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1、FA-CA-Report-5C-FA-CA-Report-5C-guidelinesguidelinesCHARACTERI ZA CHARACTERI ZA -TION-TION问题问题特征特征特征特征Issue Description问题描述描述Team Members跨功能跨功能团队CONTAINMENTCONTAINMENT控制控制CAUSESCAUSES原因分析原因分析原因分析原因分析CORRECTIVE CORRECTIVE ACTIONACTION改善措施改善措施改善措施改善措施CLOSURECLOSURE结结案案案案Containment围堵措施堵措施Root Cause真因分

2、析真因分析Corrective Action改善措施改善措施Preventive Action预防措施防措施Verification确确认Review审核核Lessons Learned经验教教训Problem Detailed详细问题描述Internal & External Members of Team解决问题的内部及外部团队成员Actions take (Internal & External) to contain and rectify the immediate issue.采取内部及外部措施去控制并改正当前的不符合Root cause analysis and determin

3、ation using appropriate tools and methods.运用适当的工具和方法去分析及确定根本原因Action to eliminate the cause of a detected non-conformity or other undesirable situation.采取措施去消除存在的不符合原因或其它不良情况Action to eliminate the cause of a potential non-conformity or other undesirable situation.采取措施以消除潜在不符合原因或其它不良情况Confirmation,

4、through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled. 通过提供客观证据确认特定的要求是否被实施Activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of subject matter to achieve established objectives. 采取行动去确定为实现建立的目标而采取的措施的适宜性、充分性和有效性Repository of solution

5、s for future reference (DFX), input to lessons learned database.将问题的解决方案保存到数据库中,以备将来学习参考5Cs5Cs5C Sub-steps5C Sub-stepsRole & Responsibility - Customer Complaint*Owner takes lead and co-work with Supporters to complete each 5C process.*Supporters need to report Owner about the data and action result.

6、 Owner shall consolidate the 5C reports and forward the report to the Owner of next 5C process.*Cycle time requirement for each process: Characterization 0.5 day, Containment 0.5 day, Cause & Corrective Action 12 day (then release the first report to customer if urgent), Closure 1 day (incl. final r

7、eport to be submitted to customer).*Completed report shall be submitted to CS. CS will send the final of FA/CA report to the customer.Role & Responsibility - Internal Failures*Owner takes lead and co-work with Supporters to complete each 5C process.*Supporters need to report Owner about the data and

8、 action result. Owner shall consolidate the 5C reports and forward the report to the Owner of next 5C process.*Cycle time requirement for each process: Characterization 0.5 day, Containment 0.5 day, Cause & Corrective Action 12 day, Closure 1 dayIssue Number # : Issue Title : XXXXXXXXXX 问题编号问题编号 问题名

9、称:问题名称:Customer & Champion:顾客端联络人顾客端联络人Champion:联络人联络人Team Members:团队团队Failure Description: 不良不良描述描述 5C / FA-CACharacterization 特特征征Key Points of Issue Description 问题关键点描述问题关键点描述Customer factory where Failure Occurred? 发生不良的客人工厂?Where In Process Failure Occur ? 是在制程中发生的不良? (IQC, Line Reject, OBA, Co

10、ntrol Build, Field Failure; etc)? Failed During What Test (Conditions of Failure, if known)? 在何种测试中发生不良(如失效的状况)?Description of what panel failed for (ratio, failure mode, out of Spec.)?面板不良的描述(比例、失效模式、超出规格)?What Testing was done and what was the results? 进行的何种测验及结果如何?Provide TPK On-site Assessment r

11、esults 提供TPK现场评价结果Characterize: Issue Description Guidance 特征:问题描述特征:问题描述指南指南1.How are we going to describe the issue or problem? 如何去描述问题?2.What are the key things to describe the issue or problem? 要问题描述的关键是什么?3.States the effect (what is wrong, not why it is wrong) 说明影响(错在那里,而不是为什么会是错的)4.The unders

12、tanding of the issue to be addressed. 描述对问题的理解5.The problem or issue needs to be carefully defined and bounded. 仔细定义问题及界限6.The champion first develops a complete description of the issue & its impact. Careful definition is an essential first step to problem containment/resolution. 主导人员首先应对问题及其它的影响进行

13、一个完整的描述,清楚定义是对问题围堵/解决的第一步。7. May include internal and external description可以有内部和外部的描述。 8. May be refined as process progresses 可以与过程进展一样精简9. Analyze existing data 分析现有的数据 10.Establish operational definition 建立作业操作说明11. Who, what, when, where, why, how, how many 5W2H12. Be specific 具体方案Containment Ac

14、tion:围堵措施围堵措施 Containment 围围堵堵措措施施5C / FA-CAWhat is being done to contain the issue or problem? 采取哪些措施来控制这些问题?The second step in resolving a FA-CA issue is to contain the problem. Once a problem becomes apparent there has already been some loss suffered, either by a TPK customer or internally within

15、 TPK by one or more departments. 在FA-CA中的第二步是控制出现的问题,当这个问题所遭受的损失已经变得明显,不管是对顾客或者是TPK内部 的一个或多个部门Containment does not only apply to product issues. We need to “contain” other process or similar issues as required. 围堵措施不仅可应用于产品问题。而且“包含”其它过程或有要求的同类问题The problem didnt suddenly appear its been around for a

16、 while. It has, however, only just become apparent. 问题不会突然出现它一定是已出现了一段时间。只不过是,变得很明显罢了Immediate action needs to be taken to minimize the potential for additional loss. 应采取立即的措施,以尽量减小额外损失的潜在性The primary obligation is to prevent harm (economic or physical) to additional customers or departments. The cr

