高中英语 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Section 3 Using Language课件 新人教版必修2

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1、英语英语必修必修 人教版人教版新课标导学新课标导学新课标导学新课标导学Unit 2The Olympic Games Section Using Language1 1自自主主预预习习2 2合合作作探探究究3 3巩巩固固提提升升4 4课课 时时 作作 业业自自 主主 预预 习习.单词速记1_(vt.& vi.)收费,控诉(n.)费用;主管2_(vt.)罚款3_(n.)海报;招贴4_(vi.)讨价还价,讲条件(n.)便宜货5_(vi.& vt.)应受(报答或惩罚);值得6physical(adj.)物理的;身体的 _(n.)物理学chargefineposterbargaindeservephy

2、sics7advertise(vt.& vi.)做广告;登广告 _(n.)广告8hopeless(adj.)没有希望的;绝望的 _(反义词)有希望的9foolish(adj.)愚蠢的;傻的 _(n.)傻瓜;蠢人10pain(n.)疼痛;痛苦 _(adj.)疼痛的;令人痛苦的advertisementhopefulfoolpainful.短语互译1take the place of _ 2in charge _3be allowed to do _4make a bargain with sb. _5one after another _ 6故意 _7跌倒 _8听说 _ 9改变主意 _10拾起;

3、捡起;用车接 _代替主管;看管被允许做和某人达成协议陆续地;一个接一个地on purpose fall downhear ofchange ones mindpick up .课文理解First略读主旨Match the general idea of every paragraph.Para.1 _AMany men including Hippomenes who wanted to marry Atalanta came to run the race.Para.2 _ BIn order to win the race,Hippomenes came to the Greek Godd

4、ess of Love for help.Para.3 _CAtalanta,a beautiful Greek princess, told her father that she only married the man who could run as fast as her.CABSecond细读细节1From the passage we can learn that Atalanta _.Awas an American beautiful girlBcould run the fastest in GreeceCwas a very determined girlDcould d

5、o anything her father wantedC2Atalanta had to make a bargain with her father because she _.Awanted to marry the man she liked bestBwanted to run and win gloryCcould run faster than othersDwanted to show her strength3From the second paragraph we can learn that _.Anobody wanted to marry the princessBm

6、any men wanted to marry the beautiful girlCthe men who wanted to compete with her were foolishDHippomenes also felt hopeless in marrying AtalantaBB4According to the Greek Goddess of Love,we can infer that _AHippomenes was so cleverBHippomenes could at last win the raceCAtalanta could fall in love wi

7、th HippomenesDHippomenes won without the applesBThird精读语篇Atlanta was a Greek princess. She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.But she was not allowed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.She was so angry 1. _ she said to her father that she would not marr

8、y anyone 2. _ could not run faster than her.Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain 3. _ him.She said to him, “These are my rules.When a man says he wants to marry 4. _, I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed.No one will 5. _ (pardon)”thatwho

9、withmebe pardonedMany kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta, 6. _ when they heard of her rules they knew it was 7. _ (hope)So many of them sadly went home, but 8. _ stayed to run the race.There was a man called Hippomenes who was 9. _ (amaze) when he heard of Atlantas rules, “Why are these men s

10、o foolish?” he thought.“Why will they let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess?” However, when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, Hippomenes 10. _ (change) his mind.“I will marry Atlantaor die!” he said.buthopelessothersamazedchangedFourth研读难句1It didnt take

11、 her long to reach the standard for entering the Olympic Games.分析:“It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.”为常用句型,表示“做某事花了(某人)时间”。该句型中的it为形式 _,动词不定式短语为 _的主语。译文: _ 主语真正她没花费多长时间就达到了参加奥运会的标准。2Unfortunately during the final,she was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that sh

12、e fell down.分析:句中“when”相当于并列连词,意为:就在这时,此处连接两个 _分句;第二个分句中so that 引导 _状语从句,意为“因此”。译文: _ _并列结果不幸的是,在最后的决赛中,她跑在最前面,这时另一个参赛者故意推她,结果她摔倒了。3She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.分析:本句是含有并列谓语的简单句。faster than.为 _结构,意为:比跑得快。本句中的any后不能加other,因为她不是 _中的一员。译文: _比较男子她长得很美并且可以跑得比希腊的任何男人都

13、快。4She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.分析:此句为复杂的复合句。so.that.如此以至于,that引导 _状语从句;第二个that引导 _从句,作动词said的宾语;who引导 _从句修饰先行词anyone,且who在从句中充当 _。译文: _ 结果宾语定语她非常生气,就对她父亲说,她不会嫁给任何跑不过她的男人。主语合合 作作 探探 究究(1)v.收费How much do you charge for

