【病毒外文文献】2011 Glutamate Excitotoxicity Is Involved in the Induction of Paralysis in Mice after Infection by a Human Coronavirus w

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《【病毒外文文献】2011 Glutamate Excitotoxicity Is Involved in the Induction of Paralysis in Mice after Infection by a Human Coronavirus w》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【病毒外文文献】2011 Glutamate Excitotoxicity Is Involved in the Induction of Paralysis in Mice after Infection by a Human Coronavirus w(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY, Dec. 2011, p. 1246412473Vol. 85, No. 230022-538X/11/$12.00doi:10.1128/JVI.05576-11Copyright 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Glutamate Excitotoxicity Is Involved in the Induction of Paralysis inMice after Infection by a Human Coronavirus with a SingleP

2、oint Mutation in Its Spike Protein?Elodie Brison, He le ne Jacomy, Marc Desforges, and Pierre J. Talbot*Laboratory of Neuroimmunovirology, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, 531 boulevard des Prairies,Laval, Que bec, Canada H7V 1B7Received 30 June 2011/Accepted 15 September 2011Human coronaviruses (HCoV

3、) are recognized respiratory pathogens, and some strains, including HCoV-OC43, can infect human neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and activate neuroin-flammatory mechanisms. Moreover, HCoV-OC43 is neuroinvasive, neurotropic, and neurovirulent in suscep-tible mice, where it

4、 induces chronic encephalitis. Herein, we show that a single point mutation in the viral spike(S) glycoprotein (Y241H), acquired during viral persistence in human neural cells, led to a hind-limb paralyticdisease in infected mice. Inhibition of glutamate excitotoxicity using a 2-amino-3-(5-methyl-3-

5、oxo-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)propranoic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonist (GYKI-52466) improved clinical scores related to theparalysis and motor disabilities in S mutant virus-infected mice, as well as protected the CNS from neuronaldysfunctions, as illustrated by restoration of the phosphorylation state of n

6、eurofilaments. Expression of theglial glutamate transporter GLT-1, responsible for glutamate homeostasis, was downregulated followinginfection, and GYKI-52466 also significantly restored its steady-state expression level. Finally, GYKI-52466treatment of S mutant virus-infected mice led to reduced mi

7、croglial activation, which may lead to improvementin the regulation of CNS glutamate homeostasis. Taken together, our results strongly suggest an involvementof excitotoxicity in the paralysis-associated neuropathology induced by an HCoV-OC43 mutant which harborsa single point mutation in its spike p

8、rotein that is acquired upon persistent virus infection.Coronaviruses form a family of ubiquitous enveloped RNAviruses that induce respiratory, enteric, and neurological dis-eases in several species (10). Human coronaviruses (HCoV)are respiratory pathogens responsible for upper and lowerrespiratory

9、tract infections (49) and for severe acute respira-tory syndrome (SARS) (41). Possible involvement of HCoVother than SARS-CoV in more serious human pathologies wasrecently reviewed (49). Indeed, HCoV have been associatedover the years with the development of pneumonia, myocardi-tis, and meningitis (

10、16, 39) and occasionally acute disseminatedencephalitis (54). We have previously demonstrated thatHCoV are neuroinvasive in humans, can infect and persist inhuman neural cells, and can activate glial cells to produceproinflammatory mediators (35, 8, 14). Moreover, we haveshown that wild-type referen

11、ce strain HCoV-OC43 has neuro-invasive properties in mice, leading to chronic encephalitis (25)with accompanying disabilities (23). Given that murine coro-navirus (mouse hepatitis virus MHV), a strain structurallyrelated to HCoV-OC43, can cause neurodegenerative andneuroinflammatory disease in mice

12、and rats (10), we hypoth-esized that HCoV-OC43 might be associated with neuroin-flammatory and/or neurodegenerative human diseases. Wehave recently reported that a viral variant with four pointmutations in its surface spike (S) glycoprotein, acquired duringviral persistence in human neural cells (48

13、), led to a drasticallymodified virus-induced neuropathology in BALB/c mice, char-acterized by a multiple sclerosis (MS)-like flaccid paralysis andinflammatory demyelination (24).Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter of thecentral nervous system (CNS) that is involved in severalneurophy

14、siological functions. A disruption of its homeostasiscan damage neurons, which may eventually lead to cell death(30). This pathological process, designated excitotoxicity, isable to induce degeneration of neural cells following anexcessive stimulation of glutamate on its specific ionotropicreceptors

15、,2-amino-3-(5-methyl-3-oxo-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)propra-noic acid receptor (AMPAr) and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid re-ceptor (NMDAr) (35). Activation of these receptors results inneural Ca2?influx, which can mediate excitotoxicity by themeans of a cascade of events involving free radical production,mitochond

16、rial dysfunction, and the activation of several en-zymes involved in normal cell development and function, re-sulting in damage to the cell membrane, cytoskeleton, andDNA (42). Interestingly, excitotoxicity was reported to be in-volved in several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzhei-mers disea

17、se and MS, in humans (13). Glutamate reuptake isnecessary for the regulation of physiological extracellular glu-tamate concentrations and is mediated mainly by high-affinitysodium-dependent transporters. At least five different gluta-mate transporters expressed on neuronal or glial cells (GLT-1,GLAS

