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1、医学英语翻译医学英语翻译熟练掌握英语和汉语 l精通英语是透彻理解的前提 l如果不重视汉语的组织表达,即令精通英语,翻译的质量也是会降低的 l通顺和中文化,现代语言 熟悉英文构词法lBronko broncholLax relaxlSol solutionlBronkolaxisol 谓语动词 l英语的语法不能省略谓语动词,但汉语可以。lHe is quite experienced in his work,l 他工作经验丰富。lIt is very cold today.l今天很冷词性 l英语每个词都有一定的词性。l汉语由于没有词形的变化,词性则更加灵活。l每一个英语词汇,汉语并不能找到一个词

2、性相同而词义又完全一样的汉语词汇l如果以词性相同的汉语词汇去代替英语句子中的每个词,那么得出的译文很可能非常别扭。lFragility of the chief cell is frequently accompanied by loss of cyanophilic granules into surrounding space. l主细胞的易碎性常常伴有嗜青颗粒进入周围间隙的损失。l主细胞易于破裂,其嗜青颗粒常常失散到周围空隙中去。 词性转换lThe prevention of sudden cardiac death by long-term administration of anti

3、rrhythmic drugs is based on sound physiological principles.l长期服用抗心率失常药来预防心脏病引起的猝死,是以正确可靠的生理学原理为根据的。lA careful analysis of the patients history shows that urticaria is a sort of clinical clue to viral hepatitis. l详细分析患者的病史后,就看得出荨麻疹是病毒性肝炎的一种临床线索。lThe patient has no knowledge of when the first attack o

4、ccurred.l患者不知道第一次发作是在何时。lEndocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions.l内分泌学的定义是:研究无管腺或称内分泌腺及它们的内分泌的科学。省略代词l人称代词省略lAt present. Chinese medicinal herbs are used to treat hepatitis. They proves to be effective for the disease.l现时中草药用来治疗肝炎,证明非常有

5、效。(省略they)省略物主代词lThe doctors make their morning round at 7aml医生在上午七时查房。省略冠词lOnly a small amount of equipment is needed to assess satisfactorily the ocular status.l只要少量设备,就可以满意地测定眼睛的情况l但如果有某一个某一事的含义时,应予翻译出。lThe patient was a girl born by a cesarean section at 37 weeks to a mother with diabetes.l病人是一个

6、三十七周剖腹产的女孩,其母亲是糖尿病患者。l不定冠词后的名称所代表的人或物是属于哪一类,如果这个名词在句中是表语,可以译出,否则可以省略。lLung cancer is a malignant disease.l肺癌是一种恶性的疾病。lA medical worker should think of the patients all the time.l医务工作者应当时时刻刻想到病人。It的省略l作为形式主语或形式宾语时,本身没有意义,汉译时一般予以省略lIt took us a good four hours to perform the operation.l我们做这个手术费了足足四小时。

7、lIt 用来强调句中的某成分时,汉译时一般省略lIt is only the output that is normal.l正常的仅仅是输出量而已。lIt 做主语时表示自然现象、时间、距离、环境以及一般情况时,可作为汉语中无主句处理。lIt was in the small hours when the accident took place.l事故发生时正是深更半夜。介词的省略lSometimes surgeons make their rounds in the morning and perform operations in the afternoon.l有时外科医生上午查病房,下午做

8、手术。(省略在)连词的省略lSome patients are susceptible to pain, but others tolerate it with impunity.l有的病人很怕痛,(但是)有的则能泰然地忍受。lRest should be imperative if the temperature rises above 38C。l(如果)体温高于摄氏三十八度,就应该强制休息。(省略when, 改用副词就)补充l有一些词或成分在英语中可以省略,但是按照汉语语法却不能省略,需要补充。l有些词汇或成分根据英语表达习惯是明白清楚的,但是翻译成汉语,就晦涩难懂或不够通畅,补充复合句中

9、省略的词或成分lThe females have a club-shaped posterior extremity, the male (have) a flatly spiralled end.l雌虫有棒状后端,雄虫有扁平螺旋后端。也有不补充的成分 lCardiac massage was tried but (it was tried) all in vain.l试行了心脏按摩,但毫无效果。l In that case laparotomy should be performed, and (it should be performed) without delay.l假设那样就应做剖腹术,而且不能延迟。否定lIs the patient not prepared to be operated upon? No, he isnt.l这病人不打算动手术吗?是的,他不打算动手术。lLet us know if the plan doesnt work.l告诉我们计划是否行得通。(而不是是否行不通)被动lVitamin K is not absorbed from the upper intestine.l维生素K不是从肠的上部吸收的。谢 谢



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