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1、ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLES组织的生命周期组织的生命周期WHY COMPANIES GROW & DIE & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT公司的成长公司的成长/倒闭以及如何处理倒闭以及如何处理Life Cycles of People & Organizations人与组织的生命周期Middle Age 中年Courtship 孕育期Infant 婴儿期Childhood 童年期Maturity 成熟期Old Age 老年Death 死亡Adolescence 青春期Life Cycles of People & Organizations人与组织的生命周期S

2、table 稳定期Prime 盛年期Adolescence 青春期Go-Go 学步期Infant 婴儿期Courtship 孕育期Aristocracy 贵族期Early Bureaucracy 官僚化早期Bureaucracy 官僚化时期Death 死亡Premature Aging 未老先衰Unfulfilled Entrepreneur 壮志未酬的企业家Founder or Family Trap 创业者陷阱或家族陷阱Infant Mortality 企业婴儿夭折Divorce 离婚Affair 创业空想Growing 成长阶段成长阶段Aging 老化阶段老化阶段THE COURTSHI

3、P孕育期孕育期CHARACTERISTICS特征Organization is not born yet.组织还没有诞生Characterized by excitement.兴奋特征Focus on the future.关注未来Leadership may be overly optimistic.领导有可能过于乐观May make promises that might not be kept later.可能作出以后不能兑现的承诺In retrospect may appear irresponsible.回顾时可能显得不太负责THE COURTSHIP孕育期孕育期UNEXPECTED

4、 PATHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS 始料未及的问题“AFFAIR” 事件Organization can die before it is born if there is only willingness to think up ideas, but no consideration of results.如果只是想出一些想法而不考虑结果,组织在未出现前就可能夭折。The birth of an organization is not a phase. It is a transition between Courtship and Infancy and occurs when

5、risk is incurred. If no one wants to take the risk, an organization is not born.组织的产生不是一个阶段,而是从萌芽期向婴儿期的过渡时产生风险而出现的。如果大家都不冒险,组织就不会产生。THE INFANT ORGANIZATION婴儿期组织婴儿期组织CHARACTERISTICS 特征特征Birth (emergence of risk) requires large infusions of cash for working capital - results are necessary to cover ris

6、ks.组织的诞生(露出风险)需要大量的流动资金-结果用于抵抗风险。All action - people in the field.全民参与。Has few systems or policies - employs unsophisticated management processes.没有什么系统和政策,管理过程比较简单。Has trouble making ends meet.实现目标难度大。Is vulnerable - every small problem is a crisis.脆弱-每个小问题都是危机。Management is by crisis.出现危机才管理。Has l

7、ittle space, crowded facilities.空间小,设施拥挤。Is inconsistent, little planning. What makes it survive is the Founders commitment.不一致,少计划。组织的生存与否要看创始人的承诺。THE INFANT ORGANIZATION婴儿期组织婴儿期组织UNEXPECTED PATHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS “INFANT MORTALITY” 始料未及的问题始料未及的问题-婴儿期死亡婴儿期死亡Organization makes big error - without abi

8、lity to recover.组织犯下大错-没有能力恢复。Not able to control cash flow - too many demands on time and attention.不能控制好现金流,要求太多的时间和注意力。Stays Infant too long - people give up - too much continuous pressure on money and time with no short term rewards in sight.婴儿期太长-人们放弃了-金钱和时间上的压力持续不断,且看不见短期回报。Too much time spent

9、 on systems, buying computer systems, expensive headquarters before needed.在系统上花太多的时间,在需要前就购置电脑系统和昂贵的总部。THE INFANT ORGANIZATION婴儿婴儿期组织期组织OTHER PROBLEMS - THE LONE RANGERS TRAP其它问题其它问题-单个巡逻员陷井单个巡逻员陷井Owner works hard - but nets very little.雇主努力工作,而其他人则不卖力。Operating earnings go to paying interest on de

10、bts.业务收入用于偿还债务利息。Owner ends up working for bank & suppliers.雇主结果是为银行和供应商做事。Owner too busy - unaware of what competition is doing.雇主太忙,忽略了竞争对手。Prices may be too low - achieving sales at the expense of profits.价格太低-在损害利润的情况下进行廉价销售。Company will die with owner or grow under new management.组织将同雇主一同死亡或者在新

