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1、MarriageAcrossNationsMarriageAcrossNations CONTENTSCONTENTSB BBE E EA AADDC CCLead-inLead-inPre-reading ActivitiesPre-reading ActivitiesText StudyText StudyText StudyParagraphParagraphWritingWritingSummarySummarySummaryLead-inLead-in课文课文小结小结预习预习写作写作N H C EATopic-centered Topic-centered Topic-centere

2、d DiscussionDiscussionDiscussionThe main barrier The main barrier The main barrier to marriages to marriages to marriages across nationsacross nationsacross nationsThe merits and The merits and The merits and demerits of marriage demerits of marriage demerits of marriage across nations across nation

3、s across nations WhatwillbethemainbarriertomarriagesWhatwillbethemainbarriertomarriagesacrossnations?acrossnations?课文课文小结小结预习预习写作写作Back The language barrier;The cultural differences;The different patterns of seeing things;The different dietary habits;The different principles of conduct;The different

4、 social values; TipsTipsN H C E随随 笔笔 随随 笔笔 WhatarethemeritsanddemeritsofmarriageWhatarethemeritsanddemeritsofmarriageacrossnations?acrossnations? N H C ETipsTips课文课文小结小结预习预习写作写作Back Merits: Facilitating the couples to speak new languages; More chances to get insight into new cultures; More opportuni

5、ties for overseas travels; Their childrens tendency to be healthier and brighter; The edge of their children over the other children in terms of language learning; For more Demerits: More obstacles to overcome with regard to culture and customs; More complex procedures to go through to be united as

6、a lawful couple; Their childrens undergoing many more hardships; More chances of breakup due to cultural differences; More tendency to leave single-parent children as a result of their divorce; Pre-readingActivitiesPre-readingActivitiesN H C EBBackground Background Background InformationInformationI

7、nformationCompoundCompoundCompoundDictationDictationDictationWatch and Watch and Watch and DiscussDiscussDiscuss课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作InterracialmarriageInterracialmarriageBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入复合听写复合听写 视頻讨论视頻讨论随随 笔笔 N H C E Interracial marriage: On June 12th, 1967, interracial couples became legal thanks t

8、o the US Supreme Court decision entitled Loving v. Virginia. To read more about interracial marriage, please visit http:/www.lovingday.org and http:/ CompoundDictationCompoundDictation背景知识背景知识 视頻讨论视頻讨论ForDetails随随 笔笔 N H C EDirections:Youwillhearapassagethreetimes.Whenthe passage is read for theseco

9、ndtime, you are requiredto fill in the blanks numberedfrom S1 to S8 with the exactwordsyouhavejustheard.ForblanksnumberedS9toS11youare required tofill in missinginformation. For these blanks,you can either use the exactwords you have just heard orwrite down the main points inyourownwords.Nowlistento

10、thepassage.Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入CompoundDictationCompoundDictation N H C E The period of engagement is the time between the marriage S01 _ and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decided to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond S02 _ ring. That tr

11、adition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. The diamond S03 _ beauty. He placed it on the third finger of her left hand. proposal engagement represented Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视頻讨论视頻讨论随随 笔笔 CompoundDictationCompoundDictation N H C E

12、 He chose that finger because it was thought that the blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today we know that this is not true, yet the S04 _ continues. Americans S05 _ are engaged for a period of about one year, if they are planning a wedding ceremony and a party. During this tim

13、e, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride S06 _ that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking S07 _ or new clothing. tradition generally gifts equipment Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视頻讨论视頻讨论随随 笔笔 CompoundDictationCompoundDictation N

14、 H C EFriends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the S08 _. Only men are invited to the bachelor party. During the marriage ceremony, S09_ _. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and the engagement ring on the same fin

15、ger. wedding the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue foreverBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 视頻讨论视頻讨论随随 笔笔 CompoundDictationCompoundDictation N H C E The husband wears his ring on the third finger of his left hand. Many people

16、 say S10 _. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure that they want to marry each other. S11 _.They also return any wedding gifts they have received. the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入 Either person

17、 may decide to break the engagement, if this happens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man 背景知识背景知识 视頻讨论视頻讨论随随 笔笔 Watch&DiscussWatch&DiscussDirections: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:Video watching2. What is your opinion about divorce?1. What may constitute barriers

18、for one to marry his or her true love? keykey背景知识背景知识 复合听写复合听写 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入The Lover视频文件放在这个绿视频文件放在这个绿色的框内,不要超出色的框内,不要超出去。也不要遮挡绿框去。也不要遮挡绿框的黑边。的黑边。WhatmayconstitutebarriersforonetomarryWhatmayconstitutebarriersforonetomarryhisorhertruelove?hisorhertruelove?There are many factors

19、for the failure to marry ones true love. Apart from cultural differences, some other factors exert great influence on ones marriage. To start with, the racial difference is one of the biggest obstacles to ones marriage.N H C EMany lovers, driven by the true love for each other, go through diverse di

20、fficulties and hardships, only to part with each other in the end, just like the young couple shown in the video. Besides, the different family backgrounds sometimes prevent the loversfrom getting married because they meet with resistance from their families. As confirmed in the video, the mans fath

21、er said “Id rather see you dead than know you were with that white girl.” 返回返回Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 复合听写复合听写 随随 笔笔 For moreFor moreWhatisyouropinionaboutdivorce?Whatisyouropinionaboutdivorce?N H C ETraditionally, a couple should be faithful to each other. Many couples stayed married for the s

22、ake of their loyalty to each other and for the good of children, even though their marriages were far from happy. In their eyes, getting divorced means violating the traditional family values and would bring shame to both of them. However, there have been some remarkable changes in peoples attitudes

23、 toward divorce. Divorce is now a natural and wise choice for the marriage that has ceased to exist but in name. Some even consider it as a sign of social progress for women to break free from an unhappy marriage. 返回返回Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识 复合听写复合听写 随随 笔笔 TextStudyTextStudyN H C ECNew WordsNew

24、 WordsNew WordsText ReadingText ReadingText ReadingMain Ideas &Main Ideas &Main Ideas &StructureStructureStructure预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E1. charactern.性格性格,个性个性; 特点特点, 特征特征2. compromise n./v. 妥协;折中妥协;折中 3. involveda.卷入的卷入的; 受牵连的受牵连的, 受影响的受影响的4. subtle a.微妙的,细微的微妙的,细微的 5. hatr