18、T, EAAC1, EAAT4, and EAAT5) have been well char-acterized (12), and up to 90% of the total glutamate reuptakein the adult CNS is achieved by the glutamate transporter 1(GLT-1), expressed mainly on astrocytes (50). In several neu-rological diseases, disruption of the GLT-1 expression level* Correspon

19、ding author. Mailing address: Laboratory of Neuroim-munovirology, INRS-Institut Armand Frappier, 513 boulevard desPrairies, Laval, Que bec, Canada H7V 1B7. Phone: (450) 687-5010, ext.4300. Fax: (450) 686-5501. E-mail: pierre.talbotiaf.inrs.ca.?Published ahead of print on 28 September 2011.12464 on M

20、arch 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from was reported to be associated with alteration in glutamateuptake (52).Glutamate excitotoxicity can damage the cytoskeleton ofaxons in vivo, which may result in the slowing of axonal trans-port (1, 31). Neurofilament

21、s (NF) are intermediate filamentsconstituting the neuron cytoskeleton and are involved in thestability of mature axons and the regulation of axonal transportrate. In physiological conditions, the heavy neurofilament pro-teins (NF-H) are predominantly phosphorylated in axons andnonphosphorylated in n

22、euronal soma and dendrites (19). Ashift of this NF phosphorylation state, which is represented bya loss of nonphosphorylated NF in soma and an increase ofnonphosphorylated NF in axons, is a sign of neuronal injury(44). Evaluation of the NF phosphorylation state is a usefultool to monitor progressive

23、 axonal disabilities, considering thatthe NF-H protein phosphorylation state has been shown to bea biomarker in neurodegeneration (37). We have already dem-onstrated that the NF-H phosphorylation state was alteredfollowing HCoV-OC43 infection of mice (24).In the present study, we demonstrate that on

24、ly a single pointmutation (Y241H) in the spike glycoprotein (S) of HCoV-OC43 is sufficient for the induction of motor dysfunctions anda paralytic disease in infected mice. Furthermore, infection ofmice with this HCoV-OC43 S mutant induced a significantlystrong neuronal dysfunction and a significant

25、decrease in theexpression of the glutamate transporter GLT-1 on astrocytescompared to those seen with sham and wild-type-virus infec-tion. Therefore, the virus-induced pathological process ap-pears to be driven by a glutamate excitotoxic mechanism, asblockade of the AMPA receptor attenuated clinical

26、 scores(CS) related to the virus-induced paralysis and motor disabil-ities, partially restored the physiological NF phosphorylationstate and GLT-1 expression, and reduced microglial cell acti-vation.MATERIALS AND METHODSViruses. The wild-type reference HCoV-OC43 virus (VR759) was obtained inthe 1980

27、s from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The recombi-nant virus of HCoV-OC43 (rOC/ATCC) was generated using the full-lengthcDNA clone pBAC-OC43FLand displayed the same phenotypic properties asthe wild-type virus, as previously described (47). This recombinant virus was usedas the referenc

28、e control virus for all experiments. We introduced into the spikeglycoprotein of HCoV-OC43 one or two point mutations at a time, the D24Y andS83T mutations (corresponding recombinant virus designated rOC/US24-83), theH183R and Y241H mutations (corresponding recombinant virus designatedrOC/US183-241)

29、, the H183R mutation (corresponding recombinant virus desig-nated rOC/US183), or the Y241H mutation (corresponding recombinant virusdesignated rOC/US241); mutations were introduced into the full-length cDNAclone pBAC-OC43FLby site-directed mutagenesis using a QuikChange Multisite-directed mutagenesi

30、s kit (Stratagene) as recommended by the supplier. EachcDNA clone was transfected into BHK-21 cells, amplified by two passages in theHRT-18 cell line, and sequenced to make sure that only the introduced H183Rand/or Y241H mutation was present and that no other mutations appeared.Survival curves and c

31、linical scores. Female BALB/c mice (Jackson Labora-tories) aged 22 days postnatal (dpn) were inoculated by the intracerebral (i.c.)route with 102.550% tissue culture infective doses (TCID50) of recombinantvirus, as previously described (24). Groups of 10 mice infected by each recom-binant virus were

32、 observed on a daily basis over a period of 21 days postinfection(dpi), and survival and clinical scores related to motor dysfunctions were eval-uated. Mice infected with rOC/US241which presented motor dysfunctions wereevaluated and scored according to a scale based on experimental allergic en-cepha

33、litis (EAE) clinical score (CS) evaluation (0 to 1, normal, with no clinicalsigns; 1.5 to 2, partial hind-limb paralysis, with a walk close to ground level; 2.5to 3.5, complete hind-limb paralysis; 4 to 5, moribund state and death).Infectious-virus assays. For each experimental condition, groups of

34、threeinfected BALB/c mice were selected randomly every 2 days and dissected tomonitor infectious-virus production in brains and spinal cords. Tissues wereprocessed for the presence and quantification of infectious virus by an indirectimmunoperoxidase assay as previously described (27).AMPA receptor

35、antagonist. The specific noncompetitive AMPA receptor an-tagonist GYKI-52466 1-(4-aminophenyl)-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5H-2,3-benzodiazepine hydrochloride was obtained from Tocris Bioscience and dis-solved in Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS; Invitrogen) at a finalconcentration of 300 ?g/ml of

