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1、 Jurassic Park -Scientific Fact or Hollywood Fiction?1外研社选修module6JurassicParkWhat is it about? Jurassic Park is a Hollywood film about living dinosaurs which have been cloned from dinosaur DNA found in prehistoric mosquitoes. Do you think it is a fact or a fiction?2外研社选修module6JurassicPark1.eccentr

2、ic: very strange; odd2. prehistoric : before recorded history3. security: safety4. embryo: young animal or plant in the early stages of its development before birth5. preserved: well-kept6. sample: a part or piece that is representative of a whole /样本样本7. intact: remaining uninjured and undamaged8.

3、extinction: the state of dying out9. vice versa: with the order or meaning reversed /反之亦然反之亦然10. ethical: of or relating to ethics/与伦理有关的与伦理有关的3外研社选修module6JurassicParkReading activity I: SkimmingI.Isitafactorafiction?II.Thepassageisabout_.(a)thestoryofthefilmJurassicPark(b)thescientifictruthbehindd

4、inosaurcloninginJurassicpark(c)theprinciplesofDNAandcloning(d)whydinosaursdiedoutA fiction.b4外研社选修module6JurassicParkReading activity (II): Further understanding1. structure:(1). _ (possible or impossible)(2)._ (first; second; third; also)(3). _ (impossible)2. How well do you understand it and how m

5、uch do you remember?raise a questionanalyse the questiondraw a conclusion5外研社选修module6JurassicParkTest Your Memory1. The story of Jurassic park is based on the idea that mosquitoes preserved since prehistoric times _.(a) can be used to create living dinosaurs(b) can be found in Costa Rica(c) can be

6、cloned(d) contain dinosaur blood which contains dinosaur DNA a6外研社选修module6JurassicPark2.Infact,dinosaursdiedoutbeforemosquitoesexisted,so_.(a)thebasicstoryofJurassicParkisfiction(b)mosquitoesneedtobeolder(c)dinosaursareatleast60millionyearsold(d)itspossibletoclonedinosaursa7外研社选修module6JurassicPark



9、ay(d)wouldbedifferentfromtheenvironmentdinosaursareusedtoc10外研社选修module6JurassicPark6.Whichsentencecanbereplacedby“DinosaurDNAwouldbeinjuredsincethebigcreaturesdiedoutlongbefore.”_7.TheonlyplacethatdinosaursseemtoexisttodayisinHollywood.(translation)_Dinosaur DNA would not be intact after the long p

10、eriod of time since their extinction.看来今天恐龙所能存在的唯一地方便是好莱坞看来今天恐龙所能存在的唯一地方便是好莱坞(的科幻电影中了)。(的科幻电影中了)。11外研社选修module6JurassicParkSentence Completion1.ThedinosaursinJurassicparkgetoutofcontrolbecause_2.DNAtakenfrommosquitoescanonlybe40millionyearsold,so_3.Whendinosaursdieout,theirDNA_an employee steals din

11、osaur embryos and sells them.It cannot be used to create dinosaurs.breaks down and does not repair itself.12外研社选修module6JurassicPark1. by Hammonds two grandchildren, they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park in computer-controlled cars. 她陪我去看了医生。她陪我去看了医生。 Language points:She accompanied me to th

12、e doctor.Accompaniedto go somewhere with someone陪伴,陪同陪伴,陪同In everyday English, people usually say go with or come with someone rather than accompany someone:Do you want me to go with you to the station?She came with me to church.13外研社选修module6JurassicPark同学由他的老同学由他的老师陪着到医院去。陪着到医院去。Pleaseaccompanymeo

13、nthetriptomyhometown.The student was accompanied by his teacher to the hospital.请陪我去故陪我去故乡走一走。走一走。14外研社选修module6JurassicPark雷声常常伴随着闪电而来。The text _ pictures.正文附有插图。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder.is accompanied byto happen or exist at the same time as something elseif a book, document etc acco

14、mpanies something, it comes with it伴随伴随15外研社选修module6JurassicPark Mary sang and I accompanied her with the piano. 玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏玛丽唱歌,我弹琴给她伴奏。The little girl was accompanied with the electronic organ by her teacher. 那个小女孩的老师用电子琴为她伴奏那个小女孩的老师用电子琴为她伴奏。to play a musical instrument while someone sings a son

