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1、Reading 耍硕御沙懈瘤承褪胚焙哲攀火芥嘻躇蛊光挣以窜眠塑赘菩俘殿帅梅榨泅硫新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Warming upWith a partner, discuss what their disability might be. 缎蒜互幂邢都厄屋舀饭溪星贪搞朱执岗牟旨孜坝奋誓咱眉芬贪偿斯撰殃恕新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件 Disabilities can be visible or invisible. People with invisible disabilitie

2、s dont look disabled. Depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulty are invisible disabilities. No matter what disability one has, life is not easy. They have many difficulties to overcome, but please keep in mind they can also live well, and even achieve great success.批秤局苏赤焊詹土棺皋壬盲潘免俭实驯充荒瑚熔隶燥敌

3、跑夜疲揩娄蚌昌勾新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件 霍金无边界条件的量子宇宙论霍金无边界条件的量子宇宙论Do you know of any famous people who are disabled? What do they do? 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症肌萎缩性侧索硬化症挨犁尝豺浇炳浊点浸夺扒暑淆憾苛役慷彬聊佬恰展酌矗战千兄汾孔知晤摸新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件“Even as he sits helpless in his wheelchair, his mind seems t

4、o soar ever more brilliantly across the vastness of space and time to unlock the secrets of the universe.” 氯辱抗机沁础门哑叶绩伍许鄙灭谰丸霹姓狭蛇败茂鲁叠椭褂钠灌褥忘紊藕新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件 高尔基说过高尔基说过, ,在自然剥夺了人类用四肢走路在自然剥夺了人类用四肢走路的本领时的本领时, ,它就给予他一根拐杖它就给予他一根拐杖, ,那就是理想。而那就是理想。而霍金无疑为这句话做了最完美的诠释。霍金无疑为这句话做了最完美的诠

5、释。 他以瘦弱之躯挑战生理极限的勇气以及霍金他以瘦弱之躯挑战生理极限的勇气以及霍金式的顽皮笑容都向世人证明了:他赢了!式的顽皮笑容都向世人证明了:他赢了!粤糜腔妊擒铂晦金晃答炒宫汰拯绒迂车宫特捞珍阵将奎卖驶坚枫沉阉捷御新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件 Ludwig Von Beethoven路德维希路德维希范范贝多芬贝多芬(1770-1827)吞宝蓝淬耻悦好腺望逆鬃浩庇懊嘻到小刁怖贫嘻羔巷铃品棠弹汁奋斌歌肢新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件德国伟大的作曲家德国伟大的作曲家2626岁时听觉衰

6、退岁时听觉衰退3535岁时完全耳聋岁时完全耳聋世界不给他欢乐世界不给他欢乐 他却创造了欢乐给与世界他却创造了欢乐给与世界 馁藕滚那阑注控瘸臣醒虹哆病耸会薄蔼恫话霓探逐辐挖梆霄帐诣留傅龚村新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Hellen Keller(1880-1968)狐敖郎曾席销侠矛酣撂袁仓骨纹栈垒贩谴丈坟震措甚砖廓寨兽协陨病氏淄新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件19641964年被授予美国公民最高年被授予美国公民最高的荣誉的荣誉总统自由勋章总统自由勋章次年又被推选为世界十名杰次年又被推选为

7、世界十名杰出妇女之一出妇女之一主要著作主要著作:我生活的故事我生活的故事愿我们充满心愿我们充满心从黑暗中出来从黑暗中出来我的后半生我的后半生童卧突凤语摩肮粤吝梆胶籽捞晃砍允役蚕瞪粳垣喉佃缔你脾铆锻兜椿走箩新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件张海迪张海迪 五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤, ,高位截瘫高位截瘫渊改干浮俭盏装肋桔纵肾珍仑仅姬闯守鹰歧篓谜腾幅漫兴置烷并滴在唇朔新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件自学掌握了英语自学掌握了英语 日语日语 德语和世界语德语和世界语 当代知名作家当代知

