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1、Technical EnglishTechnical EnglishFor Information and Communication Engineering 2024/8/2Unit FiveNational Security in the Information Age概述n n知识经济和信息时代知识经济和信息时代知识经济和信息时代知识经济和信息时代n n信息时代的特征信息时代的特征信息时代的特征信息时代的特征n nTofflerToffler的第三次浪潮理论的第三次浪潮理论的第三次浪潮理论的第三次浪潮理论n n信息时代国家安全概念的变化和面临的问题信息时代国家安全概念的变化和面临的问题信



4、次的,分等级的printing pressprinting press印刷机印刷机印刷机印刷机encyclopediaencyclopedia百科全书百科全书百科全书百科全书interconnectivityinterconnectivity互联性互联性互联性互联性sentimentsentiment感情,情绪感情,情绪感情,情绪感情,情绪strategicstrategic战略的战略的战略的战略的transactiontransaction交割,交易交割,交易交割,交易交割,交易conflictconflict冲突冲突冲突冲突premierepremiere初次露面,首演初次露面,首演初次露

5、面,首演初次露面,首演vulnerablevulnerable易受攻击、伤害的易受攻击、伤害的易受攻击、伤害的易受攻击、伤害的4会改变而且确实变了会改变而且确实变了会改变而且确实变了会改变而且确实变了后工业化社会中国家后工业化社会中国家后工业化社会中国家后工业化社会中国家安全概念的改变安全概念的改变安全概念的改变安全概念的改变Conceptions of national security Conceptions of national security can and docan and do change. A series change. A series of new threats

6、to the national security have developed with of new threats to the national security have developed with the transition into the Information Age. New technological the transition into the Information Age. New technological developments and an increased reliance on computer-based developments and an

7、increased reliance on computer-based technology will cause technology will cause a shift in conceptions of national a shift in conceptions of national security for the post-industrial societiessecurity for the post-industrial societies. . Unit 5Unit 55信息基础设施遭到新型攻击技术的破坏、修信息基础设施遭到新型攻击技术的破坏、修信息基础设施遭到新型

8、攻击技术的破坏、修信息基础设施遭到新型攻击技术的破坏、修改,或陷入瘫痪的危险改,或陷入瘫痪的危险改,或陷入瘫痪的危险改,或陷入瘫痪的危险 在崩溃和灾难来临之前大系统的在崩溃和灾难来临之前大系统的在崩溃和灾难来临之前大系统的在崩溃和灾难来临之前大系统的易受攻击性几乎不被人们注意易受攻击性几乎不被人们注意易受攻击性几乎不被人们注意易受攻击性几乎不被人们注意 Nations faceNations face the danger of having their information the danger of having their information infrastructures des

9、troyed, altered, or incapacitated by new infrastructures destroyed, altered, or incapacitated by new offensive technologies.offensive technologies. Accordingly, grand strategies must Accordingly, grand strategies must integrate these new threats and vulnerabilities into their integrate these new thr

10、eats and vulnerabilities into their general framework. Although Eugene general framework. Although Eugene SkolnikoffSkolnikoff argues argues that that the vulnerability of large systems is rarely noticed the vulnerability of large systems is rarely noticed until disruption or catastrophe occursuntil

11、 disruption or catastrophe occurs, these issues must be , these issues must be dealt with to minimize their economic and political costs. dealt with to minimize their economic and political costs. Unit 5Unit 56它将如何影响国家和国它将如何影响国家和国它将如何影响国家和国它将如何影响国家和国际政治关系际政治关系际政治关系际政治关系 新技术带来的威胁新技术带来的威胁新技术带来的威胁新技术带来

12、的威胁 说明这些技术以往是如何被说明这些技术以往是如何被说明这些技术以往是如何被说明这些技术以往是如何被利用来威胁社会安全的利用来威胁社会安全的利用来威胁社会安全的利用来威胁社会安全的 Scientists and political leaders must recognize and examine Scientists and political leaders must recognize and examine the threats posed by new technologythe threats posed by new technology and and how it w

13、ill affect how it will affect both national and international political relationshipsboth national and international political relationships. Here . Here we provide an introduction to these new technologies and we provide an introduction to these new technologies and suggests ways they have been uti

14、lized in the past to threaten suggests ways they have been utilized in the past to threaten security of the societysecurity of the society. . Unit 5Unit 57最后以提出若干政策建议作为结最后以提出若干政策建议作为结最后以提出若干政策建议作为结最后以提出若干政策建议作为结论,在过渡到新的国家安全计划论,在过渡到新的国家安全计划论,在过渡到新的国家安全计划论,在过渡到新的国家安全计划的时期对政策制订者提供协助的时期对政策制订者提供协助的时期对政策制

