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1、 項目與組織項目與組織 Project & Organization當我们接到上級安排的工程項目或解決重大的生产問題时, 應采用 P&OP&O 的工作方法去處理及解決, 以下為 P&OP&O 的重點程序. .When receive a task from management about engineering When receive a task from management about engineering project or solving an important production issue , we shall project or solving an import

2、ant production issue , we shall complete or solve it by complete or solve it by P&OP&O method. Below are the main method. Below are the main program of program of P&OP&O . . 一一. 簡介簡介 Introduction(a) 了解需要處理及解決的工程項目或生产問題 Understand the engineering project or production issue.Understand the engineering

3、 project or production issue. 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points (b) 成立項目籌備組, 確定統籌人和各區域或功能組別負責人. . Found an organization for the project / issue , determine the Found an organization for the project / issue , determine the coordinator and the responsible person for each area or function coordinator and the re

4、sponsible person for each area or function team. team.(d) 各組長根据确定的方案和目標制定本組的工作計划. . Each monitors ought to according to the confirmed project and Each monitors ought to according to the confirmed project and target to make their work plan target to make their work plan (c) 討論并確定完成工程項目或解決生产問題的方案和目標 D

5、iscuss and confirm the finished engineering item or the Discuss and confirm the finished engineering item or the corresponding project and target solved the manufacture corresponding project and target solved the manufactures s issue.issue. 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points (e) 統籌人根据各組的計划綜合為完成項目的詳細計劃. . The

6、The coordinatorcoordinator ought to according to their plan to composite the ought to according to their plan to composite the detailed one . detailed one . (f) 各組長應召集各部門相關人員召開會議以對計划進行 良好的溝通、分工與協作 To do good communication ; divide the work and cooperation To do good communication ; divide the work a

7、nd cooperation each monitors ought to call up all related member and have a each monitors ought to call up all related member and have a meeting . meeting . 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points (h) 計划中需要進行工程試驗或設備評估的項目應按時完成 It is necessary for the plan to finish the related item on time for It is necessary for t

8、he plan to finish the related item on time for the engineering experiment and equipment the engineering experiment and equipments assessment.s assessment. (g) 統籌人對制定的計划進行跟進, 了解計划進度并督促各 組按時完成計划 The The coordinatorcoordinator ought to follow the confirmed plan, understand ought to follow the confirmed

9、 plan, understand the planthe plans progression and urge the divided team to finish the s progression and urge the divided team to finish the plan on time.plan on time. 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points (i) 各組長應跟進本組計划的執行情況, 定期召開會議并及 時將信息返饋給統籌人. The divided monitors ought to follow the plan implemented The di

10、vided monitors ought to follow the plan implemented cause , And chair the meeting on time and feedback the cause , And chair the meeting on time and feedback the corresponding information to the corresponding information to the coordinatorcoordinator . . 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points (k) 完成計划后召開總結會議并對相關事

11、項作后續跟進 Have a close meeting once the project/issue is completed . Have a close meeting once the project/issue is completed . And keep on following up for related items.And keep on following up for related items. (j) 統籌人根據各組的計划及時更新項目計划內容或根據實 際情況對項目計劃作出适當調整并及時知會相關人員. . The The coordinatorcoordinator o

12、ught to according to the divided team ought to according to the divided teams plan s plan to to update the item update the items content , Or according to the actual cause tos content , Or according to the actual cause to adjust the item adjust the items plan and inform the related member in time .

13、s plan and inform the related member in time . 二二. 重點程序重點程序 Main Points 使用如下工具表完成以上工程計划或生產問題 (案例(案例無鉛錫執行計划)無鉛錫執行計划) Use below tools to complete above engineering Use below tools to complete above engineering project or production issue project or production issue (Case study: Lead Free Implementatio

14、n Master Plan) (Case study: Lead Free Implementation Master Plan)三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure3.1 3.1 開開 P&O 檔案檔案 Open a P&O File三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure3.1.1 3.1.1 申請申請 P P&O 編號編號 Apply a P&O numberApply a P&O number3.1.2 3.1.2 項目名稱項目名稱 Project nameProject name3.1.3 3.1.3 項目目標項目目標 Project goalProject goal3.

15、1.4 3.1.4 負責負責成員成員 Responsible membersResponsible membersPeterCoordinatorToroid Winding& Toroid Base AssemblingMembers: TomWinsonJohnToroid Base Solde Dipping、Cleaning& Sneilico PottingMembers: GaryRickyAlanMechanical TeamMembers: DannyPaulThomus0862 ComboAssemblingMembers: OliverWillsonJames三三. P&O

16、 步驟步驟 Procedure3.2 成立項目籌備組成立項目籌備組 Found the organization3.3.1 制定計划制定計划 - 使用使用Project 2000 Make the project - Use Project 2000Make the project - Use Project 2000 (a) 項目標題項目標題 Project title (b) 項目描述項目描述 Project description (c) 項目狀態項目狀態 Project status (d) 負責人負責人 Responsible by (e) 開始日期開始日期 Start (f) 結束

17、日期結束日期 Finish三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure3.3.2 制定、跟進及更新計划內容制定、跟進及更新計划內容 Make 、 follow up and update the items of project三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure3.3.3 各計划執行狀態各計划執行狀態 - 使用使用 Project 2000 Gantt chart Status of every plan - Use Project 2000 Gantt Charttatus of every plan - Use Project 2000 Gantt Chart三三. P&O 步驟

18、步驟 Procedure3.4 召開會議召開會議進行良好的溝通進行良好的溝通、分工與協作分工與協作 Have a meeting for good communication, assigning and concert.三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure3.5 工程試驗工程試驗 Engineering evaluation三三. P&O步驟步驟Procedure3.6 項目按時完成項目按時完成 The project was completed on time三三. P&O 步驟步驟 Procedure4.1 完成計划后召開總結會議完成計划后召開總結會議 Have a close meeting once the project is completed四四. 總結總結 SummaryThanks to all



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