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1、What were you doing at this time yesterday?Thelittleboywakesupearlyeveryday.wekv.醒来醒来过去式过去式:wokewkwakesbup=wakeupsb唤醒某人唤醒某人当当sb是人称代词时,只能用是人称代词时,只能用wakesb(宾格)(宾格)upAreyouhungry?hgr adj.饥饿的饥饿的Theyaresmilinghappily.hpladv.Theyaresohappy.Doyoulikereadingstories?Whichtypeofstorydoyoulikebest?(magic/love/

2、sad/happy/folkstory/fable/fairytale ,etc.)民间故事民间故事寓言寓言童话故事童话故事QuizMatch the following pictures with the titles of stories. Thenshare the story you like best with the class.A.Snow White B. the Little Match GirlC.Black Cat Sir D. Ma Liang and His Magic Brush()()()()HansChristianAndersenDenmarkHe is po

3、pular for writing many fairy tales for children all over the world.ndsnDoyouknowthestory-The Little Match Girlmtn.火柴火柴Lets enjoy one of his stories.(复数复数)matchesItsdarkatnight,sowecanseethestars.Theyareshiningbrightly.dkadj.黑暗的,暗色的黑暗的,暗色的anv.闪耀闪耀shineThelittlegirlcriedinalowvoice,becauseshedidntsell

4、anymatches.vsn.嗓音,说话嗓音,说话声声selv.卖卖过去式:过去式:soldShewasafraidtogohome,becauseherfatherwouldbeather.v.打,打败打,打败过去式:过去式:beat害怕做某事害怕做某事bitShe lit three matches.lt v.原形原形:light v. 点亮点亮lat过去式过去式:lightedorlitWhenthematcheswereburning,shesawawarmstove,adeliciousroastgooseandabeautifulChristmastree.bnv.燃烧燃烧stvn

5、.火炉火炉gusn.鹅But all these disappeared when the flames went out.dsp v.消失flemn.火焰Finally,shewasdead.dedadj.死的死的熄灭熄灭disappearTheLittleMatchGirlThe little girl _ matches(para(段落段落) _).The little girl _ matches.(para _)The structure soldlit1,2,34,5,6fast reading (3 minutes)careful reading (6 minutes )Time

6、It was snowy and dark _ .PlaceA poor girl was walking _ _.WeatherThe wind _ strongly and the snow _ on her long hair.Whatthelittlegirldid1.The little girl was selling _ in the streets.2.She _ any matches. 3.She felt _ and _ .Many people were _ in their warm homes.on the last evening of the yearin th

7、e streetswas blowingwas falling downmatchesdidnt sellcoldhungrywith no shoes The little girl sold matches (para 1,2,3).getting together对比对比Whatthelittlegirldid1.She lit first three matches and saw a warm _, a delicious _, and a beautiful _.2. She lit a fourth match and saw her kind _.3. She _ agains

8、t the wall the next morning and was _ .stoveroast gooseChristmas treegrandmotherwas lyingdeadcareful reading (3 minutes )The little girl lit matches. (para 4,5,6)What a poor girl! It was snowy and dark on the last evening of the year. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor lit

9、tle girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand. “Matches, matches!” the little girl cried in a low vioce.No one heard her when they were passing by. She didnt sell any matches and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was fal

10、ling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.在具体某一天的早上在具体某一天的早上/中午中午/晚上用晚上用On聚会聚会落下落下当当when/while引导的从句的动作正在进行期间,主句的动引导的从句的动作正在进行期间,主句的动作发生了,则主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时。作发生了,则主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时。有有1thelittlegirlcriedinalowvoice.小女孩低声叫喊着。小女孩低声叫喊着。inalowvoice:低声地低声地2.Nooneheardherwhentheywerepassingby.当路人

11、从她身边走过时没有人理会她。当路人从她身边走过时没有人理会她。passby:经过,走过经过,走过Eg.军队将从我们门前走过。军队将从我们门前走过。Thearmywillpassbyourdoor.voice指指人发出的声音人发出的声音,sound泛指泛指大自然界中各种声音大自然界中各种声音,noise指指噪音噪音 Lights were shining from every window. But the littlegirl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would b

12、eat her. “Ah, a burning match may warm me up!” she thought.She lit three matches. When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared when the flames went out. Then she lit a fourth match. A kind old woman was standin

13、g there. 3.Butthelittlegirlwasafraidtogohomewithoutsellingoneboxofmatches,becauseherfatherwouldbeather.beafraidtodo害怕做某事害怕做某事=beafraidofdoingEg.我担心迷路。我担心迷路。Iamafraidtolosemyway.Iamafraidoflosingmyway.4.withoutsth./doingsth.没有没有/没有没有做什么做什么5.“Ah,aburningmatchmaywarmmeup”啊,一根燃烧火柴或许可以暖暖身子啊,一根燃烧火柴或许可以暖暖身