14、a room with bath?一间带浴室的房间收费多少?控诉Bob was charged with the murder,but he refused to admit it.鲍勃因一起谋杀案被指控,但他没有承认。1charge重 点 词 汇(2)n.收费You will get something useful free of charge.你可以免费得到一些有用的东西。主管Mr.Smith will be in charge when the manager is away.经理不在时将由史密斯先生负责。(1)charge(sb.)for sth.为(向某人)收费/要价charge

15、sb.with sth. 指控某人某事(2)in charge(of.) 主管/看管/负责()take charge of. 负责/看管in/under the charge of. in ones charge在的掌管之下free of charge 免费The man who had taken charge of/been in charge of the company was charged with taking drugs.曾经掌管这家公司的这个人被指控吸毒。This class is in the charge of an experienced teacher.这个班由一位有

16、经验的老师负责。Going to public concerts is often free of charge.去公共音乐会经常是免费的。同义句替换。The manager of the company will be in charge of the project.The manager of the company will _ the project.The house has been under the charge of him now for more than a year.The house has been _ now for more than a year.The

17、house has been _ now for more than a year.take charge ofin his chargein the charge of him完成句子这家餐厅收我们40英镑的酒水钱。The restaurant _ us 40 _ the wine.他们控告我不负责任。They _ me _ irresponsibility.chargedforchargedwith(1)v. 处以罚金The police fined me for driving too fast.警察因为我开车太快罚了我的款。(2)n. 罚金;罚款You must pay a fine

18、of ¥10 if you park your car in the wrong place.假如你把汽车停错了地方就要交十元钱罚金。2fine单句语法填空。The driver paid a fiftydollar fine _ speeding.解析:句意:司机因超速行驶付了五十美元的罚金。He _ (fine) 200 dollars for breaking the traffic regulation.解析:句意:他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。forwas finedNow you are asked to make a poster to advertise a sportin

19、g event.现在要求你制作一张海报为一项体育赛事做广告。Weve advertised for someone to look after the garden.我们已登广告雇一个人来照看花园。3advertise vt.& vi.做广告;登广告(1)advertise sth. 为做广告;为登广告advertise for 登广告征求advertise for sb.to do sth. 登广告招聘/雇用某人做某事(2)advertisement n 广告put an advertisement in a newspaper在报纸上发布广告The nursing home is adve

20、rtising for a volunteer to help look after the patients.这家疗养院正在登广告招聘一名志愿者帮助照顾病人。If you are in search of your missing pet,youd better put an advertisement in the newspaper.如果你在寻找丢失的宠物,你最好在报纸上登个广告。单句语法填空They advertised _a young girl to look after the children.The organization is advertising for a teac

21、her _ (teach)the children whose parents work outside all year.In order to look for their missing child,they have put an _ (advertise)in any possible media.forto teachadvertisementThey are going to get married next month.他们将于下个月结婚。They have been married for 10 years.他们已经结婚10年了。He married his daughter

22、 to a doctor.他把女儿嫁给了一位医生。4marry vt.&vi. 结婚;娶;嫁(1)“和某人结婚”为marry sb.,不可说marry with sb.。(2)表示“和某人结婚”时,常用be/get married to sb.结构:be married to sb.表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用;get married to sb.表示动作,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。译她和一个医生结了婚。误She married with a doctor.误She was married with a doctor.正She married a doctor.正She was/

23、got married to a doctor.单句语法填空。We will hold a party to celebrate my grandparents golden wedding tomorrow,for they _ (marry) for 50 years.解析:句意:明天我们将为我的祖父母举办一次聚会,以庆祝他们的金婚纪念,因为他们的婚姻已经走过50个年头了。句中含有表示一段时间的时间状语for 50 years,故用现在完成时。be married 表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。She was determined to marry her daughter _a

24、 rich man.解析:句意:她决心把她的女儿嫁给有钱人。marry sb.to sb.“把某人嫁给某人”,是固定搭配。have been marriedto单句改错。He was married with a rich woman.with改为to。(1)n.C协议;交易We made a bargain with the company.我们与那家公司达成了协议。5bargain n& vi.(2)n.C便宜货There are no bargains in the clothes shop at the moment.这阵子服装店没有什么便宜货。The coat is a good b

25、argain at such a low price.这件外衣售价这么低,实在是便宜。That secondhand table was a real bargain.那张二手的桌子非常便宜。(3)vi.(与某人就某事)讨价还价,讲条件He bargained with the boss over the pay.他与老板就工资讨价还价。(1)bargain with sb.about/over/for sth.与某人就某事讨价还价/商讨条件He was bargaining with the shopkeeper over the price.他正与店主讲价。(2)make a bargai