15、订者提供协助的时期对政策制订者提供协助 它是如何与以往改变基本面貌它是如何与以往改变基本面貌它是如何与以往改变基本面貌它是如何与以往改变基本面貌的重大技术相联系的的重大技术相联系的的重大技术相联系的的重大技术相联系的 是如何在传统的现实主义是如何在传统的现实主义是如何在传统的现实主义是如何在传统的现实主义或自由主义国家安全学派或自由主义国家安全学派或自由主义国家安全学派或自由主义国家安全学派内部进行分析和讨论的内部进行分析和讨论的内部进行分析和讨论的内部进行分析和讨论的 Unit 5Unit 5其吸引力和威慑力其吸引力和威慑力其吸引力和威慑力其吸引力和威慑力是什么是什么是什么是什么 The t

16、hreat is also placed in a theoretical political context by The threat is also placed in a theoretical political context by examining examining how it relates to paradigm-shifting technologies of how it relates to paradigm-shifting technologies of the pastthe past, , what its attractions and deterren

17、ts arewhat its attractions and deterrents are, and , and how it how it would be analyzed and addressed within traditional would be analyzed and addressed within traditional realist/liberal national security schoolsrealist/liberal national security schools. .1 1 It concludes with It concludes with po

18、licy prescriptions to assist policy makers in the transition policy prescriptions to assist policy makers in the transition to a new national security agenda. to a new national security agenda. 8Unit 5Unit 5政策制定者和分析人士现在刚刚开始了解政府和政政策制定者和分析人士现在刚刚开始了解政府和政政策制定者和分析人士现在刚刚开始了解政府和政政策制定者和分析人士现在刚刚开始了解政府和政治生活最终

19、会受到信息革命怎样的影响治生活最终会受到信息革命怎样的影响治生活最终会受到信息革命怎样的影响治生活最终会受到信息革命怎样的影响 The need for work in this area is great. Very little work The need for work in this area is great. Very little work has been done to examine security issues related to has been done to examine security issues related to information tech

20、nology. David information technology. David RonfeldtRonfeldt argues that “with argues that “with few exceptions, few exceptions, policy makers and analysts are just policy makers and analysts are just beginning to discern how government and politics may beginning to discern how government and politi

21、cs may ultimately be affected by the information revolutionultimately be affected by the information revolution.” .”9将它们组织在一起,揭示国家安全隐患将它们组织在一起,揭示国家安全隐患将它们组织在一起,揭示国家安全隐患将它们组织在一起,揭示国家安全隐患并指出对此我们可以做些什么并指出对此我们可以做些什么并指出对此我们可以做些什么并指出对此我们可以做些什么 As a result, we will As a result, we will draw from a wide ran

22、ge of material that has draw from a wide range of material that has been taken from multiple disciplinesbeen taken from multiple disciplines and and weaves it all to reveal weaves it all to reveal national security vulnerabilities and what can be done about national security vulnerabilities and what

23、 can be done about themthem. .2 2 Unit 5Unit 5从来自多学科的广泛材料中吸从来自多学科的广泛材料中吸从来自多学科的广泛材料中吸从来自多学科的广泛材料中吸取素材取素材取素材取素材10社会发展的模式遵循一系列的浪潮,每一社会发展的模式遵循一系列的浪潮,每一社会发展的模式遵循一系列的浪潮,每一社会发展的模式遵循一系列的浪潮,每一次都比前一次的时间跨度更小次都比前一次的时间跨度更小次都比前一次的时间跨度更小次都比前一次的时间跨度更小 The world is making a transition to a new age. Alvin The world

24、is making a transition to a new age. Alvin TofflerToffler referred to this transition as the Third Wave, in his 1980 book of referred to this transition as the Third Wave, in his 1980 book of the same title. According to the same title. According to TofflerToffler, , the pattern of societal the patt

25、ern of societal development follows a series of waves, each of a lesser time span development follows a series of waves, each of a lesser time span than the previousthan the previous. . Unit 5Unit 511其中每一次都将以往的文化或文明冲刷干净,其中每一次都将以往的文化或文明冲刷干净,其中每一次都将以往的文化或文明冲刷干净,其中每一次都将以往的文化或文明冲刷干净,代之以过去难以想象的生活方式代之以过去难

26、以想象的生活方式代之以过去难以想象的生活方式代之以过去难以想象的生活方式 第三次浪潮将在几十年时间里席卷历史,第三次浪潮将在几十年时间里席卷历史,第三次浪潮将在几十年时间里席卷历史,第三次浪潮将在几十年时间里席卷历史,完成它的进程完成它的进程完成它的进程完成它的进程 TofflerToffler writes: writes: Until now the human race has undergone two Until now the human race has undergone two great waves of change, great waves of change, eac

27、h one largely obliterating earlier each one largely obliterating earlier cultures or civilizations and replacing them with ways of life cultures or civilizations and replacing them with ways of life inconceivable to those who came beforeinconceivable to those who came before. .3 3 The First Wave of