25、ed n.痛恨,憎恨痛恨,憎恨 6. illusion n.幻觉;错觉幻觉;错觉 7. married a.已婚的已婚的8. mutual a. 相互的相互的; 共同的共同的9. compatible a.合得来的;兼容的;配套的合得来的;兼容的;配套的 incompatible a. 合不来的;不兼容的合不来的;不兼容的 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入10. overlookvt.忽略;俯视;眺望忽略;俯视;眺望11. expectationn.C, U 期待;预料期待;预料 12. painfula.痛苦的痛苦的 13. di

26、vorcen./v. C, U 离婚离婚 14. budvi./n. 发芽,萌芽;芽,发芽,萌芽;芽, 花蕾花蕾 buddinga.刚开始的刚开始的 15. resistancen. 抵制;反对;抵抗;对抗抵制;反对;抵抗;对抗 16. supportive a.支持的;支援的支持的;支援的 17. granda. 表示表示“隔一代的隔一代的” ;壮丽的壮丽的 课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E grandchildn.(外)孙;(外)孙女(外)孙;(外)孙女18. congratulation n.(s) 祝贺;道喜祝贺;道喜 19. counsel vt. 劝告

27、;忠告劝告;忠告 20. date vt.与与约会约会 21. subsequenta.后来的;随后的后来的;随后的 subsequently ad. 后来;接着后来;接着 22. harbor vt./n.(BrE harbour) 心怀;港口心怀;港口 23. reservation n.存疑;保留存疑;保留; 预订预订 24. prejudice n.偏见;成见偏见;成见 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E25. charmvt./n.使陶醉;使陶醉;U魅力;吸引力魅力;吸引力 charming a.迷人的;有魅力的迷人

28、的;有魅力的26. son-in-lawn.C女婿女婿 27. caringa.关心的关心的, 善解人意的善解人意的28. indicationn.C, U迹象迹象 29. confirmvt./v. 证实;证明;确定;确认证实;证明;确定;确认 30. citizenshipn.U公民身份;公民权利公民身份;公民权利 31. suspect vt./n. 怀疑;怀疑;C嫌疑犯嫌疑犯 32. harsh a.严厉的;苛刻的;刺耳的严厉的;苛刻的;刺耳的 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E33. hesitate vi. 犹豫;

29、踌躇;迟疑犹豫;踌躇;迟疑34. cancel vt. 取消取消35. proceedvi. 继续进行继续进行36. quotev./n. 引用引用, 引述;引语引述;引语, 引文引文 37. hardshipn.C, U艰难;困苦艰难;困苦38. racistn.C种族主义者种族主义者39. realistica.实际的;现实的实际的;现实的 40. devotionn.U挚爱;热爱;忠诚挚爱;热爱;忠诚41. idealistica.理想主义的;理想化的理想主义的;理想化的 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E42. res

30、olvevt. 解决解决; 解除解除; 决定决定; 决心决心ups and downs 盛衰盛衰; 沉浮沉浮 work out 以某种方式发展以某种方式发展 for a time 暂时暂时; 一度一度 meet with 遭遇遭遇; 遇到遇到 all along 始终始终 have nothing to do with 与与无关无关 on the surface 表面上;表面上; 外表上外表上 at ones worst 最差的时候最差的时候; 最糟糕的时候最糟糕的时候 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C E德博拉德博拉 (女子名

31、女子名)Deborah盖尔盖尔 (女子名女子名)Gail接着做某事接着做某事proceed to do sth. 负责;处理负责;处理take care of获悉;听说获悉;听说learn ofBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Marriage Across Nations Para. 1 Gail and I imagined a quiet wedding. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learn

32、ing to know, understand, and respect each other. But through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each others characters. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para. 2 Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship and taught us a great deal a

33、bout tolerance, compromise, and being open with each other. Gail sometimes wondered why I and other blacks were so involved with the racial issue, and I was surprised that she seemed to forget the subtler forms of racial hatred in American society. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔

34、Para. 3 Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America. The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 4a We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marry

35、ing for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that they were incompatible, that they hardly took the time to know each other, that they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was an automatic way to make everything work out righ

36、t. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入句型句型句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 4b That point was emphasized by the fact that Gails parents, after thirty-five years of marriage, were going through a bitter and painful divorce, which had destroyed Gail and for a time had a negative effect on our budding relation

37、ship. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 5 When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance. Her mother, Deborah, all along had been supportive of our relationship, and even joked about when we were going to get married so she could have

38、 grandchildren. Instead of congratulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing. N H C E句型句型Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 6 “So it was all right for me to date him, but its wrong for me to marry him. Is his color the proble

39、m, Mom? ” Gail subsequently told me she had asked her mother. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 7a “To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. But when I met Mark I found him a charming and inte

40、lligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. So, color has nothing to do with it. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 7b Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what you are doing. But they live in a different world. So you see, Marks color

41、 is not the problem. My biggest worry is that you may be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons that I married your father. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 7c When we met I saw him as my beloved, intelligent, charming, and caring. It was all so new, all so exciting, an

42、d we both thought, on the surface at least, that ours was an ideal marriage with every indication that it would last forever. I realized only later that I didnt know my beloved, your father, very well when we married.” N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 8 “But Mark and I have b

43、een together more than two years,” Gail railed. “Weve been through so much together. Weve seen each other at our worst many times. Im sure that time will only confirm what we feel deeply about each other.” Para. 9 “You may be right. But I still think that waiting wont hurt. Youre only twenty-five.”N

44、 H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para. 10a Gails father, David,whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude. He basically asked the same questions as Gails mother: “Why the haste? Who is this Mark? Whats his

45、citizenship status? ”词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para. 10b And when he learned of my problems with the citizenship department, he immediately suspected that I was marrying his daughter in order to remain in the United States. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 11 “But Dad, thats ha

46、rsh,” Gail said. Para. 12 “Then why the rush?” he asked repeatedly. N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 13 “Mark has had problems with citizenship before and has always taken care of them himself,” Gail defended. “In fact, he made it very clear when we were discussing marriage t

