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1、英语情态动词的用法情态动词1 )情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。2 )情态动词 除ought和have外,后面只能接不带t o的不定式。3)情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。4 )情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。情态动词有 can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall(should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to 等。 情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语一、

2、can,could1 )表示能力( 体力、知识、技 能 ) 。Can you lift this heavy box?( 体力)Mary can speak three languages.( 知识)Can you skate?( 技能)此时可用be able to代替。Can只有一般现在时和一般过去式 ; 而be able to则有更多的时态。I,ll not be able to come this afternoon.当表示“ 经过努力才得以做成功某事” 时应用be able t o ,不能用Cano如:He was able to go to the party yesterday e

3、vening in spite of theheavy rain.2)表示请求和允许。一Can I go now?一 -Yes, you can. / No, you cant.此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could,might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。-Could I come to see you tomorrow?一- Yes, you can. ( No, Pm afraid not.)3)表示客观可能性( 客观原因形成的能力)。Theyve changed the timetable, so we can go by bus instead.T

4、his hall can hold 500 people at least.4)表示推测( 惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。Can this be true?This cant be done by him.How can this be true?二、may, might1)表示请求和允许。m ight比may语气更委婉,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用cant或m u stn t,表示 不可以,禁止” 。-M ig h t/ May I smoke in this room?-No, you mustnt.-May/Might I take this book out

5、 of the room?Yes, you can. ( No, you cant / mustnt.)用MayI ?征徇对方许可时比较正式和客气, 而用CanI ?在口语中更常见。2)用于祈使句,表示祝愿。May you succeed!3)表示推测、可能性( 不用于疑问句)。might不是过去式,它所表示的可能性比may小。1. He may /might be very busy now.2. Your mother may /might not know the truth.三、 must, have to1)表示必须、必要。You must come in time.在回答引出的问句

6、时, 如果是否定的, 不能用mustnt( 禁止,不准),而用 neednt, dont have to ( 不必).-Must we hand in our exercise books today?-Yes, you must.No, you dont have to / you neednt.2) must是说话人的主观看法, 而 have to 则强调客观需要。Must只有一般现在时, have t o 有更多的时态形式。1. he play isnt interesting, I really must go now.2. I had to work when I was your

7、age.3)表示推测、可能性( 只用于肯定的陈述句)1. Youre Toms good friend, so you must know what he likesbest.2. Your mother must be waiting for you now.四、 dare, need1) dare作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中, 过去式形式为daredo1. How dare you say Im unfair?2. He darent speak English before such a crowd, dare he?3. If we dared not go th

8、ere that day, we couldnt get thebeautiful flowers.2) need作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句。在肯定句中一 般用 must, have to, ought to, should 代替。1. You neednt come so early.2. - Need I finish the work today?-Yes, you must. / No, you neednt.3) dare和 need作实义动词用时, 有人称、 时态和数的变化。在肯定句中,dare后面常接带to 的不定式。在疑问句和否定句中, dare后面可接带to 或不

9、带to 的不定式。 而 need后面只能接带 t。的不定式。1.1 dare to swim across this river.2. He doesnt dare ( to) answer.3. He needs to finish his homework today.五、shall, should1) shall用于第一人称,征求对方的意见。What shall we do this evening?2) shaU用于第二、 三 人 称 表示说话人给对方的命令、 警告、允诺或威胁。1. You shall fail if you dont work hard.(警告)2. He shal

10、l have the book when I finish it.(允诺)3. He shall be punished.( 威胁、)六、 will, would1)表示请求、建议等,would更委婉。Will / Would you pass me the ball, please?2)表示意志、愿望和决心。1.1 will never do that again.2. They asked him if he would go abroad.3) would表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。would表示过去习惯时比used to 正式,且没有“ 现已无此习惯” 的含义。1 . Durin

11、g the vacation, he would visit me every other day.2. The wound would not heal.4)表示估计和猜想。It would be about ten oclock when she left home.七、 should, ought to1) should, ought to 表示“ 应该 ,ought to 表示义务或责任,比should语气重。1.1 should help her because she is in trouble.2. You ought to take care of the baby.2)表示劝

12、告、建议和命令。should, ought to 可通用,但在疑问句中常用shouldo1. You should / ought to go to class right away.2. Should I open the window?3)表示推测should , ought to ( 客观推测) , must( 主观推测) 。l.He must be home by now.( 断定他已到家)2 . H e o u g h t t o / s h o u ld b e h o m e b y n o w .( 不太肯定)3 . T h i s i s w h e r e t h e o

13、i l m u s t b e . (直爽)4. T h i s i s w h e r e t h e o i l o u g h t t o / s h o u ld b e . (含蓄)09牛津中考英语专项训练及答案(9)(缺词填空)(1)At d i f f e r e n t t i me s i n a ma n s l i f e h i s f o o d h a s d i f f e r e n t e f f e c t s(影响)0n h i s b o d y . A m ong c h i l d r e n f (1) i s q u i c kl y c h a

14、 n g e d t o t h ep o w e i(力量)t o r u n a n d p l a y g a me s . M o s t o f a y o u n g ma n s f o o d i ss p e n t o n g r o w i n g t (2); we g r o w u p w a r d s o n l y d (3) t h e f i r s t t w e n t yy e a r s o f o u r 1 4), n o t l a t e r . W o r k i n g m e n g e t t h e i r s t r o n g

15、 b o d i e sf r o m t h e i r f o o d ; a n d i f t h e y w o r k h (5), t h e y d o n o t g e t f a t . O f f i c ew o r ke r s e a t w e l l a n d s (6) d o w n a l o t , a n d m a y b e g i n t o g r o w f a tw h e n s t i l l q u i t e y o u n g . M a n y o l d e r p t r y t o w o r k m u c h a

16、n d w a l ko f t e n . P e r h a p s t h e mo s t d i f f i c u l t t i me i s w h e n a m a n r (8) s i x t y y e a r so f a g e . H i s b o d y a n d m i n d b (9) r e s t f u l , w i t h o u t m u c h w o r k o ri n t e r e s t . T h a t i s w h e n f o o d c h a n g e s q u i c kl y t o f (10).1

17、.蝙蝠)are the only flying animals in the world. It isknown to all that they cannot see very well. uAs b(1) as a bat”is often h(2). Yet, they have no trouble flying on thed(3) nights and finding their way r(4) verywell. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly by radar(雷达)

18、The bats radar w(5) the same way as the radar on shipsand planes. As a bat flies t(6) the air, it makes a sound. Ifthe sounds hit t(7), they will come back and the batse(8) will receive the message. In this way, the bat isa(9) to know where the things are. Bats go out forf(10) at night. In the dayti

19、me, they hang in somedark places. is in its second life. Its first game began in France. Thename of the game comes from the French word “terniez”. TheEnglish men c_1 the game “tennis“ when they watched theFrenchmen play 800 years ago.The Englishmen liked the French game

20、. Tennis courts (球场)were built in every park, in every city, just like today. The twocountries played against each other. At first they played for honor.Then they w _2_ money. Later people began cheating(欺骗) to getmoney. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden (禁止)tostop the cheating. The gam

21、e a 3 _ disappeared.Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100years ago. They learned w_4 they could do about the game.They liked the game as the Englishmen had b_5. Afterreturning home, the Americans built tennis courts. Tennis began tobecome w _6 in all the United States. Now it i

22、s one of the moste games in the world again. 4)There are four people in my family. Every day my parents arevery busy 11 _ to make money in order to pay the high tuition( 学费)for my brother and me. They hardly say I love you or send f 2 _to each other. Besides, my father has a bad temp

23、er( 脾气). It is easyfor him to lose his temper w 3 hes very tired from the hardwork. I didnt know whether there was love between them u 4one spring. At that time, my father suddenly got badly sick .Mymother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When theyreturned from the hospital, they bo

24、th looked very w 5 as if bothof them had a serious illness.After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowlyon the country road every day in the morning and dusk. H 6 ,after two months my father still couldnt walk by h 7 . All of uswere worried about him.Dad, how are you f 8 now? I asked

25、him one day.Susan, dont worry about me.he said i 9 a low voice.uI just likewalking with your mom. I like this kind of life/Reading hiseyes, I know he loves my mother very much.Once I thought love m 10 flowers,presents and sweet kisses.But from this experience, I understand that love is inside,making