28、The First Wave of change change the agricultural revolution the agricultural revolution took thousands of years took thousands of years to play itself out. The Second Wave to play itself out. The Second Wave the rise of industrial the rise of industrial civilization civilization took a mere three hu

29、ndred years. Today, history is took a mere three hundred years. Today, history is even more accelerative, and it is likely that even more accelerative, and it is likely that the Third Wave will the Third Wave will sweep across history and complete itself in a few decadessweep across history and comp

30、lete itself in a few decades. . Unit 5Unit 512他所预言的社会革命如今已经得到认他所预言的社会革命如今已经得到认他所预言的社会革命如今已经得到认他所预言的社会革命如今已经得到认同,被称为信息革命同,被称为信息革命同,被称为信息革命同,被称为信息革命 TofflerTofflers predictions about the coming Third Wave were s predictions about the coming Third Wave were written over fifteen years ago, and written o

31、ver fifteen years ago, and the societal revolution he the societal revolution he predicted is readily acknowledged today as the Information predicted is readily acknowledged today as the Information RevolutionRevolution. . Unit 5Unit 513以工业为基础的职业的衰落看上去与当初由第一次以工业为基础的职业的衰落看上去与当初由第一次以工业为基础的职业的衰落看上去与当初由

32、第一次以工业为基础的职业的衰落看上去与当初由第一次到第二次浪潮转换期间农业职业的衰落很相像到第二次浪潮转换期间农业职业的衰落很相像到第二次浪潮转换期间农业职业的衰落很相像到第二次浪潮转换期间农业职业的衰落很相像 This terminology is used by many political leaders to describe This terminology is used by many political leaders to describe the transition to a knowledge based economy. Various scholars the tr

33、ansition to a knowledge based economy. Various scholars argue that some developed countries have already made the argue that some developed countries have already made the transition into the Information Age and a majority of our jobs transition into the Information Age and a majority of our jobs ar

34、e already knowledge-based. In fact are already knowledge-based. In fact the decline in industrial the decline in industrial based jobs looks similar to the decline in agricultural jobs based jobs looks similar to the decline in agricultural jobs brought about by the transition from the First to the

35、Second brought about by the transition from the First to the Second WaveWave. The swell of the Third Wave is already visible and its . The swell of the Third Wave is already visible and its crest no longer unimaginable. crest no longer unimaginable. Unit 5Unit 514从这一次阅读中从这一次阅读中从这一次阅读中从这一次阅读中 If this

36、 Sunday, anyone were to sit down and read the entire If this Sunday, anyone were to sit down and read the entire New York Times, he/she would absorb more information New York Times, he/she would absorb more information in in that one readingthat one reading than the average person absorbed in a than

37、 the average person absorbed in a lifetime in Thomas Jeffersons Day. lifetime in Thomas Jeffersons Day. Unit 5Unit 515使普通人能拥有像圣经那样以使普通人能拥有像圣经那样以使普通人能拥有像圣经那样以使普通人能拥有像圣经那样以往难得一见的文字材料往难得一见的文字材料往难得一见的文字材料往难得一见的文字材料 这减少了对文字解释的等级制这减少了对文字解释的等级制这减少了对文字解释的等级制这减少了对文字解释的等级制权威的依赖权威的依赖权威的依赖权威的依赖 Information revo

38、lutions are not new. Gutenbergs printing Information revolutions are not new. Gutenbergs printing press launched an information revolution over five hundred press launched an information revolution over five hundred years ago. His invention years ago. His invention allowed for the mass distribution

39、of allowed for the mass distribution of information, permitting common men to possess otherwise information, permitting common men to possess otherwise scarce texts like the Biblescarce texts like the Bible. .4 4 This created less reliance on This created less reliance on hierarchical sources of aut

40、hority for interpretation of textshierarchical sources of authority for interpretation of texts and granted anyone with the resources to operate a printing and granted anyone with the resources to operate a printing press access to large audiences.press access to large audiences.5 5 Unit 5Unit 516提供

41、了一种可能的空间,使人们的思想和身体提供了一种可能的空间,使人们的思想和身体提供了一种可能的空间,使人们的思想和身体提供了一种可能的空间,使人们的思想和身体得以转换功能从而使过去用体力进行的工作今得以转换功能从而使过去用体力进行的工作今得以转换功能从而使过去用体力进行的工作今得以转换功能从而使过去用体力进行的工作今后变成通过文化(智力)的方式来实现后变成通过文化(智力)的方式来实现后变成通过文化(智力)的方式来实现后变成通过文化(智力)的方式来实现 To take the argument even further, author Kevin Kelly To take the argumen

42、t even further, author Kevin Kelly argues that cultural advances, like the printing press argues that cultural advances, like the printing press “ “prepared a possibility space that allowed human minds and prepared a possibility space that allowed human minds and bodies to shift so that some of what

