White Privilege Unpacking the Invisible KnapsackPeggy

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《White Privilege Unpacking the Invisible KnapsackPeggy》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《White Privilege Unpacking the Invisible KnapsackPeggy(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible KnapsackBy: Peggy McIntoshLauren DelaneyWhat is the author trying to argue?lWhite people have unearned advantages in society due to skin color.Most are unaware of white privilege.lPeople are taught about racism, not privilege.lEven though men are aware of wom

2、ens disadvantages, men do not recognize their male privilege.lMen want to work to improve womens status, but not lessen their own.How does the author try to explain the argument?l“I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in each day,

3、but about which I was “meant” to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools, and blank checks.”lList of 26 skin-color privilege conditionslSchool systems and obliviousnesslWhite people are taught

4、 to identify racism as putting others at a disadvantage; however, white people are not taught about white privilege putting them at an advantage. Does the author assume the “white middle-class woman” norm?lNo, McIntosh discusses white privilege. Identifies how it hinders others and how it can be cha

5、nged. lThe article is about recognizing and deconstructing “norms.”Article StrengthslMcIntosh fully analyzes white privilege:Discusses how it is formed.Provides examples that allow readers to fully recognize and understand white privilege.lMcIntosh understands the concept of interlocking oppressions

6、how gender, race, ability, age, and class all relate to ones oppression.lEye-opening.lClearly articulated points makes it easy to understand.Article WeaknesseslNo mention of ways that change can occur on small or large levels.lWhat actions can individuals, school systems, organizations, and communit

7、ies take to change the historical pattern of white privilege?Diversity Training ManuallImplement list of 26 skin-color privilege conditions: Help clearly explain what skin-color privilege is.Help the workforce understand skin-color privilege on a personal level.lIntegrating all forms of privilegeeth

8、nicity, gender, ability, age, and classthe workforce can educate employees on all forms of privilege.lBy including suggestions on how individuals and companies can change the historic pathway of white privilege, education could occur on how change can begin to be made.My Suggestions for ChangelK-12 School SystemslCollegesClassHousinglPersonal



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