26、 life strong and warm. woman was eating in a restaurant,. She asked the waiter todo many t_ 1 _ for her. Now she was g_2_ the waiter a lot oftrouble, f 3_ , she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditionerbecause she f_4 too hot. Then she asked him to t_ 5_it offbecause s

27、he was too cold. This went on and on for n_ 6 half anhour.But the waiter was very kind and _ h _ 7 . He did everythingthe woman asked _h_8_ to do without getting angry. F 9 _ ,someone else in the restaurant asked why the w_ 1 0 _ didnt justthrow the woman out. Oh, I dont care. The waiter said andsmi

28、ling, uWe don,t even have an air conditioner. 6 )Ask people to name a safe place and most will say Home”. Butevery year the British Governments survey ( 调查)shows thathome can be a d_1 place. Last year 7 British citizens( 公 民)died while putting up their Christmas decorations (装饰

29、). Over1,600 needed m_2 help after falling off their chairs. And 70people had fatal ( 致死的)accidents while lying in bed. It is safe tosay that n 3 activity (活动)is without danger.Some of these accidents are just the risks (冒 险)of modern living.We prefer to risk having a washing machine that might hurt

30、 usrather than be safe spending hours cleaning our clothes by h 4_.But most fatal accidents are not the result of mechanical( 机械的)failure. The two most common are falling down the stairs andgoing to s_ 5 in the bath. This s 6 that we are in amore dangerous situation when we feel s_7.

31、ternational organizations are f_l_ to help thechildren. These p 2 childrens lives were changed b 3 ofEurope war at that time. Now, UNICEF works all over the w_4. It provides clean water, food and education for children inmany countries. It wants children to be h 5 and to go to school.It collects mon

32、ey by selling Christmas c 6 and organizing ( 组织) other activities. It h 7 governments and families to make theworld 3 better place for children. All children should go to schoolinstead of w 8 to keep their families. They should be helped whenthey are i 9. They should a 10 be treated with kindness.1.

33、 8).Someone says, uTime is money. But I think time is m_1_important than money. Why ? Because when money is s_ 2_ , wecan get it back. However, when time is gone, itll never r _ 3 . Thatis why we mustnt w_4_ time.It goes without saying that time is u_5_ limited( 有 B 艮的) .Even a s

34、econd is very important. We should make full use of ourtime to do s_6_ useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not knowthe importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking,drinking and p_7_. They do not know that wasting time meanswasting part of their own 1_8_ .In a w

35、ord, we should save time. We shouldn,t 1_9_ todayswork for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to 1 _ 10_. have been in Australia for three days. Were having a g time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.There is so m (2) to see that it is impossible for

36、me to tell youeverything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big t (3)and beautiful flowers around the houses and they 1 (4) reallybeautiful. There are also some special a (5) in Australia, such askangaroos and koalas. They are really lovely.During the past three days weve dsited many p (6)

37、of interestaround Sydney. Fd like to spend more time here. But we will f (7)to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds (珊 瑚 礁 )tomorrow. It issaid that words cannot d (8) the beauty of the colourful corals.Many famous cartoon films were made there. Now we are b (9)packing our bags so that we will no

38、t lose time when we leave. Wecan enjoy o (10 ) in Cairns this time tomorrow, Pm looking forwardto going there! 9. 10.(10)M: Would you please tell me what you were doing when theaccident happened and what you saw?W: Yes, I was d(l) home from work. It was about 5:15, and therewas a blu

39、e car in front of me.We were both driving along Harbor Road w (2) a small white Fordsuddenly shot out of the side road. It shot right in front of the bluecar. The driver tried to stop, but it was impossible. He r (3)into the white Ford.M: Whats the s (4) of the car in front of you when the accidenth

40、appened?W: You mean the blue car? Well, thirty miles an hour. Of course nom (5) than that.M: And the white Ford shot out without any warning (警 告 )?W: Yes, thats right.M: How can you make s(6) that the blue car was only doing thirty?W: Because I was only doing thirty, and the blue car wasnt goingany

41、 f (7) than I was.M: Are you sure of that? Absolutely positive (肯-定)?W: Yes, I a (8) . Pm positive.M: How can you be so positive? Were you looking at yourspeed-metre when the accident happened?W: Of course not. I was looking at the road ahead. Thats how Imanaged to see the accident.M: Well, if you w

42、ere not looking at your speed-metre, how can youP( 9) be sure how fast you were going?W: Because I never go faster than 30 on that road, or itsa (10) law1. most important drink is water. Not many peopleunderstand this but it is quite true. People can 1 for a longtime withou

43、t food, but they will die if two or three days 2water. In 3 weather, many people do not drink 4water, because they dont know how much water they5 . After taking exercise, people need more 6 . Thewater in the mans body is 7 more than other matters(物质). Wed 8 have enough water, or we may get ill.Water

44、 is necessary to all the living things. There will be no9 if there is no water”So we must save water and dont 10 water. you are more interested in sports than in history. Youprobably think you will never be a top student. In 1 , anyonecan become a better student if he o

45、r she wants to. If you can useyour time well, you may improve your study 2 much work.Heres how:Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week time, youshould make a 3 of things that you have to do. First write downthe time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a goodtime for studyin

46、g. Of course, studying shouldnt take all of your time.Dont forget to leave yourself enough 4 for hobbies.Find a good place to study. Look around the house 5 a goodstudy place. Keep this space, which may be a desk 6 just a cornerof your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down towork,

47、think only about the subject!Make good use of your time in class. Listen 7 to what theteacher says. Careful listening in class means less work later. Youalso need to take notes in class, because it can 8 it easier for youto learn well.There are only a few ways mentioned here to 9 you withyour studyi

48、ng. I believe you find 10 other ways besides these. is not easy, so Id like to say “ When anything happens,believe in yourself.When I was 14,1 was too nervous to talk to anyone . Myclassmate often 1_1_ at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later,s_2_happened. It changed

49、my life. It was an English contest. Mymother asked me to take part in it . What a terrible idea! It meant Ihad to s_3_ in front of all the teachers and students of my school!“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to w _4_Then , Mother and I talked about many different topics . At last Ic_5

50、_the topic “Believe in yourself. I tried my best to r_6 allthe speech and practice it over 100 times. W _J my mothersgreat love, I did well in my contest. I could h_8_ believe my earswhen the news came that I had won the first place. I heard thecheers from the teachers and students. Those c_9_ who o

51、ncelooked down on me, now all said “Congratulation!” to me. Mymother hugged me and cried excitedly.S_ 10 then , everything has changed for me. When I doanything, I try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. I tryto tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not onlyfor a

52、person but also for a country.缺词填空参考答案(1) l.food 2. tall 3. during 4. lives 5. hard 6. sit 7. people 8. reaches 9.become 10. fat(2) l.blind 2.heard 3.darkest 4.round 5.works 6.through7.things 8.ears 9.able lO.food(3) 1. called 2. won 3. almost 4. what 5. before 6. welcome 7.exci

53、ting(4) 1.trying 2. flowers 3. when 4. until 5. weak 6. however 7. himself8. feeling 9. in 10 meant(5)1. things 2. giving 3. first 4. felt 5. turn 6. nearly 7. helpful8.him 9. finally 10. waiter(6) 1. dangerous 2. medical 3.no 4. hand 5. swim 6. show 7.safe1. founded 2. poor 3. because 5. healthy4.

54、world6. cards 7. helps 9. 订 10. also /8. working 1 always(8) l.more 2. spend 3.re turn 4.waste 5.usually6.something /.playing 8.1ife 9.1eave lO.lose(9) l.good/great 2.much 3.trees 4.1ook 5.animals 6.places 7.fly8.describe 9.busy 10.ourselves(10)(11)1. driving 2. when 3. ran 3. speed 4. more6. sure 7

55、. faster 8.am 9.possiblyl0. againstl.live 2. without 3.hot 4. enough 5.need6. water 7.much 8.better 9.1ife lO.waste(12) l.fact 2. without 3. list 4. time 5. for6. or 7. carefully 8. make 9. help 10. many /some / several)(13) 1. laugh 2. something 3. stand 4. win 5. chose 6. read 7. with8. hardly 9.