47、hat if I had any doubts about anything, I should not hesitate to cancel our plans. ” Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C E句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 14 Her father proceeded to quote statistics showing that mixed couples had higher divorce rates than couples of the same race and gave examples of mixed c

48、ouples he had counseled who were having marital difficulties. Para. 15 “Have you thought about the hardships your children could go through?” he asked. Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C E词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 16 “Dad, are you a racist? ” Para. 17 “No, of course not. But you have to be realistic.” Pa

49、ra. 18 “Maybe our children will have some problems, but whose children dont? But one thing theyll always have: our love and devotion.” N H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 19 “Thats idealistic. People can be very cruel toward children from mixed marriages.” Para. 20 “Dad, well wo

50、rry about that when the time comes. If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done. ” Para. 21 “Remember, its never too late to change your mind.” Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C E句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Main Idea of the TextMain Idea of the TextPart IPart IPart IIPart

51、 IIPart IIIPart IIIN H C EThe text is about the mixed marriage between Gail and The text is about the mixed marriage between Gail and Mark, especially the objections Gails parents made to Mark, especially the objections Gails parents made to their wedding plans. To be concrete, Gail and Mark their w

52、edding plans. To be concrete, Gail and Mark decided to marry after living together for two years. decided to marry after living together for two years. However, they met with some resistance from Gails However, they met with some resistance from Gails parents. Gails mother asked Gail to be sure Mark

53、 was parents. Gails mother asked Gail to be sure Mark was the right life-long partner. And Gails father quoted the right life-long partner. And Gails father quoted statistics to show the difficulties a mixed couple might statistics to show the difficulties a mixed couple might be faced with in Ameri

54、ca and persuaded Gail to change be faced with in America and persuaded Gail to change her mind.her mind. 词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 The passage consists of 21 paragraphs and, according to the sequence of story in space and time, can roughly fall into 3 parts. For detail Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Structure of

55、 the TextStructure of the TextMain Idea of Part IMain Idea of Part IDevices for its DevelopmentDevices for its DevelopmentPara. 1 to 4 Two years of living together, especially constant exchanges of their ideas on race and personalities, enhanced the relationship between Gail and Mark so much that th

56、ey decided to marry even though they did not know what the future would hold for them as a mixed couple. Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Part IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIN H C EThe author tells the reader the mixed marriage plan by Narration in the first person. For detail 词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Main

57、Idea of Part IIMain Idea of Part IIDevices for its DevelopmentDevices for its DevelopmentPara. 5 9 The reactions Gails mother made to their wedding plan. She reaffirmed that Marks color was not the problem. Her biggest worry was that Gail might be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons as she had

58、married her father. Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Part IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIN H C EGails mothers reaction to their wedding plan is revealed by employing the device of Argumentation. For detail 词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 Main Idea of Part IIIMain Idea of Part IIIDevices for its DevelopmentDevices

59、for its DevelopmentPara. 1021 The responses Gails father gave to their wedding plans. He quoted statistics and gave examples to persuade his daughter to change her mind. Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Part IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIN H C EThe pattern of Dialogue is employed to help depict vividly th

60、e contrasts of attitudes between Gail and her father. For detail 词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 SummarySummaryN H C EDEnglish Equivalents English Equivalents English Equivalents of Chineseof Chineseof ChineseCreative Application of Creative Application of Creative Application of Compatible ExpressionsCompa

61、tible ExpressionsCompatible ExpressionsFurther Application of Further Application of Further Application of Productive PatternsProductive PatternsProductive Patterns预习预习课文课文导入导入写作写作句型应用句型应用 短语应用短语应用 随随 笔笔 English Equivalents of ChineseEnglish Equivalents of ChineseN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入1. 面对某人的

62、弱点和长面对某人的弱点和长处处 2. 增强我们的关系增强我们的关系 3. 仇恨微妙的表现形式仇恨微妙的表现形式 4. 永不枯竭的力量源泉永不枯竭的力量源泉 5. 花时间去做花时间去做 6. 经历一场痛苦的婚变经历一场痛苦的婚变7. 一度一度 8. 造成负面影响造成负面影响 9. 处于萌芽状态的关系处于萌芽状态的关系 10. 把消息告知家人把消息告知家人 confront the weaknesses and strengths of sb.enhance our relationship subtle forms of hatred the continual source of streng

63、th take the time to do sth. go through a painful divorce for a time have a negative effect on a budding relationship spread the news to ones familyEnglish Equivalents of ChineseEnglish Equivalents of ChineseN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入11. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 12. 跟某事无关跟某事无关 13. 表面上表面上 14. 以诚恳的态度对待以诚恳的态度对待某

64、事某事 15. 获悉;听说获悉;听说 16. 在在方方面有问题面有问题 17. 负责;处理负责;处理 18. 清楚地表明清楚地表明 19. 接着做某事接着做某事 20. 解决全部疑难问题解决全部疑难问题 counsel sb. to do sth. have nothing to do with sth.on the surfaceapproach sth. with an honest attitude learn of have problems withtake care of make it very clear that proceed to do sth.resolve all d

65、oubt句型应用句型应用 短语应用短语应用 随随 笔笔 ApplicationofExpressionsN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 随随 笔笔 1. 对对(不不)抱幻想抱幻想 2. 热衷于某事热衷于某事 3. 以某种方式发展以某种方式发展 4. 支持,赞成支持,赞成 5. 对对持保留意见持保留意见 to have (no) illusions about to be involved with sth. to work out to be supportive of to harbor reservations aboutSumma

66、ryN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短语应用短语应用 词组互译词组互译 随随 笔笔 1. 用于表述用于表述“某人某人不重蹈他人的覆辙不重蹈他人的覆辙 ”2. 用于表述用于表述“担心担心某人犯同样的错误某人犯同样的错误”3. 用于表述用于表述“某人某人在某事上的态度在某事上的态度 ”One avoids the mistake made by the other of doing sth. for the wrong reasons, and only finding out some time later that Ones biggest worry is that t

67、he other may do sth. (else) for the same wrong reason that one did sth. Sb. makes it clear when that be under the illusion that be under no illusion about/as to sth.cherish the illusion thathit with / one misfortune after the next Hit with one misfortune after the next, he is under no illusion about

