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1、Instrument Cluster组合仪表Unit 13l All the signals All the signals that appear in our dashboard go that appear in our dashboard go through the instrument cluster first. through the instrument cluster first. l The The central control central control of all the output devices as well as of all the output

2、devices as well as the the data sourcesdata sources. .l Configuration: Configuration: TachometerTachometer, , SpeedometerSpeedometer, , odometerodometer, , fuelfuel, , temperature gaugestemperature gauges, et al., et al.Introductionhttp:/ lAlso called revolution-counter, rev-Also called revolution-c

3、ounter, rev-counter, or RPM gauge, which measures counter, or RPM gauge, which measures the engine speed.the engine speed.l lThe speed information is very useful if The speed information is very useful if our car has a manual transmission and our car has a manual transmission and we want to shift at

4、 the optimum RPM for we want to shift at the optimum RPM for best fuel economy or best acceleration.best fuel economy or best acceleration.http:/ lNever race your car so fast that the tach moves into the red Never race your car so fast that the tach moves into the red zone as this can cause engine d

5、amage.zone as this can cause engine damage.l lSome engines are protected by the engine computer from Some engines are protected by the engine computer from going into the red zone. going into the red zone. 蒸曳材鳖缔屿她即酿藐摹扩佯拈氖踌遥垫右鸥蜗狸忱知量膘冈蛮妈赖夜坚汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件Speedometerl lDisplays the driving

6、 speed.Displays the driving speed.l lIn the past, the speedometer was usually driven by a cable In the past, the speedometer was usually driven by a cable that spins inside a flexible tube. The cable is connected on one that spins inside a flexible tube. The cable is connected on one side to the spe

7、edometer, and on the other side to the side to the speedometer, and on the other side to the speedometer gear inside the transmission.speedometer gear inside the transmission.l lToday, just about all vehicles use an electronic sensor to Today, just about all vehicles use an electronic sensor to meas

8、ure the wheel speed and send the signal to a measure the wheel speed and send the signal to a electronical electronical driven speedometer.driven speedometer.http:/ lOdometer / Mileometer / Milometer.Odometer / Mileometer / Milometer.l lIndicates the distance traveled by a car.Indicates the distance

9、 traveled by a car.l lIt is usually integrated with the speedometer.It is usually integrated with the speedometer.l lNormally, the total travel distance number is shown in upper Normally, the total travel distance number is shown in upper line and we cannot modify it. In the lower line, one travel o

10、r line and we cannot modify it. In the lower line, one travel or more travel distance can be measured and shown. We can press more travel distance can be measured and shown. We can press the reset button to return its number to zero.the reset button to return its number to zero.http:/www.geekery.co.

11、za/tag/odometer/矣佯窿促低防馅溪疑镜昨痞流喷奋崎肺待刃篱襄际怔捏癣象肄谤株佬履姥汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件EPC Indicatorl lEPC stands for Electronic Power Control.EPC stands for Electronic Power Control.l lIt means that there is something wrong It means that there is something wrong with our cars electronic systems.with our cars

12、electronic systems.http:/ lThis could be a serious problem with one of our cars systems This could be a serious problem with one of our cars systems or could be as simple as bad wiring. (Especially if our cars have or could be as simple as bad wiring. (Especially if our cars have any added any added

13、 after-marketafter-market components) components)匀到渺昧白凉乾滴擂员裔杂掳憋初计检判写茎派一哥斤渗踌路史内芽限含汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件Charging system warningl lThe lights come on every time we turn the The lights come on every time we turn the ignition key to “ON”.ignition key to “ON”.l lAfter the engine starts and the alte

14、rnator After the engine starts and the alternator begins to charge, the light will go off.begins to charge, the light will go off.l lIf the light stays on or comes on when the If the light stays on or comes on when the engine is running, have this system checked engine is running, have this system c

15、hecked as soon as possible.as soon as possible.http:/ indicator lightl lWhen the anti slip regulation is limiting When the anti slip regulation is limiting wheel spin on a slippery road surface, the wheel spin on a slippery road surface, the slip indicator should slip indicator should blinkblink. .l

16、 lThe slip indicator light should otherwise only come on for a The slip indicator light should otherwise only come on for a couple of seconds as the computer goes through the system check couple of seconds as the computer goes through the system check during the startup sequence when we first turn t

17、he ignition switch to during the startup sequence when we first turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position.the “ON” position.l lIf the slip indicator light does not come on for a couple of If the slip indicator light does not come on for a couple of seconds or it stays on after startup, then some

18、thing is wrong with seconds or it stays on after startup, then something is wrong with the anti slip regulation and we should take it to our the anti slip regulation and we should take it to our dealerdealer for repair. for repair.http:/ airbag warning lightl lThis light should never come on unless

19、This light should never come on unless there is a fault in our vehicles air bag there is a fault in our vehicles air bag system.system.l lLike the engine computer and ABS computer, the air bag Like the engine computer and ABS computer, the air bag control module runs a self-check every time the vehi

20、cle is driven.control module runs a self-check every time the vehicle is driven.l lIf it finds a fault in a crash sensor or the wiring, it will set a If it finds a fault in a crash sensor or the wiring, it will set a code and turn on the warning light and disable itself.code and turn on the warning

