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1、 Unit 8When is your birthday?firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfthThe first month is January.一年中的重大节日一年中的重大节日June 1stMay 1stthe second Sunday in MayJanuary 1stMothers dayin January or FebruaryChildrens DayApril 1stNew Years Day The Spring FestivalJune 1stChristmas Da

2、y December 25thThanksgiving Daythe fourth Thursday in NovemberNational DayOctober 1stMid-Autumn Dayin September or OctoberSeptember 10thTeachers Daythe third Sunday in JuneFathers DayQuestions Answers When is your birthday?My birthday is on October 2nd.When is his birthday?His birthday is on January

3、 17nd.When is her birthday?Its in August.When is Alices birthday?Her birthday is on September 5th.When is your fathers birthday?His birthday is on April 21st.Grammar Focusfirst second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighthninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenthfifteenth sixteenth sevente

4、enth eighteenth nineteenthtwentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-thirdtwenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventhtwenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first3a Match the questions and answers. 1. When is Jennys birthday?2. When are their birthday?3. When is your brothers birthda

5、y?4. Is his birthday in July?5. Is your birthday on February 1st?a.No, its on the 6th. b. Her birthday is on May 24th. c. Yes, it is.d. Their birthdays are in January.e. Its on June 16th.3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: How are you, Grace?B: twelve.A: And is your bi

6、rthday?B: My is on March 12th. How about you and Tom?A: Well, my birthday is July 5th, and Toms birthday is December.oldImwhenbirthdayonin3c Find out your classmates birthdays and ages. Line up from the youngest to the oldest.1. When is Liu Pings birthday? 刘萍的生日是什么刘萍的生日是什么时候?候? Her birthday is on Se

7、ptember 5th. 她的生日是九月五日。她的生日是九月五日。 1) when做疑做疑问副副词时, 意意为“什么什么时候;候; 何何时”, 常用于常用于对日期和日期和时刻刻进行提行提问。如如: When is the party? 晚会是什么晚会是什么时候?候?Explanation Its on August 31st. 八月三十一号。八月三十一号。2) 名名词后加后加“ s” 表示所有表示所有, 意意为“的的”。如如: This is Toms book. 这是是汤姆的姆的书。以以s结尾的复数名词只在词尾加结尾的复数名词只在词尾加“ ”。如:如:students book 学生用书学生

8、用书 如果表示两如果表示两(几几)个人共同拥有个人共同拥有, 在最后在最后 一个名词的词尾加一个名词的词尾加“s”; 如果表示两如果表示两(几几)个人各自拥有个人各自拥有, 则须在则须在 每个名词后都加上每个名词后都加上“s”。如如: Joan and Helens father 琼和海伦的父亲琼和海伦的父亲 (两个人的父亲是同一个人两个人的父亲是同一个人) Joans and Helens rooms 琼的房间和海伦的房间琼的房间和海伦的房间 (两人各自拥有一个房间两人各自拥有一个房间)一、一、 s 所有格所有格 表示有生命的人或动物的名词所有格表示有生命的人或动物的名词所有格, 单数单数名

9、词和不以名词和不以 s 结尾的复数名词一般在词尾加结尾的复数名词一般在词尾加“ s”, 以以 s 结尾的复数名词在词尾只加结尾的复数名词在词尾只加“ ”。如如: Kates cat 凯特的猫凯特的猫 Childrens Day 儿童节儿童节 the girls books 女孩们的书女孩们的书 相关链接相关链接: :名词的所有格名词的所有格表示所属关系表示所属关系, , 即表示某物是即表示某物是“谁的谁的”。名词所有格常见的结构有两种:名词所有格常见的结构有两种:二、二、of 所有格所有格 无生命事物名词的所属关系无生命事物名词的所属关系, 一般常用一般常用 “ of 名词名词”来表示来表示,

10、 即即 of 所有格。如:所有格。如: a map of China 一幅中国地图,一幅中国地图, the legs of the table 桌子的腿桌子的腿of 所有格与所有格与 s 所有格有时可以互换,所有格有时可以互换, 不过要注意它们物主的位置不同。如:不过要注意它们物主的位置不同。如: 猫的名字是咪咪。猫的名字是咪咪。 The name of the cat is Mimi (of 结构结构, 物主物主 the cat 在后在后) The cats name is Mimi (s 结构结构, 物主物主 the cat 在前在前)2. How old are you? 你多大了?你多

11、大了? Im fifteen. 我十五了。我十五了。 how old意意为“多大年多大年纪; 几几岁”,常用于,常用于询问年年龄。 回答回答时可以直接用基数可以直接用基数词表示表示, 也可以用也可以用“基数基数词 + year (s) old”表示。表示。“Whats . age?”和和“How old is / are .?”意思相同意思相同, 可互可互换。如:。如:Whats your age? = How old are you? 你多大了?你多大了?例题解析 1. My birthday is on January 15th (就划就划线部分提部分提问) _ _ your _?解析解析

12、:划线部分是时间划线部分是时间,应用应用when提问,提问,疑问词后应用疑问句语序。疑问词后应用疑问句语序。答案为答案为when is, birthday 2. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is on A. 3.12 B. March twelve C. March 12th D. three twelfth解析解析: :英语中日期的表达月份用英语英语中日期的表达月份用英语单词单词, ,日期用序数词。日期用序数词。答案为答案为C。3. -When is Mary birthday? -Her birthday is on October 2nd.(

13、改改错)解析解析:“某人的某人的”应用所有格的形式。应用所有格的形式。答案为将答案为将Mary改为改为Marys。1. Teachers Day (教师节教师节) is on _.2. Christmas Day (圣诞节圣诞节) is on _. 3. Labours Day (劳动节劳动节) is on _. 4. New Years Day (元旦元旦)is on _. 5. April Fools Day (愚人节愚人节)is on _. 6. Tree Planting Day (植树节植树节) is on _.7. Childrens Day (儿童节儿童节) is on _.请写

14、出下列节日的日期。请写出下列节日的日期。September 10thDecember 25thMay 1stJanuary 1stApril 1stMarch 12thJune 1stName: SelinaDate of birth:October 31st, 1981读读ID cards, 完成下列对话。完成下列对话。Betty: Who are they?Cindy: They are S.H.E.Betty: She? Name: HebeDate of birth:March 30th, 1983Name: EllaDate of birth:June 18th, 1980S.H.E

15、Cindy: Their names are _, _ and _. They are pop singers. Selinas birthday is on _. Hebes birthday is on _. Ellas birthday is on _.Betty: Oh, how old are they?Cindy: _ was born(出生出生) in 1981, _ was born in 1980, and _ was born in 1983.Betty: You know much about S.H.E.Cindy: Yes, because I like them a lot!SelinaEllaHebeOctober 31stJune 18thSelinaEllaHebeMarch 30thHomework 写一篇文章介绍自己的父写一篇文章介绍自己的父(母母)亲亲, 内容包括内容包括: 生日生日, 年龄年龄, 爱好等。爱好等。



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