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1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSE1Unit 10 The Role of Education 2 Content Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project3Task 1The following is a list of the core courses offered by colleges or universities. Select what you think are the three

2、most important core courses from the list below. Compare your choices with those of your partners and give reasons for your choices. (P276)Starting outStarting out EconomicsGeographyHistoryPhysiologyPsychologyEnglish, dancing, etc)Arts (music, paintingMathPhilosophyChineseP.E.ComputerManagementRelig

3、ionLaw4Task 2 In the mid 1980s, Chinas college enrollment rate stood at about 3% of the population, lower than that of many other developing countries. In the early 1990s, the number rose to 5%. In 1999, universities enrolled 1.59 million students, which was a 41.2 percent rise from the previous yea

4、r. Since then, the numbers have just kept climbing. In 2002, the college enrollment rate reached 15% percent. It rose to 19% in 2005. Some people think the expansion policy is necessary to improve the quality of the nations education while others believe that the expansion is responsible for a decli

5、ne in the quality of teaching as well as the intense competition in the job market. What is your opinion on this issue? Use examples, facts or figures to support your ideas. (P276) Starting outStarting outTask 2Task 25Task 2Useful words and expressions:Starting outStarting outTask 2Task 2a just, equ

6、itable and productive societyquality of education skilled workforcelow-income areas minority studentsrising tuition fees heavy financial burdenmeet the demands of the workplaceincapable of tackling practical problemsboost economic developmentincrease the skill base of the country6 Task 3 In most par

7、ts of China, when students reach the second grade at senior high school, they are required to specialize in either science or arts courses. The two courses are very different and some people dislike being streamlined so early in their educational career. What do you think of this practice? Talk to y

8、our partner and tell them about your experience. (P277)Starting outStarting outTask 3Task 37Starting outStarting out Now watch a video about Princeton University. Listen carefully and complete the blank-filling exercise.81. Princeton University is located in Princeton, New Jersey in the suburban his

9、toric town of_ including farmlands and forests.2. One of the things that weve seen in the last years is _in the class.3. Princeton offers one of the strongest financial aid programs in the country. Thats why 58% of undergraduates receive financial aid thats not needed _.4. Some of the most popular m

10、ajors in Princeton are politics, history, _.5. Our faculties are leaders in their fields and theyre pushing back _ in terms of their research.Starting outStarting outdiverse surroundingsthe gender balance to be paid backmolecular biology and engineeringintellectual limits 9The Role of the Academy in

11、 Times of CrisisReading FocusReading Focus10 Global Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information111Listen to a talk on education and educational system, and answer the following questions.1) Whats the purp

12、ose of education?2) Whats thought to be fashionable in many modern countries?3) Why do some people refuse to do what they think of as low jobs?4) Why is the work of a completely uneducated farmer far more important than that of a professor?5) What kind of education is valuable to the society?Backgro

13、und InformationBackground Information12Reading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingTask 1Its important to be able to find the main idea in a paragraph. The main idea tells the reader what the paragraph is mostly about. All of the other sentences in a paragraph are details that tell the reader mor

14、e about the main idea. The main idea is usually stated in a topic sentence. The topic sentence is often the first sentence or it may come a little later in the paragraph or even at the end. Its important to be able to distinguish the main idea from the supporting details in reading materials. Someti

15、mes the main idea is not written explicitly but rather suggested. Sometimes it may be expressed in more than one sentence. There are seven paragraphs in this text. Write down the main idea of each paragraph. (P283)13Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:Reading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingOur socie

16、tys confidence in its institutions of higher education is clear from the generosity of government investment in research but it comes with expectation.Modern academic study relates to the world; it is not apart from it as in the past.American society has a long-standing consensus about the value of

17、education.We have an obligation to search for new ideas and knowledge.14Para 5:Para 6:Para 7: Reading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingWe have an obligation to disseminate new idea and knowledge.We have the third obligation to educate the next generation of citizens and leaders.We should culti