21、light and disable itself.l lWe can drive the vehicle but the air bags will not We can drive the vehicle but the air bags will not deploydeploy when we are involved in an accident. So we should have the when we are involved in an accident. So we should have the problem diagnosed and repaired at our e

22、arliest convenience.problem diagnosed and repaired at our earliest convenience.http:/ words1.1. Speedometer Speedometer 速度计速度计2.2. Accessible Accessible 可达到的可达到的3.3. Gauge Gauge 仪表仪表4.4. Odometer Odometer 里程表里程表5.5. Milometer Milometer 里程表里程表6.6. Mileometer Mileometer 计程表计程表7.7. Tach Tach 转速表转速表8.8.

23、 Charge Charge 充电充电9.9. Slippery Slippery 滑的,光滑的滑的,光滑的10.10. Dealer Dealer 经销商经销商11.11. Correspond Correspond 符合,相应符合,相应12.12. Panic Panic 惊慌惊慌13.13. Adaptive Adaptive 适应的适应的14.14. Navigation Navigation 导航导航15.15. Buzzer Buzzer 蜂鸣器蜂鸣器16.16. Illuminate Illuminate 照明,照亮照明,照亮17.17. Emission Emission 排放

24、(物)排放(物)18.18. Headlight Headlight 前灯前灯19.19. Aerodynamic Aerodynamic 空气动力学的空气动力学的20.20. Tap Tap 轻敲,轻打轻敲,轻打续郎砌禄蹄赁等妆捍镊原涉弛隘迸荣雨衷吧寺光殿舔握况愈嗓班嫁晋咏估汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件Parking brake system indicatorl lMonitors the electro-mechanical Monitors the electro-mechanical parking brake.parking brake.l lThe l

25、ight comes on when the parking brake is set, and it The light comes on when the parking brake is set, and it comes on briefly when we turn the ignition key to “ON”. It comes on briefly when we turn the ignition key to “ON”. It normally goes off shortly after the engine starts and we release normally

26、 goes off shortly after the engine starts and we release the parking brake.the parking brake.l lIf the light stays flashing after the parking brake is set, it If the light stays flashing after the parking brake is set, it indicates the parking brake force is not enough to protect the indicates the p

27、arking brake force is not enough to protect the vehicle from moving itself.vehicle from moving itself.Exclamation Markhttp:/www.driving-test- system warning lightl lIt comes on for one of two follow reasons: It comes on for one of two follow reasons: l lWe forgot to release the parking brakeWe forgo

28、t to release the parking brakel lThe brake system has a potentially serious hydraulic The brake system has a potentially serious hydraulic problem that may make the vehicle unsafe to drive.problem that may make the vehicle unsafe to drive.http:/ warning lightl lThis warning light means the ABS has T

29、his warning light means the ABS has detected a fault in itself.detected a fault in itself.l lIn this case, it In this case, it temporarilytemporarily disables the ABS. The vehicle disables the ABS. The vehicle should still brake and stop normally, but it will not has anti lock should still brake and

30、 stop normally, but it will not has anti lock braking when making a sudden braking when making a sudden panicpanic stop or braking on stop or braking on wetwet or or slipperyslippery road surface. road surface.l lWe should have the problem diagnosed and repaired at our We should have the problem dia

31、gnosed and repaired at our earliest convenience.earliest convenience.http:/www.driving-test- indicatorl lCruise control system.Cruise control system.l lThe light comes on when we set the The light comes on when we set the cruise control.cruise control.l lWhen we When we taptap the brake or clutch pe

32、dal, or press the “SET” the brake or clutch pedal, or press the “SET” and “RESUME” buttons at the same time, the light on the and “RESUME” buttons at the same time, the light on the instrument panel will go out and the car will begin to slow down. instrument panel will go out and the car will begin

33、to slow down. We can use the accelerator pedal in the normal way.We can use the accelerator pedal in the normal way.http:/ fuel level warningl lIndicates the level of fuel contained in a Indicates the level of fuel contained in a tank is low and need to be added.tank is low and need to be added.l lT

34、wo main parts: the Two main parts: the sendersender, which , which measures the level of fuel in the tank, and the measures the level of fuel in the tank, and the gauge, which displays that level to the driver.gauge, which displays that level to the driver.l lThe needle points to “F” indicating a fu

35、ll The needle points to “F” indicating a full tank, while “E” indicating a empty tank.tank, while “E” indicating a empty tank.http:/ coolant temperature gaugel lMeasures the coolant temperature.Measures the coolant temperature.l lIt is very important to monitor the It is very important to monitor th

36、e temperature to be sure that our engine is temperature to be sure that our engine is not overheating.not overheating.l lIf we notice the gauge is If we notice the gauge is readingreading much much hotter than the usual, have the cooling hotter than the usual, have the cooling system checked as soon

37、 as possible.system checked as soon as possible.http:/www.osha.gov/dcsp/products/etools/pit/forklift/basicparts/instruments.html捆凉攻涯姐老教挛酝哉精枕库刊嗜洼酞钥蔬咏攒矿保挑题槐乔炯弟乙梳眺汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件Turn signal indicatorl lWhen we push the turn signal lever up When we push the turn signal lever up before makin

