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1、会计学1上海牛津上海牛津(ni jn)九年级上九年级上Thenightofthehorse第一页,共32页。pyramidsEgypt第1页/共31页第二页,共32页。StonehengeEngland第2页/共31页第三页,共32页。Kinkaku-jiJapan第3页/共31页第四页,共32页。Trojan horseTroyThe night of the horse第4页/共31页第五页,共32页。A newspaper ran a short story competition on famous tales form history. This is a story one of

2、the students sent in.Our school will run an English Speech Competition.My father ran a camera store last year. 我父亲(f qn)去年管理照相器材商店。递送递送(d sn)、寄去(稿件等),后面直、寄去(稿件等),后面直接接表示事物的名词或代词。接接表示事物的名词或代词。He sent in three drawings for the competition.第5页/共31页第六页,共32页。1 How did the soldier come down the stairs?2 H

3、ow did the captain of the guards go up the stairs?3 What did the Trojan captain think when he saw the empty plain and the empty sea?4 In the captains opinion, why did the Greek leave the horse on the square?5 How did the soldier think of the horse on wheels?6 How did the Trojan deal with the horse?第

4、6页/共31页第七页,共32页。7 How did the Trojans celebrate their success?8 How many Greeks hid inside the wooden horse? 9 Why did they wait for one more hour inside the horse? 10 When had they return? 11 Who won the war at last?12 Who do you think is really stupid, the Greeks or the Trojans?第7页/共31页第八页,共32页。阅读

5、文章回答下列阅读文章回答下列阅读文章回答下列阅读文章回答下列(xili)(xili)(xili)(xili)问问问问题题题题1 How did the soldier come down the stairs?2 How did the captain of the guards go up the stairs?3 What did the Trojan captain think when he saw the empty plain and the empty sea? He thought the Trojans had won the war.three at a timetwo a

6、t a time第8页/共31页第九页,共32页。4 In the captains opinion, why did the Greek leave the horse on the square?5 How did the soldier think of the horse on wheels?6 How did the Trojan deal with the horse?He thought it was so big that the Greek couldnt take it with them. He thought it maybe a trick.They dragged

7、it into the city with ropes.第9页/共31页第十页,共32页。 7 How did the Trojans celebrate their success?8 How many Greeks hid inside the wooden horse? 9 Why did they wait for one more hour inside the horse? They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about their enemies, the stupid Greeks.Six.Because

8、they wanted to be sure that the Trojans all had fallen asleep.第10页/共31页第十一页,共32页。 10 When had they return?11 Who won the war at last? 12 Who do you think is really stupid, the Greeks or the Trojans? It had returned in the darkness when the Trojans celebrate inside.The Greeks.The Trojans.第11页/共31页第十二

9、页,共32页。The solider came down the stairs-two at a time. Captain, theyve gone, he cried. Theyve disappeared(消失(xiosh)-all of them. The plain(平原) is But the captain of the guards was no longer listening. He was going up the stairs-three at a time.Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the

10、 city of Troy(特洛伊). He looked down at the empty plain and, beyond(超越(choyu) it, at the empty sea. Theyve gone and weve won. he said. The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture(占领) our city. Now theyve sailed away. And theyve taken everything with them. 第12页/共31页第十三页,共32页。 Not everything, sir, th

11、e solider said.”Theyve left their horse. Outside the main gates of the city stood a huge Horse made of wood. Ah, yes, the captain said, that wooden horse. Its so big that they couldnt take it with them. Well, its ours now. Get some help and pull it into the city. That wont be difficult. Its on wheel

12、s. 第13页/共31页第十四页,共32页。“But why is it on wheels?” the solider asked. I think that maybe the Greeks want us to. The captain interrupted(打断(d dun) him. Youre a solider,” he said. You dont have to think. You have to obey orders, and Im giving you one now. Move that horse. And so the Trojans(特洛伊人) dragge