18、vate the qualities of thought and discernment in our students. 15Task 2Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P284)Key:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10BCBBCCACCCReading FocusReading Focus Detailed Information16Critical ThinkingReading Focus17Step One Read the followi

19、ng sentences from the text and decide whether you agree with the author. Work in groups to provide examples to support or argue against the authors opinions.Reading FocusCritical ThinkingThe search for new ideas and knowledge is not and cannot be motivated by utilitarian concern.We should first and

20、foremost cultivate the qualities of thought and discernment in our students.18Step TwoDiscuss with your partner the following questions.What do you think is the purpose of education?Do you think the idea of a liberal arts education as preparation for a profession is a narrow one? Why or why not?Read

21、ing FocusCritical Thinking191.Our societys confidence in its institutions of higher education is expressed through the generous investments of the federal and state governments in basic and applied research, investments that wisely couple support for research with support for graduate education. (Pa

22、ra 2)couple with: if one thing is coupled with another, they happen or exist together and produce a particular result 并提;加上并提;加上 e.g. 1) Lack of rain coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail. 2) His energy and intelligence, coupled with her skill and patience, overcame all difficultie

23、s.Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 202. In times of trouble, it is especially important that we live up to these expectations. (Para 2)live up to: if something or someone lives up to a standard, reputation, or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised 符合(标准);不

24、负(盛名);履行符合(标准);不负(盛名);履行(诺言)(诺言) e.g. 1) He works hard and will probably live up to his parents expectations. 2) The bank is insolvent and is unable to live up to its obligations.Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 213. The medieval image of the university as an ivory tower, with scholars turn

25、ed inward in solitary contemplation, immunized from the cares of the day, is an image that has been superseded by the modern university constructed not of ivory, but of a highly porous material, one that allows free diffusion in both directions. (Para 3) contemplation (n.): quiet, serious thinking a

26、bout something 沉思沉思 e.g. 1) He is lost in contemplation about his future. 2) The monks spend an hour in contemplation each morning. supersede (v.): to replace 代替,取代代替,取代 e.g. Television superseded radio in the fifties.Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 22diffusion (n.): spreading ideas orinfo

27、rmation among a lot of people 传播,散播传播,散播 e.g. 1) The diffusion of ideas across borders is one reason for Europes success. 2) The diffusion of news by radio and TV may be affected by the Internet.翻译:翻译:中世纪大学的形象是一座象牙塔,学者们远离社会中世纪大学的形象是一座象牙塔,学者们远离社会进行孤独的沉思,不关心窗外之事进行孤独的沉思,不关心窗外之事这一形象已被现这一形象已被现代大学所取代代大学所取

28、代现代大学不是象牙构筑的,而是高度现代大学不是象牙构筑的,而是高度开放的机构,允许内外自由交流。开放的机构,允许内外自由交流。 Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 234. We also have learned that it is unwise to search only in predictable places, for new knowledge often depends upon preparing fertile ground in obscure places where serendipity and good luck,

29、 as well as deep intelligence, can sprout. (Para 4) serendipity (n.): the natural ability to make interesting or valuable discoveries by accident 翻译:翻译:同时,我们也得知,只在可预知的领域来挖掘知识同时,我们也得知,只在可预知的领域来挖掘知识是不明智的,因为新知识往往依赖于在未知领域准备好是不明智的,因为新知识往往依赖于在未知领域准备好肥沃的土壤,在那些领域,好运气同深奥的智慧一样能肥沃的土壤,在那些领域,好运气同深奥的智慧一样能 开花结果。开花

30、结果。 Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 245. Freedom of inquiry, which is one of our most cherished organizing principles, is not just a moral imperative, it is a practical necessity. (Para 4)imperative (n.): an essential or urgent thing 需要需要 e.g. 1) Tackling malaria is now an international im

31、perative. 2) Distributing food aid is an important moral imperative in that society. imperative (adj.): extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately 急需的急需的 e.g. 1) It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators. 2) It is imperative to meet face to face with th

