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1、 Unit 9 Zheng Hes Voyages to the Western SeaspLead-inpText studypExercisesContentLead-inPainting: Zheng Hes voyages to the Western SeaspIntroductionpAdvanced Navigation CivilizationpSpreading PeaceText studyIntroductionThe first voyage: The greatest fleet with the largest crews the world had ever se

2、en.Time: 1405.7.11Scale: 208 ships; more than 27,500 peopleCargoes: porcelain, silk, tea, other treasuresScope: the South China Sea, the strait of Malacca, the India Ocean, many countries of Asia and AfricaIntroductionAn important official in the court of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. Born to

3、a Muslim family, also believed in Buddhism and Mazu. Intelligent and knowledgeable about navigation.Direct all seven adventurous missions.Commander: Zheng He (1371-1433)IntroductionZheng Hes seven voyagesFirst voyageSecond voyageThird voyageFourth voyageFifth voyageSixth voyageSeventh voyage1405.07.

4、11永乐三年1407.10.13永乐五年1409.10永乐七年1413.11永乐十一年1417.06永乐十五年1421.03.03永乐十九年1431.01宣德五年Advanced Navigation Civilization Zheng He Famous navigators and their voyages Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Advanced Navigation CivilizationChristopher Columbus came upon the continent of the Ame

5、ricas in 1492 by traveling across the Pacific with his Spanish fleet. Christopher Columbus: 克里斯托弗哥伦布 (1451-1506)意大利航海家,在1492年到1502年间在西班牙的资助下四次横渡大西洋,到达美洲大陆,也因此成为了名垂青史的航海家。NoteAdvanced Navigation CivilizationThe Portuguese fleet of Vasco da Gama passed around Africas Cape of Hope and across the Indian

6、 Ocean, to arrive at Calicut on the west coast of India in 1498. Vasco da Gama: 瓦斯科达伽马 (1460-1524),葡萄牙航海家,首辟由欧洲绕非洲好望角到印度的航道(1497-1499),使葡萄牙得以在印度洋上建立霸权,1524年出任葡属印度总督。NoteAdvanced Navigation CivilizationFerdinand Magellan and his Spanish fleet claimed the first round-the-world navigation in 1522. Ferd

7、inand Magellan: 费迪南麦哲伦 (1480-1521) 葡萄牙航海家,1519年率西班牙船队作首次环球航行,1520年发现了以他的名字命名的麦哲伦海峡,到达菲律宾群岛后被当地人杀害。 NoteAdvanced Navigation CivilizationZheng Hes voyages took place much earlier and on a much larger scale. Zheng Hes fleets were unparalleled during his time in terms of size, navigation technology, org

8、anization and amenities (便利设施).Zheng He: 郑和(1371-1433)云南昆阳(今云南晋宁)人,1405-1433年,奉明廷之命率领船队七次出使亚非30多个国家和地区,是中国航海史和外交史上的重大事件NoteAdvanced Navigation CivilizationZheng Hes shipsZheng Hes ships were constructed with advanced technology and craft.A large-size ship in the fleet was 150 meters long, 60 meters

9、wide and 12 meters deep.It had a cargo capacity of about l,000 tons, with four levels to house more than l,000 crew and passengers. Advanced Navigation CivilizationThe foredeck had an area of 9,000 square meters, equal to the size of half a football field. The ship had nine masts with 12 sails. Its

10、iron rudder (舵) needed more than 200 people to lift. The large ships of Zheng Hes fleet would still look extraordinary even today.Advanced Navigation CivilizationZheng Hes shipsSpreading PeaceThe purposes of Emperor Yongle to send Zheng He on the missions: To show off the prosperity of the Ming Empi

11、re;To put into practice his ideals of making friends with and spreading peace to other countries near and far.Spreading PeaceThe principle of peace laid down by Emperor Yongle:“Follow the ways of Heaven and the world, do not bully small or weak countries, and spread the blessing of peace.” (信守天道,循理安

12、分,勿得违越,不可欺寡,不可凌弱,庶几共享太平之福。)Spreading PeaceZheng He deployed troops three times on his all seven long journeys:The first time was to wipe out pirates in the Palembang area.The second time was in self-defense: against an attack by a king of Ceylon.The third time was also in self-defense: against a gan

13、g of rioters from the Sumatra area. None of these acts constituted a violation of the principle of peace laid down by Emperor Yongle.Spreading PeaceOf the many places that Zheng Hes fleets reached, they never occupied an inch of anybodys territory, nor took away the slightest bit of anybodys propert

14、y, nor left a single soldier on anybodys land. Zheng He brought gifts to the places he reached. The gifts ranged from cash, silk, porcelain and clothing, to utensils made of iron, copper, silver and gold, bricks, tiles and glazed (上釉的) tiles for locals to build temples.Spreading Peace青花竹石灵芝纹盘青花竹石灵芝纹

15、盘Blue-and-white plate from the Hongwu region (1368-1398) of the Ming DynastySpreading Peace青釉刻花瓶青釉刻花瓶Celadon vase from Yaozhou Kiln of the Song DynastySpreading PeaceZheng Hes crew bartered (交换) porcelain, silk, tea, and metal utensils with local governments and ordinary citizens for jewelry, spices

16、, medicine, and rare animals. They also introduced to the countries they visited items such as: the Chinese calendar, Chinese medical sciences, and technologies in farming, manufacturing, navigation and shipbuilding.Spreading PeaceOn every one of his missions, Zheng He would bring envoys from other