36、 HBSS (46). To investigate the effect of treatmentwith GYKI-52466, two groups of 10 BALB/c mice infected with rOC/ATCC orrOC/US241were treated intraperitoneally with 3 mg/kg body weight of GYKI-52466 at 12 h postinfection and then twice daily for 3 weeks or with only 100 ?lof HBSS (vehicle), to norm

37、alize experimental stress conditions, twice daily overa period of 3 weeks. To verify the noncytotoxic effect of the GYKI-52466solution, sham-infected mice received the same dose of AMPA receptor antag-onist. As described in the literature, this pharmacological dose has been reportedto have no behavi

38、oral effects and to induce neuroprotective actions (20, 40).Immunohistochemistry. Groups of three BALB/c mice either sham infected orinfected with each virus and treated with GYKI-52466 antagonist or vehicle wereselected randomly and perfused with a solution of 4% paraformaldehyde at 10dpi, which co

39、rresponds to the peak of viral replication in the spinal cord and theoutcome of clinical scores related to paralytic disease. Lumbar segments fromspinal cords were cryoprotected in 30% (wt/vol) sucrose, frozen at ?20C, andprocessed for sets of 8-?m section size with a cryostat (HM 525; Microm).Axona

40、l damage was investigated by assessing the heavy neurofilament (NF-H)phosphorylation state. Tissue sections were incubated with a mouse anti-non-phosphorylated neurofilament monoclonal antibody (MAb) (SMI 311, 1/1,000;Covance), a mouse anti-phosphorylated neurofilament MAb (SMI 312, 1/1,000;Covance)

41、, or Mac-2 rat MAb (1/200; ATCC, Cedarlane) for 2 h at room tem-perature. Tissue sections were then washed and incubated with a secondaryanti-mouse or anti-rat biotinylated antibody, before being revealed with an ABCVectastain kit (Vector Laboratories) as previously described (24). Double stain-ing

42、for astrocytes and glutamate transporter GLT-1 fluorescence was investi-gated with the primary antibodies polyclonal rabbit anti-glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP, 1/1,000; Dako) and goat anti-glutamate transporter GLT-1(K-16 sc-31582, 1/500; Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Spinal cord sections werebl

43、ocked with horse serum in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) 1? for 1 h at roomtemperature. Following incubation with both primary antibodies for 2 h at roomtemperature, sections were washed and then incubated in the dark for 2 h atroom temperature with the secondary fluorescent antibodies Alexa Fluor

44、488anti-rabbit (1/1,000; Invitrogen) and Alexa Fluor 568 anti-goat (1/1,000; Invitro-gen). After final PBS 1? washes, tissue sections were incubated for 5 min atroom temperature with 4?,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (1/100; Poly-sciences Inc.) and then mounted with Immuno-mount and observed unde

45、r afluorescence microscope.Protein extraction and Western blot analysis. Spinal cords from groups ofthree mice selected randomly were homogenized in radioimmunoprecipitationassay (RIPA) buffer (150 mM NaCl, 50 Mm Tris, pH 7.4, 1% vol/vol NP-40,0.25% wt/vol sodium deoxycholate, 1 mM EDTA) supplemente

46、d with theprotease cocktail inhibitor (catalog no. P8340; Sigma). Lysates were cleared bycentrifugation for 5 min at 4C at 17,000 ? g, and supernatants were aliquotedand stored at ?80C. A bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay kit (Novagen)was used to determine protein concentration, according to th

47、e manufacturersprotocol. Proteins (10 ?g per sample) were separated on a Novex NuPage4-to-12% gradient gel (Invitrogen) and transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride(PVDF) membrane (Immobilon-P transfer membrane; Millipore) with a Bio-Rad Trans-Blot semidry transfer cell apparatus. Membranes were b

48、locked withTris-buffered saline containing 1% (vol/vol) Tween (TBS-T) and 5% (wt/vol)nonfat milk at 4C overnight, and then membranes were incubated with poly-clonal rabbit anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, 1/2,000; Dako), guinea piganti-glutamate transporter GLT-1 MAb (AB1783, 1/1,000; Mil

49、lipore), Mac-2 ratMAb (1/100; ATCC, Cedarlane), or rabbit anti-GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) (1/1,000; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) for 1 h at roomtemperature. Membranes were washed three times with TBS-T and then incu-bated for 1 h at room temperature with secondary antibody anti-ra

50、bbit (1/1,000;GE Healthcare UK), anti-guinea pig (1/1,000; Millipore), or anti-rat (1/1,000;Kirkegaard & Perry Laboratories) coupled to horseradish peroxidase (HRP);detection was made by chemiluminescence using a Bio-Rad Immun-Star HRPsubstrate kit. Band detection and semiquantification were made us

51、ing theGeneSnap software from a Chemi Genius Syngene apparatus. Analysis of vari-ance (ANOVA) tests followed by post hoc Tukeys analysis were performed toVOL. 85, 2011HCoV-OC43-INDUCED PARALYSIS MEDIATED BY EXCITOTOXICITY12465 on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/