56、classmates 10. since西牛中学七年级英语试卷-、听力题:(2 0分)I .听问句,选择正确答语。听一遍。(10分)( ) l.A.This is my hat.hat.( )2.A.Yes,thanksplease.( )3.A.Pm fine, thanksfifteen( )4.A.Two eggs.Bits red.C.Here is yourB.No,Lets go thereB.Pm fifteenB.Have a picnicC.Yes,C.He isC.No, thanks)5.A.He likes basketballB.He is tall with two

57、 long legs.C.He is sixteen years old( )6.A.She is driving a car. B.She is a worker C.Shelikes working( )7.A.Its Janes B.Its too short C.Its ared one( )8 .A.Toms B.Its Toms C.He isTom( )9.A.He works in a hospitalgoes to a hospital( )10. A. Dog B.Duck.B.He likes hospital C.HeC.Fish.n. 听短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的

58、答案。听两遍。(io分)( ) ll.There are people in the family.A.Three B.four C.five( )12. Wang Yings husband wor ks .A.in a hospital B.in an office C.in a school( )13.Han Xiaos is an office worker.A.father B. mother C.brother( )14.Han Le is.A.in class 2, Grade 7 B.in class 8, Grade 7 C.a goodstudent( )15.Han Mi

59、ng and Han Le are.A上rothers B.father and son C.father anddaughter二、单选题:(2 0分)( ) l.After they do Chinese kung fu.A.class B.lesson C.classes D.school( )2.What a funny time English!A.Study B.Studying C.do D.to study( )3.There is tree. Those are trees.A.pears, bananas B.pear, banana C.pears, bananaD.pe

60、ar, bananas( )4.Oh, this shirt is nice, Fil it .A.look B.take CLbring D.see( )5.Mike to buy a white bag.A.like B.want C.wants D.wants tolike( )6.一What do you think of?一Its very hard.A.the twelveth lesson B.the lesson twelveC.twelve lesson D.the twelfth lesson( )7.your brother want to be an actor?A.D

61、o B.is C.Are D.Does( )8.1 usually books in the morning.A.look B.read C.see D.watch( )9.一Where your new pants?on the bed.A.is; Its B.are; Its C.is; TheyreD.are; They are( )10.The old womans birthday is Februany 8 th .A.on B.in C.at D.of( )lljerry to school on weekends.A.go B.goes C.is go D.going( ) 1

62、2. you the last one a shower?A.Are ,take B.Are, to take C.Do, takesD.Do, take( )13. Can you t hi nk?A.her job is what B.what is her job C.what her job isD.is what her job( )14.He doesnt a shower every day .A. takes B.taking C.has D.take( )15.一Whats your favorite sports? .A.swimming ard run B.Swim an

63、d run C.Swim andrunning D.Swimming and running( )16.After school we usually play basketball for half anhour on playground.A.the, the B./, / C./ ,the D.the , /( ) 17. does Salina like science?A. Why B.When C.Where D.Whattime( )18.His P.E. teacher is strict him.A.for B.in C.with D.makc)19.In the USA t

64、hey think is the second day of aweek.A. Monday B.Sunday C.TuesdayD. Wednesday)20.What time does June after school?A.do her homework B.does her homeworkC.do her homeworks D.does her homeworks三、句型转换:(2 0分)1 . My English teacher likes apples.( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答),English teacher apples ?2 .His son eats ice

65、 cream every day. (改否定句)His son ice cream every day.3 .Rabbits like carrots.( 对划线部分提问)r a bbi t e ?4 .oranges, likes, for, bananas, Tom, eggs, and breakfast ( 连词成句)5 .Do the have a volleyball?( 用 Mike 代替 they 来变换)Mike a volleyball ?6 .Sally wants a new baseball bat.( 对划线部分提问)7 .Maria has a brother a

66、nd sister.( 改为一般疑问句)8 .The girl does her homework every evening.( 改为否定句)9 .Her favorite subject is art. ( 对划线部分提问)10. I t s e l e v e n o d o c k .(对划线部分提问)四、完开填空:( 1 0分)T h e r e i s a f r i d g e (冰箱)i n t h e ki t c h e n . I t s n o t f u l l . 1 !T h e r e a r e 2 a p p l e s a n d p e a r s i

67、n i t . B u t t h e r e a r e n t a n yo r a n g e s 3 b a n a n a s . T h e r e 4 s o m e m e a t a n d f i s h i n ab a g .We w a n t t o 5 t h e m e a t a n d f i s h f o r s u p p e r t h i s e v e n i n g .N e a r t h e b a g 6 t w o b o x e s . T h e 7 i s a b o x o f c a ke s .T h e s ma l l

68、o n e i s a b o x o f t e a . B e h i n d t h e g b o x e s t h e r e a r e f i v e 8o r a n g e . T h e r e a r e s o m e b o t t l e s o f mi l k, 9 . T h e r e i s n t a n yb r e a d o r r i c e . M o t h e r _10 t o b u ys o m e f o r s u p p e r .( )l . A. L i s t e nB . W a t c hC . S e eD . L

69、 o o k( )2. A. s o meB . a n yC . m u c hD . f e w( )3. A. s oB . b u tC . o rD . a n d( )4. A. a r eB . i sC . i s n tD . a r e n t( )5. A. b r i n gB . u s eC . t a keD . h a v e( )6. A. h a sB . h a v eC . t h e r e a r eD . t h e r e i s( )7. A. b a gB . o n eC . o n e sD . b o x e s( )8. A. a b

70、 o t t l e o fB . b o t t l eC . b o t t l e sD . b o t t l e s o f) 9.A.tooB.alsoC.hereD. there( ) 10.A.hurries B.goes C.wantsD.likes五、阅读理解:(2 0分)When you are in England, you must be very careful ( |、 心) inthe streets , because the traffic ( 车辆)drives on the left. Before youcross the street, you mu

71、st look at the right and then the left. In themorning and in the evening when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous ( 危险的)then. When you go by bus ,you have to be careful ( |、 心 ), too.Always remember ( t己住)the traffic goes on the left. Have a lookfi

72、rst, or you will go a wrong way . In may English cities there are bigbuses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From theryou can see the city very well. Its very beautiful.( ) l.You must be very careful in the streets in England becauseA.there is a lot of traffic B.the traffic is very f

73、astC.the traffic drives on the left D.there are nopolicemen ( 警察)( ) 2.When you cross the streets, you must lookt first.A.the right B.the left C.the frontD.the back( )3.When is it the most dangerous in the streets?A.In the morning. B.In the evening C.At nightD.At the time when people go to or come f

74、rom work.( )4.How many floors do the big buses have in many Englishcities ?_A.One. B.Two C.Three. D.Four.( )5.If you want to see the city well, which floor do you sit ?A.On the first floor B.On the second floorC.On the third floor D.On the four floorVegetablesfruiteggsice creamChickenSamLDLDLTimDLLD

75、DBenDDLLLKittyDLDDDJudyLDDLDNotice:Llike Ddislike (不喜欢)根据表格回答问题:l.Who likes both fruit and eggs?2.Who likes ice cream but dislike chicken?3 .How many children dont like vegetables? Who are they?4 .How many children dislike and vegetables? Who are they?5 .What do most children like?六 、书面表达:(10分)给 你 的

76、 笔 友Mary写一封信,介绍你的家庭。注意书信的格式 。不能用真实姓 名 ,字 数 大 约6080个字。英 语 词 类 及 句 子 成 分 解 释一、词类U词 。根据词的形式、意义及其在(parts of speech )o、冠 词 、代词、数词、形容词、o现分别叙述如下:( - ) 名词名词(noun)是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如:foreigner外国人 soap肥皂 Newton牛顿law法律 freedom自由 peace和平英语名词可分为两大类:lo起泄名刊(cp叫mon noun)是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概态的名称。例如:teacher教师 market市场

77、 rice大米magazine 杂志 sound 声首 production 生产至撰 巴涅凡獴 曙特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。大写。例如:Hemingway海明威New York 纽约Russia俄罗斯United Nations 联合国词(countable noun)与不可娄shop-*shops 商店 bus-*buses 公共汽车 library-*libraries蹴书馆toy-*toys 玩具 leaf-*leaves 树叶英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如:manmen 男人 toothf teeth 牙齿 datumdata 数据有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参