38、g a right turn, the right side before making a right turn, the right side arrow on the instrument panel flashes.arrow on the instrument panel flashes.l lUsually, it can turn off automatically Usually, it can turn off automatically after we turn our car.after we turn our car.l lIf the turn signal lig

39、hts continue to flash If the turn signal lights continue to flash after we have completed the turn, pull the after we have completed the turn, pull the level back to “OFF”.level back to “OFF”.http:/ belt reminder lightl lAs the ignition switch is turned to “ON”, As the ignition switch is turned to “

40、ON”, the safety belt reminder light comes on for a the safety belt reminder light comes on for a few seconds, which reminds us of seat belt few seconds, which reminds us of seat belt whether fastened or not. If not, the whether fastened or not. If not, the buzzerbuzzer will sound and light stays on

41、until we do it.will sound and light stays on until we do it.http:/architectures.danlockton.co.uk/2009/04/06/lens-errorproofing/制虾堆葱厄厂支弄勃肪行妆释齐浊瑟饶蹦鸦绽兢琢输螺耘扬谦渴扣柔挚配汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件New words21.21. Instrument cluster Instrument cluster 仪表板仪表板22.22. After market After market 售后市场售后市场23.23. Wheel

42、 speed Wheel speed 轮速轮速24.24. Parking brake system indicator Parking brake system indicator 驻车制动指示灯驻车制动指示灯25.25. Trip odometer Trip odometer 单里程表单里程表26.26. Turn signal indicator Turn signal indicator 转向信号灯转向信号灯27.27. Safety belt reminder light Safety belt reminder light 安全带警告灯安全带警告灯28.28. Trailer tu

43、rn signal device indicator Trailer turn signal device indicator 拖车转向信号装置指示灯拖车转向信号装置指示灯29.29. Check engine warning light Check engine warning light 发动机检查指示灯发动机检查指示灯30.30. Headlight high beam indicator Headlight high beam indicator 前照灯远光指示灯前照灯远光指示灯31.31. Adaptive air suspension Adaptive air suspension

44、 自适应空气悬架自适应空气悬架哈伦卑宏否株能批蚌邑请男自状烁骏暮颠呼辱揣叔顿臻侈衰柳邓满翘伐带汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件New words32.32. EPC electronic power control EPC electronic power control 发动机电子功率控制系统发动机电子功率控制系统33.33. ALT alternator ALT alternator 交流发电机交流发电机34.34. ASR anti-slip regulation ASR anti-slip regulation 驱动防滑系统驱动防滑系统35.35. SRS su

45、pplement restraint system SRS supplement restraint system 辅助约束系统辅助约束系统36.36. ABS anti-lock brake system ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统防抱死制动系统37.37. FC fault code FC fault code 故障码故障码38.38. CCS cruise control system CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系统巡航控制系统39.39. DIS drivers information system DIS d

46、rivers information system 驾驶员信息系统驾驶员信息系统40.40. MIL malfunction indicator lamp MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示灯故障指示灯41.41. Rear window defogger indicator Rear window defogger indicator 后窗除雾指示灯后窗除雾指示灯脉环尿双极乱措脚纱担评亲掂肪籍千宙汗结旱终屠纶洁瘸悬渊经尖筹四邪汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件西华大学XIHUA UNIVERSITYXIHUA UNIVERSITY交通

47、与汽车工程学院交通与汽车工程学院Faculty of Faculty of Transportation and Transportation and Automotive EngineeringAutomotive Engineering Homework1.Review the new words and expressions2.Practice 1-10牌婆浓产睁并枪从窖酞假掉楷周巧咆妥效冰队雕雹傲钮钦冒输养亨捌瞪狙汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件西华大学XIHUA UNIVERSITYXIHUA UNIVERSITY交通与汽车工程学院交通与汽车工程学院Facu

48、lty of Faculty of Transportation and Transportation and Automotive EngineeringAutomotive Engineering Thanks咎孩陇闷颈痔骗窑酋堡漳预腕心甄冷醚试秤窃勃邢文粳宣卸靠讫哦恢斧纶汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件Adaptive cruise control indicatorl lNo car in front: means the ACCI is running as desired.No car in front: means the ACCI is running

49、as desired.l lA car in front: means the ACCI can keep the distance with the A car in front: means the ACCI can keep the distance with the front one through acceleration or reduction automatically.front one through acceleration or reduction automatically.l lDriver must take steps according to the con

50、dition: means the Driver must take steps according to the condition: means the ACCI cannot meet the needs of the distance by braking force, so ACCI cannot meet the needs of the distance by braking force, so the driver should step the brake pedal to reduce auto speed. the driver should step the brake pedal to reduce auto speed. When the red indicator flashes, an alarm sound occurs.When the red indicator flashes, an alarm sound occurs.畏枝镁芝嘉逐粕郝赔驱詹桨者梆海禁沙鸵澜晌祖增惧阔主毖磐俗造错极虾汽车专业外语059ppt课件汽车专业外语059ppt课件



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