52、Downloaded from determine the statistical significances in the differences in protein expressionbetween different groups of mice, using SPSS software version 16.0.RESULTSBALB/c mice infected with HCoV-OC43 containing theY241H mutation in the spike glycoprotein (rOC/US241) de-velop a hind-limb paraly

53、tic disease. We recently showed that aviral variant bearing four point mutations in the spike (S)glycoprotein (D24Y, S83T, H183R, and Y241H), acquiredduring viral persistence in human neural cells (48), led to amodified virus-induced neuropathology in BALB/c mice com-pared to that caused by the refe

54、rence HCoV-OC43 (rOC/ATCC) virus. This modified pathology was characterized by anMS-like flaccid paralysis, with areas of demyelination in thespinal cord, whereas mice infected by HCoV-OC43 (rOC/ATCC) exhibited only encephalitis (24). In order to furtherpinpoint the viral molecular determinants resp

55、onsible for thismodulation of virus-induced neuropathogenesis, we generatedrecombinant viruses that contained two S mutations at a time:D24Y and S83T (designated rOC/US24-83) or H183R andY241H (designated rOC/US183-241) (Fig. 1A). Like in infectionwith virus containing the four mutations described a

56、bove, in-fection of BALB/c mice by rOC/US183-241led to a paralyticdisease, with small areas of demyelination in the spinal cord,whereas rOC/US24-83induced encephalitis like rOC/ATCC. Inorder to investigate whether only one of the remaining muta-tions, either H183R or Y241H, was sufficient to induce

57、theparalytic disease in mice, we generated recombinant virusesthat harbored only one mutation at a time, either H183R(designated rOC/US183) or Y241H (designated rOC/US241)(Fig. 1A). Whereas BALB/c mice infected with rOC/US183developed an encephalitis similar to what was observed afterFIG. 1. Schemat

58、ic representation of the point mutations introduced within the viral spike glycoprotein and associated neurovirulence of thedifferent recombinant viruses in mice. (A) Schematic representation of the main structural domains of the S protein of HCoV-OC43 and theapproximate locations of the four point

59、mutations D24Y, S83T, H183R, and Y241H. These mutations were introduced into the viral genome togenerate rOC/US24-241(24). Alternatively, only pairs of mutations were introduced to generate rOC/US24-83and rOC/US183-241. Finally, one singlemutation was introduced at a time to generate rOC/US183and rO

60、C/US241. Asterisks indicate recombinant viruses which induced a paralytic diseasefollowing infection. RBD, putative cell receptor-binding domain; HVR, hypervariable region; HR, heptad repeat region; aa, amino acids.(B) Survival curves following intracerebral inoculation of the different HCoV-OC43 re

61、combinants harboring various mutations in the S proteincompared to that following inoculation with reference rOC/ATCC virus. Whereas infection of mice with the reference virus rOC/ATCC induced15% mortality, mice infected with rOC/US24-241showed a mortality rate of 80%. The relative survival rates of

62、 mice infected by different virusescontaining one, two, or four mutations in the spike protein suggest a synergic effect of these mutations on mortality rate. Results are representativeof three independent experiments.12466BRISON ET AL.J. VIROL. on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRAR

63、Yhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from rOC/ATCC infection, mice infected with rOC/US241presentedmotor dysfunctions and paralytic disease. Neurovirulence of allrecombinant viruses was evaluated following intracerebral in-oculation of BALB/c mice (Fig. 1B). The survival curves ofmice infected by the recom

64、binant viruses bearing one, two, orfour point mutations within the viral spike glycoprotein sug-gested a synergistic effect of these mutations on the mortalityrate. Histological examination of infected CNS cells revealedthat the primary target cell of the infection by all of theserecombinant viruses

65、 (rOC/US183-241, rOC/US183, and rOC/US241) remained the neurons (data not shown), as previouslydescribed for rOC/US24-241and rOC/ATCC (24). The rOC/US241recombinant virus was associated with motor dysfunc-tions in infected mice. Therefore, we conclude that the Y241Hsingle mutation was necessary and

66、sufficient to generate theobserved paralytic phenotype and focused the rest of the studyon this recombinant virus to evaluate the involvement of thissingle Y241H mutation in paralytic disease, in comparison tothe reference virus rOC/ATCC.To determine whether the difference in pathology inducedby rOC

67、/US241and the reference virus rOC/ATCC could berelated to differences in kinetics of replication in the CNS,brains and spinal cords were harvested and infectious-virustiters were assayed every 2 days for a period of 22 dpi. Eventhough both viruses replicated to similar extents in the CNSand the high

68、est level of infectious virions were found at 10 dpiin brains as well as in spinal cords, rOC/US241remained in thespinal cord for a longer period of time than rOC/ATCC. In-deed, infectious rOC/US241virus was still detectable at 15 dpi,whereas rOC/ATCC infectious virus was never detectable be-yond 12

69、 dpi (Fig. 2). Even though viral persistence was notevaluated, we have already reported that viral RNA of wild-type reference HCoV-OC43 (ATCC VR759) (23) and recom-binant viruses rOC/ATCC (which has exactly the same genomicsequenceasthevirusATCCVR759)andrOC/US24-241(24) persists in mice for several