26、n with sb.与某人达成协议He made a bargain with me,but he is trying to break it off.他与我达成了一个协议,但是他想毁约。(3)be a (real/good) bargain 便宜货At that low price,the house is a bargain.按那样低的价钱出售,这房子是便宜的。(4)Its/Thats a bargain.我同意了/成交。Will you take 10 dollars for the book?这本书你收10美元可以吗?Its a bargain.我同意。完成句子。我们应该还还价。瞧,这

27、样就很便宜,买得也合算。We should _the price.Look,this is cheap;it is _.他和顾客达成协议免费提供部分服务。He _ his customers to offer part of service free of charge.bargain over/about/fora good bargainmade a bargain with单句语法填空。Your iPhone is really cheap at that price.Yes,it is _ real bargain.解析:句意:你的iPhone以那个价格很便宜。是的,确实很便宜。a r

28、eal bargain“便宜货”。aI can hardly bear the pain in the knee.我几乎忍受不了膝盖的疼痛。It gave us much pain to learn of the sad news.我们听到这个不幸的消息十分悲痛。No pains,no gains.不劳无获。6pain n. U U,C C 疼痛;痛苦 (pl.) 辛苦;努力(1)be in pain 疼痛She was clearly in a lot of pain.她显然疼痛万分。(2)be at pains to do sth.下苦功;花大力气She has been at pains

29、 to take good care of the wounded soldier.她用心照顾这名受伤的战士。(3)take/go to (great) pains to do sth.煞费苦心做某事The couple went to great pains to keep their plans secret.这对夫妇煞费苦心,对计划守口如瓶。The death of his father gave him much pain.他父亲的死使他很悲痛。The ache in his back lasted for two days.他的背痛了两天。pain泛指泛指“疼痛疼痛”,也可指精神上的

30、痛苦。,也可指精神上的痛苦。ache仅指身体某一部位持续的隐痛,而不指一时的痛。仅指身体某一部位持续的隐痛,而不指一时的痛。单句语法填空。He has taken great _ (pain) to improve his image.解析:句意:他煞费苦心地改变自己的形象。take (great) pains to do sth.意为“煞费苦心做某事”,为固定搭配。Though _ great pain,he forced himself to exercise daily.解析:句意:虽然痛苦难熬,但他仍强迫自己每天锻炼。in pain“疼痛”,为固定搭配。painsin (1)deser

31、ve to do应该做They deserve to be sent to prison.他们应该入狱。He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the exams.他学习很努力,考试及格是应该的。You deserve a rest after all that work.辛苦劳累那么久,你该休息一下了。(2)deserve doing /to be done 值得(被做)Your suggestion deserves considering/to be considered.你的建议值得考虑。7deserve vt.& vt.deserve

32、后接动名词时,动名词用主动形式表示被动意义,相当于接动词不定式的被动形式。有些类用法的词还有need,want,require等。They deserved rewarding.They deserved to be rewarded.他们应该受到奖赏。The TV needs mending.The TV needs to be mended.这台电视机需要被修理。一句多译。这个男孩值得表扬。_The boy deserved praiseThe boy deserved praisingThe boy deserved to be praised单句语法填空。The article des

33、erves _ (read) a second time.Sorry,I cant follow you clearly.I said that the article is worth _ (read) again.解析:表示“值得被做”,可以用deserve doing/to be done表示,也可用be worth doing表示。reading/to be readreadingIts hopeless trying to convince her.想说服她简直是徒劳的。She felt lonely and hopeless.她感到孤独而绝望。8hopeless adj. 没有希望

34、的;无望的;绝望的(反义词:hopeful)单句语法填空。Dont worry.I feel _ (hope) that we will find a comfortable house.He was very sad because he knew he was in a _ (hope) situation.hopefulhopelessWith great effort,he rose to his feet.他鼓起劲,站起身来。Please rise to your feet.I have something important to announce.请起立。我有重要的事情宣布。1r

35、ise to ones feet站起来重 点 短 语struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来Though he fell down while running,he still struggled to his feet and continued to run.尽管跑着的时候摔倒了,他还是挣扎着站了起来,继续跑。单句语法填空。After he was knocked down by a car which escaped immediately,he struggled _ his feet and called 120 and the police station.解析:s

