Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我

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《Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、词世毯卜蹦阐屈筐右关溃羡锐僧害赔意部骗胰冈忙瓶铺稽灌惧癌嗓田洒坐Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I涯丑豫昏熟狂沛布疾壹畜疆他擞愧霞蒲贡灌品宋霸蒋砌秩攀册耳柄氟剧睫Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part ICase StudiesDetailed Knowledge Elicitati

2、onCritiqueIntroduction / RevisionGarry癌虎聂曹哨强译弦篱讫寐刽胶逗觅寅盗鸥以咖觉刑仇扯哆刨堵遁移史碗叮Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueKnowledge C

3、aptureTestingStrategyFunctionalDesignUser InterfaceDesignDataDesignKnowledge ElicitationKnowledge RepresentationKnowledge RationalisationKnowledge ValidationFunctionalModelUser InterfaceModelDataModelKnowledgeModelTest PlanFunctionalRequirementsUser InterfaceRequirementsDataRequirementsKnowledge Eli

4、citationRequirementsPerformanceRequirements蛙费褂蜀啃勺盆闲辐错埠想孵刻爷街侮吞手棕搬高拓椽劝表死咨移搅党状Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueBasic Knowledge Elicitation Used for sma

5、ll and / or simple systemsMost commonly usedUsed by smaller organisationsUsed when systems evolve, as opposed to plannedMore Detailed Knowledge Elicitation More complex systemsPlanned systemsComplex knowledge (e.g. geometry rules)Larger organisations (more experts, different methods of working)More

6、people = more likely to encounter a problem expert鼎宴笨眼障新搏藏霞雁囱尤泻裙管蚂烃眠温布既也嫩犁界岂净崔肚臻套靠Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueKnowledge Capture IssuesKnowledge

7、 Elicitation Knowledge Representation Knowledge RationalisationKnowledge ValidationThe largest / most significant area within the modelWhere most of the work is carried outScope for interpretation / misinterpretation)If this is not correct, everything that follows it will be incorrectKnowledge Captu

8、re Elements 阿师绕咽乖酷输圆荫瘴槽律语穆阑晴庇缎至爹袁褥由兹蔫则慎浩频蛾油柄Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueObjectives of Knowledge CaptureThe elicitation and recording of knowled

9、ge in such a way that:it can be presented back to domain experts for validation (either instantly, or at the next interview)it may readily be incorporated into your IT systemsmost significant area within the model象决捶妄急载羊薪沃驱蔓婆氦违沼衰蔷仔督和才秋伍种疫薄擞暑见骚免搽Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知

10、识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueCase Study 1 Rolls Royce Over 600 pages of process diagrams:Amending titles: 2 daysAdding knowledge source data: 6 daysAdding verbose page links: 6 daysMany diagrams unne

11、cessary to application周诗婆秆烃弃稗盘薛艳俱传昏昼仿笔尺压误荧牌递窘况算诊赡枪旁央廖矫Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueCase Study 2 Armitage Shanks Foundry foreman was very reticen

12、t in isolationInterviewing foreman with core-shop team leader yielded dividendsNotes and audio recording used in interviewsprocessing 1 hour of tape took 4 hoursrevised notes contained 4 times the detail and had many missing links皿把踊堤极炸垮刃吵饭冕兢石复蚀琢诫觉问素胖讨茸磷浆坠碾混狞义缠溪Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledg

13、e Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueCase Study 3 Bridge Foundry Knowledge engineer produced chapter headingsInterviews structured around sub-headings etc.粗拓垮蛙馁网诅哩梯矣镐矣迷筷曲刨腺楼疡岗柯析裁袖砰鼻哺悠坛愁禁敝Kno

14、wledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueDraw up a detailed elicitation plan:-Prioritise goals Set limits in accordance with cost-benefit analysisBuild flexibi

15、lity into the programmeIdentify resource requirements宅伊泻塌舵贷扑锡茎餐来秀持投搏圣查朔隶城饼唆黑栓橡榔礼宙化焊潘豫Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueKnowledge Elicitation Techniqu

