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1、Language Study1. behavebehaved badly(1)vi. to act; bear oneself 行为;举止行为;举止她表现出了很大的勇气她表现出了很大的勇气.She behaved with great courage.他对顾客的态度不好他对顾客的态度不好.He _to the customers.(2)vt. &vi. to bear (oneself) in a socially accepted or polite way 举止适当或有礼举止适当或有礼你应该学会举止得体你应该学会举止得体You should _.learn to behave.(3) vi

2、. (of things) to act in a particular way(指事物)有某种作用指事物)有某种作用我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。My camera_since it was repaired.has been behaving well2. v-ing form百闻不如一见。百闻不如一见。Seeing is believing.他喜欢在余暇听音乐。他喜欢在余暇听音乐。He _in his spare time.enjoys listening to music 他现在正在游泳池里练习游泳他现在正在游泳池里练习游泳He_in the swim

3、ming pool now.is practising swimming3. worthwhile (可作定语和表语可作定语和表语) a worthwhile experiment/job. The experiment is worthwhile. It is worthwhile to do sth/ doingIt is worthwhile to do the job. doing the job.Cf. worth prep/n be worth (doing) sthThe book is _.well worth reading.= It is worthwhile to rea

4、d the book.4. spend 你暑假怎么打发你暑假怎么打发? ?How will_?you spend your summer holiday他把钱都花光了。他把钱都花光了。He has spent all his money.spend sth (on sth)/ (in) doing sth 用(钱);花(钱)用(钱);花(钱)他将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。他将全部积蓄花在一辆新车上。He spent all his savings on a new car. spend pay cost take 花费花费Sb spend on sth in (doing) sthSb pay

5、some money for sthSth cost sb some moneyIt takes sb to do sthHe _about a third of his salary indrinking.She _ 3000 dollars for the dress.The DVD _ her 150 yuan.It _ him ten days to finished the work.spent paid cost took5. observe(1)vi.&vt. to notice/ watch carefully 观察注意到。观察注意到。 observe + n./pron./

6、sb. doing/do sth that-cl 这位科学家一生都在观察星星。这位科学家一生都在观察星星。The scientist has observed the stars all his life.我看到一个陌生人进了、正在进办公室。我看到一个陌生人进了、正在进办公室。I observed a stranger go/going into the office.我注意到班上有几个学生睡着了。我注意到班上有几个学生睡着了。I observed that several students were asleep in class.(2) vt. to obey; to act in acc

7、ordance with 遵守,遵守,顺从顺从我们必须遵守交通规则。我们必须遵守交通规则。We must _observe the traffic rules.(3) vt. to hold or celebrate 举行(仪式等)举行(仪式等), 庆祝(节日等)庆祝(节日等)你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?Do you _in your country?observe Christmas Day6.”Only+状语状语“+ +部分倒装部分倒装只有这样,我们才能学好英语。只有这样,我们才能学好英语。Only in this way_.到那时我才意识到我的错误。到那时我才意识

8、到我的错误。Only then_.did we realize my mistakescan we learn English better但但Only+ +主语时不倒装主语时不倒装 只有你了解我。只有你了解我。Only you_understand me.7. 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时 have/ has been doing 表示过去某一时刻开始的动作或状态一直持续到现表示过去某一时刻开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在,甚至到将来,强调进行的过程或表示到现在为在,甚至到将来,强调进行的过程或表示到现在为止的一段时间内一再反复进行的动作或存在的状态。止的一段时间内一再反复进行的动作或存在的状

9、态。He has been lying in bed for two weeks.他已经卧床两周了。(现在还躺着)他已经卧床两周了。(现在还躺着)他累了。他累了。 一天来他一直在学习。(现在还在学习一天来他一直在学习。(现在还在学习) )He is tired. He has been studying all day.这些天他不断地给我们的杂志写文章。这些天他不断地给我们的杂志写文章。All these days _to our magazine.he has been writing articles几个月以来,汤姆每天晚间都给艾丽斯打电话。几个月以来,汤姆每天晚间都给艾丽斯打电话。Tom

10、 _for several months.has been phoning Alice every night8.argue (vi.) +with sb. about/over sth.同某人辩论某事同某人辩论某事他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决方法他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决方法。They are arguing with their class mates about the solution to the problem.他们正在争执战争是否正当。他们正在争执战争是否正当。They are arguing with each other about the justice of t

11、he war.argue (vt.) +n./clause(从句从句)/sb. to be我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。We argued that we should be paid more.他花钱的方式说明他很富有。他花钱的方式说明他很富有。The way he spends money argues him to be rich.argue for/against 为、为反对为、为反对而辩论而辩论工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。The workers argued for the right to strike.一些

12、人为反对自由贸易辩论。一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。Some people argue against free trade.9. Support 1) 1) 支持支持 2 2)承受)承受 3 3) 供养供养我不知道美国人是否拥护新成立的政党。我不知道美国人是否拥护新成立的政党。I wonder if the Americans support the new political party.我认为支持本地企业是很重要的。我认为支持本地企业是很重要的。 I think its important to support local businesses.那张长椅承受不了那张长椅承受不了4 4个人。个

13、人。That bench wont support four people.1. research n./ v. (in , into, on )They are doing some research into/ on the effects of brain damage.Will they publish the results of their research/ researches?他们将会发表己自的研究成果吗?他们将会发表己自的研究成果吗?research 这个明词可以跟这个明词可以跟a a和可用复数和可用复数researches连用,但不可与连用,但不可与many连用连用. .

14、Im researching in Chinese history.They are doing research on the affects of cigarette smoking.do some research ( on / for) 2. catch sbs eye When I entered his new house, a beautiful picture caught my eye.3. intend vt1). What do you intend to do /doing next?2).He intends no harm.3). Our dictionary is

15、 intended for the students.4.must/ may/ might/+ have +p.pcan/cant/ couldnt + have + p.p1). They must have spent years and years building the Great Wall.2)The man you saw last night couldnt /cant have been Tom. 5.devote vdevote oneself / sth. to sb / sth.他一生促进世界和平的发展。他一生促进世界和平的发展。He devoted his life to promoting/ the promotion of the world peace.刘胡兰把生命奉献给了祖国。刘胡兰把生命奉献给了祖国。Liu Hulan devoted her life to our country.他所有的余闲都花在学英语上。他所有的余闲都花在学英语上。He devotes all his spare time to learning English.



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