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1、. 用所给单词的正确形式完成句子用所给单词的正确形式完成句子1. The driver was punished for not respecting (respect) the traffic rules. 2. Why do you consider yourself qualified (qualify) for this job? 3. During the weekend we got together and had a satisfying (satisfy) meal in that restaurant. 4. If you offer your help, I will b

2、e grateful (grate). 5. This is a project that requires (require) a great deal of time and money. 6. I asked if anyone would help me, but no one volunteered (volunteer). 7. Having suffered (suffer)such a heavy loss, the businessman didnt have the courage to live on. 8. The price of vegetables has dou

3、bled (double) because of bad weather in recent months. 9. You would pass your exams if you applied (apply) yourself to your studies. 10. I didnt respond (response) to her question, for it was too simple. 1.at high altitude 2.in bad condition 3.in particular 4.the mountains rise steeply5.sheer drop6.

4、in places 7 e off8.in theory9.go uphill10 e downhill 11.in practice1.1.在高海拔处在高海拔处2.2.处于糟糕的状态处于糟糕的状态3.3.特别是,尤其是特别是,尤其是4.4.那些山陡峭地耸立那些山陡峭地耸立5.5.巨大的落差巨大的落差6.6.某处,有些地方某处,有些地方7.7.从从掉下掉下8.8.从理论上说从理论上说9.9.往上山方向走往上山方向走10.10.往下山方向走往下山方向走11.11.事实上事实上12.death toll has fallen12.12.死亡人数减少了死亡人数减少了13.be known as14.

5、live on15.pass by16.volunteer to direct the traffic17.he had a close encounter with death13.13.被称为被称为;作为作为而闻而闻名名14.生存下去生存下去,以以为生为生15.经过经过16.自愿去指挥交通自愿去指挥交通17.有一次他与死神有一次他与死神擦身而过擦身而过18.had a profound effect on19.it is his mission in life to help others20.week in, week out21.from dawn to dusk18.对对有深远的影响

6、有深远的影响19.帮助他人是他一生帮助他人是他一生的使命的使命20.一周又一周一周又一周21.从早到晚从早到晚22.on average22.平均平均23. thanks to24. a human traffic signal25. with a large circular board26 take sth for granted;take it for granted that27. take up 28. have a day off29. combine with30.suffer from 31.in response to32.make a quick response to33

7、.make no response to 34. in the direction of 23. 23. 多亏,由于多亏,由于24. 24. 一个人体交通标志一个人体交通标志25.25.手里拿着一个大圆板手里拿着一个大圆板26.26.认为认为理所当然理所当然27.27.站好位置已备站好位置已备;占用;占用;开始从事开始从事28.28.请天假请天假29.29.把把与与结合起来结合起来30.30.受受苦;患苦;患病病31.31.作为作为的回应的回应32. 32. 对对做出立即反响做出立即反响33.33.对对没有反响没有反响34.34.朝着朝着的方向的方向35. earn a fortune36.e

8、arn ones/a living37.sign the contract38.a sign of39.to ones satisfaction40.be satisfied with41.a satisfying response42.be particular about43. every two weeks=every second week =every other week 44. show/have respect for sb.=respect sb. 45.give/send my respects to sb. 35.35.挣大钱挣大钱36.36.谋生谋生37.37.签署合同

9、签署合同38.38.的迹象的迹象39.39.令人满意的是令人满意的是40.40.对对满意满意41.41.一个令人满意的答复一个令人满意的答复42.42.对对挑剔挑剔43.43.每两周每两周44.44.尊敬某人尊敬某人 45.45.请代我向某人请代我向某人问好问好/ /致意致意46. 46. apply (to sb.) for sth. (向某人向某人)申请某物申请某物apply sth.to sth. 把把应用于应用于apply to. . . 适用于适用于apply onesely to. . . 致力于致力于47. 47.sth. require doing/to be done 某物需

10、要被做某物需要被做require sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事require that. . .(should) do sth. 要求做某事要求做某事48. 48.in great demand 需求很大需求很大meet/satisfy ones demang(s) 满足某人的需要满足某人的需要demang to do sth. 要求做某事要求做某事demand that. . .(should) do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事when句型:句型:(1)Sb.was about to do sth.when. =Sb.was on the point

11、of doing sth.when (2) Sb.was doing sth.when (3) Sb.had (just) done sth.whenShe had just finished her homework _ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. 2021福建福建, 33A. when B. whileC. after D. since【解解析析】选选A。考考查查固固定定句句式式。had just done. . . when. . . 为为固固定定句句式式, 意意为为“刚刚做做完完某某事事就就

12、。句句意意为为: 昨昨天天她她刚刚做完作业做完作业, 妈妈就让她练钢琴。妈妈就让她练钢琴。Unfortunately, when I got to her flat, she _, so we had only time for a few words. A. was just leaving B. just leftC. had just left D. has just left【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词时时态态。句句意意为为: 很很不不幸幸, 当当我我到到她她的的公公寓寓时时, 她她正正要要离离开开, 所所以以我我们们只只说说了了几几句句话话。leave, come, go,