43、 it once did biologically bodies to shift so that some of what it once did biologically would afterwards be done culturallywould afterwards be done culturally.” .”6 6 Under this view, the Under this view, the printing press served a dual purpose. printing press served a dual purpose. Unit 5Unit 517减

44、少大脑需要记忆的信息量减少大脑需要记忆的信息量减少大脑需要记忆的信息量减少大脑需要记忆的信息量 It revolutionized the way human beings interact and it It revolutionized the way human beings interact and it contributed to our evolution by contributed to our evolution by decreasing the amount of decreasing the amount of information our minds needed

45、 to storeinformation our minds needed to store. . In this regardIn this regard, the , the Information Revolution is similar to the printing revolution. Information Revolution is similar to the printing revolution. Computers increase our capacity to store and search for Computers increase our capacit

46、y to store and search for information information externallyexternally. . Unit 5Unit 518人们只要想一想人们只要想一想人们只要想一想人们只要想一想 所带来的变化就能了解所带来的变化就能了解所带来的变化就能了解所带来的变化就能了解 Other mediums of communication might be considered Other mediums of communication might be considered revolutionary as well. revolutionary as

47、well. One need only think ofOne need only think of the changes the changes brought about bybrought about by the invention of the telephone, radio, and the invention of the telephone, radio, and televisiontelevision to realize thatto realize that information revolutions have their information revolut

48、ions have their place in historyplace in history. Each of these technologies increased our . Each of these technologies increased our capacity to communicate over great distances. capacity to communicate over great distances. Unit 5Unit 519这一信息革命是如何先前不同的呢?这一信息革命是如何先前不同的呢?这一信息革命是如何先前不同的呢?这一信息革命是如何先前不

49、同的呢? In some cases, the communication took place over physical In some cases, the communication took place over physical cables, and in other cases the communication took place over cables, and in other cases the communication took place over frequency waves with no physical connection required. fre

50、quency waves with no physical connection required. How How does this information revolution promise to be different?does this information revolution promise to be different? Unit 5Unit 520在极短的时间里访问、分发以及存储大在极短的时间里访问、分发以及存储大在极短的时间里访问、分发以及存储大在极短的时间里访问、分发以及存储大得不可思议的信息量的能力得不可思议的信息量的能力得不可思议的信息量的能力得不可思议的信息

51、量的能力 在任何有标准电话线或蜂窝式在任何有标准电话线或蜂窝式在任何有标准电话线或蜂窝式在任何有标准电话线或蜂窝式电话覆盖的地方电话覆盖的地方电话覆盖的地方电话覆盖的地方 Unit 5Unit 5The difference is our increasedThe difference is our increased ability to access, distribute ability to access, distribute and store incredibly large quantities of information in very and store incredib

52、ly large quantities of information in very little timelittle time. It is now possible to send the entire Encyclopedia . It is now possible to send the entire Encyclopedia BritanicaBritanica across the country in about two seconds. Access to across the country in about two seconds. Access to large qu

53、antities of information through electronic large quantities of information through electronic communications is a realizable goal communications is a realizable goal anywhere there is access anywhere there is access to a standard phone line or cellular cellto a standard phone line or cellular cell.

54、. 21万维网(万维网(万维网(万维网(WWWWWW)则经历着每年则经历着每年则经历着每年则经历着每年314,634%314,634%的增长率的增长率的增长率的增长率 以每月以每月以每月以每月25%25%的速率增长的速率增长的速率增长的速率增长 In the near future, a series of low orbit satellites will allow In the near future, a series of low orbit satellites will allow electronic communications technology to be utiliz

55、ed from electronic communications technology to be utilized from any location on earth. In addition to this, the Internet, any location on earth. In addition to this, the Internet, currently the worlds information backbone, currently the worlds information backbone, is increasingis increasing at at

56、a rate of twenty-five percent per montha rate of twenty-five percent per month and and the World Wide the World Wide Web has been experiencing growth rates of 341,634 percent Web has been experiencing growth rates of 341,634 percent per yearper year. . Unit 5Unit 522劳动力在一个属于第三次浪潮的国劳动力在一个属于第三次浪潮的国劳动力

57、在一个属于第三次浪潮的国劳动力在一个属于第三次浪潮的国家里变成了知识型的家里变成了知识型的家里变成了知识型的家里变成了知识型的 With this increase in interconnectivity and information With this increase in interconnectivity and information resources, resources, the labor force of a Third Wave nation becomes the labor force of a Third Wave nation becomes knowledg

58、e-basedknowledge-based. Peter . Peter DruckerDrucker writes: writes: Unit 5Unit 523财富创造的核心将既不是用于生产的财富创造的核心将既不是用于生产的财富创造的核心将既不是用于生产的财富创造的核心将既不是用于生产的资本配置,也不是劳动力资本配置,也不是劳动力资本配置,也不是劳动力资本配置,也不是劳动力 十九世纪和二十世纪经济理论中无论是经典派,马克思十九世纪和二十世纪经济理论中无论是经典派,马克思十九世纪和二十世纪经济理论中无论是经典派,马克思十九世纪和二十世纪经济理论中无论是经典派,马克思主义,凯恩斯学派,还是新