68、 a happy life. 错误地相信错误地相信:对对不存不存幻想幻想:错误地认为错误地认为: 遭遇了一个又一个的遭遇了一个又一个的遭遇了一个又一个的遭遇了一个又一个的不幸,他对幸福生活不幸,他对幸福生活不幸,他对幸福生活不幸,他对幸福生活不再抱有幻想。不再抱有幻想。不再抱有幻想。不再抱有幻想。 短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示Backto be obsessed withto be occupied withto be

69、 seized / cursed with to be touched with对对对对着着着着迷迷迷迷: :忙于忙于忙于忙于:为为为为所所所所困困困困: :为为为为所所所所动动动动: :为情所困者难于理性为情所困者难于理性思维。思维。 be cursed with emotion / find it hard to do sth. / think in a rational way Those cursed with emotion find it hard to think in a rational way. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应

70、 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示Back从事,致力于从事,致力于:对对起作用起作用/从事于从事于:有助于有助于:继续干继续干:只管埋头拉车不顾抬只管埋头拉车不顾抬头看路是不明智的。头看路是不明智的。 to work at the task of to work onto work forto work away短短 语语 应应 用用work at the task of / pull ones cart / without bothering to do sth. / look up at ones

71、 road It is unwise of you to work at the task of pulling your cart without bothering to look up at your road. 意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短短语语逆逆译译Back怀疑怀疑:确信确信:对对不满不满,挑剔挑剔:渴望渴望:这群年轻人渴望成名这群年轻人渴望成名与财富,所以抓住每与财富,所以抓住每次机会展示自己。次机会展示自己。to be doubtful

72、of to be confident of to be critical of to be desirous of 短短 语语 应应 用用desirous of fame and wealth / take every occasion / demonstrate oneself This group of young people, desirous of fame and wealth, took every occasion to demonstrate themselves. 意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用

73、用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短短语语逆逆译译Backharbor a wish forharbor unrealistic notions aboutharbor a deep love forharbor hatred forfor long / be subjected to abuseSubjected to abuse by his stepmother for long, the boy harbors resentment for her. 怀着怀着的愿望的愿望:对对抱不切实抱不切实际的想法际的想法:热爱热爱:对对心怀憎恨心怀憎恨: 长期遭到继母的虐待

74、,长期遭到继母的虐待,男孩对她心怀怨恨。男孩对她心怀怨恨。 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示Back我们的先人由于错误的我们的先人由于错误的原因闭关自守,结果多原因闭关自守,结果多年后才发觉中国大大落年后才发觉中国大大落后于世界列强。我们必后于世界列强。我们必须要避免重蹈覆辙。须要避免重蹈覆辙。 创创 新新 应应 用用ones forefather / keep China closed to the outside wo

75、rld / fall far behind / great powers of the world We must avoid the mistake made by our forefathers of keeping China closed to the outside world, and only finding out many years later that China fell far behind the great powers of the world. 意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N

76、 H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入Back她母亲最大的担心,她母亲最大的担心, 是她也许像她祖父当初是她也许像她祖父当初那样,为了错误的原因那样,为了错误的原因而染上烟瘾。而染上烟瘾。Back创创 新新 应应 用用grow addicted to smoking Her mothers biggest worry is that she may grow addicted to smoking for the same wrong reasons that her grandpa ever did. 意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语

77、语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入在与其未婚妻谈话时,在与其未婚妻谈话时,他清楚地表明一点:只他清楚地表明一点:只有彼此宽容与体贴,才有彼此宽容与体贴,才能分享欢乐与幸福。能分享欢乐与幸福。 Back创创 新新 应应 用用be tolerant towards sb. / be considerate towards sb. / share in joy and happiness He made it very clear when he talked with his fiance that they must be so tole

78、rant and considerate towards each other as to share in joy and happiness. 意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入写作模式写作模式WritingWriting写作实践写作实践ParagraphWritingParagraphWritingN H C E预习预习课文课文导入导入小结小结写作实践写作实践 随随 笔笔 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C EStating One Ide

79、aPresenting a New IdeaCorrecting or Rejecting the IdeaGiving an ExampleStating One Idea: The paragraph begins with the statement of one viewpoint. Presenting a New Idea: What follows is a new idea presented by the writer. Correcting or Rejecting the Idea: Then the writer corrects or rejects the afor

80、ementioned idea. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习Giving an Example: Finally, the writer supplies an example to support his or her new idea. 写作实践写作实践 随随 笔笔 Example: “To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. (Stating one i

81、dea) But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. So, colorN H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作实践写作实践 随随 笔笔 has nothing to do with it. (Correcting the idea)Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what you are doing. (

82、Stating another idea) But they live in a different world. So you see, Marks color is not the problem. (Rejecting the idea) My biggest worry is that you may be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons that I married your father. (Presenting a new idea)N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作实践写作实践 随随 笔笔 When we

83、 met I saw him as my beloved, intelligent, charming, and caring. It was all so new, all so exciting, and we both thought, on the surface at least, that ours was an ideal marriage with every indication that it would last forever. I realized only later that I didnt know my beloved, your father, very w

84、ell when we married.” (Giving an example to support the idea) N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作实践写作实践 随随 笔笔 写作实践写作实践Directions: Have a look at the outline and the sample paragraph below which starts with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作模式写作模式 随随

85、 笔笔 Topic: Online learningCorrection of one idea: some peoples idea: online learning, easy online learning not as easy as these people think N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习Another idea: only a convenient way of education, not an easy way facts to support my idea写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习

86、Sample Composition Some people think that online learning would make learning easier for everyone as we can learn at any time and at any place. (Stating one idea) But when I started online learning I found it not as easy as others think. (Correcting the idea) I would say that online learning is just

87、 a convenient way to receive education 写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习not an easier way. (Presenting a new idea) In fact, many students say it requires much more time and effort. Requirements for online courses are not less than those of any quality program. (Giving the facts to support t

88、he idea) 写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 Writing AssignmentDirections: Write a paragraph on one of the following topics. One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow.N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 Topic: Failure not necessarily badCorrection of one idea: Common idea: Failure hurts peopl

