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1、Unit2-This-is-my-Unit2-This-is-my-sistersister课件课件Father and motherI love you.Whats Whats hishis name? name?His name is Xia Yu. (His name is Xia Yu. (Xiao YuXiao Yu) )This is Xia Xue. (Xiao Xue)Who is she?He is Liu Xing.Who is he?Who are they?They are Xiao Yu and Liu Xing. They are brothers.This is

2、Liu Mei.This is Xia Donghai.Who are they?They are Liu Mei and Xia Donghai. They are Liu Xings parents.This is his friend.(朋友)(朋友)These are his friends.(朋友们)(朋友们)It is a happy family.That is his grandmother.That is his grandfather.Those are his grandparent . s Match the words1.mother _2.father _3.par

3、ents _4.brother_5.grandfather_6.grandmother _7.friend _8.grandparents_9.sister _CIHBEGADFA: Thats my family. Those are my parents.B: Whos she?A: Shes my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers. 1bListen and circle the words you hear in 1a.1. Mother 2. father3. parents 4. brothers5. grandmother 6. gran

4、dfather7. friend 8. grandparents9. sisterA: Thats my family. Those are my parents.B: Whos she? A: Shes my sister. Oh, and those are my brothers.Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the picture.1cTalk about the people in the family. A: This/Thats my These/Those are my

5、B: Whos he/she?A: He/She is my Talk about this family.This is my father.This is my mother.These are my parents.Im Mary.This is my grandfather.This is my grandmother.These are my grandparents.单数单数 复数复数 this these that thoseit/he/she they is are注意到了吗?注意到了吗?This _ my sister.That _ his brother.She _ his

6、 aunt.He _ my uncle .These _ her parents.Those _ her friends.They _ my family.isareisisisareareisare& parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents2aListen and circle.1.Jenny_2.Jack _3.Tom _4.Bob _5.Linda _6.Mary _2bListen and match.dabefcAsk and answer questions a

7、bout the photo in 2b.2cRole-play the conversation.2d1.Whos Kate? Shes Sallys sister.2. Whos that boy? Hes Sallys brother.3. Whats his name? Hes Paul.4. Are those Janes parents? No. They are Sally and Kates parents. Answer the questions:1. , this is my sister Kate. 这是我的妹妹凯特。这是我的妹妹凯特。 my sister Kate是同

8、位语是同位语2.Oh, I see. 3. 噢,我明白了。噢,我明白了。3. Well, have a good day! 那好,愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!那好,愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!4. Thanks! You, too. 多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。ExplanationExplanation Fill in the blanks.(填空填空)1. Lucy is a girl. She is her fathers _.2. Jim is his fathers _.3. My fathers sister is my _ .4. Kates fathers brot

9、her is her _.5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _.6. His parents are his _ and _.7. My grandparents are my _ and_.daughter sonauntunclecousinfathermothergrandfathergrandmotherWhats this?Its an apple.What are these?They are two apples.-What are these?-Whats this?-Its a pen.-They are pens.-What

10、are these?-Whats this?-Its a map.-They are maps.-What are those?-Whats that?-Its an English book.-They are English books.-What are those?-Whats that?-Its a ruler.-They are rulers.This is my friend. These are my friends.Whos he? Hes my friend. Whore they? Theyre my friends. 名词名词:人或事物的名称。:人或事物的名称。名 词总

11、的来说事物的性质专有名词普通名词个别的人或事物、地个别的人或事物、地点、国家等。例如:点、国家等。例如:Gina、China。首字。首字母要大写。母要大写。 不可数名词 例:milk、bread、 water。没有复数形式可数名词例:an apple、two apples有复数形式单数复数可数名词如何变化?规则变化不规则变化1.一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s构成复数形式。carbackpackcarsbackpacksbookbooks1.namepencardrulernamespenscardsrulers练习练习box2. 以s, x, ch, sh等结尾的名词, 在词尾加-es构成复数形