36、truggle to ones feet“挣扎着站起来”。句意:他被一辆事发后立刻逃逸的车撞倒后,挣扎着站了起来,拨打了120和派出所的电话。to(1)捡起;拾起He picked up his hat and went away.他拾起帽子,走开了。(2)学会,获得(尤指偶然或无意中)She picked up French when she was in Paris.在巴黎时,她学会了法语。She picked up a lot of information.她偶然得到了许多信息。2pick up(3)(用车)去接The bus stopped to pick up the passeng

37、ers.公共汽车停下来搭载乘客。(4)恢复(健康、精神);好转A bite of something might pick you up.吃一点东西也许能使你振作起来。Business will pick up before summer.夏天来到之前,生意将会好转。(5)接收I picked up Radio Beijing last night.昨晚我收听到了北京广播电台。(6)使增加;加快The car is picking up speed.汽车加速了。pick out挑出,选出;辨认出At once I picked out my brother in the crowd.我立即在人

38、群中认出我哥哥来。写出下列句子中pick up的含义The boy picked up that hat for the old man. _He picked up some skills by watching the workers working. _The boy will pick up after the operation. _Will you please pick me up at the airport? _The train was gradually picking up speed. _捡起(无意中)学会好转用车接加速单句语法填空。(四川高考改编)Its surpr

39、ising that your brother picked _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.解析:句意:真令人惊讶,你哥哥这么快就学会了俄语他在那儿还没住多长时间。pick up拾起,捡起,学会。upHe threw the golden apples one after another.他陆续地扔金苹果。The boys jumped into the pool one after another.男孩子们相继跳进游泳池里。3one after another陆续地;一个接一个地one after another一个接一

40、个地一个接一个地(强调连续性强调连续性)one by one一个一个地一个一个地(强调一次一个强调一次一个)完成句子。他开始一个接一个地把瓶子打开。He begins opening bottles, _.请把这些句子一个个地好好背一背。Please recite these sentences carefully _.one after anotherone by one(1)这是一个由and连接并列谓语的简单句。(2)run faster than.为比较结构,意为:比跑得快。(3)本句中的any后不能加other,因为她不是男子中的一员。China is larger than any

41、country in Africa.中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。1She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.她长得很美并且可以跑得比希腊的任何男人都快。经 典 句 式any other表示“其他任何一个”,比较的两者属于同一范围或是同一类。Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.加拿大所拥有的淡水比世界上其他任何国家都要多。完成句子。在学习上她比班上的任何其他学生都做得好。She does better in st

42、udy _ in her class.他很聪明,他比另一家公司的任何一个员工都工作得辛苦。He is very clever and works harder than _ in another company.than any other studentany worker2She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.她非常生气,就跟她父亲说,她不会嫁给任何跑不过她的男人。(1)此句为复合句。 (2)句中so.tha

43、t.意为“如此以至于”。仿写句子。他非常激动,并对朋友们说他要对那些帮助过他的人表示感谢。_他很生气,就对他的朋友说,他将永远不会到服务不好的餐馆吃饭。_He was so excited that he said to his friends that he would thank those who had helped him.He was so angry that he said to his friend that he would never eat in any restaurant that didnt give good service.(1)这是个主从复合句,becaus

44、e引导原因状语从句。(2)句中含有“the比较级(主语谓语),the比较级(主语谓语)”。此句型表示后者随着前者的变化而变化,意为“越就越”,前者相当于一个条件句,因此,要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。3The is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become.这是很重要的,因为你说英语越多,你的英语就会越好。 At first I thought I understood what my teacher said,but the more he explained,the m

45、ore coufused I became.起初我以为我明白了老师所说的,但是他越解释我就越迷惑。“比较级and比较级”意为“越来越”,表示人/事物本身在程度上的改变。With the rapid economical development,Chinas position on the international stage is getting more and more important.随着经济的迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得越来越重要了。在“the比较级.,the比较级.”结构中,第一个“the 比较级.”有时可以相当于if引导的条件句The harder you work,

46、the greater progress you will make.You will make greater progress if you work harder.你学习越努力,进步就越大。The harder you study,the more progress youll make.你学习越刻苦,取得的进步就越大。单句语法填空。It is believed that the _ (hard) you work,the _ (good) result youll get.(2015陕西,14改编) _ more learned a man is, _ more modest he u

47、sually becomes.解析:考查冠词。句意:一个人越有学识,他就越可能更谦虚,使用“the比较级主谓, the比较级主谓”的句型。harderbetterThethe _you devote to practicing your spoken English, _it will become.你用来练习英语口语的时间越多,你的英语口语就会越流利。It was raining _.They had to stop marching.雨下得越来越大,他们不得不停止前进。Tennis is getting _ in Shanghai.在上海,网球正变得越来越流行。The more timethe more fluentharder and hardermore and more popular



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