89、e. Failure has a positive contribution to our life. Another idea: Failure can be beneficial to us. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 More topics: Smoking helps thinking? Pollution is inevitable. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 参考范文参考范文 Many people place so much emphasis on success

90、that they think any failure is bad. Failure is never pleasant because it hurts people. But in fact it can make a positive contribution to our life once we learn how to make the best of it. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 We can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one. And we c

91、an learn from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a total failure can give us fresh ideas or a change of direction. Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be beneficial to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things. N H C EBack课文课文小结小结导入导

92、入预习预习End写作模式写作模式 随随 笔笔 跨国婚姻跨国婚姻 Para. 1. 我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的婚礼。我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的婚礼。在相处的两年中,我们的关系经历了起伏,这是在相处的两年中,我们的关系经历了起伏,这是一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的。但在这整整两年间,我们坦诚地面对彼此现的。但在这整整两年间,我们坦诚地面对彼此性格中的弱点和优点。性格中的弱点和优点。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 2 我们之间的种族及文化差异不但增强我们之间的种族及文化差异不但增强

93、了我们的关系,还教会了我们要彼此宽容、了我们的关系,还教会了我们要彼此宽容、谅解和开诚布公。盖尔有时不明白为何我和谅解和开诚布公。盖尔有时不明白为何我和其他黑人如此关注种族问题,而我感到吃惊其他黑人如此关注种族问题,而我感到吃惊的是,她好像忘记了美国社会中种族仇恨种的是,她好像忘记了美国社会中种族仇恨种种微妙的表现形式。种微妙的表现形式。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 3 对于成为居住在美国、异族通婚对于成为居住在美国、异族通婚的夫妻,我和盖尔对未来没有不切实际的夫妻,我和盖尔对未来没有不切实际的幻想。相互信任和尊重才是我们俩永的幻想。相互

94、信任和尊重才是我们俩永不枯竭的力量源泉。不枯竭的力量源泉。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 4a 许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚, , 结果在结果在1010年、年、2020年或年或3030年后才发觉他们原年后才发觉他们原来是合不来的。他们在婚前几乎没有花时来是合不来的。他们在婚前几乎没有花时间去互相了解,他们忽视了严重的性格差间去互相了解,他们忽视了严重的性格差异,指望婚姻会自然而然地解决各种问题。异,指望婚姻会自然而然地解决各种问题。我们希望避免重蹈覆辙。我们希望避免重蹈覆辙。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大

95、学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 4b 事实更说明了这一点:已经结事实更说明了这一点:已经结婚婚3535年的盖尔的父母正经历着一场充满年的盖尔的父母正经历着一场充满怨恨、令人痛苦的婚变,这件事给盖尔怨恨、令人痛苦的婚变,这件事给盖尔带来了很大打击带来了很大打击, , 并一度给我们正处于并一度给我们正处于萌芽状态的关系造成了负面影响。萌芽状态的关系造成了负面影响。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 5 当盖尔把我们计划举办婚礼的消息当盖尔把我们计划举办婚礼的消息告诉家人时,她遇到了一些阻力。她的母告诉家人时,她遇到了一些阻力。她的母

96、亲德博拉过去一直赞成我们的关系,甚至亲德博拉过去一直赞成我们的关系,甚至还开过玩笑,问我们打算何时结婚,这样还开过玩笑,问我们打算何时结婚,这样她就可以抱外孙了。但这次听到我们要结她就可以抱外孙了。但这次听到我们要结婚的消息时,她没有向我们表示祝贺,反婚的消息时,她没有向我们表示祝贺,反而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定是否正确。而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定是否正确。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 6 “这么说我跟他约会没错,这么说我跟他约会没错,但是如果我跟他结婚,就错了。妈但是如果我跟他结婚,就错了。妈妈,是不是因为他的肤色妈,是不是因为他的肤色?”

97、?”盖尔后盖尔后来告诉我她曾这样问她母亲。来告诉我她曾这样问她母亲。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 7a “首先我必须承认,刚开始时我首先我必须承认,刚开始时我对异族通婚是有保留意见的,也许你甚至对异族通婚是有保留意见的,也许你甚至可以把这称为偏见。但是当我见到马克时,可以把这称为偏见。但是当我见到马克时,我发现他是一个既讨人喜欢又聪明的年轻我发现他是一个既讨人喜欢又聪明的年轻人。任何一个母亲都会因为有这样一个女人。任何一个母亲都会因为有这样一个女婿而感到脸上有光的。所以,这事跟肤色婿而感到脸上有光的。所以,这事跟肤色没有关系。没有关系。新

98、视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 7b 是的,我的朋友们会说闲话。是的,我的朋友们会说闲话。 有些朋友甚至对你所做的事表示震惊。但有些朋友甚至对你所做的事表示震惊。但他们的生活与我们的不同。因此你要明白,他们的生活与我们的不同。因此你要明白,马克的肤色不是问题。我最大的担心是你马克的肤色不是问题。我最大的担心是你也许跟我当初嫁给你爸爸一样,为了错误也许跟我当初嫁给你爸爸一样,为了错误的原因而嫁给马克。的原因而嫁给马克。新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 7c 当年我和你爸爸相遇时,在我眼中,当年我和

99、你爸爸相遇时,在我眼中,他可爱、他可爱、 聪明、富有魅力又善解人意。一切聪明、富有魅力又善解人意。一切都是那么新鲜、那么令人兴奋。而且我们两人都是那么新鲜、那么令人兴奋。而且我们两人都认为,我们的婚姻是理想婚姻,至少表面上都认为,我们的婚姻是理想婚姻,至少表面上看是如此,而且一切迹象都表明我们的婚姻会看是如此,而且一切迹象都表明我们的婚姻会天长地久。直到后来我才明白,在我们结婚时,天长地久。直到后来我才明白,在我们结婚时,我并不十分理解我所爱的人我并不十分理解我所爱的人你的爸爸。你的爸爸。” ” 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 8 “但是我和