59、经典主义的两个基本要素主义,凯恩斯学派,还是新经典主义的两个基本要素主义,凯恩斯学派,还是新经典主义的两个基本要素主义,凯恩斯学派,还是新经典主义的两个基本要素 The basic economic resource The basic economic resource “the means of production,” to “the means of production,” to use the economists term use the economists term is no longer capital, nor natural is no longer capital,

60、 nor natural resources, nor labor. It is and will be knowledge. resources, nor labor. It is and will be knowledge. The central The central wealth making activities will be neither the allocation of capital wealth making activities will be neither the allocation of capital to productive uses, nor lab

61、orto productive uses, nor labor the two poles of nineteenth and the two poles of nineteenth and twentieth century economic theory, whether classical, Marxist, twentieth century economic theory, whether classical, Marxist, Keynesian, or neo-classicalKeynesian, or neo-classical. .7 7 Unit 5Unit 524价值是

62、由劳动生产率和创新所创造的,这价值是由劳动生产率和创新所创造的,这价值是由劳动生产率和创新所创造的,这价值是由劳动生产率和创新所创造的,这两者都是知识在工作中的应用两者都是知识在工作中的应用两者都是知识在工作中的应用两者都是知识在工作中的应用 知识社会的领导集团将是知识的生产者和知识的管理知识社会的领导集团将是知识的生产者和知识的管理知识社会的领导集团将是知识的生产者和知识的管理知识社会的领导集团将是知识的生产者和知识的管理者,他们知道如何配置知识得到高的产出者,他们知道如何配置知识得到高的产出者,他们知道如何配置知识得到高的产出者,他们知道如何配置知识得到高的产出 Value is now

63、created by productivity and innovation, both Value is now created by productivity and innovation, both applications of knowledge to workapplications of knowledge to work. . The leading social groups of The leading social groups of the knowledge society will be knowledge workers and knowledge the kno

64、wledge society will be knowledge workers and knowledge executives who know how to allocate knowledge to productive executives who know how to allocate knowledge to productive useuse, just as the capitalists knew how to allocate capital to , just as the capitalists knew how to allocate capital to pro

65、ductive use. Yet, unlike the employees under Capitalism, they productive use. Yet, unlike the employees under Capitalism, they will own both the means of production and the tools of will own both the means of production and the tools of production.production. Unit 5Unit 525表达过类似的意见表达过类似的意见表达过类似的意见表达

66、过类似的意见 后工业时代的关键点在于知识和信息成为社后工业时代的关键点在于知识和信息成为社后工业时代的关键点在于知识和信息成为社后工业时代的关键点在于知识和信息成为社会中战略和改造的源泉会中战略和改造的源泉会中战略和改造的源泉会中战略和改造的源泉 Other scholars Other scholars have expressed similar sentimentshave expressed similar sentiments. Daniel Bell . Daniel Bell echoes echoes DruckerDruckers argument when he propo

67、ses that “s argument when he proposes that “the crucial the crucial point about a post-industrial society is that knowledge and point about a post-industrial society is that knowledge and information become the strategic and transforming resources of information become the strategic and transforming

68、 resources of the societythe society, just as capital and labor have been the strategic and , just as capital and labor have been the strategic and transforming resources of the industrial society.” transforming resources of the industrial society.” Unit 5Unit 526Unit 5Unit 5资金或者是资金的物理代表形式资金或者是资金的物理

69、代表形式资金或者是资金的物理代表形式资金或者是资金的物理代表形式The key financial institutions of knowledge-based societies The key financial institutions of knowledge-based societies also become information-based. Today, a majority of the also become information-based. Today, a majority of the financial transactions in many count

70、ries do not involve the financial transactions in many countries do not involve the physical transfer of capital or physical representations of physical transfer of capital or physical representations of moneymoney such as gold or currency, but rather the transfer of such as gold or currency, but ra

71、ther the transfer of information. For example, when money is loaned between information. For example, when money is loaned between institutions no physical transfer of funds takes place. Instead, institutions no physical transfer of funds takes place. Instead, the informational representation of mon

72、ey is exchanged. the informational representation of money is exchanged. 27在工业社会里人们关心在工业社会里人们关心在工业社会里人们关心在工业社会里人们关心 而而而而信息社会必须关注信息社会必须关注信息社会必须关注信息社会必须关注 Unit 5Unit 5Information now represents money and “finance no longer has Information now represents money and “finance no longer has anything to do

73、with money, but with information.” anything to do with money, but with information.” Whereas Whereas industrial societies were concerned withindustrial societies were concerned with protecting physical protecting physical capital and providing safe routes for the transport of resources, capital and