78、阅有关的英语语法书。( 二)冠词翦 牌 躁 翻 爵 盛 史 求 品 墓 靠 焉 猫 嘱 明 需 编 词表a n%如词称冠a。定”。前木之a hotel 一 豕 旅馆a double room 双人间exhibition 一次展览a chance 一 次 机 会a useful book 一本有用的an honest man 一个诚实的the TV programs那些电视节目the Olympic Games 奥运会( 三)代词the house那座房子代词(pronoun)是用来指代人或事物的词。代词包括:l o人称代词,如:L you, they, it等;2 o 物主代词,如:my, h

79、is, their, our, mine, hers 等;3o 反身代词,如: myself,yourself, itself, ourselves,oneself等;4 o相互代词,如:each other, one another ;5 o 指示代词, 如:this, that, these, those, such, same 等;6o疑问代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, what 等;7o关系代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, that 等;8 o 不定代词, 如 二 some, any, no, all, one, every, ma

80、ny, a little,someone, anything 等;( 四) 数词例如:one(- J , twentyand ninety-five(),twentieth表示“ 数量: 利 “ 顺序” 的词。 前者称为基数词,论 等 ;后者麻为卢娄S( 第皆 , 飞 回 前t量五干二等; 4 五 一 ) , o Vn JL e 2 - hu 5n- dr A ed数迥,例如:firs 第( 五)形容词.形_ _容_ _词_ _(_a_d_je_c_t_iv_e_ 濯书翼来修惊蚀名a能再h曦表示谭名词总鬲性辞放词情。 例船如:public relations( 公共关系) ,young men

81、( 年轻人) 等。着 行为泉三形,种例, 既如原, 誓级、ea比t, b较ig级, d和iffi蒙cu彳lt 一 _ _ _-er 或 more+声容词,例女生、.greater? bigger,more;最高级,解形容前后缀-est或most+形客词,帆如:既形容以后缀Aifficu止 M _ _. .greatest, biggest, most difficult 等。( 六)副词副词可分为四种,包括:L .普通副词, 例如:together(等;起) ,well(好) ,carefully( 仔细地)2 h器电次号等例如:when( 何时) ,where( 何地) ,how( 如何)

82、,3。 产接副果,贝$ 空:therefor( 因此) ,then( 然后) ,however( 然而) ,4。关系副词,例如:where, when, why等。副词的比较等级的构成和形容词一样。( 七)动词露司华rb济宁示动,置泠窜的词, 例如:sign( 签字) ,support( 支项词根据起意义和作用可分为实义动词、系动词、情态动词和助动词。实义须闻有完全的迟X ,并能独立作谓语, 例如:explain( 解释) ,stay( 停 於 ,have( 街 等 。系劫同格胃语R寸 ,而 喷 接 表 语 。常 婢 语 系 动 词 角be( 是)海m( 似 琮jR ok( 看耳米九becom

83、e( 有 姒 目 龌ar( 显倚) ,get( 变得) ,feel( 感至lj) , turn陵 成 ) ,remain( 仍触匙等。3 0要I d解语&W的图过X说词得VS、曲m u焉,必律、一也*动T I U、行回宣町匕匕口n一代匕匕,表只够一匕匕-O司到mt太寒c ag h青生署.m l限髀罂髭疆礴那各鲤翻髓露翻犍式,have, be, should, would, do 等。实义动词还可根据是否需要宾语分为及物动词和不及物动词。及物动词( transitiveverb)后面要跟宾语,意义才完整。例如:You muxt consider the matter carefully.你一定要

84、仔细考虑这件事。( the matter是及物动词consider的宾语)Have you received the letter?你受到了那封信吗? ( the letter是及物动词receive的宾语)存裕物动词( intransitiveverb)本身意义完整,后面不需跟宾语,The old man walked very slowly.这老人走的很慢。( walked是不及物动词)He didnt sleep well last night.他昨晚睡的不好。( sleep是不及物动词)霄词离端种基本形式,即动词原形、过去式、过去分词和现在分原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词l i v

85、e l i v e d l i v e d l i v i n g b u i l d b u i l t b u i l tb u i l d i n gh a v e h a d h a d h a v i n g动词过去式也其去阻便J或直现则却不规则两理J !我国词屋则好f b涮过法式和过去分词,在愿、型 曲 痂 力 崛 是f d或 / 朝 向 本 期 则 动 触( i r r e g u l a r v q中渝君丢式和江理分间的开Z式悬叁期则的,如 水 , 小 彘 皿 这四动词数量虽不豕 但都是比 福甫的,必须熟记。g方法和读音力c词怎It, W可力w现e或d和语法- ing( A )

86、介词畲翦黑噂晋喘相隔境鸥U咽 藕 葭 名 词 的介词在句中一般不重读,也不能单独作句子成分。4介切根据其构成,氏_会介向,如: 逑式进入X a s f (如:u nt il a f t e r值 至 之后) ,f r ,a c c or ding 侬根据人 b e c a u se ole ve nt of ( 9f l果) : 弃 二人 、 口a s t or介词, 如:in, a t , f or , sinc e 等;( 至下) ,ou t。 啜 薄 ) % 与 翼_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 八_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 、 一/, , , ini

87、r ont of f位口果) ;登词介词,如:r e g a r ding送 手 )到) ,inc l u ding( 包括)。 念 喘 黝 虑会圆卮面的名词或代词叫做介词宾语。 介词和介词宾语合称为介词短语( pr e posit iona l phr a se ) 0( 九)连词连词G onju nc t ior Q是连接词、短谓从句或句子的词。连词是虚词,崔苟中一般木重读,也不能在句巾单独祢句子成分。骗我治我畲身的含义及其所连接的成分的性质, 可分为并列连词a复l s合o ( 不句仅的. .皆q n句 和 从 句 廿 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w h

88、e n (当 时候) ,a l t hou g h( 虽然) ,b e c a u se氟E谈并列 褊 关系的触词、 犀语 哪 、 从句策或句子的心连词,(例如:. J ) , whe t he r f l ?) ;,so t ha t( 结果) 。从连词、本身的结构形式看, 又可分为: 间单连词, 如:b u t , b e c a u se ,if ;美联连词,如:not onl y . . . b u t a l so a s. . a s( W l . . .一样) ;分词连闹,如:su pposing似 在 口 ) , pr ovide d( 倘卷 短痔逢词, 血:a s而好象) ,

89、a s soon a s( 一旦 就) ,in or de r t ha t( 以便) 。( 十)感叹词感叹词( in嗨 jection) 是表示喜怒哀乐等感情的词,例如:oh, well,why, hello 等。, , 名词、代词、形容词、人副词二动词3 数买词( notjoglword) ;而介词、冠说、连词故称为虚词( form word)。勰不少词可以属于个,词类2例如救key( 名词) ( 钥匙) ;(二、句子成分i,_育e n定一立口语五n箍春#组子fO.S然尿理。郭述的子福分瞬谓现八叫得语王足,单叫.补词士5分种语单语力宾类思5词意,成足子补至.曹语黑 法 人 敞数词动词不定式

90、、动 名 证 编 就 册Walls have e a rs .隔墙有耳。( 名词做主语)He will take you to the hospital,他会带你去医院。 ( 代词做主语)Three plus four equals seven.三加四等于七。( 数词做主语)To see is to believe.眼见为实。( 动词不定式做主语)Smoking is not allowed in public places.公共场所不允许吸烟。( 前玄葡做主语)Whether or not they will come depends on the weather. 他们来不来取决与天气。(

91、 从句做主语)?( 二)谓语动词Action speaks louder than words. 百说不如一干。The chance may never come again. 这样的机会恐怕不会再来。T o m wa s ve r y si c k a t h e a r t. 汤姆心里非常难过。M a r y h a s b e e n wo r k i n g a t th e d r e ss sh o p si n c e 1 9 9 4 .自1 9 9 4年以来,玛丽一直在那家服装店工作。( 三 )表语然 置( p脑r i耨c a至twe后)寿外再 耀醮喙整帮1魏1悬穗 份 加1驾