100、马克呆在一起已有两年多但是我和马克呆在一起已有两年多了,了,”盖尔抱怨道。盖尔抱怨道。“我们俩一起经历了许许我们俩一起经历了许许多多的事情。我们彼此多次看到对方最糟糕的多多的事情。我们彼此多次看到对方最糟糕的一面。我可以肯定时间只能证明我们是彼此深一面。我可以肯定时间只能证明我们是彼此深情相爱的。情相爱的。” ” Para. 9 “你也许是对的。但我还是认为再等你也许是对的。但我还是认为再等一等没坏处。你才一等没坏处。你才2525岁。岁。” ” 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 10a 盖尔的父亲戴维盖尔的父亲戴维 我还我还未见过他的面未见过他

101、的面以知事莫若父的态以知事莫若父的态度对待我们的决定。他问的问题基本度对待我们的决定。他问的问题基本上和盖尔母亲的问题相同:上和盖尔母亲的问题相同:“干吗这干吗这么匆忙么匆忙? ? 这个马克是什么人这个马克是什么人? ? 他是什他是什么公民身份么公民身份?” ?” 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara.10b 当他得知我办公民身份遇当他得知我办公民身份遇到了问题时,就怀疑我是因为想留到了问题时,就怀疑我是因为想留在美国而娶他女儿的。在美国而娶他女儿的。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 11 “不过爸

102、爸,你这话讲得太难不过爸爸,你这话讲得太难听了,听了,”盖尔说。盖尔说。Para. 12 “ “那么干吗要这样着急那么干吗要这样着急?”?”他他重复地问。重复地问。 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 13 “马克是有公民身份方面的问题,马克是有公民身份方面的问题,但他总是在自己处理这些问题,但他总是在自己处理这些问题,”盖尔辩盖尔辩解道。解道。“事实上,当我们在讨论结婚的时事实上,当我们在讨论结婚的时候,他清楚地表明了一点:如果我对任何候,他清楚地表明了一点:如果我对任何事情有怀疑事情有怀疑, , 我完全可以取消我们的计划。我完全可以取消我们的

103、计划。” ” 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 14 她父亲开始引用统计数据说明她父亲开始引用统计数据说明异族通婚的离婚率比同族结婚的要高,而异族通婚的离婚率比同族结婚的要高,而且还列举了接受过他咨询的、在婚姻上有且还列举了接受过他咨询的、在婚姻上有麻烦的异族通婚夫妇的例子。麻烦的异族通婚夫妇的例子。Para. 15 他问道:他问道:“你考虑过你将来的你考虑过你将来的孩子可能会遭受的苦难吗孩子可能会遭受的苦难吗?” ?” 新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 16 “ “爸爸,你是种族主义者吗爸爸,

104、你是种族主义者吗? ”? ”Para. 17 “不,当然不是。但你必须得现不,当然不是。但你必须得现实一点。实一点。”Para. 18 “也许我们的孩子会遇到一些问也许我们的孩子会遇到一些问题。但谁的孩子不会呢题。但谁的孩子不会呢? ? 可是有一样东西可是有一样东西他们将会永远拥有,那就是我们的爱。他们将会永远拥有,那就是我们的爱。”新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 19 “那是理想主义的想法。人们对异族那是理想主义的想法。人们对异族通婚生下的孩子是会很残酷的。通婚生下的孩子是会很残酷的。”Para. 20 “ “爸爸,到时候我们自己会操心的。

105、爸爸,到时候我们自己会操心的。但是假如我们在做什么事之前,就必须把所有但是假如我们在做什么事之前,就必须把所有的疑难问题全部解决的话,那么我们几乎什么的疑难问题全部解决的话,那么我们几乎什么都干不成了。都干不成了。”Para. 21 “记住,你什么时候改变主意都不晚。记住,你什么时候改变主意都不晚。”新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C E新视野新视野新视野新视野 主主主主 题题题题 导导导导 入入入入N H C EFor reference Compared with other forms of marriages, marriages across nat

106、ions will definitely encounter with many more obstacles: 1) The language barrier; 2) the cultural differences; 3) the different patterns of seeing things; 4) the different dietary habits; 5) the different principles of conduct; 6) the different social values, to name a few. From my perspective, amon

107、g the many obstacles, opposition from the parents on both sides will be the main barrier. Problems caused by the other factors can be settled by constant exchanges of ideas between the partners, while it takes much more effort and time to reverse the attitude of their parents. Back新视野新视野新视野新视野 主主主主

108、题题题题 导导导导 入入入入N H C EFor reference Marriage across nations has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as follows: First, mixed marriages will facilitate the couples to speak new languages and appreciate new cultures. Second, couples from mixed marriages will have more opportunities fo

109、r overseas travels. Third, Children who are born into mixed marriages will probably be healthier, brighter and gain an edge over the other children in terms of language learning. For moreBack新视野新视野新视野新视野 主主主主 题题题题 导导导导 入入入入N H C EFor reference As to the disadvantages, there are several aspects, too.

110、 To begin with, the man and woman have to overcome many obstacles and go through many complex procedures before they can finally be united as a lawful couple. Besides, children from mixed marriages may have to undergo much more hardship than the other children. Another noticeable fact is that many m

111、ixed couples end up with divorces due to the cultural differences, leaving behind many single-parent children. Back短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示盛衰;浮沉盛衰;浮沉回首往事,夫妇二人回首往事,夫妇二人庆幸彼此互相扶持、庆幸彼此互相扶持、共同经历人生的起起共同经历人生的起起落落。落落。 ups and downs Back短短语语逆逆译译look back on the past / stick up for each other/ through the ups a

112、nd downs in life Looking back on the past, the couple felt lucky that they could stick up for each other through the ups and downs in life. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E rather than / feel doubtful about As friends, we should be open with each other rather than feel doubtful

113、about one another. 意意 群群 提提 示示短短 语语 应应 用用开诚布公开诚布公开诚布公开诚布公作为朋友,我们要开作为朋友,我们要开作为朋友,我们要开作为朋友,我们要开诚布公,而不是相互诚布公,而不是相互诚布公,而不是相互诚布公,而不是相互猜疑。猜疑。猜疑。猜疑。to be open with each other Back新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示热衷于某事热衷于某事热衷于某事热衷于某事 她过分热衷于打探他她过分热衷于打探他她过分热衷于