74、providing safe routes for the transport of resources, information societies must be concerned withinformation societies must be concerned with protecting protecting information and the transfer of information. information and the transfer of information. 28= = WhereasWhereasWhereWhere the destructio

75、n of bridges was a threat to the national the destruction of bridges was a threat to the national security of an industrial society, the destruction of information security of an industrial society, the destruction of information networks, especially those involved with financial transactions, netwo

76、rks, especially those involved with financial transactions, is a threat to the national security of information societies.is a threat to the national security of information societies. Unit 5Unit 529Unit 5Unit 5过去一百年的政治学围绕着工过去一百年的政治学围绕着工过去一百年的政治学围绕着工过去一百年的政治学围绕着工业时代的技术业时代的技术业时代的技术业时代的技术 为信息时代而策划设计的一

77、本名字起得恰到好为信息时代而策划设计的一本名字起得恰到好为信息时代而策划设计的一本名字起得恰到好为信息时代而策划设计的一本名字起得恰到好处的杂志互联(处的杂志互联(处的杂志互联(处的杂志互联(WiredWired)在它的创刊号上在它的创刊号上在它的创刊号上在它的创刊号上关于新技术的出现发表了以下的论述:关于新技术的出现发表了以下的论述:关于新技术的出现发表了以下的论述:关于新技术的出现发表了以下的论述: This is the nature of conflict of the Information Age. While This is the nature of conflict of t

78、he Information Age. While the politics of the last one hundred years centered around the politics of the last one hundred years centered around Industrial Age technologyIndustrial Age technology, the politics of the future will be , the politics of the future will be based on Information Age concern

79、s oriented towards the based on Information Age concerns oriented towards the storage, protection and exchange of information.storage, protection and exchange of information.8 8 The The premiere issue of the magazine designed for the Information premiere issue of the magazine designed for the Inform

80、ation Age, appropriately named Wired, had this to say about the Age, appropriately named Wired, had this to say about the emergence of new technology:emergence of new technology: 30Unit 5Unit 5改造和重新构建社会的相互依存关系以及改造和重新构建社会的相互依存关系以及改造和重新构建社会的相互依存关系以及改造和重新构建社会的相互依存关系以及我们个人生活的每一个方面我们个人生活的每一个方面我们个人生活的每一个方

81、面我们个人生活的每一个方面 迫使我们重新考虑和估价以往想当然是正确的实际迫使我们重新考虑和估价以往想当然是正确的实际迫使我们重新考虑和估价以往想当然是正确的实际迫使我们重新考虑和估价以往想当然是正确的实际上每一种思想,每一个行动,每一项制度上每一种思想,每一个行动,每一项制度上每一种思想,每一个行动,每一项制度上每一种思想,每一个行动,每一项制度 The medium, or process, of our time The medium, or process, of our time electronic technology electronic technology is is res

82、haping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal lifeand every aspect of our personal life. It is . It is forcing us to reconsider forcing us to reconsider and re-evaluate practically every tho

83、ught, every action, and every and re-evaluate practically every thought, every action, and every institution formerly taken for grantedinstitution formerly taken for granted. . 31Unit 5Unit 5随着信息时代的到来,出现了对社会基本随着信息时代的到来,出现了对社会基本随着信息时代的到来,出现了对社会基本随着信息时代的到来,出现了对社会基本结构的新威胁结构的新威胁结构的新威胁结构的新威胁 这种脆弱性导致政治抉择的

84、困难,而只要我们想不断这种脆弱性导致政治抉择的困难,而只要我们想不断这种脆弱性导致政治抉择的困难,而只要我们想不断这种脆弱性导致政治抉择的困难,而只要我们想不断跟上第三次浪潮的大流就要面对这种抉择跟上第三次浪潮的大流就要面对这种抉择跟上第三次浪潮的大流就要面对这种抉择跟上第三次浪潮的大流就要面对这种抉择 Our purpose is to take this concept one step further. We will Our purpose is to take this concept one step further. We will demonstrate that demons

85、trate that with the Information Age come new threats with the Information Age come new threats to the infrastructure of the societyto the infrastructure of the society. Our reliance on computer . Our reliance on computer technology and the quick transition into a knowledge-based technology and the q

86、uick transition into a knowledge-based economy economy have left us vulnerable to attackhave left us vulnerable to attack, and , and that that vulnerability creates difficult political dilemmas that must be vulnerability creates difficult political dilemmas that must be dealt with should we wish to

87、continue following the currents dealt with should we wish to continue following the currents of the Third Waveof the Third Wave. .9 9 32Unit 5Unit 5一种基于对信息基础设施恶意攻一种基于对信息基础设施恶意攻一种基于对信息基础设施恶意攻一种基于对信息基础设施恶意攻击的冲突新形式击的冲突新形式击的冲突新形式击的冲突新形式 这种新形式是如何很快地发展起来威这种新形式是如何很快地发展起来威这种新形式是如何很快地发展起来威这种新形式是如何很快地发展起来威胁到第