13、fly等等动动词词的的进进行行时时表表示示将将要要发发生生的的动动作作, 由由so 后后面面的的时时态态为为过过去去时可知时可知, 正确答案应为正确答案应为A。They have demanded that all the facts _ known to the public. A. make B. be madeC. are made D. should make【解解析析】选选B。考考查查demand 用用法法。句句意意为为: 他他们们要要求求所所有有的的事事实实应应该该公公布布于于众众。demand后后接接从从句句时时, 从从句句谓谓语语动动词词应应用用should+动动词词原原形形,

14、 由由此此可可排排除除C; 又又因因facts与与make之间为被动关系之间为被动关系, 应选应选B。He likes helping others, _ those who are in trouble. A. in theory B. in particularC. in favor D. in practice【解解析析】选选B。考考查查介介词词短短语语。句句意意为为: 他他喜喜欢欢帮帮助助他他人人, 特别是那些在困境中的人。结合句意特别是那些在困境中的人。结合句意, B项最正确。项最正确。The increase of the number of the students makes

15、the limited computers not _ to each student. A. available B. helpfulC. acceptable D. affordable【解解析析】选选A。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为: 学学生生人人数数的的增增加加使使得得有有限限的的电电脑脑无无法法提提供供给给每每个个学学生生。available “可得到的可得到的, 可获得的可获得的; 可到达的,符合句意。可到达的,符合句意。Dont take _ for granted that he will agree with you on the subject. A. wha

16、t B. itC. which D. that【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为: 不不要要想想当当然然地地以以为为他他会会就就这这个个话话题题同同意意你你的的观观点点。take. . . for granted “认认为为理理所所当然。当然。it在此句中作形式宾语在此句中作形式宾语, 真正的宾语是真正的宾语是that从句。从句。Use your head. Nothing taught by others can _ the same effect _ you as that learned by yourself. A. have; on B. give; toC. make; in D.

17、take; to【解析】【解析】选选A。考查固定短语。考查固定短语have an effect on 对对有有影响。句意为影响。句意为: 动动脑筋。别人教给你的任何东西都无动动脑筋。别人教给你的任何东西都无法取得与你自学相同的效果。法取得与你自学相同的效果。 _ all my homework unfinished, I am not allowed to go online to play games. 2021福州模拟福州模拟A. To B. ForC. With D. Without【解解析析】选选C。考考查查with 复复合合结结构构。句句意意为为: 我我所所有有的的功功课课还还没没做

18、做完完, 所所以以不不允允许许上上网网打打游游戏戏。本本句句是是with +宾语宾语+v. -ed形式。形式。In this country it is required that anyone who wants to settle here _ to pass this kind of test. 2021海口模拟海口模拟A. has B. hadC. have D. will have【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为: 这这个个国国家家规规定定: 任任何何想想定定居居在在此此处处的的人人必必须须通通过过这这类类考考试试。require“要要求求, 后后面面接接从从句句时时, 从从句句谓谓

19、语语动动词词要要用用should+动动词词原原形形, 根根据据该该用法用法, 选选C。My deskmate _ the shopkeeper 90 yuan for the second-hand bike. A. charged B. askedC. sold D. offered【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词辨辨析析。句句意意为为: 我我同同桌桌给给商商店店老老板板出出价价90元元买买那那辆辆二二手手自自行行车车。offer sb. money for sth. “给给某某人人出出价价买买某某物物。charge “索价索价, 不合句意。不合句意。I dont want to pla

20、y the piano. For one thing, playing the piano _ much time; for another, the piano _ much room. A. takes on; takes up B. takes up; takes upC. takes up; takes on D. takes on; takes on【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词短短语语。take up “占占据据, 占占去去。take on “呈现,雇用。结合句意呈现,雇用。结合句意, B项最正确。项最正确。 【方法技巧】【方法技巧】情态动词五推测,肯定否认有强弱情态动词五推

21、测,肯定否认有强弱表推测时表推测时, 英语中一般使用英语中一般使用must, may, might, may not和和cant。must: 一定语气肯定一定语气肯定may: 也许不很肯定也许不很肯定might: 或许比或许比may语气更弱语气更弱may not: 也许不表否认也许不表否认cant: 一定不一定不must的反义的反义, 用于否认句用于否认句1推推测测现现在在的的事事情情用用must, may, might, may not和和cant+ do/beShe must be at home now. The boy may play now. 2推推测测过过去去的的事事情情用用mu

22、st, may, might, may not和和cant+ have doneShe might have been ill yesterday. He must have held the party. 注注意意: 表表推推测测的的must, may, might, may not和和cant不不可可以以与与I think. . . 连用。因为连用。因为I think. . . 已有推测的含义已有推测的含义, 故不能连用。故不能连用。 【举一反三】【举一反三】My sister is very upset today. Its your fault. You _ the bad news to her yesterday. 2021南昌模拟南昌模拟A. should tell B. should have toldC. shouldnt have told D. must tell【解解析析】选选C。考考查查情情态态动动词词表表推推测测。句句意意为为:我我姐姐姐姐今今天天看看上上去去心心绪绪烦烦乱乱。都都是是你你的的错错。你你昨昨天天不不该该告告诉诉她她那那个个坏坏消消息息。由由答答句句时时态态可可知知动动作作发发生生在在过过去去,因因此此排排除除表表现在推测的现在推测的A、D两项;结合句意,两项;结合句意,C项符合句意。排除项符合句意。排除B项。项。



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