13、d(拖,拽) it into the city with ropes.第14页/共31页第十五页,共32页。By midnight(午夜(wy), the square(广场) was empty, except for the giant horse. The six Greek soldiers waited for another hour, to be sure. Then very quietly, they opened the secret door in the side of the horse, and climbed out.That night, in the main

14、 square of the city, all the citizens(市民(shmn) of Troy celebrated(庆祝). They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about their enemies(敌人), the stupid Greeks. Then the Trojans made sure all the gates of the city were securely(安全地) locked, and all went to sleep, including the gate guards(守卫

15、).第15页/共31页第十六页,共32页。No guards stopped them as they opened the main gates. Outside stood the Greek army. It had returned in the darkness when the citizens celebrated inside.Now the army entered the city. The Greeks seized(抓) the captain and dragged him away. For ten years, they could not capture the

16、 city by fighting. In one night, they succeed in capturing it by a trick(骗局(pin j).第16页/共31页第十七页,共32页。第17页/共31页第十八页,共32页。The solider came down the stairs-two at a time. Captain, theyve gone, he cried. Theyve disappeared-all of them. The plain is But the captain of the guards was no longer listening.

17、 He was going up the stairs-three at a time. could no longer be_ the big, flat piece of landthe captain of the guards was _ listening _ _.每次,一次:每次,一次:我们我们(w men)不能一次做两件事。不能一次做两件事。We can not do two things at a time.seennotanylonger第18页/共31页第十九页,共32页。Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall o

18、f the city of Troy. He looked down at the empty plain and, beyond it, at the empty sea. Theyve gone and weve won. he said. The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. Now theyve sailed away. And theyve taken everything with them. 在在那边;远于;超过那边;远于;超过 用于说明时间用于说明时间(shjin),地点,范围,能力等的界限。,地点,范

19、围,能力等的界限。Dont stay there beyond midnight.The fruit is beyond my reach.第19页/共31页第二十页,共32页。Not everything, sir, the solider said. Theyve left their horse. Outside the main gates of the city stood a huge horse made of wood. Ah, yes, the captain said, that wooden horse. Its so big that they couldnt take

20、 it with them. Well, its ours now. Get some help and pull it into the city. That wont be difficult. Its on wheels.They havent taken everything with them.倒装句倒装句在左边是一幅在左边是一幅(y f)中国地图。中国地图。On the left is a map of China.In the center of the city _ some supermarket. (be)Beyond this hill _ the lake. (lie)

21、areliesIts too big for them to take .第20页/共31页第二十一页,共32页。“But why is it on wheels?” the solider asked. I think that maybe the Greeks want us to. The captain interrupted him. Youre a solider,” he said. You dont have to think. You have to obey orders, and Im giving you one now. Move that horse. And so

22、 the Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes.You _ _ _ think.You _ think.dontneedtoneednt第21页/共31页第二十二页,共32页。That night, in the main square of the city, all the citizens of Troy celebrated.They sang and danced around the horse,and made jokes about their enemies,the stupid Greeks. Then the Trojan

23、s made sure all the gates of the city were securely locked, and all went to sleep, including the gate guards.取笑取笑(qxio),嘲笑:嘲笑:The children laughed and made jokes about her funny dress.玛丽是班里最胖的学生玛丽是班里最胖的学生(xu sheng),但没有人,但没有人拿她开玩笑。拿她开玩笑。Mary is the fattest student in our class, but nobody makes jokes

24、 about her. play a joke on sb 开某人(mu rn)的玩笑The boys played a joke on James.safely and also第22页/共31页第二十三页,共32页。make sure: 确保确保(qubo),确信,查明,确信,查明后面常跟宾语从句后面常跟宾语从句(cn j)(cn j)或或ofof介词短语介词短语当你离开房间的时候当你离开房间的时候(sh hou),请确保灯都关,请确保灯都关了。了。Please make sure the lights are off when you leave the lab.Will you ple