88、三次浪潮国家的安全的胁到第三次浪潮国家的安全的胁到第三次浪潮国家的安全的胁到第三次浪潮国家的安全的 On this accountOn this account, the following issues must be further studied. , the following issues must be further studied. First, First, a new paradigm for conflicts based upon hostile attacks a new paradigm for conflicts based upon hostile attack

89、s against information infrastructuresagainst information infrastructures and and how this new how this new paradigm is rapidly developing to threaten the security of paradigm is rapidly developing to threaten the security of Third Wave nationsThird Wave nations must be considered. must be considered

90、. 33考察对于那些为攻击目的而利用新技术的考察对于那些为攻击目的而利用新技术的考察对于那些为攻击目的而利用新技术的考察对于那些为攻击目的而利用新技术的国家,我们所具有的优势和威慑力国家,我们所具有的优势和威慑力国家,我们所具有的优势和威慑力国家,我们所具有的优势和威慑力 可以从现实主义和自由主义观点来进行考察,推可以从现实主义和自由主义观点来进行考察,推可以从现实主义和自由主义观点来进行考察,推可以从现实主义和自由主义观点来进行考察,推测各方会如何应对确认的国家安全威胁测各方会如何应对确认的国家安全威胁测各方会如何应对确认的国家安全威胁测各方会如何应对确认的国家安全威胁 This issue

91、 should be placed in a theoretical context by This issue should be placed in a theoretical context by examining the political advantages and deterrents toexamining the political advantages and deterrents to nations utilizing the capabilities of new technology for nations utilizing the capabilities o

92、f new technology for offensive purposesoffensive purposes. . This can be examinedThis can be examined from both the from both the realist and liberal perspective to speculate how each side realist and liberal perspective to speculate how each side would respond to the acknowledged national security

93、would respond to the acknowledged national security threatthreat. . Unit 5Unit 534将这些考虑与总体战略框将这些考虑与总体战略框将这些考虑与总体战略框将这些考虑与总体战略框架结合起来架结合起来架结合起来架结合起来 Unit 5Unit 5需要揭示与历史上技术发展的相似性,需要揭示与历史上技术发展的相似性,需要揭示与历史上技术发展的相似性,需要揭示与历史上技术发展的相似性,将它与新技术进行对比,将它与新技术进行对比,将它与新技术进行对比,将它与新技术进行对比, 以做出关于这些新技术会对未以做出关于这些新技术会对未以做

94、出关于这些新技术会对未以做出关于这些新技术会对未来产生的战略冲击的假设来产生的战略冲击的假设来产生的战略冲击的假设来产生的战略冲击的假设 Similarities to historical technological developments need to be Similarities to historical technological developments need to be explored and contrasted with new technologyexplored and contrasted with new technology to develop to

95、develop hypotheses regarding the future strategic impacts that these new hypotheses regarding the future strategic impacts that these new technologies will havetechnologies will have. .1010 Finally prescriptions and solutions may Finally prescriptions and solutions may be proposed for be proposed fo

96、r integrating these concerns into the framework integrating these concerns into the framework of a grand strategyof a grand strategy in order to decrease the security threat and in order to decrease the security threat and facilitate international cooperation in this area. facilitate international c

97、ooperation in this area. 35结合课文的思考题n nWhat is the Third Wave?What is the Third Wave?n nWhat is the major threat an information society faces?What is the major threat an information society faces?n nWhat was the role capitals played in an industrialized What was the role capitals played in an industr

98、ialized nation?nation?n nHow do financial transactions take place in the information How do financial transactions take place in the information age?age?36n nAt the present, At the present, state of the artstate of the art microwave amplifiers and microwave amplifiers and oscillator tubes can operat

99、e in a frequency range up to oscillator tubes can operate in a frequency range up to 40GHz and solid-state microwave devices up to 100GHz.40GHz and solid-state microwave devices up to 100GHz. A. recent and most advancedA. recent and most advanced B. high tech relatedB. high tech related C. sophistic

100、atedC. sophisticated D. artistically manufacturedD. artistically manufactured Exercises37Exercisesn nIf you are unable to separate man from machine then, If you are unable to separate man from machine then, Turing says, we will have Turing says, we will have to attribute intelligence to the to attri

101、bute intelligence to the computercomputer. . A. to make an intelligent computerA. to make an intelligent computer B. to consider the computer as being intelligentB. to consider the computer as being intelligent C. to contribute to the computer with intelligenceC. to contribute to the computer with i

102、ntelligence D. to let the computer have intelligenceD. to let the computer have intelligence 38Exercisesn nAs As DoDDoD urgently wanted military command and control urgently wanted military command and control networks that could survive a nuclear warnetworks that could survive a nuclear war, ARPA w