12、式。boxesclassclasseswatchwatchesbrushbrushessxshch2.busbusesfoxesfox(狐狸)dish(盘子)dishes练习练习3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,应改y为i,再加-es。familyfamiliescomediescomedy(喜剧)yyld3.4. 以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s构成复数形式 。boyboysdaydaysoayy4.keycitiesstrawberrieskeyscity(城市)strawberry(草莓)练习练习Sum up:1.一般情况下,直接在名词词尾加-s.2.以s,x,sh,ch

13、结尾的名词,在词尾加-es. 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要变y为i再加-es. 4.以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s .名词单数变复数后名词单数变复数后s / es 的读音的读音1.在清辅音后读在清辅音后读 / s /2.在元音和浊辅音后读在元音和浊辅音后读 / z /3.在在/ s / / z / / / / / t / / d /后后 读读 / iz /4.在在/ t /后读后读/ ts /,在,在 / d /后读后读 / dz /desks mapsbrothers pensclasses, watches, orangescats, friends 给下列可数名词加复

14、数 bird- card- lady- orange- ruler- friend- boy- watch- girl- case- cat- tree- key- bed- family- party- cup-birdsladiesorangesrulerscatsboysgirlscaseswatchestreeskeysbedsfriendsfamiliescardspartiescupsthis that he / she / it am / is thesethosetheyare 单数单数 复数复数指指示示代代词词人称代词系动词系动词句型转换句型转换1.Whats 1.Whats

15、 thisthis ? ? 复数复数 Whatre these ?2.Hes a Chinese boy. 2.Hes a Chinese boy. 复数复数Theyre Chinese boys. 3. This is a bike. 3. This is a bike. 复数句复数句 These are bikes.指示代词指示代词系动词系动词可数名词可数名词注意:注意:单数句子转变为复数句子,指示代单数句子转变为复数句子,指示代词、人称代词、系动词、可数名词都要变化词、人称代词、系动词、可数名词都要变化为复数形式。为复数形式。二、句型转换二、句型转换1.This is my mother

16、. 1)变否定句)变否定句 2)变一般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回)变一般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回答答This is not my mother.Is this your mother ?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2.That is a car.1)变否定句)变否定句 2)划线提问)划线提问3) 变复数句变复数句That is not a car.Whats that?Those are cars.Grammar Focus 语法焦点语法焦点This is my friend Jane.Thats my grandfather.These are my brothers.

17、Those are my parents.Whos she?Shes my sister.Whos he?Hes my brother.Whore they?Theyre my grandparents. Thats = that is whore = who are whos = who is theyre = they are ExplanationExplanation David, this is my mother.大卫大卫, 这是我妈妈。这是我妈妈。1. mother, father 用于比较正式的场合用于比较正式的场合, 或或向别人介绍自己的父母时使用。如向别人介绍自己的父母时使

18、用。如: 2. parents 指双亲指双亲,在英语中表示两个或两在英语中表示两个或两个以上的人或物时个以上的人或物时, 名词要用复数形式。指名词要用复数形式。指父亲或母亲一个人时父亲或母亲一个人时, 要用要用parent 形式。形式。3. brothers 是名词是名词brother的复数形式的复数形式, 在在英语中英语中, brother指同辈的男性指同辈的男性,意为意为“兄长或兄长或弟弟弟弟” 。4. sister指同辈中的女性,既可指姐姐,也指同辈中的女性,既可指姐姐,也可指妹妹。可指妹妹。 5. 介绍别人用句型:介绍别人用句型:This/That is. These/Those ar

19、e . 辨认某人用句型:辨认某人用句型:Is this/that? 询问别人用句型:询问别人用句型: Whos/Whore ?3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.A: That _ my family. Thats my mother.B: _ he?A: _ my father.B: Whos _?A: Shes _ sister.B: And _ they?A: _ my grandparents.isWhosHesshemywhoreTheyre3b Look at the picture. Mak