32、e client.Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 256. It consists in the power to distinguish good reasoning from bad, in the power to digest and interpret evidence, in the habit of catholic observation and a preference for the non-partisan point of view, in an addiction to clear and logical proce

33、sses of thought and yet an instinctive desire to interpret rather than to stick to the letter of reasoning, in a taste for knowledge and a deep respect for the integrity of the human mind. (Para 6)catholic (adj.): including a very wide variety of things 广泛的广泛的, 普遍的普遍的 e.g. 1) She has a catholic tast

34、e in music. 2) You have a catholic array of books on your bookshelf. Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 26non-partisan (adj.): not supporting the ideas of any political party or group 无党派的无党派的 翻译:翻译:它包括了:辨别正确推理与错误推理的能力,消化它包括了:辨别正确推理与错误推理的能力,消化 与阐释论据的能力,广泛观察的习惯,对于持客观与阐释论据的能力,广泛观察的习惯,对于持客观 见解的偏

35、好,执着于清晰有条理的思维过程,本能见解的偏好,执着于清晰有条理的思维过程,本能 地热衷于阐释内涵而不拘泥于推论的字面意义,对地热衷于阐释内涵而不拘泥于推论的字面意义,对 知识的鉴赏力,对人类健全心智的无限尊重。知识的鉴赏力,对人类健全心智的无限尊重。 Reading FocusReading Focus Language Point 27Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-Task 1Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. (P287)

36、Reading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action ACDBBBCDAB28Task 21. To solve a problem you have to understand its _ causes.2. Once weve had the disease, were usually _ for life.Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. (P288)impart eloquent immu

37、nize illumination scholarimperative diffusion vulnerability foremost underlieReading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action underlyingimmune293. I was rather quiet as I didnt feel I had much wisdom to _ on the subject.4. A broad and balanced education is a(n) _ for raising standards.5. The fort was

38、 _ to attack from the north.6. Their ideas _ quickly across Europe.impart eloquent immunize illumination scholar imperative diffusion vulnerability foremost underlieReading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action impartimperativevulnerablediffused307. Economic concerns are _ in many voters minds.8.

39、I went to a(n) _ lecture this morning.9. The report _ the difficult issues at the heart of scientific policy.10. He is a man of ambition and _ .impart eloquent immunize illumination scholar imperative diffusion vulnerability foremost underlieReading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action foremostsc

40、holarlyilluminatedeloquence31Task 3Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. (P288)Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-deepercontributeexplore potentialhowproductivelikelyproduceNationallydedicatedReading FocusReading Focus Vocabulary in Action 32A

41、mericas Failure in Science EducationReading MoreReading More33Reading MoreReading More Global Understanding Critical Thinking Language Points Vocabulary in Action34Complete the following extract with information from the text. When it comes to educating the next generation in subjects of science and

42、 technology, US students have fallen far behind their competitors in much of Western Europe and 1) _. According to the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, by the time US students reach their senior year of high school, they rank below 2) _ in 17 other countries in 3) _. This trend has

43、 disturbing implications not just for the future of American technological leadership but for 4) _. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned that the country has developed a shortage of highly skilled workers and 5) _ lesser-skilled workers and the National Science Board has expressed th

44、e same concern in a recent report. Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingAsian nationstheir counterpartsmath and science literacythe broader economya surplus of35 A number of factors contribute to the situation. Firstly, until now, America has compensated for its lack of educated scientists by 6)_. But it

45、 may not be able to continue to rely on this as brilliant young scientists in overseas countries find they have 7)_ in their home countries. Secondly, President Bushs education-reform initiative, No Child Left Behind, may be 8) _, because NCLB currently requires that students be tested only in 9) _.

