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1、 An Essay on Criticism(narrative sequence) Alexander Pope (Excerpt: lines 215-232),A little learning is a dangerous thing;Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:一知半解危害不浅彼埃利亚泉水如不痛饮就别只尝一点There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,And drinking largely sobers us again.浅酌只能使我们懵懂痛饮才能让我们清醒 Fired at f

2、irst sight with what the Muse imparts,In fearless youth we tempt the heights of arts, 一下子就激发于缪斯所传年少无畏的我们要翻越艺术的高山While from the bounded level of our mindShort views we take, nor see the lengths behind;见识短浅看不到无限风光 But more advanced, behold with strange surpriseNew distant scenes of endless science ris

3、e! 然而意想不到的惊喜摆在前面新的无尽的风景在远处显现So pleased at first the towering Alps we try,Mount over the vales, and seem to tread the sky,如此愉悦首次如愿登上阿尔卑斯山谷连着山,仿佛漫步在云间The eternal snows appear already past,And the first clouds and mountains seem the last;不化的积雪已经越过最初的云朵和山峦似乎才刚刚经过But, those attained, we tremble to survey

4、The growing labors of the lengthened way;俯瞰走过的路我们在颤抖前面的路更加不好走 The increasing prospect tires our wandering eyes,Hills over hills, and Alps on Alps arise!前面不绝的美景迷离了我们的双眼山相连,阿尔卑斯漫无边The introduction of the AuthorAlexanderPope(亚历山大蒲柏)(1688年5月22日 - 1744年5月30日)是18世纪英国最伟大的诗人;杰出的启蒙主义者。他的第一部重要作品是1711年他23岁时出版的

5、诗体批评论,其中许多名句已经成为英语成语。批评论是一首744行的长诗,前200行指出批评的重要性,201行到559行谈批评的实例与原因,560行到744行析出批评的正确原则及回顾欧洲批评史。蒲柏深受法国古典主义文学理论家布瓦落(NicolasBoileau-Despraux,1636-1711)的影响,在批评论一诗中提出只有自然才是值得研究和描写的对象,诗人不能离开自然,并认为古希腊、罗马的诗歌是最优秀的艺术典范。蒲柏遵循着这种古典主义的原则进行文学创作。 Neoclassicism(新古典主义)1. To revive the virtues of the Greek and Roman c

6、lassics.2. To react against the extravagant fires of the Renaissance(文艺复兴). An Essay on Criticism是作者亚历山大蒲柏的第一部重要作品。在本诗中诗人将攀登艺术的高山的过程想象成攀登阿尔卑斯山的过程,诗人将在登山过程中所见所感比喻成我们在追求艺术的过程中会遇到的苦难和诱惑以及收获,以此告诫我们做任何事情都不能浅尝辄止,而应该不断努力的攀登,这样才能收获更多。具有明显的说教意义。与此同时,这首诗歌是一首英雄偶句诗(AheroiccoupletisatraditionalformforEnglishpoet

7、ry,commonlyusedforepicandnarrativepoetry;itreferstopoemsconstructedfromasequenceofrhymingpairsofiambic(抑扬格的)pentameter(有五音步的)lines. )。以AABB形式押韵。the Pierianh spring:the fountain of knowledge诗泉,诗才的泉涌诗泉,诗才的泉涌 Metonymy(借代)借代)Greek Mythology(比埃利亚圣泉)(比埃利亚圣泉): A spring in Macedonia, dedicated to the Muses.

8、 rhetorical devicethe Muse: a source of inspiration to a poet or other writer, usually a female deity. They are nine in number and they respectively are in charge of poetry, history, lyric love poetry, music, tragedy, hymns(赞美诗), choral dance and song, comedy, and astronomy(天文学).Alps:Metaphor(暗喻)(暗喻

9、):the heights of arts compares to the mountain AlpsContent:From An Essay on Criticism, we know that no matter we want to do, we should try our best to know everthing about it, unless we could learn nothing.Writing skill:We can usually use some rhetorical device to make what we want to say more persuasive and make the peom or our essay more beautiful. And knowledge is infinite.Thankyou!presentedbyLiuMiao



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