17、itical factor is immediacy. - Containment action planning must begin as soon as a problem becomes known. 主要任务是防止损害到另外的客人或部门(如经济方面或身体),主要因素应立即解决:一旦问题清楚时,围堵行动计划就产即开始。Containment has the potential to be very costly and painful depending on the issue. 围堵措施有可能很昂贵或费力的,主要取决于问题本身Guidance 指南指南Activity to red

18、uce/remove any possible impact on product already produced. The scope should cover 采取措施以降低/消除所有对已生产的产品可能造成的影响,其包含:1.Customer field/factory/warehouse, material in transit to customer. 顾客端/工厂/仓库,及在途物料2.TPK factory (WIP & warehouse). TPK工厂(半成品和仓库)3.TPKs sub-supplier factory (WIP & warehouse), material

19、in transit between TPK and sub-tier supplier. TPK的承包商工厂(半成品和仓库)在TPK与承包商之间在在途物料NOTE! May need to be updated daily, as determined by Champion.注意:可能需要每天更新,由主导人决定Failure Analysis失效失效分析分析Conclusion of Root Cause Analysis根本原因分析结论根本原因分析结论 Cause 原原因因5C / FA-CARoot Cause Guidance 真真因因分析分析 What is the root ca

20、use of the issue or problem? 问题的真因是什么? To determine the cause of the problem or issue under investigation. While its desirable that corrective action be taken as quickly as possible, its just as important that the true root cause of the problem is identified and fixed. 为确定问题或问题的原因进行调查。当合适时应尽快采取的纠正措施

21、,问题的真正原因被子识别及解决同样是最重要的。 If the previous step - that of containment - was accomplished effectively, then downstream processes and the customer have been protected from further loss. Sufficient time should be spent in causal analysis so that the problem is fixed, fixed once, and stays fixed. A 6-Sigma

22、 project may be triggered based on root cause. 如果前面的围堵措施步骤有被有效的完成,那么后续的过程中和顾客的进一步的损失就可以被子防止。用足够的时间进行原因分析并直到问题被解决。某些6-Sigma项目可以开始,根据根本 原因。GuidanceHow was Failure Detected (test)? Provide Detail of Assessment.如何探测/测试到失效?提供详细的报告。What is the True Root Cause (Drill down to the real source of the issue)?真

23、正的根本原因是什么?(挖掘至问题真正的源头)Why/How did this Failure Escape TPK Factory Process?这些不良为什么或如何能流出TPK工厂制程?Corrective Action: 纠正措施纠正措施Preventive Action: 预防措施预防措施Corrective Action 改改善善 预预防防 措措施施5C / FA-CACorrective Action Guidance 改善改善措施措施What is being done to provide corrective action to address the issue or pr

24、oblem? 将采取什么改正措施来解决问题?After the root cause of the problem has been determined, its time to take corrective action. This may involve both interim and permanent actions to deal with all of the problems in evidence.确定问题的根本原因后,采取纠正措施。这可以有临时和永久的措施去处理相关的问题。Corrective action differs from the Containment ac

25、tion performed when the problem became evident. Containment action is protective in nature and is done to prevent further harm (to customer and/or process) from occurring. 在问题变得明显时纠正措施与围堵措施是不同的。围堵措施是一种事实上保护性的活动和防止进一步危害到顾客或过程的发生。Corrective action is the implementation of a solution believed to elimin

26、ate the root cause of a problem, defect or failure. 纠正措施以实施解决方案去消除问题、缺陷或不良的根本原因。Many organizations consider corrective action primarily as taken against a product, while they consider preventive action applied against a process. 许多组织认为采取的纠正措施主要是产品,而预防措施是针对过程Preventive Action Guidance 预防措施预防措施What is

27、 being done to provide preventive action to address the issue or problem?将采取什么预防措施来解决问题? Action taken to prevent known issues before they occur or reoccur. 采取措施防止潜在问题的发生或再次发生。Determine how action(s) can be applied to other areas. 对其它区域将决定何种行动Implement method/system to prevent this and like issues. 实

28、施方法/制度来防止这种问题或类似的问题Preventive action is done to assure that the problem wont recur in like products or processes.执行预防措施是为确保问题不会再次发生在类似产品或过程中“Lock in” the new system. 制定至新制度中Update FMEAs, Control Plans, Procedures, Work Instructions, Processes. 更新失效失模分析,控制计划,程序,作业指导书和制程 Design Review evaluation; can

29、anything be done in development to prevent this and like issues from occurring in similar products?设计审查评估;是否可以在设计中可以做一些事情来防止这种或类似问题在类似产品中的发生?Many organizations consider preventive action primarily as taken against a process, while they consider corrective action applied against a product. 许多组织认为预防措施

30、主要是针对过程,而纠正措施是针对产品Short Term (Include Dates):短期(包括日期)Long Term (Include Dates):长期(包括日期)Verification确认确认Closure 结结案案5C / FA-CA- Green = Completed- Yellow = Currently Working- Red = Future Work Closure: Verification Guidance 结案结案:确认验证:确认验证1. What is being done to verify that the previous steps in the

31、TPK FA-CA Process 确认前面4C中改善措施的执行情况2. Use SPC control chart, Cpk, ANOVAetc to prove the improvement effectiveness 使用SPC控制图,CPK,ANOVA等证明改善有效性3. Problem closure cannot occur until all changes have been validated & documented (SOP/WI). 在所有变更(操作规范/作业指导书)有被确认或文件化之前,问题不能关闭In addition, Closure activity includes knowledge sharing so that other TPK locations can act proactively to preclude a similar problem from occurring 此外,关闭行动包括与其它部门进行经验的分享,以积极地预先防止类似问题发生BACKUPPictures / Data / Document Evidences结束结束



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