92、品彳 城薜腾 牵。耳代前次词、 室、My fa th e r i s a p r o fe sso r .我父亲是一位教授。( 名词作表语)W h o s th a t? I ts me,是谁呀?是我。( 代词作表语)与 需 要 嚼h e r e i s d e a r to her.这里的一切她都感到亲切。(形容T h e m a tc h b e c a m e ve r y e xc i ti n g .比赛变得很紧张。( 分词作表语)T h e sto r y o f m y l i fe m a y b e o f h e l p to o th e r s.我的生洁经历如别人才能有

93、帮助。( 介词短语作表语)T h r e e ti m e s fi ve i s fi fte e n .三乘五等于十五。( 数词作表语)H i s p l a n i s to se e k wo r k i n th e c i ty.他的计划是在城里找工作。( 动词不等式作表语)My fi r st i d e a wa s th a t yo u sh o ul d h i d e yo ur fe e l i n g s.我最初的想法是你应当掩饰你的感情。( 从句作表语)( 四)宾语宾 语 (o b j e c t剧 物 棚J日 ,霍髓励我瓢的嘉承受蕾挤宾蒯直有二殴觎放a词、s h

94、 e c o v e r e d h e r f a c e w i t h h e r h a n d s .作宾语)We h a v e n t s e e n h e r f o r a l o n g t i m e .( 代词作宾语)D o y o i m i n d o p e n i n g t h e w i n d o w ?G i v e m e f o u r p l e a s e .请给我四个。她用双手蒙住脸。 ( 名词短语我们好长时间没看到她了。打开窗户你介意吗?( 动名词( 数词作宾语)H e w a n t s t o d r e a m a n i c e d

95、 r e a m ,他想做一个好梦。( 动词不定式短语作宾语)We need to know what others are doing.我们需要了解其他人都在干什么。( 从句作宾语)Ilivedinjapanin 1986.我1986年住在日本。( 名词和数词作介齿词n :词则移单时、修吾同。后循句形戏语、及野II的.,名语弋词语介曲的作语监。短书词式t e )方等b us不r i b需、a t t酒语曲舞定在及They are woman w orkers,她们是女工。(名词作定语)Toms father didnt write home until yesterday.汤姆的父亲直到昨天

96、才给家里写信。( 所有格名词作定语)应Eq当ua更l p仔ay 同for工 eq商ua酬l w。o(r形k s容ho词ul作d b定e i语ntr)oduced.The play has three a c ts .这出戏有三幕。( 数词作定语)This is her first trip to Europe.这是她首次欧洲之行。( 代词、数词和介词短语作定语)China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。( 分词作定语)You havent kept your promise to write us often.你没有遵守给我们经常写信的诺言。( 动词不定

97、式短语作定语)My cat has a good nose for milk.我的猫对牛奶嗅觉灵敏。( 介词短语作定语)Those who want to go to Tibet are to sign their names here.想去西藏的人须在此签名。( 从句作定语)。、及做词蹙分子、语短n :等、词以民介例、攥量名用谷结形、词语的巡词目有、动、的语饰因语短箕间。式r b i、况不v e占a d地监曩、语状语蠢tsC1)燔are selling q u ick ly .这些产品现在十分畅销。( 副He is knee deep in s n o w .他踩在齐膝深的雪里。( 名词作状

98、语)The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼居水底。( 有价值的东西不能轻易得到。 )( 介词短语作状语)She sat there doing n o th in g .她坐在那里无所事事。( 分词短语作状语)Well send a car over to fetch you.我们将派一辆车去接你。( 动词不定式短语作状语)She was slow to make up her m ind,她迟迟不能下决心。( 动词不定式短语作状语)Strike while the iron is h o t .趁热打铁。( 从句作状语)There is no such a

99、 word in English so far as I know.据我所知,英语里没有这样一个词。( 从句作状语)( 七)宾语补足语和主语补足语耀群曜毓蔚祁是心飒英语有些及物动词,除工国舟赛造N处 , 、 如6歌蕾飕霸族逛承包揄尾X盘为王语,原兵语补足电不时卑. “工工三_ _ _ _-等 邛 产1类 ) 。 / 即海旦嗡小足语的有名词、形谷词、介词短语、electedmepaptain of the te a m ,他们选我当队长。( 名词短He made me ashamed of m y self.他使我感到惭愧。( 形容词短语作宾语补足语)We found everything th

100、ere in good order.我们发现那里的一切井井有条。( 介词短语作宾语补足语)I我 sh劝ou你ld不 ad要vi错se 升yo机u n会ot。 to( 不mi定ss 式the短 c语han作ce宾.语补足语)I could feel my heart beating fast.我可以感觉出自己的心跳得很快。( 分词短语作宾语补足语)S ome goods are left u n so ld ,有些货物剩卜. 未出售。( 分词做主语补足语)S h e w a s e l e c t e d d i r e c t o r o f p u b l i c r e l a t i o

101、 n s .她被选为公关部主任。( 名词短语做主语补足语)实式就的中担初动当中fis将瀛鬻春英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、 组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。英语五种基本句型列式如下:- :S V ( 主+ 谓)二:S V P ( 主+ 系+ 表)三:S V 0 ( 主+ 谓+ 宾)四:S V 0 0 ( 主+ 谓+ 间宾+ 直宾)五:S V 0 C ( 主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补)基本句型一:S V ( 主+ 谓)主语:可以作主语的成分有名词( 如b o y ) ,主 格 代 词 ( 如y o u ) ,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。

102、注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家!谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come.此句型的句子有一个共同特点, 即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。S | V ( 不及物动词)1. The sun | was shining.2. The moon | rose.3. The universe | remains.4. We all | breathe, eat, and drink.5. Who | cares?6. What he said | do

103、es not matter.7. They | talked for half an hour.8. The pen | writes smoothly太阳在照耀着。月亮升起了。宇宙长存。我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。管它呢?他所讲的没有什么关系。他们谈了半个小时。这支笔书写流利。基 本 句 型 二:S V P (主+ 系+ 表)此句型的句子有一个共同的特点: 句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思, 必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow,becomeju

104、rn等属另一类,表示变化。b e本身没有什么意义, 只起连系主语和表语的作用。 其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好, sound nice/听起来不错 , feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻S | V ( 是系动词) | P1 . This | is | an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。2. The dinner | smells | good. 午餐的气味很好。3. He | fell | in love, 他堕入了情网。4. Everything | looks | differe

105、nt. 一切看来都不同了。5. He | is growing | tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮6. The trouble | is | that they are short of m oney.麻烦的是他们缺少钱。7. Our well | has gone | dry. 我们井干枯了。8. His face | turned | red. 他的脸红了。There b e 结构: There b e 表示存在有。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词there那里混淆。此结构后跟名词,表 示 ( 存在)有某事物试比较: There is a boy there.(

106、那儿有一个男孩。 ) /前一个there无实意, 后一个there为 副 词 那里基本句型三: S V 0 ( 主+ 谓+ 宾)此句型句子的共同特点是: 谓语动词都具有实义, 都是主语产生的动作, 但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及物动词。宾语位于及物动词之后, 一般同主语构成一样, 不同的是构成宾语的代词必须是 代词宾格,如:me, him, them等S | V ( 及物动词) | 01. Who | knows | the answer?谁知道答案?2. She | smiled | her thanks,她微笑表示感谢。3. He |

107、 has refused | to help them.他拒绝帮他们。4. He | enjoys | reading.他喜欢看书。5. They | ate | what was left over,他们吃了 剩饭。6. He | said | ,Good morning.他说: 早上好!7.1 | want | to have a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。8. He | admits | that he was mistaken.他承认犯了 错误。基本句型四: S V o 0 ( 主+谓+间宾+ 直宾)有些及物动词可以有两个宾语,如: give给, pass递, bring带,s

108、how显示。这两个宾语通常一个指人,为间接宾语;一个指物,为直接宾语。间接宾语一般位于直接宾语之前。一般的顺序为: 动 词 +间接宾语+直接宾语。 如: Give me a cupof tea,please.强调间接宾语顺序为:动 词 +直接宾语+ 介词+间接宾语。如:Show this house to Mr.Smith.若直接宾语为人称代词:动词+代词直接宾语+ 介词+间接宾语。如:Bring it to me,please.S | V ( 及物) | o ( 多指人) | 。 ( 多指物)1 . She | ordered | herself | a new dress.她给自己定了 一