15、g or plays the main tune伴奏伴奏16外研社选修module6JurassicParkButatropicalstormhitstheisland,thepowersupply,and一场热带风暴袭击了岛屿,摧毁了电力供应,1.Ourteamwasknockedout.2.Ablowontheheadknockedhimout.3.Thesoldierknockedouttwoenemytanks.4.Shewasknockedoutbythenews.5.Thelongdrivereallyknockedmeout.击败击败使昏迷,失去知觉使昏迷,失去知觉摧毁,摧毁,

16、歼灭歼灭使目瞪口呆,说不出话使目瞪口呆,说不出话使疲惫不堪使疲惫不堪knocking out 17外研社选修module6JurassicPark不到一年前,我那可怜的狗在街上被卡车撞了。_,mypoordogwas_byatruckinthestreet.你把我的牛奶打翻了。Youve_mymilk.Under a year agoknocked overknocked overknock over sb / sth 撞倒撞倒18外研社选修module6JurassicParkShewasknocked downbyabus.Theboxerknocked downhisopponentea

17、sily.Thebuildingwillbeknocked down.Whattimedoyouknock off?Iknocked off20%ofthepriceofthepresent.撞倒撞倒击倒击倒拆除拆除下班下班减价,杀价减价,杀价knock off:knock down :19外研社选修module6JurassicPark2.Infact,onlyfemalescantheDNAofanothercreature.absorb vt. 本意本意: 吸收吸收(水分水分, 光声等光声等), 消减消减(震动震动)引申义引申义: 接受(看法、知识等),吸引(注接受(看法、知识等),吸引

18、(注意力意力 等)等)absorb20外研社选修module6JurassicPark干沙可以吸水干沙可以吸水be absorbed in 专注于专注于The students were completely absorbed in the book. Dry sand can absorb water. 21外研社选修module6JurassicParkWhenlifeends,DNAanddoesnotrepairitself.1.Thecar/engine/machinebrokedown.2.Allourplansbrokedown./thepeacetalkshavebrokend

19、own.3.Hishealthbrokedown.4.Aftermanyyears,rocksbreakdownintodirt.5.Waterisbrokendownintohydrogenandoxygen. 1(机器、车机器、车)坏掉坏掉 2 (计划谈判的计划谈判的)失败失败 3(身体身体)垮掉垮掉4 分解分化分解分化breaks down 22外研社选修module6JurassicParkMany questions also in the cloning of dinosaurs.arisearise if a problem or difficult situation aris

20、es, it begins to happen: (arose; arisen)A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.rise上升; 崛起; 上涨; 升起 Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.The sun rises in the east.Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.She watched the

21、bubbles rise to the surface.23外研社选修module6JurassicParkraiseMany shops have raised their prices.The university is working to raise the number of students from state schools.William raised his hat and smiled at her.Raise your hand if you know the right answer.The Trust hopes to raise $1 million to buy

22、 land.They are raising funds to help needy youngsters.提高; 举起; 筹集; 抬起 24外研社选修module6JurassicParkDinosaurs a completely different world and would find great difficulty living here.are used to be used to do sth.be/ get used to sth./ doing sth.be accustomed to doing sth.used to do sht.被用来做什么习惯于做什么过去常常25

23、外研社选修module6JurassicParksci-fi adventure filmeccentricopen to the publicprehistorica tropical stormknock outpower supplysecurity systemget out of controlpreserveabsorbprevious discoverysamplein ones adult livesvice versaethical and human rights issuebring dinosaurs back to life科幻冒险电影古怪的,异常的;偏离轨道的;离心

24、的 对公众开放史前的,陈旧的一个热带风暴毁掉;摧毁 电源;供电 安全系统 失去控制 保存;留存 吸收宝贵的发现样品; 样本; 试样在某人的成年时期(生活中)反过来也一样;反之亦然伦理和人权问题把恐龙复活26外研社选修module6JurassicPark科幻冒险电影古怪的,异常的;偏离轨道的;离心的 对公众开放史前的,陈旧的一个热带风暴毁掉;摧毁 电源;供电 安全系统 失去控制 保存;留存 吸收宝贵的发现样品; 样本; 试样在某人的成年时期(生活中)反过来也一样;反之亦然伦理和人权问题把恐龙复活sci-fi adventure filmeccentricopen to the publicprehistorica tropical stormknock outpower supplysecurity systemget out of controlpreserveabsorbprevious discoverysamplein ones adult livesvice versaethical and human rights issuebring dinosaurs back to life27外研社选修module6JurassicPark



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