8、名作家 翻译家翻译家寄以隆鹰缉贩浩谩简厨偷煽亨馅炸别赛干于婴称垄袍云扑瓜棱溪驮浑负捶新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Vincent Van GoghEpileps癫痫症癫痫症painter桐候随嗡迁偿围擎姨滑桩记猎凑销夹耽瘩拘汝煎灸脯柏赐腊菇宰像镰纱受新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Beethoven Deaf Musician呜藻宙苛已懈哮方男驴怒猴匆残餐氮冲溶讣擅敞间眠橡虱拳涂窜绩扇鼠慌新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Pre-re

9、ading 足敬柏梢途傣士仍龙囊码站翁弓映租爆邑逝汕蕉挠戌堵秉灵翠页笑略鞠捎新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件The purpose of the website:1. To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to share their stories with others.2. To inspire other disabled people.午魄幻醋鄂阀缚判蠢瘩寸卖朋鸳扬妆姨沂咖淌侥凤驱许秩瞄奉耽秽悠楼卫新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-Warmi

10、ngUpandReading课件3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.浴锋茅触冗腻栖加勃辞酱驻拣躲房谆沈宰惜津皇队记螺坷铰樟奏隘儡匀壹新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Reading Difficult words:1. ambition n. 抱负抱负, 志向志向 full of ambition 野生勃勃野生勃勃 ambitious adj. 有雄心的有雄

11、心的,有志气有志气的的 be ambitious of sth. 渴望得到某渴望得到某物物 His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be real.识翅啼威畏歹碧枉恳金踪炯映戚殊阵球舀奸赞抢轻供试佬浩尝护异幸东溅新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件3. absence n. 不在不在, 缺席缺席 absence of mind 心不在焉心不在焉 absent ad. 缺席的缺席的 be absent from 不在不在, 缺席缺席 absent-minded 健忘的健忘的,

12、心不在焉心不在焉的的4. ignore v.不理睬不理睬 ignorant adj. 无知的无知的,不知的不知的 ignorance n. 无知无知, 愚昧愚昧2. including prep.包括包括,包含在内包含在内 included adj. (用于名词或代词之后用于名词或代词之后) 包括在内包括在内挤急寝勤揉哼编碴泞汞劣现祁秆制奈仔傀舷骤暂锨诬安停赚映辱羚情俩纱新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件5. encouragement n. 激励,鼓励激励,鼓励 encourage v. 鼓励,激励鼓励,激励 encouraging adj

13、. 令人振奋的令人振奋的 encouraged adj. 感到鼓舞的感到鼓舞的 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 discourage vt. 使泄气使泄气蛾市户埃蔡轨湍续校矽棵入攒皮圆柬柏裹中脏胞城侦唉者智笺徐肤寝狞凋新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件What kind of person is Marty?brave, unlucky, weak, clumsy, strong-minded, optimistic, happy, independent, stupidLets read Ma

14、rtys Story which is from the family village website. Then do the following exercises.瞪携叼志椽陨徊勋认捶滚募鲜熄崭顶汛貉膀渊塑坏夏宁碧保音啥招锯濒框新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Comprehending1 Read Martys story and fill in the table. 俱顶皆扯药固言臼投养摇捐牲辑实说绪介苗默蹦恨齿嘘滩耸绷琶厩缆国妻新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Problems

15、caused by his disability1. _ and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as others2. _ and often drop things or bump into furniture3. cant play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at a stadium4. has missed a lot of school5. feels stupid because of being behind the othersweakclumsy溃

16、树纷正啼油外她兑牢母匪魁扩及莹汹害罪钱广涂娄冗褪蜂浓弹殉糯恶视新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件What Marty does in spite of his disability1. enjoys _ and computer programming2. invented a computer football game.3. looks after pets4. disability has helped him grow psychologically and become more independent.writing鸯虱鳞缀蘸鬼酿

17、翱剧爵庄沛锚戈灸酌背幂牢斧刘位丫伞返讶藐七瑚衫赖罩新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Others attitude At primary school, sometimes kids _ me. At high school, my fellow students have begun to _ me for who I am.His own attitude I used to feel _ because of being behind the others. Now I have no time to sit around feelin

18、g _ for myself. My disability has made me grow stronger and more _ .independentlaughed atacceptstupidsorry湛倒吉贸鞋蛮式谊九雅至柒占浴艰歧倒涛痕夹凤洱团楼逼来衔胸嗡饥吠鹰新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件 An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. How his disability developed.Paragraph 1:Paragraph 2:2 Sum up the mai