109、套新衣裳。2. She | cooked | her husband | a delicious meal.她给丈夫煮了一顿美餐。3. He | brought | you | a dictionary.他给你带来了一本字典。4. He | denies | her | nothing.他对她什 么都不拒绝。5.1 | showed | him | my pictures.我给他看我的照片6.1 | gave | my car | a wash.我洗了我的汽车。7.1 | told | him | that the bus was late.我告诉他汽车晚点了。8. He | showed |

110、 me | how to run the machine.他教我开机器。基本句型五: s V 0 C ( 主 + 谓 +宾+宾补)此句型的句子的共同特点是: 动词虽然是及物动词, 但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思, 必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。宾语补足语:位于宾语之后对宾语作出说明的成分。宾语与其补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系,它 们 一起构成复合宾语。名词/ 代词宾格+名词The war made him a soldier./战争使他成为一名战士.名词/ 代词宾格+形容词New methods make the job easy./新方法使这项工作变得轻松.名词/ 代词宾

111、格+介词短语I often find him at work./我经常发现他在工作.名词/ 代词宾格+动词不定式The teacher ask the students to close the windows./老师让学生们关上窗户.名词/ 代词 宾 格 +分词I saw a cat running across the road./我看见一只猫跑过 了 马路 .S I V ( 及物)I 0 ( 宾语)I C ( 宾补)1. They | appointed | him | manager.他们任命他当经理。2. They | painted | the door | green,他们把门漆

112、成绿色3. This | set | them | thinking.这使得他们要细想一想。4, They | found | the house | deserted.他们发现那房子无人居住。5. What | makes | him | think so?他怎么会这样想?6. We | saw | him | o u t.我们送他出去7. He | asked | me | to come back soon.他要我早点回来。8.1 | saw | them | getting on the b u s.我看见他们上了 那辆公共汽车。句子成分练习题(一 )( 一) .指出下列句中主语的中心

113、词(4分,4分钟)( D The teacher with two of his students is walking into theclassroom. There is an old man coming here. The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year.( 4)To do todays homework without the teachers help is verydifficult.( 二)选出句中谓语的中心词(10分,10分钟) I dont like the picture on the wall.A.

114、 dont B. like C. picture D.wall The days get longer and longer when summer comes.A. get B. longer C. days D. summer Do you usually go to school by bus?A. Do B. usually C.go D. bus There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon.A. will be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon Did the twins ha

115、ve porridge for their breakfast?A.Did B. twins C. have D. breakfast Tom didnt do his homework yesterday.A. Tom B. didnt C. do D. his homework What I want to tell you is this.A. want B. to tell C. you D. is We h a d b e t t e r s e n d f o r a d o c t o r .A. We B. h a d C. s e n d D. d o c t o r H e

116、 i s i n t e r e s t e d i n m u s i c .A. i s B. i n t e r e s t e d C. i n D. m u s i c Whom d i d y o u g i v e m y b o o k t o ?A. g i v e B.d i d C. whom D. b o o k( 三)挑出下列句中的宾语( 10分,10分钟) M y b r o t h e r h a s n t d o n e h i s h o m e w o r k . P e o p l e a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d s p

117、e a k En g l i s h . Y o u m u s t p a y g o o d a t t e n t i o n t o y o u r p r o n u n c i a t i o n . H ow m a n y n e w w o r d s d i d y o u l e a r n l a s t c l a s s ? So m e o f t h e s t u d e n t s i n t h e s c h o o l w a n t t o g o s w i m m i n g , h o wa b o u t y o u ? Th e o l d

118、 m a n s i t t i n g a t t h e g a t e s a i d h e w a s i l l . Th e y m a d e h i m m o n i t o r o f t h e c l a s s . G o a c r o s s t h e b r i d g e a n d y o u w i l l f i n d t h e m u s e u m o n t h e l e f t . Y o u w i l l f i n d i t u s e f u l a f t e r y o u l e a v e s c h o o l .

119、Th e y d i d n t k n o w w h o Fa t h e r Ch r i s t m a s r e a l l y i s .( 四)挑出下列句中的表语( 5分,5分钟) Th e o l d m a n w a s f e e l i n g v e r y t i r e d . Why i s h e w o r r i e d a b o u t J i m ? Th e l e a v e s h a v e t u r n e d y e l l o w . So o n Th e y a l l b e c a m e i n t e r e s t e

120、 d i n t h e s u b j e c t . Sh e w a s t h e f i r s t t o l e a r n a b o u t i t .( 五)挑出下列句中的定语( 6分,6分钟) Th e y u s e Mr , Mr s w i t h t h e f a m i l y n a m e . W h a t i s y o u r g i v e n n a m e ?( 3) O n t h e t h i r d l a p a r e Cl a s s 1 a n d Cl a s s 3.( 4)I a m a f r a i d s o m e

121、 p e o p l e f o r g o t t o s w e e p t h e f l o o r . Th e m a n d o w n s t a i r s w a s t r y i n g t o s l e e p . I a m w a i t i n g f o r t h e s o u n d o f t h e o t h e r s h o e !( 六)挑出下列句中的宾语补足语( 6分,6分钟) She likes the children to read newspapers and books in thereading-room. He asked

122、her to take the boy out of school. She found it difficult to do the work. They call me Lily sometimes. I saw Mr Wang get on the bus. Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground justnow?( 七)挑出下列句中的状语(8分,8分钟) There was a big smile on her face. Every night he heard the noise upstairs. He beg

123、an to learn English when he was eleven. The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off. She loves the library because she loves books. I am afraid that if youve lost it, you must pay for it. The students followed Uncle Wang to see the other

124、 machine.( 八)划出句中的直接宾语和间接宾语(5分,5分钟) Please tell us a story. My father bought a new bike for me last week. Mr Li is going to teach us history next term. Here is a pen.Give it to Tom. Did he leave any message for me?句子成分练习题(二 )指出下列句子中划线部分的句子成分:Whether well go depend on the weather .2. Peoples standard

125、s of living are going up steadily.3. That was how they were defeated.4. The nursery takes good care of our children .5 .P11 return the book to you tomorrow .6 .We are sure that we shall succeed .7 . The woman with a baby in her arms is his other.8 .There are many film that Id like to see.9 .Have you

126、 met the person about whom he was speaking ?10. 1 have a lot of work to do .11. Anyway I wont stop you from doing it.12. I said it in fun.13. We can send a car over to fetch you .14. She had to work standing up .15. Seeing this ,some comrades became very worried .16. Much interested、he agreed to giv

127、e it a try .17. The bus arrived ten minutes late .18. We should serve the people heart and soul.19. Spring coming on, the tree turned green .20. Some farmers saw something strange in the sky.21. We think it necessary that everyone should attend the meeting .22. Its strange that she doesnt come today

128、 .23. It was in the library that I came across her yesterday.24. He likes drawing at times when he isnt working.25. We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.初二英语上学期月考试卷一.选择题。20分1.1 share a flat my close friend.A. to B. for C. with D. on2. His house is different fromA. me B my C I D mi

129、ne3. _ Would you like tea?_No , thank you.A. some B. any C. a D. many4. Do you finish the book?A read B reading C to read D reads5. He often goes to school breakfast. So he is hungry.A with B for C to D without6. He often plays computer games twelve oclock.A when B to C until D for7. -If you want to

130、 buy a stamp to send a letter, where will you go ?A The bank B The library C The post office D Therestaurant.8. He likes in the country because he can be his best friend.A live, close to B living, closed to C live, closed to Dliving, close to9. They were all very tired, but of them would stop to hav

131、e arest.A both B all C none D no one10. Li Ping often t a l k s , but doe s , so most of his friendsdont like him at all.A less, more B more, less C more, more D less, less11. Can you help me find the museum?A the way B the way to C to the way D the way to get12. -Follow me . Eddie. I know the way .