114、打探他她过分热衷于打探他人的隐私,因而与人人的隐私,因而与人人的隐私,因而与人人的隐私,因而与人处不好关系处不好关系处不好关系处不好关系。 to be involved with sth. sb.s privacy / be on good terms with sb. She is too involved with others privacy to be on good terms with people. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译Back对对对对( (不不不不) )抱幻想抱幻想抱幻想抱幻想

115、 尽管男孩意识到女孩尽管男孩意识到女孩尽管男孩意识到女孩尽管男孩意识到女孩不喜欢他不喜欢他不喜欢他不喜欢他, , 但他仍对但他仍对但他仍对但他仍对他们的爱情前景抱有他们的爱情前景抱有他们的爱情前景抱有他们的爱情前景抱有幻想。幻想。幻想。幻想。 短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示Back新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译to have/harbor (no) illusions about aware of / ones dislike for sb. / harbor the prospects

116、of ones loveThe boy, though aware of the girls dislike for him, harbored illusions about the prospects of their love. to hold for sb./sth. 短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示对某人对某人/ /事意味着事意味着 一个人的未来如何将一个人的未来如何将一个人的未来如何将一个人的未来如何将与其今天所做的努力与其今天所做的努力与其今天所做的努力与其今天所做的努力息息相关。息息相关。息息相关。息息相关。 make effort / rest most with

117、 sth. What the future holds for one will rest most with what effort one makes today. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译Backprepare for the worst / as expected We need to prepare for the worst, for things may not work out as expected. 短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示以某种方式发展以某种方式发展 我们

118、要做最坏的打算,我们要做最坏的打算,我们要做最坏的打算,我们要做最坏的打算,因为事情不可能像预因为事情不可能像预因为事情不可能像预因为事情不可能像预料的那样发展。料的那样发展。料的那样发展。料的那样发展。 to work out Back新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示支持,赞成支持,赞成她虽然赞同儿子的志她虽然赞同儿子的志她虽然赞同儿子的志她虽然赞同儿子的志向,但对其做法看不向,但对其做法看不向,但对其做法看不向,但对其做法看不惯。惯。惯。惯。to be su

119、pportive of Backsbs ambition / sbs way of doing things / frown upon Supportive of her sons ambition, she frowned upon his way of doing things. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示对对持持保留意见保留意见他服从多数人的意见,他服从多数人的意见,他服从多数人的意见,他服从多数人的意见,但对此决定仍持保留但对此决定仍持保留但对此决

120、定仍持保留但对此决定仍持保留意见。意见。意见。意见。to harbor reservations about submit to the majority He submitted to the majority, but still harbored reservations about the decision. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译Backto have sb./sth. for 短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示有某人物作有某人物作 总的说来,那些喜欢总的说来,那些喜欢总的说

121、来,那些喜欢总的说来,那些喜欢拿父母当靠山的人往拿父母当靠山的人往拿父母当靠山的人往拿父母当靠山的人往往表现出强烈的优越往表现出强烈的优越往表现出强烈的优越往表现出强烈的优越感。感。感。感。 Backin general / have sb. for a backer / show a strong sense of superiority In general, those who love having their parents for backers tend to show a strong sense of superiority. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短

122、短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示最差的时候;最糟最差的时候;最糟最差的时候;最糟最差的时候;最糟糕的时候糕的时候糕的时候糕的时候 任何人一旦被卷入爱河,任何人一旦被卷入爱河,任何人一旦被卷入爱河,任何人一旦被卷入爱河,总希望心上人看到自己总希望心上人看到自己总希望心上人看到自己总希望心上人看到自己最好的一面,而不是最最好的一面,而不是最最好的一面,而不是最最好的一面,而不是最糟的一面。糟的一面。糟的一面。糟的一面。 at ones worst Backbe involved in the river of l

123、ove / see one at ones best / rather than Anyone, once involved in the river of love, always wishes his sweetheart to see him at his best rather than at his worst. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短短短 语语语语语语 应应应应应应 用用用用用用N H C E短短语语逆逆译译许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚, , 结果在结果在1010年、年、2020年或年或3030年后才发觉他们原来是合不来的。他们年

124、后才发觉他们原来是合不来的。他们。我们希望避免重蹈覆辙。我们希望避免重蹈覆辙。 We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that they were incompatible, that . 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N

125、H C E原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习BackOne avoids the mistake made by the other of doing sth. for the wrong reasons, and only finding out some time later that 他人因为他人因为错误原因做了某事,结果过段时间后才发觉错误原因做了某事,结果过段时间后才发觉 某人避免了重蹈覆辙。某人避免了重蹈覆辙。 用于表述用于表述“某人不重蹈他人的覆辙某人不重蹈他人的覆辙 ”。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼

126、与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack发达国家由于错误原因追发达国家由于错误原因追求经济增长,结果多年后求经济增长,结果多年后才发觉他们得不偿失。中才发觉他们得不偿失。中国应设法避免重蹈覆辙。国应设法避免重蹈覆辙。 seek economic growth / ones gain / ones loss / be smaller than / manage to Back典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼

127、与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EChina should manage to avoid the mistake made by developed countries of seeking economic growth for the wrong reasons, and only finding out many years later that their gain was smaller than their loss. 他们忽视了严重的性格差异,指望他们忽视了严重的性格差异,指望婚姻会自然而然地解决各种问题。婚姻会自然而然地解决各种问

128、题。 they overlooked serious personality conflicts in the expectation that marriage was an automatic way to make everything work out right. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C E原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习BackSb. does sth. in the expectation that 某人某人做某事,期望做某

129、事,期望/ /指望着指望着用于表述用于表述“某人做某事时的期望或目的某人做某事时的期望或目的” 。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBackgraduate from / in accordance with ones wishes / land a job Many students graduate from college in the expectation that they can soon land

130、 jobs in accordance with their wishes. 许多学生从大学毕业许多学生从大学毕业时时, 指望很快能找到指望很快能找到称心的工作。称心的工作。 典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack听到我们要结婚的消息时,她没有向我们表示祝听到我们要结婚的消息时,她没有向我们表示祝贺,反而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定是否正确。贺,反而劝盖尔想清楚自己的决定是否正确。 Instead of congra

131、tulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习Instead of (doing) sth. upon doing, sb. do sth. else. 一一 ,某人并不做,某人并不做,而是,而是用于表述用于表述