70、months postinfection.AMPA receptor antagonist (GYKI-52466) treatment atten-uates mouse motor dysfunctions and severe paralysis inducedfollowing infection by rOC/US241. In order to characterize apossible involvement of excitotoxicity in rOC/US241-inducedhind-limb paralysis, mice infected by rOC/US241

71、were treatedwith the AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI-52466 or vehicle(HBSS). GYKI-52466 treatment did not affect the survival rateof mice infected by either rOC/ATCC or rOC/US241(Fig. 3A),but it attenuated clinical scores related to motor dysfunctionsand paralytic disease induced following rOC/US241in

72、fection(Fig. 3B). Indeed, fewer mice presented mild paralysis (CS, 1.5to 2), and they recovered more rapidly when treated withGYKI-52466, than control vehicle-treated mice. Moreover,whereas 20 to 30% of mice infected by the rOC/US241virus andtreated with vehicle presented severe paralysis (CS, 2.5 t

73、o 3.5),only 5 to 10% of the mice treated with GYKI-52466 (with theexception of 12 to 13 dpi) fell into this category (Fig. 3B).Furthermore, recovery was more rapid following treatmentwith GYKI-52466. The worst symptoms of motor dysfunctionswere observed at 10 dpi, and symptoms disappeared totally in

74、the following 6 days of GYKI-52466 treatment, whereas motordisability persisted in vehicle-treated mice. Indeed, as early as18 dpi, surviving mice infected and treated with AMPA antag-onist recovered completely, with no more detectable motorCS. On the other hand, 20% of the infected mice treatedwith

75、 vehicle only still presented severe paralysis (CS, 2.5 to3.5) at 21 dpi. Viral replication in brains and spinal cordswas assessed in mice infected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATCCand treated with GYKI-52466 or vehicle. For both recom-binant viruses, treatment with GYKI-52466 did not modifyviral replication

76、(Fig. 3C).AMPA receptor antagonist treatment reduces neuronal dys-function in mice infected by rOC/US241. Spinal cords from miceinfected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATCC and treated with theAMPA receptor antagonist (GYKI-52466) or vehicle were har-vested at 10 dpi (time of motor dysfunctions and severe paral

77、-ysis) to evaluate whether a neuronal alteration associated withexcitotoxicity was under way in infected mice. Neuronal dys-regulation was investigated by evaluating the axonal neuro-filament phosphorylation state. Using SMI 311, an antibodyagainst nonphosphorylated NF-H proteins, we found thatinfec

78、tion of mice with rOC/ATCC and rOC/US241resultedin abnormal loss of soma nonphosphorylated NF-H in thespinal cord gray matter (GM) compared to the result forsham-infected mice. This modification in the phosphoryla-tion state was much more pronounced following infectionwith rOC/US241than following in

79、fection with rOC/ATCC(Fig. 4, SMI 311 GM). On the other hand, spinal cord whitematter (WM) of mice infected with rOC/ATCC and rOC/FIG. 2. Infectious-virus production measured in the CNS of in-fected mice. The kinetics of infectious-virus production in brains andspinal cords was evaluated every 2 day

80、s for 22 dpi. Both viruses rep-licated to similar levels, with the same kinetics in brains, and thehighest levels of infectious virions were found at 10 dpi in brains as wellas in spinal cords. Recombinant virus rOC/US241was cleared lessrapidly from the spinal cord, as infectious virus was repeatedl

81、y de-tected for up to 15 dpi. Results are representative of two independentexperiments, and error bars represent standard errors of the means(SEM).VOL. 85, 2011HCoV-OC43-INDUCED PARALYSIS MEDIATED BY EXCITOTOXICITY12467 on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloa

82、ded from FIG. 3. AMPA receptor antagonist GYKI-52466 treatment attenuates motor dysfunctions in infected mice without modifying neurovirulenceor viral replication. (A) Survival curves of mice infected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATCC and treated with GYKI-52466 or vehicle. GYKI-52466treatment did not change

83、the rate of survival of mice following infection by either virus. Results with sham-infected mice treated with GYKI-52466alone illustrated that AMPA treatment was not toxic under the condition used. Results are representative of two independent experiments.(B) Effect of GYKI-52466 treatment on motor

84、 clinical scores in mice infected by rOC/US241and treated with GYKI-52466 or vehicle. GYKI-52466treatment attenuated clinical scores related to mild (CS, 1.5 to 2) or severe (CS, 2.5 to 3.5) paralysis for mice infected by rOC/US241, comparedto scores for mice treated only with vehicle. Twenty to 30%

85、 of mice infected and treated with vehicle presented CS of severe paralysis (CS, 2.5to 3.5), whereas only 5 to 10% of mice treated with GYKI-52466 fell into this category. The CS of motor dysfunction completely disappeared at18 dpi in GYKI-52466-treated mice, whereas 20% of mice infected and treated

86、 with vehicle only still presented severe paralysis (CS, 2.5 to 3.5)at 21 dpi. Mice that presented mild paralysis (CS, 1.5 to 2) were fewer and recovered more rapidly when treated with GYKI-52466. Results arerepresentative of three independent experiments. (C) Infectious-virus titers in the CNS of m

87、ice infected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATCC and treatedwith GYKI-52466 or vehicle. For both recombinant viruses, viral replication (kinetics and total amount of infectious virus) was not affectedfollowing GYKI-52466 treatment. Results are representative of two independent experiments, and error bars repres