132、 -A Yes, you are right. B Are you all right C Are you sure?D Thats all right13. If you want to take a bus , you should go to t he.A bus stop B school C Lake Park D bookshop14. You can buy something in a.A park B primary school C zoo D shopping centre15. -How can we go to the zoo? f.A Lets go to the

133、zoo. B Fine. Thank you very muchC Shall we go by bus? D Why not ?16 .1 spent an hour a day my homework.A do B to do C doing D did17. It takes him about half an hour football every day.A to play B play C plays D playing18. Look, theres UFO in the shy.A an B the C a D /19. Dont there, please your teac

134、her.A look at, look at B look, look C look at, look Dlook, look at20. My parents like to sleep the window open.A has B have C by D with二 .完形填空(满分为10分)Mrs Brown has a small 21 in front of her house. In spring sheplants some 22 in it. She looks 23 them very carefully.When summer comes, they look very

135、nice.One evening Mrs Brown looked at her vegetables and said“Tomorrow I am going to pick 24 , and then we can eat them., Butearly the next morning, her son 25 into the kitchen(厨房)andshouted, Mother, Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbors ducks_26 in the garden. They are eating our vegetables! Mrs Brown

136、 ran_27 but it was too 28 ! All the vegetables were eaten up(吃光)!Mrs Bron cried and her neighbor(邻居)was very 29 , but thatwas the end of the vegetables.Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought MrsBrown a parcel(包裹).There was a beautiful fat duck in it, and itwas a piece of paper 30 the

137、 words “Enjoy your vegetables!( ) 2 1 . shop B. marks C. garden D. house( )2 2 . A. trees B. vegetables C. apples D. flowers( ) 23A. at B. over C. after D. up()24.A. her B. them C. they D. she( )2 5 .A. jumped B. ran C. looked D. had( )26.A. amB. isC. areD. be( )27A. inB. outC. toD. from( )28.A. lat

138、eB.laterC. earlyD. earlier( )29.A. sorryB. happyC. hungryD. smile( )30.A. atB. withC. toD. from三.阅读理解:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分为3 0分)AMr Black is walking in the park. He is tired. He wants to have a rest.He sees a red chair under a tree over there. So he walks to the chair.There is another man in front of him

139、. He is walking to the chair, too.He has a board(板)in his hand. Mr Black is very worried(担心).Hebegins to run fast. The man sees him. He begins to run, too. But MrBlack runs faster. He gets to the chair before the man. He is veryhappy. When the man comes, Mr Black is sitting on the chair. Theman does

140、nt say anything, but he gives Mr Black the board. Theboard says Wet Paint!”.(油漆未干)根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正误, 正确的写T,错误的写F.31. Mr Black wants to sit on the chair under the tree. ( )32. The man with a board in his hand wants to sit on the chair, too.( )33. Mr Black doesnt know the man. ( )34. The man wants to g

141、ive the boards to Mr black.( )35. Theres wet pain on Mr Blacks clothes now .( )BWhy do children go to school? Do you know? You may say thatthey go to school to learn Chinese, English and other subjects. Thisanswer is right. But do you know why they learn all these things? Dothey learn all things at

142、school?The answer is No”. Children must learn how to learn at school.No one can learn everything at school. When they leave school, theymust go on to learn. So a good teacher at school teaches his studentsto learn something and teaches them the ways to learn it. Then thechildren can go on(继续)to lear

143、n well after they leave school.36. What do children learn at school?A. Chinese B. English C. Maths D. Many subjects37. Do children learn all things at school?A. Yes, they do B. No, they dont C. I dont know D. I thinkso38. What does a good teacher do at school?A. Teaches his students learn something

144、B. Teaches hisstudents how to learn. C. Both A and B. D. Teaches everything.39. Who can learn everything at school?A. teachers B. students C. scientists D. no one40. Which sentence is right?A. Students go to school to learn everything. B. Children dontneed to learn after they leave school. C. Childr

145、en must learn howto study. D. Teachers should teach everything.COne day an old man was taking the train to his hometown. Suddenlyone of his shoes fell onto the ground. but the train started, hecouldnt pick it up. The he took off the other and threw it near thefalling shoe. A boy nearby asked him, uW

146、hy did you do that ?” Heanswered with a smile. uIf a poor man picks them up. He may get apair of shoes.( ) 41.The old man was going to his hometownA by bus B by train C on foot( )42.How many shoes fell onto the groundA Only one B Two C A pair( )43. Why couldnt the old man pick up the falling shoe?A

147、Because he didn,t want to take it backB Because the train startedC Because the boy told him not to take it back.( )44. threw the other shoe onto the ground.A The old man B The boy C Nobody( ) 45.Which is right?A The boy told him to send his shoes to a poor man.B The boy wanted to take the shoes back

148、 for the old man .C The old man wasnt foolish(愚蠢).四.用所给词的适当形式填空。每题2分,共2 0分。1. There are many trees a n d ( b u s h ) in the garden.2. Millie always does her h o m ew o rk (carefu l).3. He can take care of ( he) .4. They w e r e ( s u r p r is e ) to see the “ghost.5. Listen! Her voice (声音)(sound) li

149、ke the singing of thebirds.6. Could you tell me w h a t( h a p p e n ) to you just now ?7. T h e y ( c h a t ) under the big tree now.8. Would you l i k e ( g o ) with me?9. (like) his father, he also likes playing football.10. Its t i m e ( p l a y ) games.五.句型转换。每题2分,共2 0分。1. You can see the panda

150、s there .(对划线部分提问)you see there?2. He thinks the answer is right.(改为否定句)He the answer is right.3. To get to the zoo, turn left when you come to the traffic lights.(写出同意句)To the zoo, turn left when you come to the traffic lights.4 . How can I get to the hotel?( 写出同意句)is the to the hotel?5 .Cross the

151、road and youll see the museum.( 写 出 同意句)the road and youll see the museum.6 .You have a toy, What other things do you want?( 写出 同意句)You have a b o y , d o you want?7 . Can you tell me how I can get to the post office/ 写 出 同意句)Can you tell me_ get to the post offce.8.1 think there is nothing in the b

152、ag.( 写出同意句)I think there is in the bag.9 .He looks young.( 对划线部分提问)he?lO .The building has 1219 floors.(对划线部分提问)_the b u i l d i n g ?六.书面表达( 10分)simon最喜欢猴子, 她列出了一些有关猴子的信息, 请你根据这些信息写一篇不少于6 句话的作文。1 . 猴子喜欢爬树;2 . 猴子多生活在山中;3 . 猴子爱吃果子;4 . 猴子对人没有危险; .5 . 孩子们最喜欢的猴子是美猴王孙悟空。初二英语月考试卷参考答案一 .选择题。20分15 CDABD 610

153、 CCDCB1015 BCADC 1620 CACDD二 . 完形填空( 满分为10分)2125 CBCBB 2630 CBAAB三 .阅读理解:( 共15小题,每小题2分,满分为30分)3135 TFTFT 3640 DBCDC4145 BABAC四 .用所给词的适当形式填空。每题2分,共20分1. bushes 2. carefully 3. himself 4. surprised 5. sounds6. happened 7. are chatting 8. to go 9. like 10. to play五.句型转换。每题2分,共20分。1. what can 2. doesnt

154、think 3. arrive at 4. whichway5. Go cross 6. what else 7. how to 8. dont anything9. How does look 10. How many floors does have六.书面表达。20分Monkeys like climbing trees best. Most of monkeys live in thehills. Usually monkeys like eating nuts, fruit. They are no dangerfor people. There are all kinds of m

155、onkeys in the world. There aremany monkeys in China, too. The monkeys look like men, and theyare very clever. There is a famous monkey called Sun Wu kong. Hewas born in Hua guo Hill. He is welcome best. Children all like towatch it.过去进行时(Past Progressive Tense)过去进行时学习方法用法:过去进行时,是表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作。一、过

156、去进行时的主要用法是描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候, 另一个短动作发生。 常用的时间 状 语when, while例如:1 . My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle .我哥哥骑自行车的时候从车上摔下来。2. It was raining when they left the station.他们离开车站的时候天正在下雨。3. They left the station while it was raining. 天正在下雨的时候他们离开了车站。4. When I got to the top of the mountain,

157、 the sun was shining.当我到达山顶的时候,阳光灿烂。二、 过去进行时可以表示在过去某个时间点发生的事情。时间点可以用介词短语、副词或从句来表示。常用的时间状语:thismorning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten lastevening,例如:1 . What was she doing at nine oclock yesterday? 昨天晚上九点她在做什么? ( 介词短语表示时间点)2. When I saw him he was decorating his room. 当我看见他的时

158、候他正在装饰房间。 ( when从句表示时间点)3. We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. 昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。4. What was he researching all day last Sunday? 上周 日他一整天都在研究什么?三、 在复合句中,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时。例如:1. While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。 ( 两个动作都是延续的)2.