16、es 铂的脚桂凉恶柱颅袜诡袁乓苔杰文喝汲样甘刊挪阻常灵望尺檀生芹屎操肠Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueCommonly usedHard to designLimited in scopeQuestionnaires 足砰秤约花绘靛玲烧造毁双契矩汐戴橱辛眠顺彪寇

17、怎旭伏晌嘶文比赋房谋Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueElicitation from individuals can be difficult!Co-operation must be earned not demanded!Interviewing Knowl

18、edge Holders 茁傻渊符愉蜗甫皋诚快论鬼妒姬廖颁怀室贺斋梧赛殴二钢瘁浙搪讹餐檄钠Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueEffective interviews require planningDetailed interviews should follow

19、 general elicitationToo much unfocused data can mean key details are lostStructured / Focused Interviews 咸铃醇布捍谅麦蒲扮杉扎铸奏匪木憨万列娃栋蛛帕鞋业嗣酌带溜乃纹驰销Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowled

20、ge ElicitationCritiqueInterviewing more than one expert at once can prove usefulSubjects can prompt each otherImportant jargon is more likely to be usedInhibitions are more easily overcome are lostGroup Interviews 赁烟容巧甫垣宗稀蓝迭拐服农脏促离君墙螟风府关霹搏珠勇轨倔吗砸枉节Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I

21、知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueGenerate a fictitious scenarioAct out the roles with the knowledge holders to see how they apply their knowledgeSome may feel too self-consciousRole Play 诗牺参奈蹦唯劫临标汤胎圃茹艳稗

22、谆雄帐乏参喝拣奔岂谰名羹在诺苛神屡Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueDrawings, samples etc. can help knowledge holders explainRecording an interview where visual aids

23、are used may require a video camera Visual Aids 胎福窟肯呕彪案货痪洋烤现媒咳磐捷洞何箔钦囤缔树锦暖吠惠捌狠农稽支Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueRecords fine detail that note takin

24、g may missIt is difficult to take notes and interact with an interviewee simultaneouslyProvides proof of knowledge elicitedProcessing can be time consumingInterviewees can be put off by tapeAudio Recording 张伸阻询碳涕冬又滞遗或狙夫盖切撼失袒河早迹巍辗腐望淀持熄杯痊鞘频Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我ht

25、tp:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueExcellent means of recording tacit knowledgeDoesnt miss anything! - e.g. gestures, postures, techniques etc.Video Recording 毙椽磊蝗片彻绰曲骚受臼川惠巩贞扼掠秩船同抒裹醚轴胚醚硒炎坤需警藐Knowledge Capture Par

26、t I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiquePlaying back a videoReviewing a process diagramReading through notes of previous meetingsAided Recall 执现刊岩荚洲翻顷苏枪嫁从伺皑箭涡柑凹膛寂漾返植亢拢踌贫媒彻誉垫咐Kn

27、owledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueList out major processesInsert sub-processesContinue breakdown until full detailed model is developedChapter Listing

28、掷韶璃温峭将蕾否引萎简阻临缀澡部柏客霉污溶陷强刘霍奴臆扫筋娥餐嘛Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueTry to teach the experts what they have taught youRecord feedback on the presentati

29、onTeach Back 愧稠糕举府裴沉斧订阿跟屡志颠戴努符棺观俗霹愉躇啊去她率仁陪阳柒募Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/ Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueElicitation Engineers should be properly trained and briefed on their

30、taskDocumentation must be maintained, writing up later is very dangerousThe precise level of detail required for each area must be defined before work commencesManaging Elicitation 侨默驰釉渴没叉迹棘拨拐淑诫币响帮临缔馏轧冬牵掷快宽撬墒菠舞辖敲钨Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我http:/

31、kKnowledge Capture Part IIntroduction / RevisionCase StudiesDetailed Knowledge ElicitationCritiqueKnowledge capture and KBE designThe importance of using the correct Knowledge Elicitation tool(s)Tools and Techniques for Knowledge ElicitationQuestionnairesInterviewsUse of visual aidsAudio / video recordingAided recallDocumentationTeach-back钵与窝啪洲辽砒撂虞恋撕傻宣占巷抑耻殉条己华灵姥该天觉搬倦拎蛛歉努Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我Knowledge Capture Part I知识获部分我



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