88、ent SEM.12468 on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from US241showed an abnormal presence of nonphosphorylatedNF-H, and axonal swelling in WM was more importantfollowing rOC/US241infection than following rOC/ATCCinfection (Fig. 4, SMI 311 WM). Staining w

89、ith SMI 312antibodies against phosphorylated NF-H proteins showed alow level of axonal phosphorylated NF in the spinal cordwhite matter following infection by rOC/US241, compared tothe level for rOC/ATCC- or sham-infected mice. Moreover,FIG. 4. AMPAreceptorantagonisttreatmentreducesneuronaldysfuncti

90、on,asobservedbythephosphorylationstateofheavyneurofilamentsinmiceinfectedwithrOC/US241.ImmunohistochemistryoflumbarspinalcordgrayandwhitemattersegmentsfrommiceinfectedwithrOC/US241orrOC/ATCCand treated with GYKI-52466 or vehicle at 10 dpi. In the normal spinal cord (a), SMI 311 stained the neurofila

91、ment of neuronal soma and dendrites.Following infection with rOC/ATCC or rOC/US241(b or d, respectively), GM presented less SMI 311 neuronal soma staining, illustrating a loss of normalnonphosphorylated NF in GM compared to that for sham-infected mice (a), which was more pronounced following rOC/US2

92、41infection than followingrOC/ATCC infection (light arrows). Interestingly, spinal cord white matter of mice infected with rOC/ATCC (b) or rOC/US241(d) showed higher levelsof abnormal axonal nonphosphorylated NF-H, with abnormal axonal swelling, which was more pronounced following infection by rOC/U

93、S241thanfollowing sham infection (a) (dark arrows). Staining with SMI 312 showed a low level of phosphorylated NF-H in WM axons following infection byrOC/US241compared to that following rOC/ATCC or sham infection. GYKI-52466 treatment of mice infected with rOC/ATCC (c) or rOC/US241(e)partially resto

94、red the physiological NF-H phosphorylation state. (a) Sham-infected mice plus vehicle; (b) rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus vehicle; (c)rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus GYKI-52466; (d) rOC/US241-infected mice plus vehicle; (e) rOC/US241-infected mice plus GYKI-52466. Magnification,?400. Results are representa

95、tive of two independent experiments with three mice per group.VOL. 85, 2011HCoV-OC43-INDUCED PARALYSIS MEDIATED BY EXCITOTOXICITY12469 on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from GYKI-52466 treatment of mice infected by both recombi-nant viruses partially

96、 restored the physiological NF-H phos-phorylation state.GLT-1 expression is downregulated in mice infected by rOC/US241and upregulated following AMPA receptor antagonisttreatment. The astrocytic receptor GLT-1 is responsible for90% of glutamate recapture. Consequently, as glutamate exci-totoxicity m

97、ay be due to a problem in this recapture, we de-cided to evaluate the expression of GLT-1 on spinal cordastrocytes. Spinal cords were harvested at 10 dpi, and GLT-1expression was evaluated by immunofluorescence and Westernblotting. Infection by both viruses led to significant astrocyteactivation com

98、pared to that for sham-infected mice treatedwith vehicle (Fig. 5A and B) (P ? 0.001). Even though agreater number of GFAP-positive astrocytes were detectedfollowing infection, glial GLT-1 expression was significantlydownregulated in mice infected by rOC/US241(P ? 0.01), asrevealed by immunofluoresce

99、nce analysis (Fig. 5A) and con-firmed by Western blotting (Fig. 5B), compared to levels inrOC/ATCC- and sham-infected mice. However, treatmentwith GYKI-52466 led to partial restoration of GLT-1 expres-sion in mice infected by rOC/US241(P ? 0.01), as shown byimmunofluorescence and Western blotting (F

100、ig. 5A and B).Treatment with AMPA receptor antagonist reduces micro-glial activation. Microglia are often activated during glutamateexcitotoxicity. Therefore, microglial activation in the spinalcords of infected mice was evaluated by immunohistochemistryand Western blotting at 10 dpi. Mice infected

101、by both virusespresented a significant activation of microglia/macrophages inthe spinal cord, whereas in sham-infected mice, these cellswere not activated under normal physiological conditions.Moreover, rOC/US241infection led to a drastically significantincrease (P ? 0.05) in the activation of micro

102、glial cells com-pared to that seen with rOC/ATCC infection, as revealed byquantitation of Mac-2 expression on Western blots (Fig. 6Aand B). Treatment with GYKI-52466 reduced activation ofmicroglia/macrophages (Mac-2 expression) in mice infectedwith rOC/US241(P ? 0.05), but the level of microglial ac

103、tiva-tion did not return to the basal level of sham-infected animals.DISCUSSIONWe have previously shown that four mutations in the spike(S) glycoprotein of HCoV-OC43 (D24Y, S83T, H183R, andY241H) modulate disease in infected BALB/c mice from anencephalitis to a flaccid paralysis and eventual demyeli

104、nation(24). The aim of the present study was to determine whetheronly one of these four mutations was sufficient to induce hind-limb paralysis in mice and to determine the mechanism under-lying this virus-induced neuropathology. Making use of a seriesof recombinant viruses produced with our infectio

