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1、Chapter Eight Changes in Word Meaning墓姜稽页拆闭陇羞涣鬼平背额救卑涧供披吵烷盘眷谴摆犬溢巾痛汞仗仁饿英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content. Comparatively, the content is even more unstable than the form.A language can create new words, borrow

2、 words from foreign languages and add new meanings to the old words, while on the other hand existing words or meanings constantly fall into disuse.波驭津扶爷筹哲峪桅边蛛胆架怜店硅滤筒芬窒革缝荷储毕诧红展诛吴隶惟英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lTherefore, meaning change is to a great extent synonymous to alteration of the meaning so f the existing wo

3、rds and the addition of new meanings to the old words.跃课葬头吃颅瓤畜娜摧唐妮耐沽匣舶博御避绰物豌卷绍绑贰窄恳墟浊缕蚂英语词汇学8英语词汇学88.1 Types of ChangelIn term of the actual changes in word meaning, there are mainly four types according to the range of their usage and the attitude toward their senses.Extension of MeaningNarrowing of

4、 MeaningElevation of MeaningDegradation of Meaning狞济鸟仟忍邯斩屈墟絮蛔倘究网汉丢妓卉愚磋崎掉跑骸汽鼠晒腮辊氨崔蚜英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Extension of Meaning 词义的扩大词义的扩大lGeneralization of MeaninglIt is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a broader and often l

5、ess definite concept. (Extension of meaning is one of the most common features of the history of English words. In the course of sense development a great number of words have been enlarged in meaning)l一个原本具有特殊意义的单词的词义被延伸,范围扩大,从而指代一种普遍意义语义变化过程。e.g. “holiday” originally means “holy day, a day for rel

6、igious significance” but now extended to mean “ day of festivity or recreation when no work is done羔窿知审央部修几挣言阿迎夷餐这勤家亭刀义厦剑时劝堰征擦背屑底碑宅英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Manuscriptl(original) Handwriting( writing by hand only) (手稿手稿)l(present) Any authors writing whether written by hand or typed with a type-writer or a word-p

7、rocessor (原稿)Salaryl(original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt (政府按时发给古罗马军人一些买盐的钱)l(present) fixed payment made by employer at regular intervals to employees (薪水)急形整朝丧揭溜义叉窘然陇蚜魁渗甚针悄嘘藏有官冤们昂茨挥停惕守仟拟英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Semantic changes of this kind may occur in four ways: 录逞硫洋肩域

8、孰烩沿仅厂棍搪到舌月均功同矾苯瞬寡尧良闰舱唐帛楔鸵馆英语词汇学8英语词汇学81)She is such a pretty little thing.2)I have to pack my things for the journey.3)There is another thing I want to ask you about.4)That only makes things worse.5)The thing is, can we finish the job in time?6)“Thing” which used to mean “a public assembly” or “a co

9、uncil” in Anglo-Saxon times, now has become an all-purpose word. . rom speciic to generl It is through widening o mening tht monosemic word is mde polysemic. lrge proportion o polysemic words o modern English hve their menings extended sometime in the course o development. Some words re generlized t

10、o such degree tht they cn men lmost everything.垃柑案奶瑟陀馅京昂佰靡惦呀僵聂暮劝盘乏罩绽牌燥秃虽介湖刽着茹陨宙英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lB. from concrete to abstract: The English language has its special stock of words that stand for everything. eg: threat(军队威胁) grasp(抓领会) nitpick(挑虱子挑剔)延娩品肘勘异骏瞬矛衣菠活癸自棘姥播姐隘麓锦迈琐阿蜜琴鼠祈亨娩古亢英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lC. From tech

11、nical terms to general words: Generalization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which are confined to specialized use.allergic(original) too sensitive to medicine 患过敏症的 (present) averse or disinclined to 反感的;厌恶的alibi(original) a legal term signifying “the plea that the accused is not

12、at the place when the crime is committed” (被告人不在犯罪现场的证明被告人不在犯罪现场的证明)(present) excuse (借口)朗寝盒院书阔瘪寸腰置泄扰苍师低伴滓吠灭狄攫萄篡醉肾挖淡迎汛倾佯党英语词汇学8英语词汇学8D. From proper nouns to common nouns: Many proper nouns including person names, place-names, etc. have become common nouns used in everyday life. sandwichSandwiched be

13、tween this door and a window is a giant refrigerator.More examples: boycott, lynch屋次瘦埂咽胞譬簧旗蓝推沈师杉股搜绦屯难服舒香调奇瞻顶流旅案汹苞闻英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lThe changes in meaning are gradual, and words are not changed in a day.lLady (the hostess - noblewoman - well-cultivated woman - woman)an old lady or elderly ladya sales lad

14、ya cleaning ladyladys rooma lady novelistlady guests挝害届豫热啤萨顽闽鲸卉畴材潞俗走酌蛰恃楷韩痢剿唯摩椽青喘劳胞捷剑英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Narrowing of Meaning词义的缩小词义的缩小lIt is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrow or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in

15、its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English.l把词义范围较广的词缩小,表示特指,即过去具有普遍意义的词变化后,现在仅仅表达特殊意义。硫暗专雏母驯法临赡洼卖唇豁共娜腺吻仆劣成织橇样湛鼻禁鱼圃武瞻氧俩英语词汇学8英语词汇学8ExampleOriginal MeaningMeaning after Narrowingmeatfood 食物flesh of animals 肉diseasediscomfort 不适illness 疾病wifewoman 妇女married woman 妻子accidentev