11、的管理层下成长。THE INFANT ORGANIZATION婴儿期组织婴儿期组织TREATMENT处理处理Owners should be careful not to give away ownership and control (Vulture Capitalists).雇主应小心不要放弃所有权和控制。Rolling 16 week cash flow projections - monitor weekly.16周现金流预测并进行每周监控。Monitor turnover of inventory and receivables.监控库存量和可接受的帐目Avoid highly st

12、ructured and specialized organization - standard operating procedures reduce organizations flexibility & productivity and ability to survive in a competitive environment.避免组织的高度结构化和专门化,标准的运作程序会减少组织的适应性和生产力,从而减弱组织在竞争环境中的生存能力。Outside legal and financial advice - paid advisors but not on Board (Interna

13、l vs. External Board to avoid over control. Need emotional support and sources of capital).外部的法律和财务建议-外聘顾问而不是董事会成员(通过内部和外部董事间的平衡来避免过分控制。需要情感支持和资金来源)THE INFANT ORGANIZATION婴儿期组织婴儿期组织TREATMENT处理方法:处理方法:Avoid unrealistic commitments - conserve resources.避免不现实的承诺,保存资源。Assignments which allow it to predi

14、ct, analyze & schedule but with flexible deadlines. 任务可以预测,分析并且任务的完成期限较有弹性Avoid hiring mediocre people & sharing stock prematurely.避免雇用平庸之辈,不要过早让员工持股。THE GO-GO ORGANIZATION学步期组织学步期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Spreads self too thin - going after too many opportunities. 发展太单薄,追求太多的机会。Can run out of cash and c

15、redit.可能把现金和信用额度都用完。Many opportunities - no priorities.机会多多但无先后次序。Creates own crisis - makes decisions & commitments they should not make & involved in activities they know very little or nothing about.自设危机,做了不应做的决策和许诺,涉足他们无知或知知甚少的活动。Is optimistic - company doing fine, can attack anything, any time.

16、非常乐观认为组织运作良好,能在任何时间做成任何事。Reports progress in terms of growth in sales - not profits.汇报的是销售增长而非利润的增长Hires tomorrow those needed yesterday.明天才雇用了昨天就需要的人(人员不能满足需求)THE GO-GO ORGANIZATION学步期组织学步期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Often a “one person show.” Needs to shift from monarchy to constitutional monarchy (e.g.,

17、 Founder accepts company policies).常常是单人表演。需要从君主统治变到宪法统治(例如:创始人接受公司的政策)。Organization needs to be born again as a separate entity from the Founder.组织以独立于创立者的实体再生。THE GO-GO ORGANIZATION学步期组织学步期组织UNEXPECTED PATHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS 意外的病态问题意外的病态问题-“THE FOUNDERS TRAP”创始人陷创始人陷阱阱Organization remains a “one pe

18、rson show. 组织保持“单人表演”。No institutionalization of leadership.领导层没有制度化。Unwillingness to develop or work within system.不愿意在体制内发展或工作。Grows to limits of Founder.企业成长受创始人的弱点的限制。Note: If this happens, the organization may not die, but will not grow to its full potential. 注意:如果这样的事情发生了,组织可能不会灭亡但不会得到充分的发展Org

19、anization will likely die with Founder, or if family operated, within three generations - become members of the “Flat Earth Society.” 组织可能随创始人而亡,或者,如果是家族企业,则“富不过三代”。THE GO-GO ORGANIZATION学步期组织学步期组织TREATMENT处理处理Know what not to do - set project priorities and allocate resources (resources limited).知道

20、不做什么-设定项目发展的先后次序和分配有限资源。Establish detailed objectives & guidelines.设定详细的目标和准则。Develop teamwork vs. technocratic, bureaucratic & administrative systems.发展团队合作与建立技术专家体制,官僚体系和行政体制相对应Small teams (2 to 3 people) formed, given assignments which can be accomplished in short time - people in Go-Go organizat