105、us clonepBAC-OC43FL(47), we were able to identify a single pointmutation (Y241H) in the HCoV-OC43 S glycoprotein that isnecessary and sufficient for induction of hind-limb paralysis ininfected BALB/c mice without affecting viral neurovirulence orthe kinetics of viral replication in brain compared to

106、 those seenwith rOC/ATCC.Even though in some viral models of CNS infection, block-ade of excitotoxicity results in a decrease in mortality of in-fected mice (21), we showed that treatment with an AMPAantagonist affected neither the survival rate of mice nor theviral replication in mice infected by e

107、ither HCoV-OC43 variant(rOC/ATCC or rOC/US241). However, the number of micepresenting motor dysfunctions or severe paralysis induced bythe rOC/US241variant decreased in the presence of the AMPAantagonist GYKI-52466, and mice recovered more rapidlyfrom motor disability than infected mice treated with

108、 vehiclealone. These results strongly suggest that glutamate excitotox-icity is involved in the pathological process leading to motordysfunction without any direct association with viral replica-tion, which is not modified by the treatment with the AMPAantagonist.Mice infected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATC

109、C showed abnor-mal loss of soma nonphosphorylated NF-H in the gray matter(GM), and this was more important following rOC/US241in-fection. Moreover, spinal cord white matter (WM) of miceinfected by rOC/US241or rOC/ATCC presented abnormal ax-onal nonphosphorylated NF-H, which was also more impor-tant

110、following rOC/US241infection, even leading to axonalbeading and swelling. It has already been reported that mod-ifications in the phosphorylation state of neurofilaments con-tribute to motor neuron disease, as seen in amyotrophic lateralsclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) (9, 43). This ab-no

111、rmal disruption of the NF-H phosphorylation state in theaxon and cell body observed following infection could lead toneuronal dysfunction, i.e., disruption of axonal transport withperturbations in neuronal transmission, which has been dem-onstrated to account for motor disabilities (36). Treatmentwi

112、th GYKI-52466 significantly reduced the imbalance of theNF-H phosphorylation state and also improved motor dysfunc-tions. This is consistent with the fact that glutamate excitotox-icity causes damage to the cytoskeleton of axons in vivo andthat the administration of AMPA antagonist attenuated axonal

113、damages (18). Moreover, glutamate excitotoxicity was shownto be involved in the slowing of axonal transport (1, 22, 31),which could account for axonal swelling observed. As neuronsare the main target of HCoV-OC43 infection, viral replicationin neurons may induce neuronal stress that can lead to adys

114、regulation of glutamate metabolism and homeostasis (glu-tamate synthesis, release, recycling), as already shown in otherneurotropic viral models (26, 33, 51). Indeed, it was reportedthat human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can up-regulate glutaminase expression in infected macrophages (15)an

115、d that the HIV-1 viral Tat protein increases neuronal glu-tamate exocytosis (32). Moreover, other studies have shownthat the astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT-1 was down-regulated in viral models involving Sindbis virus or HIV (11,53). Furthermore, excessive stimulation of glutamate on itsspecifi

116、c receptors is known to induce degeneration of neuralcells and to lead to neurodegenerative diseases (13).Under physiological conditions, glutamate homeostasis isregulated in large part by glial glutamate transporter 1 (GLT-1), expressed mainly on astrocytes, which is responsible for upto 90% of the

117、 total glutamate clearance in the adult CNS (2).We showed a significant activation of astrocytes following in-fection by both viruses. However, the expression of GLT-1 didnot correlate with this activation being associated with an in-creased number of astrocytes expressing high levels of GFAP.Indeed

118、, the results presented in Fig. 5 show that GLT-1 trans-porter expression was significantly downregulated following12470BRISON ET AL.J. VIROL. on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from FIG. 5. Expression of GLT-1 is downregulated in mice infected with r

119、OC/US241and partially restored following treatment with AMPAreceptor antagonist. (A) Immunofluorescence analysis of lumbar spinal cord segments of gray matter from mice infected by rOC/ATCC orrOC/US241and treated with vehicle (b and d) or GYKI-52466 (c and e) at 10 dpi. Infected mice (b and d) prese

120、nted an increased numberof activated astrocytes compared to that seen with sham-infected mice (a), as well as a downregulation of GLT-1 staining which was morepronounced following rOC/US241infection (d) than following rOC/ATCC infection (b). Treatment with GYKI-52466 led to partialrestoration of GLT

121、-1 expression levels (c and e). Results are representative of two independent experiments with three mice per group.(B) Western blotting strengthened histological data. Mice infected by both recombinants showed significant (#, P ? 0.001) GFAPexpression compared to that for sham-infected mice. GLT-1

122、expression was significantly downregulated in mice infected by rOC/US241(d)(#, P ? 0.01) compared to the level in mice infected by rOC/ATCC (b) or control (a). Treatment with GYKI-52466 led to significantupregulation of GLT-1 expression in mice infected by rOC/US241(*, P ? 0.01) compared to that in

123、mice infected by rOC/ATCC or control.Note that following infection of mice with HCoV-OC43, an additional band of GFAP is detected at 45 kDa, which is suggested to representa proteolytic fragment derived from the 50-kDa band. Results are expressed as percentages of control (sham-infected mice plus ve