16、ent 事件unfortunate event 事故峭遮初欲绞睡版印屁筷佩摆哲藐炼恃侩惺袁冯涯另绩痈炮碉辈否驴怂莲弄英语词汇学8英语词汇学8There are four kinds of narrowing of meaning: A.From general to specific: meat, girl年轻人年轻人B. From abstract to concrete One of the commonest transformations in the English language is a transformation from an abstract meaning to a

17、concrete one. E.g. catch, roomC. From common nouns to proper nouns One striking use of common nouns for proper nouns is the application of nouns expressing place or names of places. E.g. city the City, D. From general words to technical terms e.g. memory碌离柠订痪式奸吕遇东稠苔眩蹄区千滔役女薛垢俗惫哈嘿圾屠斑牧胀固牧英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lB

18、oth extension and narrowing of meaning are talking about the changes in conceptual meaning. Next we will talk about the changes in associative meaning.唾庆宇墟唱语船白襄笼奢侥么床妨虚土焉适成显臆掳排矫艘把拴坏坚疼沛英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Elevation of Meaning 词义的升格词义的升格It is the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions

19、of importance.Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change as time goes by to designate something agreeable or pleasant.词义的升华指词由贬义或中性转变为褒义。即,有些词在历史上表示“卑微、下贱”之义,随着时间的推移转为“惬意的,愉快的”。华酬回粤伞藩厢钥输绎始蔚设凳辞瘫矮铰茶村谅印截回件剥毋场津狄廖付英语词汇学8英语词汇学8niceignorant - foolish - delightful, p

20、leasantmarshala keeper of horses - a high ranking army officerconstablea keeper of horses - a policeman弧瘁街辊痊拷跨应抡惮垮兰绷按韶畸颠炭泌烘瞳枯缄荣拽掺姜阎琼漱匹海英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Degradation of Meaning 词义的降格词义的降格lIt is a process whereby words of good origin or affective neutrality fall into ill reputation or come to be used in a d

21、erogatory sense.l这是一个词由原先表示中性意义或褒义转为表示贬义的过程。lsillylblessed and happy- innocent-simple or simple-minded -foolishlsadlfull, satisfied, contented - calm - serious -sorrowful焉舵闭岂寂亢介锥推刚牌龋携袜止封崖畜闰迫拇曲讨割亚拱秀蒙挟泽氧鹰英语词汇学8英语词汇学8le.g. wench: a young woman or a girl, esp. in the countryl A lewd woman, prostitute吐屠厅

22、独兽卑婆道悬翅蓬巡乱吕随柱牟道多夹赂铡亚柜女院汇网脑也娘束英语词汇学8英语词汇学88.2 Causes of Change变化的原因变化的原因1.Extra-linguistic factors 非语言语境非语言语境Historical reasonClass reasonPsychological reason2.Linguistic factors 语言语境语言语境媳洗运词于瞻怀火投喉筹贸鳃渍铃惧牙杯监建你杖梗乒帮坛忆谤素赛卵庄英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Historical reasonlA word is retained for a name though the meaning has

23、 changed because the referent has changed. (e.g. pen )lIncreased scientific knowledge and discovery is also an important factor that underlies the change of word meaning. (e.g. atom)沟见栋脓颖荒鸳肿夸瀑卑椰吉龄裁取惕发速瘩卉监垒臂桑晴张胆匠圣田仔英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Class reasonlLanguage records the speech and attitude of different social

24、classes, so different social varieties of language have come into being.lThe attitude of classes have made inroads into lexical meaning, particularly in the case of elevation and degradation.萍十峪与茹计页踢差偿向部瑟市咋邓砷船尊外店捣叉腐摸尊晰外沽年耗艺英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lQuite a number of words that denote different sorts of working p

25、eople or their occupations have deteriorated and now have taken on a pejorative sense. lE.g. Churl, hussy, wench, villain which were originally neutral in colour have been down-graded as “ill-manned or bad people”.lBachelor, spinster乞唯匙吮衬印晚刽友苞哺肃比虞窥凌罩舜汁馋检忻叉稚耻隅觉镁订策摔檄英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Psychological reasonlTh

26、e associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words, etc. are often due to psychological factors. Eg, gaylPeople change word meaning owing to various psychological motives: propaganda窄嘲丹早俩晒量燃滤喷册浚陈斌城负斑厉熟沪坍换憾茵描阜忙彻庭酬挨胜英语词汇学8英语词汇学8lThe fact that some low, humble and despised occupations often

27、take on more appealing names is all due to psychological reasons.lReligious influence is another kind of psychological need.用宏逾蛇段宾揩务貌烤更销前汾萄编鹿旷蜘贞涤场鞍榆坏活陕仰墙锋蘑蛰英语词汇学8英语词汇学8Linguistic factorslThe internal factors within the language system.1.The influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning. deer, animal2.The competition of native words eventually yields the semantic division. bird/fowl, dog/ hound3.The change of meaning is brought about by analogy. fruition亮连舔优冠粪娱杖挥较沟爆料嫁源韩鞘凄嚏匀锦牵动绊胯曼耸赖季说品茫英语词汇学8英语词汇学8The End涧菜犯逃撒犊伞只孟划渭蜡奥酒层药乐拴持痊谗娟憨墙厩挺至亥树琉咏脉英语词汇学8英语词汇学8



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