21、ions seek immediate gratification.组成2-3人的小型团队,分配给其短期能完成的任务(学步期组织的人们寻求满意)。Outside facilitator to help manage change. Members need to see immediate benefits.外部的顾问帮助管理变革。团队成员需要看到直接的好处。THE GO-GO ORGANIZATION学步期组织学步期组织TREATMENT处理处理Founder must begin to delegate - but not premature if still in Infancy.企业创

22、始人必须开始授权但是如果还在婴儿期就不应过早授权。Begin establishing policies (what to do & not do). Allows for “programmable decisions” and delegation. Lays groundwork for next phase.开始建立制度(规定做什么和不做什么)。允许“可设计的决定”和授权。把基础工作留到下一阶段。THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Conflict in the organization between tho

23、se who want to preserve what they have and those who want change and are ready for more risks and growth.组织内主张维持现状的与那些主张变革、甘冒风险及寻求发展的人之间的冲突。Organization can be inconsistent with corporate goals (e.g., sales rather than profits oriented).公司的发展与目标不协调(比如以销售为导向而不是以利润为导向)。Has “too many unproductive meeti

24、ngs.” 有“太多无效的会议”Is cliquish (new vs. old timers).小集团(新、老雇员)Internal fighting (we-they syndrome).内部争斗(我们他们综合症)THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Organized around people, not functions.根据人而非职能来组织The institutionalization of management and administrative procedures results in trauma

25、 for the CEO. This is the time for the shift from Entrepreneurship to Professional Management.管理和行政程序的制度化对首席执行官造成损伤。这是企业发展从依靠企业家的创新精神向专业化管理转换的有利时机。THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织UNEXPECTED PATHOLOGICAL PROBLEM始料不及的问题始料不及的问题 “DIVORCE”离婚离婚Premature Bureaucracy - organization sacrifices creativit

26、y rather than results to develop systems - loses vision and appetite, begins aging.早熟的官僚组织体系-组织在体制的发展上失去了创造性,没有远景和期待,开始过早老化。People are not willing to take responsibilities with new organization for accountability. 人们不愿意和新组织一起,为其成为一个具责任感的机构尽责。Insurmountable conflict between administrative/financial a

27、nd creative components (marketing).行政/财务与创新部门(销售)之间不可克服的矛盾。Creative components decide to part company.创新部门决定去分离公司。Old-timers fired, or heavy turnover of new executives.解雇老雇员或者新管理者承担了太重的营业额任务。THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织UNEXPECTED PROBLEMS 意外的问题:意外的问题:Premature hiring of new CEO. 过早替换首席执行官。P

28、remature computerization.过早计算机化Divorce, suicide, or sell out (Sale value not maximized).离婚、自杀、或者出售(出售价格没有最大化)。THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织TREATMENT处理:处理:“Team Building” to free organization from Founder - less dependency on Founder for decision making. “建立团队” 让公司逐步脱离创始人-降低决策上对创始人的依赖Decentra

29、lized decision making. 决策基层化Define the “Mission” of the company which up to now has been in the Founders head. Share Vision.定义组织的使命,到现在它还在创始人的脑海里。组织共同的远景。Administrative & Finance Functions established - Founder keeps what he is most interested as reporting relationship (Marketing, Engineering, etc.)

30、.建立行政/财务职能部门。创始人把他最感兴趣的当作汇报关系(营销、工程等)。COO brought in after Mission & Structure in place.在公司使命和结构确立后,设立公司的首席运营官。THE ADOLESCENT ORGANIZATION青春期组织青春期组织TREATMENT处理处理Accurate Information Systems developed 开发准确的信息系统Who reports to whom谁向谁汇报About what, and 汇报什么For what - incentive systems为什么激励机制Multidiscipl

31、inary assignments build commitment.认同多学科任务分配。Focus on results and process for achieving them.关注结果及实现它们的过程。Need balance between flexibility & systemization 需要平衡适应性与系统化。THE PRIME ORGANIZATION盛年期组织盛年期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Develops administration from Adolescent & does not lose creative components.发展青春期组

32、织的行政管理 ,切忌失去创新成分。Is results oriented.结果导向。Follows systems & policies.按体制和制度办事。Has plans and follows them.有计划并遵循计划的安排。Is aggressive and growing.积极进取和继续成长。THE PRIME ORGANIZATION盛年期组织盛年期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Reports growth and profitability.报告增长和赢利能力。Has the performance of a “Go-Go,” but is predictable.