159、He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 他擦车时我在做饭。( 两个动作同时进行)四、 通常不能用于过去进行时的动词主要有:agree,be,believe,belong, care, forget, hate, have( 拥有) ,hear, know, like, love,mean, mind, notice, own, remember, seem, suppose, understand,want, wish 等。例如:误:I was knowing the answer.正:I knew the answer.我知道答案。误:I w

160、asnt understanding him.正:I didnt understand h im .我不明白他的意思。典型例题:1) Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger.A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes答案C .割伤手指是已发生的事情, 应用过去时。 同时,when表时间的同时性, “ 玛丽在做衣服时”提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。2) As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.A. read; was falling B. was reading; f

161、ell C. was reading; wasfalling D. read;fell答案B.句中的as = when,w h ile,意为“ 当之时” 。描述一件事发生的背景时,用过去进行;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。句意为“ 在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。“ 句 中 的fell ( fall的过去时) ,是系动词,后跟形容词, 如:fall sicko过去进行时和一般过去时的区别一 . 一般过去时叙述旧事,过去进行时描述背景。A 、一般过去时1 )叙述过去状态、动作或事件He went to Beijing the other day.( 带具体时间)2 )表示过去的习惯a) wo

162、uld ,used to 与过去时would表间断性不规则的习惯,常带频率时间used t o 表一贯性有规律的习惯They used to meet and would sometimes exchange one ortwo words.He smoked a lot two years a g o .( 过去行为)b) W ould用于文中不用于句首,只表过去习惯。Used to 表今昔对比的含义, 叙述习惯动作可与would换用。When he was a boy , he would often go there .( 叙述过去)She isnt what she used to b

163、e.( 今昔对比)c)表示状态时一般只用used toTom used to be fat /There used to stand a tree there.( 状态)d) was ( were) used to+ving 表 示 “ 合适于,适应于He used to work at n i g h t 习惯”表经常)He was used to working at night.( 习惯表适应)3 )表示过去的经历,平行动作,依此事件用一般过去时。He sat there and listened to the radio.(依 止 匕 发 生 )4 )表示客气委婉的语气,用于情态动词,

164、助动词和want,wonder, hope 等How did you like the film? / Could you help me?B .过去进行时一表示在过去某阶段或某一时刻正在发生What were you doing at 8:30 last night?( 过去某时刻正在发生)一短暂性动词用过去进行时表示按计划、打算During that time he was going with us.( 表示打算)一与always ,often ,usually等连用表喜爱,讨厌等感情色彩。He was always Changing his mind.二、过去进行时与一般过去时的区别A

165、 .进行时表某一行为的“ 片断” 一般时表示行为的“ 整体”和存在的状态。I was reading the book at that time.( 未读完, ” 读”的片段)I read the book yesterday.(已读完,表整个“ 读”)B、一般持续时间状语多与进行时连用It was raining all night.( 优先用 was raining ,rained 为持续动词,故也可使用)He was writing a letter the whole of afternoon.( 短暂动词与持续时间连用,表反复,连续发生,不可用一般过去时)C、w hile时间状语从句

166、中用短暂动词时只能用进行时。例: He broke a chair while he was jumping up and down.D、W h ile所在主从句动作大致持续相等时主从句一般都用进行时, 但若是持续动词可都用一般过去时,两个动作一长一短时短的用一般时,长的用进行时。I was cooking the dinner while he was playing the piano.( 平 彳 亍 )I cooked the dinner while he played the piano.I saw him while I was walking to the station.三、英

167、语中有四类动词一般不用进行时( 不用现在进行时和过去进行时)1)表心理状态、情感的动词,如love ,hate ,like ,care,respect,please ,prefer ,know 等,若用进行时则词意改变。r m forgetting it. ( =beginning to forget)2)表存在、状态的动词,如 appear,exist Jie ,remain,stand ,seem等3)表感觉的动词,如 see ,hear ,feel,smell,sound ,taste 等.4)表一时性的动词,如accept,allow ,admit,decide ,end ,refus

168、e,permit,promise 等。四、例题考题 1 A s sh e th e n e wspa pe r, G ra n n y a sl e e p . ( 9 5 )A . re a d /wa s f a l l i n g B .wa s re a d i n g /f e l l C . W a sre a d i n g /wa s f a l l i n g D . re a d /f e l l分析时间从句的动作长,而 “ 入睡”动作短,故前者用过去进行时,而较短动词用一般过去时,选B考题 2 T o m _ i n to th e h ouse wh e n n o o

169、n e _.A . sl i ppe d /wa s l ook i n g B . H a d sl i ppe d /l ook e dC . sl i ppe d /h a d l ook e d D . wa s sl i ppi n g /l ook e d分析此题先要理解好wh e n ,表 “ 此时”,说明主句中sl i ppe d是较短行为,而100k是较长行为的片断,即汤姆溜进房子,此时没人瞧见,故选A为正确。过去进行时(Pa st Prog re ssi v e T e n se )句型 S + wa s/we re +V -i n g,例 A: Sh e wa s d o

170、i n g h e r h om e work a t 8 : 30 ye ste rd a y e v e n i n g .( 昨天傍晚八点半她正在做家庭作业。)例 B: We we re h a v i n g suppe r a t th a t ti m e .( 那个时候我们正在吃晚饭。)解说如例1所示,在单句中使用过去进行时来表达时必须把该动作正在进行中的时间表明清楚,否则就不合逻辑了。例如:I wa s ta k i n g a b a th ye ste rd a y.( 错)( 昨天我正在洗澡昨天2 4小时都正在洗澡吗?)所以本句应该如例1来表达,或者用一般过去时表达如下:

171、I took a b a th ye ste rd a y.( 昨天我洗了澡。)如果由上下文的文意,或者对谈中的话意可以了解“ 动作正在进行中的时间”,单句里就使用过去进行时来表达是很普通的,例如:A: I c a l l e d you up ye ste rd a y e v e n i n g .B: D i d you? A t wh a t ti m e ?A: A t a roun d te n o c l oc k .( 大约在十点钟。)B: Oh , I wa s ta k i n g a b a th th e n .( 哦,当时我正在洗澡。)过去进行时在表达上常用的句式是如

172、例2所示和另一个一般过去时的动作相搭配。请观察下面的图解说明:过去有二动作A和B ( 如图示),在B动作发生时稍早发生的A动作正好在进行中,所以这种表达法通常都是复句( 主句+副词从句)。例如:When I g ot up th i s m orn i n g , Moth e r wa s pre pa ri n g b re a k f a st i n th ek i tc h e n .( 今天早上我起床时妈妈正在厨房里准备早餐。一“ Moth e r。是 主 句 , w h e n,”是副词从句。)常用于修饰过去进行时的时间副词:过去的某一定点 时 刻( a t +过去的时刻),th

173、en (= at that tim e )(那 时 ,当 时 ),all +时间,When/While/As”等副词从句,etc.强化训练 Drilling Square请判断下列各题空格处动词的正确时态(一般过去时或过去进行时 ) 。1. It(rain) very hard when we(get) there yesterday.2. I (watch) TV at 7:00 P.M. yesterday.3. Wha t (you do ) at that time?4. She (have) a bath when the phone (ring).5. The s t u d e

174、n t s (make) noises while the teacher(be) away.6. I (read) in my room when she (come) .7. It (grow ) dark, so we (turn ) back for home.8. As the wi n d s (blow ) stronger and stronger, we(not go ) swimming yesterday afternoon.9. The ba by (cry ) all morning today.10. We (have ) a good time when suddenly the lights(go) out.



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