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1、By By YanYan PinghuaPinghua Hailing Secondary School Hailing Secondary School玉树April14th,2010falldownbetrappedunderscreamforhelp 看图说句时要注意:掌握正确的时态灵活运用关键短语Linlins happy past看图说段时要注意想象要紧扣主题尽量使用课本词汇玉树地震牵动着全国人民的心,我校三(5)班同学积极响应,班长王冰对他们的援助计划进行了调查。假设你是班长,请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:调查结果以及对玉树人民的祝愿。要求:词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词

2、数。注意适当发挥,祝愿至少两点。40%40%29%29%19%19%12%12%How to help survivors?send donationssend donationshold charity showshold charity shows be pen friendsbe pen friendsbe volunteersbe volunteers Im Wang Bing, the monitor of Class 3 Grade 9. I did a survey in my class on how to help the people in Yushu. Here are

3、the results._.40%40%29%29%19%19%12%12%How to help survivors?send donationssend donationshold charity showshold charity shows be pen friendsbe pen friendsbe volunteersbe volunteersSelf work:Correctyourownarticlebyyourself.写作常见错误:写作常见错误:1.冠词错误冠词错误2.时态错误时态错误3.单词拼写错误单词拼写错误4.用词不当用词不当5.单复数错误单复数错误6.主谓一致性错误

4、主谓一致性错误7.要点不全要点不全格式对,人称吻格式对,人称吻;字数够,时态准;字数够,时态准;书写好,立意高书写好,立意高;好句多,关联妙好句多,关联妙;段落清,标点到。段落清,标点到。2010.52010.5西南干旱西南干旱2010.4青海玉树 7.1级地震沙尘暴沙尘暴 2010.4 2010.4 中国北部中国北部2010.1海地地震海地地震2010.2 2010.2 美国东部暴雪美国东部暴雪2010年以来,人类面临着越来越多的生存考验:地震、干旱、火山喷发。由于自然灾难频发,我们的地球已不堪重负。作为地球的主人人类,该做些什么呢?假如你是校学生会主席David,请你以学生会的名义,根据下

5、面的图示内容向全校学生发出倡议:号召大家保护环境,共同维护我们的美好家园。要求:图示信息要全;词数90左右;语言流畅;语句规范。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:blow away吹走;刮走running water 流淌的水turn off the taps 关水龙头参考词汇:防风固土prevent wind from blowing the earth away流淌的水 running water关水龙头turn off the tapsProtecting the earth is protecting ourselves.植树造林;净化空气;防风固土;节约用水;禁止污染; (自

6、拟方法)捡拾垃圾;美化环境;积极宣传;人人有责;Dear students, Our Earth is at a critical moment now. More and more disasters are hitting our planet the only living place for humans in the universe. So we have to do all we can to protect our home. Firstly, _We think protecting the earth is protecting ourselves. If everyone

7、 takes an active part, our earth will become more and more beautiful. (95词)Firstly, we can plant trees on both sides of the streets or on the hills. Trees can make air cleaner and prevent wind from blowing the earth away As a result, its necessary for us to plant more trees. Secondly, we should save

8、 water and stop people from polluting water. We shouldnt wash hands under the running water. Thirdly, we can help make our environment more beautiful by picking up rubbish. Finally, we should let more people know the importance of protecting the earth. Protecting the earth is protecting ourselves. I

9、f everyone takes an active part in it, our earth will become more and more beautiful. (95词)Students Union tips1.仔细审题,根据写作要求、提示材料或图示,确仔细审题,根据写作要求、提示材料或图示,确 立文章体裁,立文章体裁,人称和时态人称和时态。2. 根据要点列提纲根据要点列提纲,对全文通篇考虑布局。对全文通篇考虑布局。 用上所用上所 有提示语,按要求适当发挥。发挥部分符合全文有提示语,按要求适当发挥。发挥部分符合全文 逻辑。逻辑。3. 注意注意: a.表达方式多样化表达方式多样化,

10、适当使用关联词适当使用关联词 ; b.注意用语准确注意用语准确; c.文章字数符合要求;文章字数符合要求; d.务必认真誊写。务必认真誊写。 Express your ideas in 80-100 words in several minutes.玉树地震牵动着全国人民,我校三(5)班同学也有着颗颗援助之心,班长王冰对此进行了调查。假设你是班长,请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:调查结果以及对玉树人民的祝愿。要求:词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。注意适当发挥,祝愿至少两点。3 3 审清题目。明确要求,确定格式。审清题目。明确要求,确定格式。4 4 编写提纲。列出重点词组、短语或句型。

11、编写提纲。列出重点词组、短语或句型。5 5 扩展成句。注意人称、时态和词性。扩展成句。注意人称、时态和词性。6 6连词成篇。运用适当的连词、过渡性词语。连词成篇。运用适当的连词、过渡性词语。1认真检查,修改错误。认真检查,修改错误。2 2 写作时要选择好格式。写作时要选择好格式。Boys and girls, People in Yushu are suffering from the earthquake. Many students like Linlin cant go to school. Lets help them. We can donate our old books and

12、stationery to them. We could donate our pocket money to them too.We can hold a charity show to raise money to help them build their new homes. We can also be volunteers to help them such as translating the popular Chinese into their local languages. They are our sisters and brothers. Show your hands

13、, lets help them together!Im the monitor of Class 3, Grade 9. I did a survey in my class on how to help the people in Yushu. Here are the results. Forty percent of the students in our class prefer to donate their pocket money, books, stationery and other useful things to the people in disaster areas

14、. Twenty-nine percent of the students want to hold a charity show to raise money for them. Nineteen percent of the students would rather be pen friends with them. They want to make them feel hopeful and helpful. Twelve percent students would like to be volunteers. They want to help them rebuild thei

15、r home. Lets work together, we believe Yushu will have a bright future. She needs a house to live in. She needs some books to read and some stationery to useShe should study at a school though her school has fallen down.She needs warm clothes to wear and enough food to eatShe should have some friends so that she cant feel lonely or hopeless.She needs to return to regular life quickly.



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