103、as , ARPA was charged with inventing a technology that could get data to charged with inventing a technology that could get data to its destination reliably even if arbitrary part of the network its destination reliably even if arbitrary part of the network disappeared as a result of a nuclear attac

104、k.disappeared as a result of a nuclear attack. DoDDoD urgently needed networks of military command and control urgently needed networks of military command and control that would not be crippled in a nuclear warthat would not be crippled in a nuclear war DoDDoD urgently needed both the military comm

105、and and the control urgently needed both the military command and the control networks that could save a nuclear warnetworks that could save a nuclear war DoDDoD desperately wanted the ability of commanding and controlling desperately wanted the ability of commanding and controlling the networks in

106、case of a nuclear warthe networks in case of a nuclear war DoDDoD eagerly wanted to make military command, and to control the eagerly wanted to make military command, and to control the network so that they could keep working in a nuclear warnetwork so that they could keep working in a nuclear war 3

107、9Exercisesn nThe public telephone network, which, it should be The public telephone network, which, it should be remembered, is based mostly upon outdated technology, is remembered, is based mostly upon outdated technology, is currently being pressed for a tremendous expansion both in currently bein

108、g pressed for a tremendous expansion both in capacity and in the facilities provided.capacity and in the facilities provided. 公众电话网目前正受到压力要在容量和所提供的功能方面公众电话网目前正受到压力要在容量和所提供的功能方面公众电话网目前正受到压力要在容量和所提供的功能方面公众电话网目前正受到压力要在容量和所提供的功能方面有一个巨大的扩展,而应当记住,这一电话网大部分是建有一个巨大的扩展,而应当记住,这一电话网大部分是建有一个巨大的扩展,而应当记住,这一电话网大部分是

109、建有一个巨大的扩展,而应当记住,这一电话网大部分是建立在过时的技术基础上的。立在过时的技术基础上的。立在过时的技术基础上的。立在过时的技术基础上的。 40Exercisesn nOperation of the radar is based on the measurement of the Operation of the radar is based on the measurement of the time it takes for a pulse transmitted from an antenna to get time it takes for a pulse transmit

110、ted from an antenna to get reflected by the object to be detected and to return at the reflected by the object to be detected and to return at the antenna and the receiver.antenna and the receiver. 雷达的工作是基于对天线发出的脉冲被所要探测的目标反雷达的工作是基于对天线发出的脉冲被所要探测的目标反雷达的工作是基于对天线发出的脉冲被所要探测的目标反雷达的工作是基于对天线发出的脉冲被所要探测的目标反射,

111、(然后)回到天线和接收机所需时间的测量。射,(然后)回到天线和接收机所需时间的测量。射,(然后)回到天线和接收机所需时间的测量。射,(然后)回到天线和接收机所需时间的测量。 41Exercisesn nDuring an experiment in December 1947, two closely During an experiment in December 1947, two closely spaced gold-wire probes were pressed into the surface of a spaced gold-wire probes were pressed i

112、nto the surface of a germanium crystal. It was found that the voltage output at germanium crystal. It was found that the voltage output at the collector probe with respect to the base was greater than the collector probe with respect to the base was greater than the input to the emitter probe. It wa

113、s immediately the input to the emitter probe. It was immediately recognized that this was the effect to be looked for; and the recognized that this was the effect to be looked for; and the solid-state amplifier was born. These first transistors, solid-state amplifier was born. These first transistor

114、s, however, were very noisy and unreliable due to the metallic however, were very noisy and unreliable due to the metallic point contacts. point contacts. 在在在在19471947年年年年1212月的一次实验中,两个十分接近的金丝探针被月的一次实验中,两个十分接近的金丝探针被月的一次实验中,两个十分接近的金丝探针被月的一次实验中,两个十分接近的金丝探针被压入一片锗晶体表面。人们发现在集电极探针上相对于基压入一片锗晶体表面。人们发现在集电极探针

115、上相对于基压入一片锗晶体表面。人们发现在集电极探针上相对于基压入一片锗晶体表面。人们发现在集电极探针上相对于基片的输出电压大于加在发射极上的输入电压,立刻意识到片的输出电压大于加在发射极上的输入电压,立刻意识到片的输出电压大于加在发射极上的输入电压,立刻意识到片的输出电压大于加在发射极上的输入电压,立刻意识到这正是要寻求的效应。固体放大器就此诞生了。但由于金这正是要寻求的效应。固体放大器就此诞生了。但由于金这正是要寻求的效应。固体放大器就此诞生了。但由于金这正是要寻求的效应。固体放大器就此诞生了。但由于金属接点的关系,第一批的这些晶体管噪声很大,也不可靠。属接点的关系,第一批的这些晶体管噪声很大,也不可靠。属接点的关系,第一批的这些晶体管噪声很大,也不可靠。属接点的关系,第一批的这些晶体管噪声很大,也不可靠。 42



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