46、 Finally, there is a severe shortage of 10) _. A large number of science teachers in high schools dont even have 11)_ in science. Moreover, even those who have a science degree are often teaching outside 12) _.Reading MoreGlobal Understandingimporting brainpowerbetter working opportunitiesexacerbati

47、ng the problemreading and mathqualified science teachersa major or minortheir area of expertise36CriticalThinkingReading MoreReading More37 Discuss the following questions with your partner and then report your ideas to the class.Reading MoreCritical ThinkingFDo you want to further your study in an

48、overseas country? Why or why not? If yes, which overseas country will you consider first? Why?38Reading MoreCritical ThinkingFThe author thinks that bright young Indian or Chinese scientists may well have better opportunities at home than in the US as globalization accelerates. Do you agree with him

49、? Why or why not?391. But brace yourself for what youll find. (Para. 1) bracefor: to mentally or physically prepare for something unpleasant that is going to happen 使准备迎接使准备迎接(困难)(困难) e.g. 1) The city braced itself for the possibility of another earthquake. 2) Nancy braced herself for the inevitable

50、 arguments. Reading More Reading More Language Point 402. .“the future strength of the US science and engineering workforce is imperiled,” (Para.3)imperil (v.): to put something or someone in danger 危及危及 e.g. The whole project was imperiled by a lack of funds.Reading More Reading More Language Point

51、 413. “the global competition for science and engineering talent is intensifying.” (Para. 5) intensify (v.) : to increase in degree or strength, or to make something do this 加强,增强加强,增强 e.g. 1) His mothers death intensified his loneliness. 2) Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry t

52、o raise prices. Reading More Reading More Language Point 424. But Hanushek figures that the 4% annual increase alone would be enough to offset the entire cost of Americas public K-126 school system for the same year. (Para. 7) offset (v.): if the cost or amount of something offsets another cost or a

53、mount, the situation is balanced ie it remains the same 补偿,抵消补偿,抵消 e.g. 1) He was able to offset his travel expenses against tax. 2) The gains were offset by the losses so there was no profit.Reading More Reading More Language Point 43Reading More Reading More Language Point 5. “Ironically, Presiden

54、t Bushs education-reform initiative, No Child Left Behind, may be exacerbating the problem. (Para. 9)exacerbate (v.): to make a bad situation worse 使加剧,使恶化使加剧,使恶化e.g. I dont want to exacerbate the situation.446. You dont have to be a scientist to recognize that the status quo is a recipe for big tro

55、uble. (Para. 11) be a recipe for: to be likely to cause a particular result 很可能是造很可能是造成成的原因;是的原因;是的秘诀的秘诀 e.g. 1) Good friends, plenty of food and a warm atmosphere are a recipe for a successful party. 2) He said that five small boys on skis would be a recipe for disaster; it would not be a holiday.R

56、eading More Reading More Language Point 457. As things stand now, science graduates simply have too many lucrative alternatives to teaching.(Para. 13) lucrative (adj.): profitable; a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money 赚钱的赚钱的 e.g. 1)They negotiated a lucrative contract tha

57、t helped to save the company from bankruptcy. 2) Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.Reading More Reading More Language Point 46Task 1 Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. (P

58、295)Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action ACBDCABCAC47Task 21. sweepA. They want to make _ changes to education policies.B. Bert_ the path in front of the house.2. addressA. The new President delivered his inaugural _ in Creole.B. Our products _ the needs of serious users.Fill in each of the

59、 blanks with an appropriate form of the word given and explain its meaning. (P295)Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action sweeping (adj.)swept (v.)address (n.)address (v.)48 Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action 3. stunA. Redfern _ the crowd with a last-minute goal.B. You look absolute

60、ly _ in that dress.4. ironicA. Your car was stolen at the police station! How _!B. _; his cold got better on the last day of his holiday.5. contendA. Three armed groups are _ for power.B. She is a strong _ for the Teacher of the Year.stunned (v.)stunning (adj.)ironic (adj.)Ironical ly (adv.)contendi

61、ng (v.)contender (n.)49 Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action 6. depressA. The whole experience was very _.B. The thought of taking the exam again _ him.7. figureA. Government _ underestimate the problem.B. From the way he behaved, I _ that he was drunk.8. rankA. During the war Harold had ri

