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1、小学英语语篇教学框架小学英语语篇教学框架 小学英语语篇教学的框架小学英语语篇教学的框架l一、阅读前活动一、阅读前活动 (Before-reading activities )l二、阅读中活动二、阅读中活动(During-reading activities)l三、阅读后活动三、阅读后活动(Post-reading activities)一、阅读前活动一、阅读前活动(Before-reading activities )1、预测活动、预测活动头脑风暴头脑风暴讨论讨论预先教授一些影响语篇阅读理解的关键性词预先教授一些影响语篇阅读理解的关键性词提问提问即学生在没有阅读语篇文本内容、只看到语篇标题的情

2、况下,能够通过想象,大致估计出这个语篇是关于什么方面的内容的。l如在教A Letter to a Pen friend时,教师没有直接进入语篇本身的教学,而是首先向学生提出一个问题,即“Do you want to make friends with somebody? What do you want to know about him or her, if you want to make friends with somebody?”。学生的思维活动顿时被激活了,纷纷举手发问:l1. Whats his/her name?l2. How old is he/she?l3. Where i

3、s he/she from?l4. What does he/she like?l5. Whats his/her favourite sport?l6. What subject is he/she good at?l7. Can he/she .?l这些问题的提出恰到好处地为新的语篇教学的展开奠定了基础。二、二、阅读中活动阅读中活动(During-reading activities)整整体体感感知知语语篇篇1.通过阅读了解语篇的大意通过阅读了解语篇的大意(设计问题)(设计问题)2.通过阅读获取语篇的具体信通过阅读获取语篇的具体信息或细节信息息或细节信息 (1)找出关键词句)找出关键词句

4、(2)根据语篇内容判断句子的正误)根据语篇内容判断句子的正误(3)在语篇中填写所缺的句子)在语篇中填写所缺的句子(4)代词的指代判断和生词的词义猜测)代词的指代判断和生词的词义猜测三、阅读后活动三、阅读后活动(Post-reading activities) 1、跟录音读、跟录音读 (模仿)(模仿)2、复述故事、复述故事3、表演故事、表演故事4、改写故事、改写故事语篇教学中生词的处理语篇教学中生词的处理 生词生词较多较多的情况的情况先处理生词,先处理生词,再进行语篇教学再进行语篇教学语篇教学中生词的处理语篇教学中生词的处理 生词生词较少较少的情况的情况 直接进入语篇教学,直接进入语篇教学,相关

5、的生词可结合上下文相关的生词可结合上下文进行猜测进行猜测况况语篇教学中语法的处理语篇教学中语法的处理 涉及涉及语篇语篇理解理解的的语法语法 先处理先处理况况 Wild Animals一、教学内容:(六年级的阅读课文)lPandas live in the mountains of Sichun, shanxi and Gansu in China. Pandas can climb and swim. They love bamboo. They eat for 12 hours a day! Now, there are only about 1,600 panda in the world

6、.lBlue whales are the biggest animals. They live in the sea and eats small fish. Today, there are only about 2,000 blue whales in the world. lThere are lots of animals in the wild, but some of them are in danger of dying out. People are trying to save them. What can we do to help them?二、教学目标1.知识目标(1

7、)能听说、认读单词wild, bamboo, whale, danger, save;(2)能听说、认读“Pandas/Blue whales live in They eat They can”等句型。2.能力目标(1)能用所学词汇、句型描述熊猫、蓝鲸、白暨豚等野生动物的生存状况;(2)能用can/cant句型表达如何保护动物3.学习策略目标(1)学会运用略读、细读、自主读、合作读等阅读技巧;(2)通过小组合作完成海报的方式,培养写作及合作能力。4.情感态度目标:了解野生动物的生存环境,明确人类与动物和谐相处的重要性。三、教学重难点1.重点:对熊猫、蓝鲸、白暨豚等野生动物生存状况的描述;2.

8、难点:运用本节课所学语言,并结合自己的感受谈论应该如何保护野生动物。四、教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、每个小组一张海报五、教学过程Step 1: Pre-reading1.观看”动物世界“的视频T: Today, we are going to talk about animals. Lets get into the animal world. Watch this movie and call out the names of the animals.Ss: Lions, fish, tigers, monkeys,.2. 继续与学生讨论有关野生动物的话题。T: Some of them

9、live in the wild. They are wild animals.(板书animals,并领读。)what wild animals do you know?Ss: Snakes, giraffe,教师用简笔画呈现一只熊猫,给学生必要的提示。Ss: Pandas.(教师板书pandas,全部齐读)T: What do you know about pandas?S1: They are cute.S2: They are black and white.T: What is a pandas favorite food?(教师用简笔画呈现一些竹子,提示学生正确回答)S3:Thei

10、r favorite food is bamboo.(教师板书单词bamboo, 并领读)Step 2: while-reading1.学生通读短文,并找出文中有关野生动物的单词。T: Please read the text. Its about two kinds of wild animals. What are they?Find out about them in the passage.(教师指导,核对答案,并板书单词panda, bleu whale.)2. 教师指导学生仔细阅读短文的第一段,回答问题: Where do pandas live? What can they do

11、? What do they eat?(师生核对答案)(教学过程中适时板书mountain, climbs, swim, bamboo等关键词)3. 教师指导学生细读短文的第二段。T:Youve learned some information about pandas. How about blue whales? Do you know anything new about them?Ss:They are big. They can swim fast. They eat small fish. T: Do you want to know more about bleu whales?

12、 Lets watch a video and find out how big and how heavy a blue whale is.(学生观看视频,后回答老师的提问。) How long is a blue whale? How heavy is it? 4. 教师指导学生仔细挖掘短文中的信息。T: What else have you learned from passage ? Read the whole passage again and find out more information.(学生阅读,找到数字1600和2000)T: What do you think of

13、 their numbers?S1: There are fewer and fewer blue whales in the world now.T: These animals are in danger.(教师领读词组in danger,并呈现图片,问学生看到这些照片后的感受。)Ss: Im sad./Im angry.T: If you were the animals , what would you say to people?Ss: Im cold. I have no home./ Im hungry. Give me some food./5. 小组讨论:How can we

14、 help these animals?T: Though these animals are in danger, many people are trying to save them. What can we do to help them?plant many trees , cut tress, make friends with animals, kill the animals,make the air clean, play with fire in the forest(教师提供以上词汇,启发学生回答)6. 学生听短文录音,并跟读。7.教师指导学生复述短文。Step 3:Po

15、st-reading1.了解更多的濒危野生动物。(白暨豚,东北虎等)T: How many of them are left?(教师呈现一些濒危灭绝的野生动物图片及生存状况。学生根据课件内容回答)2. 教师呈现一张白暨豚的图片,引导学生讨论白暨豚的生存状况。Chinese river dolphinsThey live in_river_.They can _swim_.They eat_fish_.3. 小组合作完成保护动物的海报。T: All of you can be good volunteers and protect animals. Talk about the pictures first, and then write down sentence. Later, well put them on the poster.Step 4: Homework从互联网上获取更多的关于野生动物以及如何保护野生动物的信息。l 板书设计l Wild Animalsl panda blue whalesl mountain seal climb and swim swim fastl bamboo fishl 1600 2000



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