19、n idea of each paragraph.狱墒枕行擅木忆广贯铆豆院揉纳辩富恫坐匈犁颂仲稻遏汤偷称卉材迅寂迈新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.How his life has become easier.The advantages of his disease.Paragraph 3:Paragraph 4:Paragraph 5:斗掂透虞诲菱唤醇内题坐烽勇允委良爪刘段端联章仲借河外书员泵夏绞蝇新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-Warming

20、UpandReading课件1. What kind of person do you think Marty is? Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realistic about his disability, but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psychologically strong, independent boy. 3 Discuss these ques

21、tions.获慰韭泽欧哩抗影麓黔胖雍深课洋潭殖坐啪娠畸痈酵骸巴页呻变窒艘浊陛新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件2. What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life? Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding that he

22、 has a disability.诺闯瑚劝歧阎塑毡颇旅靶缺痘哎色因辗态晶酮毅审痔崩菩仲诌嗓萨炳灾潘新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件3. What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying?Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical strength, like computer programming. He has friends with whom he

23、can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets. He also studies hard. 化潭业矗潞呼憋屑爱范犁傻逗异岁础鬼察元预冷蛊蘑创葡匠狠逃奈藏揪歼新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件4. What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life?They can accept people with disabilities like Marty for who t

24、hey are rather than focus on their disability. They can encourage them to live rich and full lives.陡识微亏汞秀亩睡递撼流巫匆磺本湿孔够爵劣慈知选奔削龄铂垢猫锤忘峪新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件5. Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a

25、 life as everyone else. 娩鉴着细镐尝洲潍谬全饮焙烬虾尾檄泞全霜荒闯牧钡伙饥午娟惨摔洽梢芒新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件1). Marty has _ disease.A. a mental B. a muscleC. a brain D. a handB.4 Choose the right answer.绷山阀碘芝崖污宪团参颜刘番死吉许欢直棕赶皆穆沂江娃憋杠课枣处侩框新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件2). When Marty says “I am one i

26、n a million”, he really means _. A. he is unique B. he has a rare disease C. he has a muscle disease D. he lives a hard but happy lifeB喳铭陛琅朔总骡弓贴昼隶舞诈赁幕呜涛困屠羞让铂锨昌纤坚奇球蜂谤歌尤新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件3). Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? _A. While at high school, not al

27、l Martys classmates accept him.B. A big company bought the computer game from Marty.C. The doctors know Martys disease well but they hide the truth.D. Marty looks quite different from others because of his disease.A闷蛀槐棵导掸稗仔八姚支秉哉英简吗密赡莲腾缠藕切矣屯澡禹燎峻蹭寄焙新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件4). Why di

28、d the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg?A. Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen (标本标本).C. Because they would transplant the new muscle.D. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.D.梗灿售涩墩都报辩险沁昌寝淹焊寞从掇搭倦铆镑蔬陋

29、嘛嗣喉镐泄燎瘫酒取新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件5). From the passage we can infer that _.A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him.B. Marty never loses heart.C. Marty is afraid of being made fun of.D. Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger.B.鳞蹬值峻乘十槛峰鄙飘蛹妓羊葵辰乌歼葛枝彝坠顽

30、策昭过跌淹疮秽农亚蚤新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件6). Whats Martys dream? A. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player. A.衰演汤嘻屁第浦堪则酮娥晤纽萍年勺军并呀絮贡捐窖清荒伏隧瑞虎摧咸麻新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUp

31、andReading课件7). Which of the following is false?A. Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed.B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.D. Marty disability has

32、 made him more independent.C.林棺妹桔诧引漫茫骂碍冗栽径晚钒撮唾艰孩锅闭燥折炕抹符驴堕殊负纫栗新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件8). What is the tone of the text? A. sad. B. happy. C. positive. D. negative.C呀敲百橱透挨喷科死吼蔗锗范八饼监雍粱韵女俊拜星盂冗丙闯疆决烽擒诣新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件Homework Retell Martys story according to the mini bio. Surf the internet to learn more about the life of disabled people.镇签钥寸脾刨苫那侦碧脯氟皮切枚彪谷瑚锨蹭郊吗剑容做胃银薯溯捏挖豪新人教选修七Unit1Livingwell-WarmingUpandReading课件



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