62、sen to the _ of major.B. The tasks have been _ in order of difficulty.depressing (adj.)depressed (v.)figures (n.)figured (v.)rank (n.)ranked (v.)509. qualifyA. Free school lunches are given to children who _.B. If you dont speak German, youre not _ to comment.10. majorA. There are two _ political pa

63、rties in the US.B. Hes _ in Political Science.Reading MoreReading More Vocabulary in Action qualify (v.)qualified (adj.)major (adj.)majoring (v.)51Practical TranslationPractical Translation52英语英语抽象名词抽象名词分为分为品质抽象名词品质抽象名词和和行为抽象名词行为抽象名词两大类。两大类。品质抽象名词品质抽象名词 品质抽象名词,一旦具体化,就可以指称人或事的某种品质、特点、状态,或是具有这种品质、特点、状

64、态的人和事。翻译这些抽象名词时往往可以在其后面加上一些表示品质、特点、状态等方面的词来表示它们的用法。抽象名词的翻译531.Meanwhile individual schools are moving on their own to redress the imbalance between teaching and research. 译文:与此同时,各学校正采取措施纠正教学与科研不译文:与此同时,各学校正采取措施纠正教学与科研不平衡的状况。平衡的状况。 2. Pennsylvania recently required the states 162 colleges and univer

65、sities to test and certify the fluency of their faculties. 译文:宾夕法尼亚近来要求本州的译文:宾夕法尼亚近来要求本州的162 所学院和大学所学院和大学 教员的英语流利程度进行测试并提供证明。教员的英语流利程度进行测试并提供证明。此例中的imbalance 若译成汉语的“不平衡”,不是很符合汉语的行文习惯,因此翻译时把它具体化为“不平衡的状况”。本例中的fluency 处理成“流利程度”较字面上的“流利”更符合汉语的表达习惯。54行为抽象名词行为抽象名词 行为抽象名词一旦具体化,就可以指称行为动作的具体过程、性质、状态、特点以及行为动作

66、的时间、地点、程度、原因、结果等。在翻译时同样可以加上适当的词来表明它们的用法551. And it is not whether universities have produced valuable research and scholarship. 译文:问题也不在于大学是否已取得有价值的科研成果和译文:问题也不在于大学是否已取得有价值的科研成果和学术成就。学术成就。2. By 1980, however, visitors began complaining about crimes downtown. 译文:然而到了译文:然而到了1980 年,外来的游客开始对闹市区的犯罪年,外来的游

67、客开始对闹市区的犯罪活动怨声载道。活动怨声载道。把抽象名词把抽象名词research 和和scholarship 分别译为分别译为“科研成果科研成果”和和“学术成就学术成就”,更符合汉语的,更符合汉语的表达习惯,增强了译文的可读表达习惯,增强了译文的可读性。性。crimes 作为一个复数抽象名词,此处有作为一个复数抽象名词,此处有“多起犯罪事件多起犯罪事件”之意,故译作之意,故译作“犯罪活动犯罪活动”。56Translate the following sentences and paragraph into Chinese.1. This is the best solution to yo

68、ur problem.2. We have made some achievements, and we must guard against complacency.3. The remedies you propose are neat and easy but impossible.4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquids can turn into gases under certain conditions.5. In Australia, youll even find judges criticizing

69、the language of legislation and contracts.576. Its ideals, crafted over many generations, are meant to suffuse the national consciousness. Its scholars and teachers are meant to move in and out of the academy in pursuit of opportunities to use their expertise in public service, in pursuit of creativ

70、e work that will give us illumination and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things.58Translation for Reference:1. 1. 这是你那问题最好的解决方案。这是你那问题最好的解决方案。2. 2. 我们取得了一些成绩,但要防止自满情绪。我们取得了一些成绩,但要防止自满情绪。3. 3. 你提的补救措施倒是干脆利落、轻而易举,但你提的补救措施倒是干脆利落、轻而易举,但 是行不通。是行不通。4. 4. 人们从水的蒸发现