132、“某人的反常规做法某人的反常规做法 ”。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack听到别人说闲话,听到别人说闲话, 他并没有大发雷霆,他并没有大发雷霆, 而是一笑置之。而是一笑置之。 at sb.s gossip / blow ones top / with a laugh / shrug sth. off 典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序

133、性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EInstead of blowing his top at others gossip, he shrugged it off with a laugh. Back我最大的担心是你也许跟我当初嫁给你爸爸一样,我最大的担心是你也许跟我当初嫁给你爸爸一样,为了错误的原因而嫁给马克。为了错误的原因而嫁给马克。 My biggest worry is that you may be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons that I married

134、your father. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习Ones biggest worry is that the other may do sth. (else) for the same wrong reason that one did sth. 某人最大的担心,是另一人也许跟某人最大的担心,是另一人也许跟自己当初做某事一样,为了错误的原因而做某事自己当初做某事一样,为了错误的原因而做某事( (

135、另一事另一事) )。 用于表述用于表述“担心某人犯同样的错误担心某人犯同样的错误 ”。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack我最大的担心,我最大的担心, 是我是我弟弟也会像我当初干蠢弟弟也会像我当初干蠢事一样,为了错误的原事一样,为了错误的原因而做傻事。因而做傻事。 do something stupid / do a dumb thing 典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野

136、新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EMy biggest worry is that my brother may do a dumb thing for the same wrong reasons that I ever did something stupid.Back事实上,当我们在讨论结婚的时候,他清楚地表事实上,当我们在讨论结婚的时候,他清楚地表明了一点:如果我对任何事情有怀疑明了一点:如果我对任何事情有怀疑, , 我完全可我完全可以取消我们的计划。以取消我们的计划。 I

137、n fact, he made it very clear when we were discussing marriage that if I had any doubts about anything, I should not hesitate to cancel our plans.新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习Sb. makes it clear when that 在在时,某人清楚地表明一点

138、:时,某人清楚地表明一点: 用于表述用于表述“某人某人在某事上的态度在某事上的态度 ”。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack谈到大学生活时,他清谈到大学生活时,他清楚地明确一点:学习上楚地明确一点:学习上没有目标如同开车没有没有目标如同开车没有方向盘方向盘。come to sth. / have no compass in study / drive with no steering wheel 典典 型型

139、 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EHe made it clear when it came to college life that having no compass in study is like driving with no steering wheel. Back假如我们在做任何事情之前假如我们在做任何事情之前, ,必须把所有的疑难问必须把所有的疑难问题全部解决的话题全部解决的话, ,那么我们几乎就什么都干不成

140、了。那么我们几乎就什么都干不成了。 If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done. 新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习If sb. have to do sth. before sb. do sth, else, ( (否定意义的主句否定意义的主句) ) 在在之前,假之前,假如必须做如必须做,那

141、么,那么 用于表述用于表述“某人不赞同某种做法某人不赞同某种做法 ”。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EBack假如在启动一个项目前假如在启动一个项目前必须解决所有问题必须解决所有问题, 那那么实施此计划将没有多么实施此计划将没有多大意义。大意义。 launch a project / tackle all the problems / implement sth. / there is little point

142、 in典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用程序性知识提炼与应用N H C EIf all the problems have to be tackled before a project is launched, there would be little point in implementing it. BackMarriage Across NationsMarriage Across Nations Part OnePart OnePart

143、Part TwoTwoPart ThreePart Three新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EPart I, made up of 4 paragraphs (from Para. 1 to Para. 4), serves to tell how Gail and Mark developed their love first and then decided to get married in time. BackPart II, consisting of 5 paragraphs (from Para.5 to Para.9), deals

144、 with how Gails mother reacted to their mixed marriage. Part III, composed of 12 paragraphs (from Para. 10 to Para. 21), deals with Gails fathers responses to their mixed marriage. Part IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIILOGONarration Narration ( (叙事法叙事法叙事法叙事法) )The story is told in the first pers

145、on. Through his narrative, the writer, a black man, tells the reader how his mixed marriage came into being: 新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EPara. 1: . During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other Bac

146、kPart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIFor morePara. 2: Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationship Narration Narration ( (叙事法叙事法叙事法叙事法) )新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EBackPart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIPara. 3: Gail and I had no illusions about what the fut

147、ure held for us as a married, mixed couple in America. Para. 4: We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples Argumentation (Argumentation (论证法论证法论证法论证法) )新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EBackOne of the common ways to advance arguments is first to reject some ideas and then come up with

148、ones some other ideas. Gails mother used this method so as to ask her daughter to make sure that Mark was her right lifelong partner. Typical example of rejecting some ideas first and then presenting some other ideas: For morePart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart III新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析

149、N H C EBackFor morePart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIArgumentation (Argumentation (论证法论证法论证法论证法) )Presenting the original idea: the mother presents her original opinion.Presenting the original idea: the mother presents her original opinion. Rejecting the idea: the mother corrects her origina

150、l opinion.Presenting some other ideas: the mother presents her opinion and gives an example to support it. Presentation of the original idea: To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. (Para. 7)Rejection of the idea:

151、But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. (Para. 7) 新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EBackPresentation of others opinions: Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what you are doing. (Para. 7)Rejection

152、of the opinions: But they live in a different world. So, color is not the problem. (Para. 7)Presentation of some other ideas: My biggest worry is that you may be marrying Mark for the same wrong reasons that I married your father. (Para. 7) For morePart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIArgumenta

153、tion (Argumentation (论证法论证法论证法论证法) )Dialogue (Dialogue (对话体对话体对话体对话体) ) 新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C E(Gail) “Dad, are you a racist?” (Para. 16)(Father) “No, of course not. But you have to be realistic.” (Para. 17)(Gail) “Maybe our children will have some problems, but whose children dont?

154、But one thing theyll always have: our love and devotion.” (Para. 18) Back(Father) “Thats idealistic. People can be very cruel toward children from mixed marriages.” (Para. 19)(Gail) “Dad, well worry about that when the time comes. If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done.” (Para. 20)(Father) “Remember, its never too late to change your mind.” (Para. 21) For morePart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart III



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