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1、英语阅读微技能-细节理解题之解题策略-南京九中吕若男2018.4.16推理判断猜测词义阅读常见题型篇章结构主旨大意作者态度细节理解高考阅读考查细节理解题:2015年7题2016年10题2017年9题Spot the differences细节理解题 测试学生对特定细节或重要事实的辨认能力类型划分1:直接辨认型: 获取信息-记住信息-回忆并对号入座如:Which buttons directly control the movement of the Rocket Ball? 细节理解题 类型划分1:间接辨认型: 获取信息- 加工转换-得出正确释义 同义(反义)转换、排序、图文转换、数字转换、细

2、节理解题 类型划分2:集中型: 就单个特定细节提问,答案位于单句 和上下文处如:As is mentioned in the card, the limitation of the research paper mainly lies in that_细节理解题 类型划分2:分散型:正确答案和干扰项对应的细节分散在文中多处如:1. Which of the following is Not Mentioned/True? 2. We can learn from the passage that _. 3. All the following statements may be true ex

3、cept_ . 细节理解题 题型:1.文章细节题:what/who/when/where/how/why2.是非题:Which of the following is Not True?3.图表数据题(计算)4.排序题5.其他题:1正误并存;半对半错“干扰项” 面面观3无中生有;主观臆想4文不对题;答非所问5张冠李戴;偷换概念2以偏概全;过于夸大正误并存;半对半错 The robot Buddy can patrol the home when the residents are not home and contact a persons phone if it detects an int

4、ruder or fire.Many of the robots have cameras that act as eyes. For those concerned about someone hacking into a robot to peep into a home, there are safeguards to look for when purchasing one.“When the camera is activated, we will show it on the screen and specific lights so you know that someone i

5、s using your camera,” Hasselvander said about Buddy.What do we know about “Buddy”?A.2018 weil witness Buddy go into different families.B.Buddy is equipped with special eyes to protect itself.C.Buddy can safeguard the home and sound the fire alarm.D.Buddy has an advantage over conventional smart prod

6、ucts. Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly. The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the m

7、ost common symptoms. Which of the following statements is NOT True?A. Food when poisoned can make people sick.B. Food poisoning means death.C. Food poisoning comes in varieties.D. Food poisoning can be serious.以偏概全;过于夸大以偏概全;过于夸大 .The system wouldnt mean having to keep your lights on all the time eit

8、her, Haas says-bulbs could be dimmed to such a point that they appear off, but still transmit . The system can easily network any device with an LED lightan electric kettle, an oven. LED streetlights could even be used to form a network of outdoor Li-Fi, making it possible to stay connected when wal

9、king around the city.But some sound a cautious note about VLCs future. It becomes less powerful , for example,when light is blocked, wheather due to fog or other conditions. We can learn from the passage that _A.Li-Fi can work with LED lights off. B.Li-Fi can be used with all household appliancesC.L

10、i-Fi cant work outdoors. D.Li-Fi needs improving to meet diverse need.The scientists compared how much pressure was put on the womens knees by both types of shoes. The women also walked barefoot to test normal pressure. The scientists found that both types of shoes applied equal amounts of pressure

11、to the knees. 1. We learn from the passage that women choose chunky heels because_.A.they want to walk comfortablyB.chunky(粗短高跟)(粗短高跟) heeled shoes are cheaper than stiletto(细高跟细高跟) heeled pairsC.chunky heels do less harm to kneesD.chunky heels are not painful at all无中生有;主观臆想 Wide-heeled shoes feel

12、comfortable, so women wear them all day long,” Kerrigan said. “They are better for your feet than stiletto heels, but just as had for your knees.”. .The first study looked only at stilettoheels, and Kerrigan said she wanted to study the chunky(粗短) high-heeled shoes she noticed many women wearing. Th

13、is study confirms what we all intuitively know that high-heeled shoes of any kind are not good for our health, said Dr. Glenn Pfeifer, a San Francisco doctor Kerri gans late study looked at the chunky high-heeled shoes because_.A.they feel more comfortableB.they are related to knee osteoarthritisC.t

14、hey are worn by many womenD.they are different from stiletto heels文不对题;答非所问 Wide-heeled shoes feel comfortable, so women wear them all day long, Kerrigan said. They are better for your feet than stiletto (细高跟)heels, but just as had for your knees.“. The warden(狩猎监督官狩猎监督官) set out three steel traps t

