时间不不长长, 我只能依靠朋友来帮我找一份工作。我只能依靠朋友来帮我找一份工作。3. It was not until then _ _ because they had little in common. (break)直到那直到那

50、时时我才意我才意识识到他到他们们的婚姻正在面的婚姻正在面临临解体解体, 因因为为他他们们几乎几乎没有共同没有共同语语言。言。to play jokes on everybodyrely on myfriends to help me find a jobthat I realized their marriage wasbreaking up4. _ _, he can carry out the task easily. (familiar)由于由于对电脑对电脑很熟悉很熟悉, 他能很容易他能很容易进进行行这项这项任任务务。5. _calls for devotion and carefuln

51、ess. (perform)做做实验实验需要投入和需要投入和细细心。心。6. Although they are very good friends, they _ _. (without)尽管他尽管他们们是很好的朋友是很好的朋友, 但是他但是他们见们见面就吵架。面就吵架。Familiar with computers/Because he is familiar withcomputersPerforming an experimentnever meetwithout quarrelling7. He pretended _ when his father stepped into his

52、 room. (study)当他的父当他的父亲进亲进入房入房间时间时, 他假装正在学他假装正在学习习。8. Ive dreamed _ _. (visit)我一直梦想着参我一直梦想着参观长观长城。城。9. It took quite a while _. (sort)把我把我们们的行李从中挑的行李从中挑选选出来花了不少出来花了不少时间时间。10. _ _, he invested more than last year. (confident)由于由于对对未来充未来充满满信心信心, 他的投他的投资资比去年比去年还还要多。要多。to be studyingof/about visiting th

53、e Great Wall/that I couldvisit the Great Wallto sort out our luggage from othersConfident about/in future/Because he was confidentabout/in future. 话题话题写作写作 先将下面几个句子翻先将下面几个句子翻译译成英成英语语, 然后然后连连成一段小短文。成一段小短文。 1. 朱之文梦想成朱之文梦想成为为一名歌手。一名歌手。 2. 他依靠信心和毅力三十年如一日地他依靠信心和毅力三十年如一日地练习练习唱歌。唱歌。 3. 这这种做法种做法为为他他赢赢得了成功。得

54、了成功。 4. 现现在在, 每个人都熟悉他的声音。每个人都熟悉他的声音。 5. 他十分看重人他十分看重人们给们给予他的帮助。予他的帮助。 6. 同同时时, 他也他也乐乐于帮助他人。于帮助他人。 7. 他曾他曾许诺许诺他和忠他和忠实实的歌迷的歌迷们们的的联联系永系永远远不中断。不中断。 【参考答案参考答案】 Zhu Zhiwen dreamed of being a singer, and he relied on his confidence and persistence to practise singing for 30 years, which has earned him success. Now his voice is familiar to everyone. He attaches great importance to the help people have offered, and at the same time, he is ready to help others. He has promised that the relation between him and his devoted fans will never break up.



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