124、hicle a),and data are represented as means ? SEM (n ? 3). (a) Sham-infected mice plus vehicle; (b) rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus vehicle; (c)rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus GYKI-52466; (d) rOC/US241-infected mice plus vehicle; (e) rOC/US241-infected mice plus GYKI-52466.Results are representative of three

125、 independent experiments.VOL. 85, 2011HCoV-OC43-INDUCED PARALYSIS MEDIATED BY EXCITOTOXICITY12471 on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from rOC/US241infection compared to that following rOC/ATCC orsham infection. Interestingly, treatment with GYKI-52466

126、 ledto a partial restoration of expression of the GLT-1 transporter,although expression always remained inferior to basal levels.This incomplete restoration may account for the remainingmotor dysfunctions observed. It was demonstrated that GLT-1knockout mice undergo seizures and death as a result of

127、 exci-totoxicity caused by too-elevated extracellular glutamate con-centrations (50). Moreover, decreased expression of this trans-porter has been reported in several neurological diseases, aswell as in viral models (7, 17).We have previously reported that infection of mice byHCoV-OC43 led to the re

128、lease of several proinflammatorycytokines (tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-?, interleukin-1IL-1, and IL-6), with a significant increase of IL-6 in miceinfected with an S mutant virus (24). These cytokines areknown to downregulate glutamate transporter GLT-1 expres-sion (11, 34, 38). In the present s

129、tudy, we show that the mutantvirus rOC/US241(which harbors a single S point mutation,Y241H) led to significant microglia/macrophage activationcompared to what is observed with the reference virus and thattreatment with the AMPA antagonist partially reduced micro-glial cell activation. Moreover, our

130、results (Fig. 6) also indicatethat the increased microglia/macrophage activation correlatedwith the GLT-1 downregulated expression. Previous studieshave demonstrated that microglia/macrophages can sense ex-tracellular glutamate concentration via AMPA receptors ontheir membrane and that glutamate act

131、s as a chemokine forthese cells (29). Furthermore, activated microglia/macro-phages are a significant source of glutamate that can induceexcitotoxic neuronal cell death (6). These results suggest that,in our model, the role of astrocytes is to rescue neuronsfrom excitotoxicity by regulating glutamat

132、e homeostasis,whereas activation of microglia/macrophages may exert ex-citotoxicity by downregulating GLT-1 expression via the re-lease of some cytokines or by releasing glutamate, as previ-ously described (28). This is consistent with a previous studythat showed that microglia/macrophages can relea

133、se gluta-mate and that blockade of glutamate release from activatedmicroglia attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalo-myelitis in mice (45).In summary, our study suggests that persistence-acquiredmutations in the S glycoprotein of a human coronavirus(HCoV-OC43), which represents a possible viral

134、 adaptationwithin the CNS, could be involved in the development of neu-rological disorders in humans and that a single such pointmutation is sufficient to modulate virus-induced neuropathol-ogy from an encephalitis to an MS-like neuropathology thatinvolves glutamate excitotoxicity in a mouse model.

135、Decipher-ing the underlying mechanisms of HCoV-OC43 interactionwith the central nervous system should lead to a better under-standing of potentially pathological consequences of this infec-tion, as well as the importance of viral determinants in theprocess. Future studies will investigate the mechan

136、ism of ac-tion of both viruses (rOC/ATCC and rOC/US241) regardingglutamate synthesis, release, and uptake in order to betterFIG. 6. Treatment with AMPA receptor antagonist reduced microglial activation. (A) Immunohistochemical staining of activated microglia,using Mac-2 antibody in mice infected wit

137、h rOC/US241or rOC/ATCC and treated with GYKI-52466 or vehicle at 10 dpi. The spinal cord graymatter ventral horn from infected mice demonstrated a significant activation of microglia/macrophages following infection by both viruses.Treatment with GYKI-52466 reduced microglia/macrophage activation in

138、mice infected by rOC/US241. Magnification, ?400. Results are repre-sentative of two independent experiments with three mice per group. (B) Western blotting of spinal cord proteins confirmed the histologicalfinding. Infection of mice by rOC/US241led to significant (*, P ? 0.05) increased activation o

139、f microglial cells (Mac-2 staining) compared to thatin mice infected by rOC/ATCC, and GYKI-52466 treatment attenuated microglial cell activation in mice infected by rOC/US241(*, P ? 0.05).These results are expressed as percentages of the reference value, with 100% representing mice infected by rOC/A

140、TCC and treated with vehicle(b), as microglial cell activation was undetectable in sham-infected animals (a). Data are represented as means ? SEM (n ? 3). (a) Sham-infectedmice plus vehicle; (b) rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus vehicle; (c) rOC/ATCC-infected mice plus GYKI-52466; (d) rOC/US241-infected m

141、ice plusvehicle; (e) rOC/US241-infected mice plus GYKI-52466. Results are representative of three independent experiments.12472BRISON ET AL.J. VIROL. on March 18, 2015 by SUNY HSCB MEDICAL RESEARCH LIBRARYhttp:/jvi.asm.org/Downloaded from understand the exact role of excitotoxicity and its pathologi

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