71、象了解到,液体在一定条件人们从水的蒸发现象了解到,液体在一定条件 下能变成气体。下能变成气体。5. 5. 在澳大利亚,人们甚至可以发现,法官们也在在澳大利亚,人们甚至可以发现,法官们也在 指责立法条文和合同条款中的语言。指责立法条文和合同条款中的语言。59Translation for Reference:6 6. .(高校的)理想,经由多少代人的铸造,旨在渗(高校的)理想,经由多少代人的铸造,旨在渗入国民意识之中。学者和教师必定要周旋于学院入国民意识之中。学者和教师必定要周旋于学院内外以寻觅运用他们的才能为公众服务的机会,内外以寻觅运用他们的才能为公众服务的机会,寻觅能给我们带来启发和见识的

72、创造性工作,寻寻觅能给我们带来启发和见识的创造性工作,寻觅把实验室的研究发现转化为实际应用的途径。觅把实验室的研究发现转化为实际应用的途径。60ReportsReportsFocused WritingFocused Writing61 Reports can be of various kinds, such as news reports, experimental (or laboratory) reports, survey / research reports, field study reports, business reports. Focused Writing Focuse

73、d Writing Writing SkillWriting SkillA formal lab report is usually comprised of the following typical components:lTitlelAbstractlIntroductionlMaterials and methodslResultslDiscussionlLiterature cited62Title The title should be less than ten words and should reflect the factual content of the paper.

74、A good title is straightforward and uses keywords that researchers in a particular field will recognize. Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill63Abstract The abstract summarizes four essential aspects of the report: the purpose of the experiment (sometimes expressed as the purpos

75、e of the report), key findings, significance and major conclusions. The abstract often also includes a brief reference to theory or methodology. The abstract should be one paragraph of 100-200 words.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill64 Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing

76、SkillWriting SkillIntroduction The introduction defines the subject of the report. It must outline the scientific purpose(s) or objective(s) of the research performed and give the reader sufficient background to understand the rest of the report. A good introduction will answer several questions, in

77、cluding the following: Why was this study performed? What knowledge already exists about this subject? What is the specific purpose of the study?65Materials and Methods The materials and methods used in the experiments should be reported in this section. The difficulty in writing this section is to

78、provide enough detail for the reader to understand the experiment without overwhelming him or her. When procedures from a lab book or another report are followed exactly, simply cite the work, noting that details can be found in that particular source. However, it is still necessary to describe spec

79、ial pieces of equipment and importantly the theory behind the methodology used.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill66Results This section should summarize the data from the experiments without discussing their implications. The data should be organized, for example, into tables

80、, figures, graphs, even photographs.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill67Discussion Discussion is the most important part of your report, because here you show that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it, that you understand the theoretical basi

81、s of the experiment.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting Skill68Literature cited This includes your lab manual and any outside reading you have done including references of any theories or ideas or even language belonging to others.Focused Writing Focused Writing Writing SkillWriting

82、 Skill69Final Project70Final Project To date, no Chinese who has received their higher education in China has been awarded a Nobel Prize in Sciences. Suppose you are a journalist working for a major media in China and your partner is an official at the Education Ministry. Interview the official to e

83、xplore the reasons why this is the case. The following words and expressions are for your reference:l encourage innovationl evaluation of students abilitiesl be dedicated to ones workl be immune to temptationl out of curiosityl in pursuit of truth71lfinancial supportlI see your point.lI see what you

84、 mean.lWell, you have a point there, but can you prove it with facts?lBut I dont see it that way.lSince you are an expert in the field, your advice would be appreciated.lDo you have any suggestion on how we can solve the problem?lIm afraid Im not following you.lAll Im trying to say is, Final Project72Thank You!73知识回顾知识回顾Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview



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