33、拥有学步期组织的绩效,但是可以预测。Begins to generate new “Infants” - may not have enough qualified managers for growth.开始孕育新的“婴儿”可能没有足够多的合格管理者来满足增长的需要。THE PRIME ORGANIZATION盛年期组织盛年期组织UNEXPECTED PATHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS始料不及的问题始料不及的问题 “PREMATURE AGING” 未老先衰未老先衰From this point on, the aging process is expected.从这时起,老化过程就

34、开始了。Organization will normally go through a series of changes that limits its vitality and strength.通常组织会经历一系列变革,这些变革限制了它的生命力和长处。The “trick” for the organization in Prime is to stay there - although this is not the natural tendency.盛年期组织的窍门是保持繁荣,尽管这不符合自然规律。THE PRIME ORGANIZATION盛年期组织盛年期组织UNEXPECTED

35、FPROBLEMS意外的问题意外的问题Most organizations begin in late Prime to: 在盛年期后期,大多数的公司开始:Become less risk oriented. 风险的导向性降低 Become more conservative.愈加保守Become less creative. 创造性降低THE PRIME ORGANIZATION 盛年期组织盛年期组织TREATMENT处理处理Avoid “form” over “function” - cannot lose creative component.避免功能部门的形式化,切忌失去创新成分。De

36、centralization - “spin off” satellites from organization to create a new Lifecycle curve.分权摆脱公司的运行轨迹,开创新的生命周期曲线。Avoids organization from becoming Stable.避免公司进入稳定期。Creates a “Portfolio” of business units, each at different stages of the Lifecycle.创立不同的经营单位,让他们处在生命周期的不同阶段Each unit is expected to perfo

37、rm and achieve differently with different reward systems. 期望每个单位都有绩效,根据不同的奖励制度达成不同的绩效。Avoid sameness which contributes to Bureaucratization.避免导致官僚化的同一性。THE PRIME ORGANIZATION盛年期组织盛年期组织TREATMENT处理处理Prime is best positioned to buy other companies or be sold for the maximum value, or盛年期是收购其它公司或出售获得最大价值

38、的最佳时期。Recapitalization for owners personal liquidity & capital infusion for continued growth (Equity Funds).老板通过个人实行清算和注入资本调整资本结构(证券基金)以保持公司的继续成长。THE STABLE ORGANIZATION稳定期组织稳定期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征:特征:Organization gets over confident, becomes more conservative - less aggressive - begins to lose visio

39、n and creativity.组织过于自信,越来越保守,冲劲降低开始失去远景和创造力。Has lower aspirations for growth.对组织的成长兴致不高。Has fewer expectations to conquer the market.占领市场的期望降低。Is interested more in interpersonal relations than risk.更关心人际关系而不是冒险。Encourages less creativity and entrepreneurship.不太提倡创新和企业家精神Rewards those who can do wh

40、at they are told and who get along with others.奖励那些唯命是从和与人友好相处的人THE STABLE ORGANIZATION稳定期组织稳定期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征Enjoys growth patterns of the past rather than the development of the future.与未来发展相比较,更喜欢过去的成长模式。Expects what it gets (Wants what it gets rather than gets what it wants).只希望得到能得到的(得到什么

41、要什么而不是努力去争取真正想要的)。Organization is aging in a negative sense of the word.消极地理解组织开始老化这一现象。THE STABLE ORGANIZATION稳定期组织稳定期组织TREATMENT处理办法处理办法Consciousness raising - creating an awareness of a need for change (Creativity has declined).有意识的增长让人们意识到变革的必要性(没有创造性)。Assignments to forecast future, analyze env