20、e sentences with the words in the three boxes. thisthatthesethosemyyourfathermothergrandfathergrandmotherparentsgrandparentsbrothersisterIs/are3c Bring some family photos to class. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos.单数单数 复数复数 this these that thoseit they is are注意到了吗?注意到了吗?This_

21、my sister. That_ his brother.She_ his aunt.He_ my uncle .These _ her parents.Those _ her friends.They _my family.isareisisisareareisisareare根据句意填入家族成员的名词。1.Fathers mother is my _.2.Mothers brother is my _.3.Mothers father is my _. 4.Fathers sister is my _.5.Im Lucy. This is my father. Im his _.6.Unc

22、les daughter is my _.7.Tom is my son. Im not his father. I am his _.8.My father and mother are my _.9.My _ are my parents parents.10.Im Jim. This is my mother. Im her only _.grandmotherunclegrandfatherauntdaughtercousinmotherparentsgrandparentsson按要求改写单词。1.this (复数)_ 2. bus (复数) _ 3. he (物主代词) _4.it

23、 is (缩写)_ 5. she (复数) _ 6. my (人称代词) _7.those (单数) _ 8. family (复数) _ 9. I am (缩写) _ thesebuseshisItstheyIthatfamiliesIm根据句子意思填入适当的代词。1._ is my mother. _ is my father. They are teachers.2.-Are these your brothers? Yes, _ are.3._ name is Gina. _ am a student.4.-How are _? Fine, thank _ !5.-Whats _ na

24、me? He is Tony.6.-Whats his telephone number? 7. _ is 643-0274.She HetheyMy Iyou youhisIt ( )1. -Are these your grandparents? -Yes, _. A. theyre B. these are C. those are D. they are( )2. -Is this your watch? -No, it isnt. I think it is _ ruler. A. I B. my C. he D. his( )3. _ his uncles? A. This is

25、B. Is this C. These are D. Are these( )4. John is my _. A. son B. parents C. sister D. mother( )5. Thanks _ your help(帮助) . A. you B. at C. for D. of ( )6. -Is this his case? -Yes, _ A. this is B. thiss C. it is D. its( )7. -_ my sister, May. -Nice to meet you, Im Gina. A. Are you B. This is C. Is t

26、hat D. she isDDDACCBChoose the correct answer( )8. Her _ are Paul and Tony. A. brother B. parent C. friend D. friends( )9. _ is my aunt, and _ is my uncle. A. It, it B. She, he C. He, she D. she, it( )10. Is this a photo _ your family? A. in B. of C. at D. forDBB从B栏中找出栏相对的答语. A B 1.Is this your sist

27、er? A. Oh, you have two cousins.2.Are these your brothers? B. No, it isnt. Its my aunt.3.Is she Jims sister? C. Nice to meet you.4.Mum, these are my friends. D. Yes, they are.5.Theyre my aunts son and daughter. E. Yes, she is.BDECA句型转换句型转换 根据要求,完成下列句子。根据要求,完成下列句子。1.Is this your mother? (作肯定回答) 2. _.

28、2.Is Mary your sister? (作否定回答) 3. _.3.this, his, is, daughter?(连词成句) 4. _.5.4. Those are my cousins.(改为一般问句)6. _.5.This is my sister.(改为复数)6. _.6.Those are books.(改为单数)7. _.7.Jim, are, my, Tom, brothers, and.(连词成句)8. _. Yes, she is.No, she isnt.Is this his daughter?Are those your cousins?These are m

29、y sisters.This is a book.My brothers are Jim and Tom.WHOS WHO Come here and look at these pictures. This is a photo of a man,Mr Brown, and a boy, Jim Brown. Mr Brown is Jims father.AndJim Brown is Mr Browns son. That is a picture of a woman, MrsBrown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs Brown is Mr Browns w