15、hat night. In the morning one was empty. The other two had been stolen by the beavers(河狸河狸) and used to strengthen the dam. The warden, cursing the state law against hunting beavers with firearms, got his traps back and set them out again and again. And every night the beavers stole them.What did th

16、e local game warden do?A. He made steel traps to strengthen the dam.B. He set out to hunt the beavers with firearms.C. He learned a lot about the construction of the dam.D. He used petrol-soaked bags to drive the beavers away.张冠李戴;偷换概念 Treatment centres have popped up around the world. In 2006 Amste

17、rdams Smith & Jones facility claims to be“the first and, currently, the only residential video-game treatment program in the world”. In America the restart Internet Addiction Recovery Program claims to treat internet addiction, gaming addiction, and even “texting addiction”. In China, meanwhile, mil

18、itary-style “boot camps” are the preferred way to treat internet problems. Which of the following is true about the worlds efforts to fight Internet addiction?B. Amsterdam once started the worlds first video-game treament program.D. Military-style camps in China prove to be the best to treat Interne

19、t probmlems.1正误并存;半对半错“干扰项” 面面观3无中生有;主观臆想4文不对题;答非所问5张冠李戴;偷换概念2以偏概全;过于夸大细节理解题 解题原则及步骤、方法:原则:忠实于原文原句及全篇逻辑关系, 不能主观臆断步骤和方法:Step1:题干中选定关键词 (定位词)Step2:通过略读、查读锁定文中定位区域Step3: 结合信息区域上下文理解、比对 Step4: 排除干扰项,筛选得出答案定位词通常是哪些词?1.人名、地名等专有名词;年份、数字等数词及题干中的大写名词2.指代具体事物或人物的名词3. 词义鲜明的动词、形容词、副词等实词题干和正确选项的典型特点替换关键词:把文中关键词转

20、化替换成同/近义词,设置题干或正确选项。词性或语态变化:把原文句中的词变换词性或语态,以制造理解障碍。语言简化,长话短说:把原文中散杂语言现象进行提炼总结,成为题干或正确答案。 When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mothers Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her s

21、eriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.41. Why was the authors mother poorly served? A. She was unable to speak good English. B. She was often misunderstood. C. She was not clearly heard. D. She was not very polite.替换关键词(同/

22、近义词替换)偷换概念偷换概念无中生有无中生有 Confucius .assumed that all men were equal at birth, though some had more potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed .66. What made some peopl

23、e different from others according to Confucius? A. Family B. Potential C. Knowledge D. Community词性或语态变化 Traditionally, people have drunk bottled water for health reasons. The practice of “taking the waters” originated with the Romans, who believed that a person developed a healthy mind by building a

24、 healthy body. Across Europe, drinking or bathing in mineral water has been associated with the power to cure various diseases 1Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.Bottled water was once drunk both by the rich and the poor. B.Bottled water sales have risen, for its cheaper than tap water. C

25、.Europeans believed in the power of treatment of mineral water. D.Americans have had the habit of drinking bottled water for long. 词性或语态变化无中生有无中生有 Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars. In addition, they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.

26、Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem their phosphate was running out. Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing. By 2000, Nauru was financially ruined. Experts say that it would take approximately $433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island. This

27、 will probably never happen.Which of the following was a cause of Naurus financial problem?A. Its leaders misused the money B. It spent too much repairing the islandC. Its phosphate mining cost much money D. It lost millions of dollars in the civil war.语言简化,长话短说偷换概念偷换概念未然变已然未然变已然1.关注起承转合的过渡词,如howeve

28、r,but,moreover,therefore,hence, thus,nevertheless等,要特别注意句子前后意义的转折,递进,因果等关系。2.警惕语气绝对的词,如:must,never,themost,all,merely,only,haveto,any,no,none,completely,absolutely等,通常不是答案3.关注试探性语气的词,如probably,possibly,may,usually,might,moreorless,relatively,belikelyto,notnecessary,,tendto,beliableto,往往是答案选项的其他注意事项3.了解题目设计常考位置因果关系处转折处引言处列举处比较处Pcactice makes better !运用解题方法和策略,大家一起练练手高考阅读考查细节理解题:2015年7题2016年10题2017年9题2018年7?8?9?10?.7/8/9/10.2分分Homework u Finish the exercisesu Appreciate and accumulate advanced vocabulary and good sentences



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