42、ironment, identify threats and opportunities, stretch when setting goals (Multidisciplinary with stringent deadlines to “wake them up.”) 要求人们预测未来、分析环境、识别组织面临的威胁和机会、设定较高的目标(设定严格的完成期限来让他们保持头脑清醒。)Redefine Mission and Markets.重新定义使命和界定市场。Decentralize into new profit centers as in Prime.与盛年期组织一样分散成新的利润中心

43、。Restaff top management positions with “mentally” younger people.重新安置思想活跃、年轻的人员到高层管理位置。Consider becoming “Platform Company” for “Roll-up” and add-on acquisitions (Equity Fund - Industry Consolidator).考虑合并成平台公司和追加收购(证券基金行业合并)THE ARISTOCRATIC ORGANIZATION贵族期组织贵族期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征More emphasis on h

44、ow things are done, rather than what is done.更强调事情是如何做的,而不是强调做了什么事情。Much formality on dress, address, environment and new facilities.注重服装、言辞、环境及新设施方面的规范。Motto is “Dont make waves.座右铭是:不要兴风作浪。Individuals are concerned, but as a group there is “business as usual.”关注个体,但作为一个团体而言,“业务全部正常”。Money is spent

45、 on systems of control, benefits, and expensive facilities.经费用在控制系统、福利及昂贵的设施上。Prices raised to maintain or increase profitability (artificial corrective action).用提价的方式来保持或者提高赢利能力(人为的纠正措施)Cash heavy.过多的现金。THE ARISTOCRATIC ORGANIZATION贵族期组织贵族期组织CHARCTERISTICS特征特征Low internal innovation.内部创新意识很低。Buys o

46、ther companies (Go-Gos) to obtain new ideas.收购其它组织(学步期组织)以获得新的观点。Company is a potential target for takeovers.公司可能被列为被收购的目标。THE ARISTOCRATIC ORGANIZATION贵族期组织贵族期组织TREATMENT处理:处理:In depth organizational analysis & strategic business review to create an awareness of a need for change.对组织进行深层分析、审查经营战略,让

47、人们意识到变革的必要性。Identify problems - present state找出现阶段的问题Identify desired future state确定期望的未来状态。Participation & involvement to develop Plan to get there.参与制定实现目标的计划。Task forces to define Mission & identification of opportunities (products & markets).任务小组来定义使命,并找出机会所在(产品和市场)THE ARISTOCRATIC ORGANIZATION贵

48、族期组织贵族期组织TREATMENT处理处理Decentralize into potential Infant and Go-Go business units 分散成为潜在的婴儿期和学步期业务单位。Pull away from Aristocracy. 摆脱贵族行为Creative people inside or outside organization selected to lead business units.选择内部或者外部具有创新意识的人来领导各业务单位。EARLY BUREAUCRACY官僚化早期组织官僚化早期组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征If results

49、suffer too long, there is a severe loss of market share and managers begin to look for the “reason for our problems” which are usually attributed to a person - the “Witch Hunt” begins.如果经营不良时间持续太长,组织就面临失去市场份额的严重局面,管理者开始寻找“问题的原因”,这常常回归错于一个人“追捕女巫”行动开始了。Emphasis is on who caused the problem, rather tha

50、n what to do about it (as if solving the who equals solving the what).重点放在是谁引起了问题,而不是问题是什么(似乎找到了这个人就等于解决了问题)。Much conflict, backstabbing and infighting.矛盾、背后中伤和内部争斗很多。Paranoia freezes the organization; everyone is lying low - “Who is next to go?” is the big question.偏执狂冻结了组织,每个人都在说谎,组织内最大的问题是“下一个将会解

51、雇谁?”EARLY BUREAUCRACY官僚化早期组织官僚化早期组织CHARCTERISTICS特征特征Internal focus - focus on internal turf wars and fighting each other vs. fighting the competition.内部关注更关注组织内部的地盘之争、相互争斗,而不是与竞争者竞争。External customers become a nuisance.外部的客户成为麻烦事。EARLY BUREAUCRACY官僚化早期组织官僚化早期组织TREATMENT处理处理Prompt Surgery - remove p