30、ife() and Mary Browns mother. Mary Brown is Jims sister.根据短文选择最佳答案。1.Marys father is _. A. Jim B. Jim Brown C. Mr Brown2.Jims mother is _. 3. A. Miss Mary B. Mrs Mary C. Mrs Brown D. Mary3.Jim Brown is _. A. Marys sister B. Marys son 4. C. Mr Browns son D. Jims brother4.The two pictures have _ peopl

31、e.5. A. eight B. six C. five D. four 5.Mr Browns daughter is _. A. Jims sister6. B. the wife of Jim C. Mrs Mary D. Mrs BrownCCCDAReading(A) Hello! Im an English boy. My name is Paul White. Please Look at the photo. This is my father. Hes 38. Hes a doctor (医生医生). He works(工作工作) in a hospital(医院医院). T

32、his is my m- Other. She is 36. She is a teacher(教师教师). She works in a mi- ddle school(中学中学). This girl is my sister. Her name is Kate. She is 9. Shes a student( 学生学生). At school she has(有有) a goodfriend. Her name is Emma. They are in the same row(同一排同一排). 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)( )1. Pauls father is a teache

33、r.( )2. Pauls mother teaches(教书) in a middle school.( )3. Pauls sister is a middle school student.( )4. The name of Pauls sister is Emma.( )5. Emma isnt a student.FTFFFReading(B)根据句意用am, is, are填空.1.Those _ my English books.2.I think(认为) they _ Johns parents.3.His father _ Mr White.4.I _ a student.

34、My mane _ Liu Qian.5.Li Hong and Zhao Liang _ not friends.areareisam isare把下列单词改为复数。1.name _ 2. brother _ 3. watch _4.parent _ 5. this _ 6. that _5.7. is/am _ 8. dictionary _ namesbrotherswatchesparentsthesethosearedictionaries用所给的词的适当形式填空1.These are English _. (book)2.This is _ family. (I)3.Are the

35、y good _ ? (friend)4.Are these _ grandparents? ( she)5.Emma is _ girl. She is _ Eng-6. lish girl. (a )booksmyfriendsher a an一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. Is that your sister Anna? No, _ isnt. A. itB. sheC. he2. My aunt Alice and my mother are _. A. sisters B. brother C. brothers 3. Are these your grandparents? Ye

36、s, _ are. A. these B. they C. those4. _ that boy? Hes my friend Jack.A. IsB. Whats C. Whos 5. Look! Thats my _. Those are my parents. A. familyB. brothersC. friends 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. Lucy, Mary and Linda are my good _ (friend).2. Look at the photo. Those are my _ (grandparent). 3.

37、 Is _ (these) your sister? 4. They _ (be) my father and mother. 5. Mr. Black has (有有) three _ (brother). friendsgrandparentsthisarebrothers三、连词成句三、连词成句1. my, is, Bill, This, friend, (.) _ 2. parents, these, your, Are, (?) _3. day, a, good, Have, (!) _This is my friend Bill.Are these your parents?Hav

38、e a good day!4. are, grandparents, Those, his, (.) _5. is, she, Who, (?) _Those are his grandparents.Who is she?This is Xia Yu.Thats his family.Whos he?Hes his _.brotherWhos she?Shes his _.Whos he?Hes his _.Whos she?Shes his _.sistermotherfather1. 这是我的朋友简。这是我的朋友简。 _ _ my friend Jane. 2. 那是我的爷爷。那是我的爷爷。 _ my grandfather. 3. 这是我的兄弟们。这是我的兄弟们。 _ _ my brothers.Fill in the blanks. This isThats These are 4. 那是我的父母亲。那是我的父母亲。 _ _ my parents.5. 她是谁?她是谁?_ she? 6. 她是我的妹妹。她是我的妹妹。 Shes my _. 7. 他是谁?他是谁?_ he? 8. 他是我的弟弟。他是我的弟弟。 _ my brother. Those are Whos sisterWhos Hes 结束结束



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