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1、SpidermanSpiderman李善友 著秋叶PPT团队水蓦 PPTSpiderman蜘蛛侠3 Spiderman is one of the greatest super heroes, who was created by Marvel Comics. He first appeared in front of the world in 1962. He was in the form of cartoons printed in Amazing Fantasy. In 1977 he appeared in daily newspapers. The Spiderman cartoo

2、n has been seen in over 500 different newspapers around the word. Since then, he has been popular all over the world. Nobody in the world doesnt know him. More and more people bought these magezines to get to know the life of our heroSpiderman. The young hero has won the heart of everyone. He has fa

3、ns everywhere. 蜘蛛侠是漫威漫画公司创作出的,最伟大超级英雄之一。他第一次呈现在世人眼前是在1962年,被以漫画的形式印刷出版与惊奇梦幻一书中。在1977年,他涌现于各大日报上。蜘蛛侠便出没于500多家世界不同的日报社。从那时起,他已经开始风靡全球了。世上几乎没有人不知道他的存在。越来越多的人们前去购买这些杂志来了解我们的英雄蜘蛛侠。这个年轻的小英雄赢得了每一个人的心。他拥有着世界各地的粉丝。8/2/20248/2/20248/2/20248/2/2024The brief introduction of Spiderman Peter Parker is a typical 1

4、8-year-old boy, who is smart, but is picked on by Jocks and is too shy to talk to the beautiful Mary Jane Watson who lives next door. Until the day he is bitten by a radioactive spider, then the next day he feels different, he can sense things coming at him, he can spin a web, he also has incredible

5、 strength, and he can stick to walls. 彼得帕克是一个18岁机灵的小伙子,但是他经常被乔克斯所嘲弄,他实在是太腼腆了,根本无法与住在隔壁的貌美的玛丽简交谈。直到某天,他被一只放射性蜘蛛所咬伤,此后的第二天,他便开始感觉有所不同。他可以感觉到向他靠近走来的任何事物,他可以织网,同时也拥有着不可思议的力量,他能够粘附于墙壁之上。8/2/2024 At first Peter decides to use his new powers for show, but after a terrible tragedy, Peter decides to use his

6、powers to stop crime and help people, by becoming Spiderman. Then a super villain called the green Goblin is bent on mass destruction, it is then up to Spiderman to stop him. 起初,彼得决定将这些新的能力用于展演,但是在一场可怕的悲剧之后,彼得决定成为“蜘蛛侠”,用他的超能力来阻止犯罪帮助人民。有位超级恶棍绿魔热衷于制造超级大破坏,蜘蛛侠的责任就是去阻止他。Now, people have also made films based on Spiderman. Lets have a look! 现如今,人们也根据蜘蛛侠翻拍了一些电影,让我们来看看吧!8/2/20248/2/2024结束结束



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