25、ase make sure that he returned?Will you please make sure _ _ _?ofhisreturnYou should make sure of the time. 你应该把时间弄清楚。你应该把时间弄清楚。第23页/共31页第二十四页,共32页。sure用作形容词,意为用作形容词,意为“肯定的;当然的;有把握的肯定的;当然的;有把握的 1. be sure(不接其它词),意为(不接其它词),意为“肯定的肯定的”。 Are you sure? I think he is coming, but Im not quite sure. 2. be s

26、ure to do sth. 表示要求,意为表示要求,意为“务必做某事;务必做某事;请一定做某事请一定做某事”,多用于祈使句。,多用于祈使句。 Be sure to telephone me and give me all the news. be sure to do sth. 还可表示一种还可表示一种(y zhn)推断,意推断,意为为“一定做某事;肯定做某事一定做某事;肯定做某事”。The child is sure to be a teacher. You are sure to win. 第24页/共31页第二十五页,共32页。3. be sure of / about (doing)

27、 sth. 表示表示(biosh)人对某事(物)的看法,意为人对某事(物)的看法,意为“对对有把握有把握”。其后常接名词、代词或动词。其后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形形式。式。 Are you sure of passing the exam? 你有把握通过考试吗?你有把握通过考试吗? Im not sure about English grammar. 我对英语语法没有把握。我对英语语法没有把握。 4. be sure+从句,意为从句,意为“确信确信”。例如:。例如: Im not sure that he will come. 我不确信他会来。我不确信他会来。 第25页/共31页第二十六

28、页,共32页。二、二、sure 用作副词用作副词(fc),意为,意为“当然;的确;一定当然;的确;一定”例如:例如: 1. 常用来回答一般疑问句,意为常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确当然;的确”,相当于,相当于yes或或certainly。例如:。例如: Are you going with us? 你和你和我们一起去吗?我们一起去吗? Sure. 当然啦。当然啦。 第26页/共31页第二十七页,共32页。By midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant horse. The six Greek soldiers waited

29、 for another hour, to be sure. Then very quietly, they opened the secret door in the side of the horse, and climbed out. open area in a city介词介词(jic) prep. 不迟于不迟于,到到为止为止 not later than I shall be back by 5 oclock. 最迟五点我一定最迟五点我一定(ydng)回来。回来。到上学期末,你们举行了几次英语到上学期末,你们举行了几次英语(yn y)晚会?晚会?How many English p

30、arties had you had by the end of last term? one more hour第27页/共31页第二十八页,共32页。except 表示“除去,不包括”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同nothing, all, none, nobody, any等不定代词以及every连用。except 经常接名词(mng c)或代词,但也可接副词,介词短语. The office is open every day except Sundays.除了(ch le)星期日这家公司每天都营业。She saw nothing except snow.

31、(nothing except = nothing but = only)第28页/共31页第二十九页,共32页。except forexcept for也表示也表示“ “除除 以外以外” ”,指对某种基本情况进行具体,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。它同的细节方面的修正。它同exceptexcept的区别是:的区别是:except forexcept for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的,指从后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的,指从整体中除去整体中除去(ch q)(ch q)一个细节,一个方面;而一个细节,一个方面;而exceptexcept后后接的词同整体词(

32、主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体中除去中除去(ch q)(ch q)一个部分一个部分 I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最后一题外,所有题目我都可以解答(jid)。 Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。 第29页/共31页第三十页,共32页。No guards stopped them as they opened the main gates. Out

33、side stood the Greek army. It had returned in the darkness when the citizens celebrated inside.Now the army entered the city. The Greeks seized the captain and dragged him away. For ten years, they could not capture the city by fighting. In one night, they succeed in capturing it by a trick.倒装句倒装句A large group of soldiers came intotook hold of roughly success successful第30页/共31页第三十一页,共32页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about their enemies, the stupid Greeks.第三十二页,共32页。



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