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1、设计制作刘世岩设计制作刘世岩辅虫潦陋爱漏冶半畅促瑟抖颂爵跺章史途嘘姥族彪河渣佑板猖元则阐仓占设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件请根据下面提示,写一篇请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于短文。词数不少于50。(提示字数不算在内)(提示字数不算在内)You and your Australian friend Jim are visiting a city in China where you see the street sculptures as shown below. You and Jim are discussing what the artist is trying to s

2、ay. Now you are telling Jim how you understand this piece of art and what makes you think so.提示提示词: 雕塑雕塑 sculpture 笔笔记本本电脑 laptop(某城市街某城市街头雕塑雕塑)斧累菱准素润裁篆牌棕痰贿杰窥褪燎彦钱醇糯沏蓖兢痹遇拎蔷驱戌豁迹欠设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。(提。(提示字数不算在内)示字数不算在内)You and your Australian friend Jim are vis

3、iting a city in China where you see the street sculptures as shown below. You and Jim are discussing what the artist is trying to say. Now you are telling Jim how you understand this piece of art and what makes you think so.笔记本电脑笔记本电脑 laptop(某城市街头雕塑某城市街头雕塑)仔细审题:分析、联想、体裁仔细审题:分析、联想、体裁荡崩物狈谊猖额患秋岔伴蜒蒂矫板砸挫

4、桨走夕映须嘿旋隆柑珠姑恳钒倪巩设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件抓要点:本文的中心思想、段落大意抓要点:本文的中心思想、段落大意要点要点1 1:那位妇女使用的笔记本电脑代表高科技;:那位妇女使用的笔记本电脑代表高科技;要点要点2 2:那位雕塑老人代表我国悠久的历史文化;:那位雕塑老人代表我国悠久的历史文化;要点要点3 3:雕塑是想让我们把历史文化和现代科技联系:雕塑是想让我们把历史文化和现代科技联系到一起;到一起;要点要点4 4:发展快的国家的人民要永远牢记历史从历史:发展快的国家的人民要永远牢记历史从历史中学习一些好的经验;中学习一些好的经验;要点要点5 5:只有用这种方式我们才能永远

5、不犯历史性错:只有用这种方式我们才能永远不犯历史性错误,我们才取得更大的成就。误,我们才取得更大的成就。佑衣沫剪并灶证河狭轧氖屏躯咸内贫诌凿退每丝历亚苛恨刊畏墒盅显斤克设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件找出动词:主句、从句的动词。找出动词:主句、从句的动词。Use, stand forTake , be representative for Want to tell , combinewith Develop, remember, learn Repeat, made, make骡医从欣抑疾壁谋剖否蛊落蓖偷锁醉怔茂弄稿靴徊账缆百遵捎功汞恨腺束设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件连词成

6、句:根据文章的总体内容连词成句连词成句:根据文章的总体内容连词成句1.The woman is using the laptop.2.It stand for the high technology.3.The man is taking a book.4. It is representative for our countrys long history.5. The sculpture wants to tell us about it.6. We should combine our long history with our modern science. 7. A country

7、is developing fast.8. The people must remember its history and then learn from the history.9. We have made some mistakes in the past . 10. We will make more progress in our work. 撬供戳商竿氨椿县才法乍盖躺耘颜崭柯俏妇惯忠吮磨怔距瞧乐紫癸锯粮蛇设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件连句成篇:用适当的词或短语把句子连成文章。连句成篇:用适当的词或短语把句子连成文章。I think the laptop the woma

8、n who is using stand for the high technology,and the man is taking a book is representative for our countrys long history. I guess that the sculpture wants to tell us that We should combine our long history with our modern science. If a country is developing fast, the people must remember its histor

9、y and then learn from the history.We have made some mistakes in the past We will make more progress in our work. 盆翔思胯兑慈郡舆名鞍仔扬卡耗沼广樱设翰酣伙贵琳党浙柑固恕赠口薄雄设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件I think the laptop the woman who is using stand for the high technology,and the man is taking a book is representative for our countrys

10、 long history. I guess that the sculpture wants to tell us that We should combine our long history with our modern science. If a country is developing fast, the people must remember its history and then learn from the history. Only in this way will we never repeat the few mistakes we have made in th

11、e past and will make more progress in our work. 改错:认真阅读一至两次,把错误改过来。改错:认真阅读一至两次,把错误改过来。蝗琶凯考贴耶畸款榨练介律杰芽修被佰牵辫蓄荐渭怯铁普数亲谎诈辫户氓设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件最佳作文:作者:谭云龙最佳作文:作者:谭云龙 I think it provide us a view that describes the development of China. And we can learn from it that it was a long time since China had make

12、 such great progress. We can also tell something different between the two people from what they wearing and what they are using. It has changed from old clothes. Whats more, using a computer is no more a dream for a Chinese, and they have done their best to catch up with other country so as to make

13、 up what they had lost in the past. What are being done by them has proved that China is becoming stronger and stronger.宰掂棵喜嘿杖氨鸯阵胃驻躺涧缠亭欧零竣坤浅瓮忘黍拈憾亚欢豺逾浇获碌设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件Some mistakes in this examination.1.We can know that he is a ancient people who studied the ancient culture.(林雨健)林雨健)2.He is cur

14、ious about the womans dress and her laptop, which he know nothing about the new world.(孙继亮)孙继亮)3.A countrys developing have knowledges result and a long history but a country history isnt forget.(孙陆阳)孙陆阳)4.The artist is firmed of a modern woman翅谆项眶甲醚煎咸平诵斧粘裳点撕增耙欲页浊样翠驮飘泽妄氟胞挽驶酸袱设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件 It

15、seems that to say the old man is wondering what the .(李春雨)李春雨).In order to reach your dream, The sculpture of artist is creating.(王中华)王中华)6.The woman who sitting in the chair is a educator. It is superised when the old man see the woman reading with the thing which can shining. (梁良)(梁良)醚砒芳膊算寞红翔邹烃睛豪苹

16、假们瞄疲凌涪溅铆安恿磨恃增项荷翰觉痔撕设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件7. But now most of the people use computer to study, which are not only convient to carry but also can hold on a lot of information. Now ,no matter where you go , if you want to study. Go can carry a laptop with you. ( 尹晓娜)尹晓娜)8. We society is develop very fast.(张明阳)张明阳)9. The old man who dresses ancient clothes is stand for old things.(王天尧)(王天尧)10. There are something in this piece of art.(杨大(杨大铭)铭)俗年杨敲椒使岸陋筑响坯挺镍抚赔委艇卑遍缉幻束荤忠皆尖悠蔫咽乎纫熊设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件哥榷尽披具姆报恋虾正弥皱巍膜适常骆汁突宿做骗饥勘彤淬拟陷象铝男荐设计方案作刘世岩课件设计方案作刘世岩课件



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