14、子warm sb.up : 温暖某人温暖某人6.Butallthesedisappearedwhentheflameswentout.7.Thenshelitafourthmatch.然后,她又划了一根火柴。然后,她又划了一根火柴。“a/an+序数词序数词”表示:再一,又一表示:再一,又一Eg.他又试了一次。他又试了一次。熄灭熄灭Hehadathirdtry.“the+序数词序数词”表示:第几个表示:第几个 “Grandmother!” cried the little girl, “Take me with you.” Her grandmother smiled and held the

15、girl in her arms. On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead!靠在靠在(Ving)lying-(原形原形)lie-(过去式过去式)laydead adj. 死的死的die v. 死亡死亡dying adj.(die的的ing形式)形式)垂死的垂死的她的奶奶微笑着,把她抱在怀里。她的奶奶微笑着,把她抱在怀里。holdsb.inonesarms 把某人抱在怀里把某人抱在怀里Can you find some sentences with Past Continuous Tens

16、e “was/were+Ving” It was snowy and dark on the last evening of the year. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand. “Matches, matches!” the little girl cried in a low vioce.No one hear

17、d her when they were passing by. She didnt sell any matches and no one gave her a coin. The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.1 12 23 34 45 5Some sentences with“was/were+Ving” Lights were shining from every window. But the littlegirl w

18、as afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her. “Ah, a burning match may warm me up!” she thought.She lit three matches. When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared

19、when the flames went out. Then she lit a fourth match. A kind old woman was standing there. 6 6 67 7 78 8 “Grandmother!” cried the little girl, “Take me with you.” Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms. On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead!9 9Why d

20、id writer use the Past Continuous Tense ?Read again and write the key words for each picture. Then rewrite the story.1c1_ _ in the streets with no shoes walked2_matches in the streetssold3_ matches, _a warm_, a delicious _ _ and a beautiful Christmas tree lighted/litsawstoveroast goose 4_the girl in

21、_ _heldher arms5_ _the wall, _lay against deadDo you think Tom and Jerry are good friends?Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the key words.knockat/takeashower11. When the cat knocked at the door, the mouse _ .was taking a showerknock at/ on the door 敲门敲门comeout/sle

22、ep22. The mouse was hungry. When he _ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat _ .came outwas sleepingwakeup/carry33.When the cat _, the mouse _ his cake.was carryingwoke upenjoy/chat44.Themouseandthecat_happilywhilethey_themoon.were enjoyingwere chattingwhile当当时,表时,表主从句两者动作同时主从句两者动作同时进行进行 in a low

23、 voice1. _ . pass by 2. _ . fall down3. _. be afraid to do4. _ . warm sb. up5. _ .Make sentences with the following phrases.What a poor girl!If you are the writer, will you change the end of the story? ?Rewrite the story within 120 wordsWhen? Who? What? Where? How? Why?What sentences can you still u

24、se in your writing?Will you change the end?1.跟读口语100 SectionC-1a三遍,家长签字在书上;2.写作: A、B 、D等级:可以参考课本,再尝试用自己的话改写作文: The Little Match Girl(借助过去进行时及过去时); C等级:抄写课本中带有过去进行时的9个句子并翻译(X1)3. 同步SectionC 大报第三课时低声地低声地经过经过落下落下害怕做害怕做温暖某人温暖某人第四根火柴第四根火柴把某人搂在怀里把某人搂在怀里 in a low voice pass by fall down be afraid to do war

25、m sb. up a fourth match hold sb. in ones armsWe learn the phrases.Listen and read the story, then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings. get together in a low voice pass by fall down be afraid to do warm sb. up a fourth match hold sb. in ones arms lay againsta / an +序数序数词词 “再一;再一;又一又一

26、”录音录音1a-P75Listen and read the story, then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings. in a low voice pass by fall down be afraid to do warm sb. up a fourth match hold sb. in ones arms lay against低声地低声地经过经过落下落下害怕做害怕做温暖某人温暖某人又划了一根火柴又划了一根火柴把某人搂在怀里把某人搂在怀里a / an +序数序数词词 “再一;再一;又一又一”录音录音1a-P75倚

27、靠倚靠(Ving)lying-(原形原形)lie-(过去式过去式)layPut the sentences in the right order.( )The little girl was dead in the street.( )No one bought the little girls matches.( )A little girl was selling matches in the street.( )She lit three matches.( ) There was a Christmas tree.( )The little girl hugged (拥抱) her grandmother.( )She lit a fourth match.7123465



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