17、lands back to China. In the ninth lunar month of 1422 (20th year of Emperor Yongles reign), more than l,200 envoys from 16 states in Southern Africa came to visit China with Zheng Hes fleet. There were also several kings who traveled on Zheng Hes ship back to China. Three of them stayed in China unt

18、il they died due to illness.Spreading PeacePeople in some Asian countries still retain fond memories of Zheng Hes visits. One can find many commemorative (纪念性的) buildings in these countries. Spreading PeaceThe temple named after Zheng He in the Indonesian port city of Semarang. Spreading PeaceIn the

19、 Malacca Straits area there can be found a well said to have been dug by Zheng He.ExercisespComprehensionpCommunicationpApplicationComprehensionI. Skimming and Scanning Go through the passage quickly and answer the following questions briefly.1) Which aspects of Zheng Hes voyages are mentioned in th

20、e first paragraph? 2) What was Zheng Hes job?In the first paragraph, the time, scale, cargoes and scope of Zheng He voyages are mentioned.Zheng He was the commander of the fleets and an important official in the court of Emperor Yongle.Comprehension 3) Among the voyages mentioned in Paragraphs 3-4,

21、whose voyages are the greatest? Why? Among the voyages mentioned in Paragraphs 3-4, Zheng Hes voyages are the greatest because his voyages took place much earlier and on a much larger scale. 4) What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?Paragraph 5 is mainly about how advanced Zheng Hes ships were.Comprehensi

22、on5) What is the principle of peace laid down by Emperor Yongle?The principle of peace laid down by Emperor Yongle is “Follow the ways of Heaven and the world, do not bully small or weak countries, and spread the blessing of peace.”6) What gifts did Zheng He bring to the places he reached?The gifts

23、Zheng He brought to the places he reached ranged from cash, silk, porcelain and clothing, to utensils made of iron, copper, silver and gold, even bricks, tiles and glazed tiles for locals to build temples.Comprehension7) Who did Zheng He bring back to China on his missions?Zheng He brought back on h

24、is missions envoys and several kings from other lands.8) How do some countries commemorate Zheng He?Some countries commemorate Zheng He through commemorative buildings in their countries, such as the temple named after Zheng He, and through bilingual song-and-dance drama.ComprehensionII. Careful Rea

25、ding1. Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing information.2) The destinations of Zheng Hes voyages are countries located _. porcelain, silk, tea, and numerous other treasureson the coasts of Asia and Africa1) The ships of Zheng Hes fleet are loaded with cargoes of _ _ _.C

26、omprehension3) Zheng He was appointed as the commander of the missions because _ _. 4) Zheng Hes fleets were unparalleled in terms of _.he was intelligent andknowledgeable about navigationsize, navigation technology, organization and amenitiesComprehension5) The purposes of the missions were mainly

27、to _ and _ _. 6) Zheng He deployed troops three times on his seven missions against _and _. put into practice his ideals of making friends with and spreading peace to other countries near and farshow off the prosperity of the Ming Empire pirates in the Palembang area, an attack by a king of Ceylon (

28、now Sri Lanka) a gang of rioters from the Sumatra areaComprehension8) According to Paragraph 10, the three kings who traveled on Zheng Hes ship to China even _.7) Zheng Hes crew traded their porcelain, silk, tea, and metal utensils for _, spices, medicineand rare animalslived/stayed in Chi

29、naComprehension9) The bilingual drama mentioned in Paragraph 11 is about _ _ _ _. the story of Princess Hanbaoli, daughter of Emperor Yongle, who was escorted by Zheng He and a 500-member retinue to her wedding with Sultan MansurShah of MalaccaComprehension1) 舰队2) 货物 3) 海峡4) 航海 5) 全体船员2. Put the fol

30、lowing into English by referring to the passage.6) 载重量7) 前甲板8) 桅杆 9) 帆 fleetcargostraitnavigationcrewcargo capacityforedeckmastsailCommunicationThe following is a passage about Christopher Columbus. The sentences are given in the wrong order. Try to reorganize these sentences to form a coherent pass

31、age.CommunicationB. They took it for granted that Columbus estimation of a travel distance of 2,400 miles (3,860 km) was, in fact, far too short.A. In response to this, Columbus brothers had, by the 1480s, developed a plan to travel to the Indies, then construed (理解为) roughly as all of south and eas

32、t Asia, by sailing directly west across the Atlantic.C. Europe had long enjoyed a safe land passage to China and Indiasources of valued goods such as silk and spices-under the hegemony (霸权) of the Mongol Empire.D. Columbus also requested to be made “Great Admiral of the Ocean”, appointed governor of

33、 any and all lands he discovered, and given one-tenth of all revenue from those lands.CommunicationF. In 1485, Columbus presented his plans to John II, King of Portugal.E. However, with the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. the land passage to Asia became more difficult.G. The kin

34、g submitted the proposal to his experts, who rejected it.H. He proposed the king equip three sturdy ships and grant Columbus one-year time to sail out into the Atlantic, search for a western route to the Orient, and return.Key: CEAFHDGBApplicationOver the past 60 years, China has actively engaged in

35、 international activities, and in handling foreign affairs by following her foreign policy as listed below. Read it carefully and explain how the policy and the principle of peace observed by Zheng He in his voyages are consistent.ApplicationChina adheres to an independent foreign policy as well as

36、to the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each others internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence in developing diplomatic relations and economic and cultural exchanges with other countri

37、es; China consistently opposes imperialism, hegemonism and colonialism, works to strengthen unity with the people of other countries, supports the oppressed nations and the developing countries in their just struggle to win and preserve national independence and develop their national economies, and strives to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress.



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