52、eople with negative attitudes who poison the climate or are totally ineffective (Do at one time - not in a series of surgeries).立即做手术把那些态度消极、破坏环境的人或者毫无成效的人解雇(一次性手术不要进行一系列的手术)。Sell unprofitable business units and stop negative cash flow (Management LBOs & ESOPs).出售亏损的业务单位并停止负现金流(管理杠杆收购和员工入股计划)Appoint

53、 one individual to bite the bullet and cut the company down to profitable size (No time for teams).让一个人去“顶子弹”,把公司裁减到可赢利的规模(没时间给团队)。EARLY BUREAUCRACY官僚化早期组织官僚化早期组织TREATMENT处理处理16 weeks cash flow projections, cost accounting to identify leaks in profitability, turnover of inventory and accounts receiv

54、able done weekly.预测16周现金流、进行成本核算寻找赢利能力的漏洞、每周统计库存周转量和应收帐款。BUREAUCRACY官僚组织官僚组织CHARACTERISTICS特征特征 The internal focus and fighting create a defensive reaction and a cumbersome, unproductive system.内部的关注和争斗导致自卫反应以及缺乏效率、没有生产力的体制。Disassociates from environment - hard to determine that the organization wan

55、ts to get things done.脱离环境很难确定组织想把事情干好。Many systems (rituals) - no results.繁文缛节很多但不产生结果。BUREAUCRACY官僚组织官僚组织CHARCTERISTICS特征特征Alienated people and managers.人们和管理者相互疏远。Customers must develop elaborate approaches to break through the system to work with the organization.客户必须煞费苦心才能突破该组织的体制与其合作。BUREAUCRA

56、CY官僚组织官僚组织TREAMENT处理处理Surgery and a long period of rehabilitation.做手术并且需要很长时间才能恢复。Management of Complex Organizational Change.管理复杂的组织变革。GROWING & AGING ORGANIZATIONS成长型和老化型组织成长型和老化型组织GROWING成长型成长型Personal success stems from taking risks.个人成功基于冒险。Expectations exceed results.预期超过结果Cash poor. 现金不足 Emph

57、asis is on function over form.强调职能高于形式From why and what to do.从“为什么”和“做什么”People are kept for their contribution to the organization in spite of their personalities.人们留在公司是因为他们的贡献而不是他们的个性。AGING老化型老化型Personal success stems from avoiding risks个人成功基于避免风险。Results exceed expectations.结果超过预期Cash rich.现金充足

58、Emphasis is on form over function.强调形式高于职能To how to do and who did it.到“如何做”和“谁做”People are kept for their personalities in spite of their contributions to the organization.人们留在公司是因为他们的个性而不管贡献如何。GROWING & AGING ORGANIZATIONS成长型和老化型组织成长型和老化型组织Everything is permitted, unless expressly forbidden.除非特别说明

59、禁止做的事情,其他什么都允许Problems are seen as opportunities.把问题看成机会Political power is with the marketing and sales departments.政治权力在市场和销售部门Line calls the shots.一线人员发号施令。Responsibility is not matched with authority.责任与职权不匹配Management controls the organization.管理层控制组织。Everything is forbidden, unless expressly pe

60、rmitted.除非特别说明允许做的事情,其他什么都禁止Opportunities are seen as problems.把机会看成问题。Political power is with accounting, finance and legal departments.会计、财务和法律部门掌握权力。Corporate staff calls the shots.公司职员(职能部门)发号施令。Authority is not matched with responsibility.职权与责任不匹配The organization controls management.组织控制管理层。GRO

61、WING & AGING ORGANIZATIONS成长型和老化型组织成长型和老化型组织Management drives the momentum.管理带来力能量。Change in leadership can lead to change in the organizations behavior.领导风格的改变导致组织行为的改变。From sales orientation.从销售导向From value added (profits) goals.从提供附加值(赢利)目标Management is driven by inertia.管理是受惯性驱动。Change in the system is necessary to cause a change in the organizations behavior.体制的改变导致组织行为的改变。To profit preoccupation.到赢利导向To political gamesmanship.到政治权术目标



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