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1、30%November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsEquity ResearchDRAM: Mobile competition continues albeit stabilizing PC DRAMPC DRAM price stabilizing on supply cutsAfter posting a 14% qoq decline in 3Q12, commodity DRAM contract pricestarted to stabilize in November. Although PC demand remains w

2、eak for2H12, production cuts by DRAM makers have contributed to stabilized PCDRAM prices. In light of decelerating supply growth along with fallingutilization rate, we project that PC DRAM prices will likely remain stableuntil the end of 2012, albeit sub-seasonal PC demand.Mobile DRAM supply growth

3、to accelerate price erosion in 1Q13In tandem with solid demand growth from smartphones and tabletscoupled with lackluster demand from PC, major DRAM makers are rapidlyincreasing capacity allocation to mobile DRAM from PC DRAM. SolidRELATED RESEARCH1 October 2012: Asia: Technology: Semiconductors: DR

4、AM:New PC/tablet forecasts imply weaker DRAM demand10 August 2012: DRAM: New PC forecasts imply furtherweakness in DRAM demand1 August 2012: Proactive DRAM utilization control mayimply limited margin expansion27 July 2012: DRAM: Lowering pricing assumptionsreflecting weaker demandMOBILE DRAM SUPPLY/

5、DEMAND TREND(mn,1Gbequiv.)4,000seasonal demand will result in decelerating mobile DRAM price contractionfor 4Q12, in our view. However, we foresee that mobile DRAM priceerosion will likely accelerate again in 1Q13, as a consequence of: (1)potential inventory de-stocking for mobile DRAM, and (2) sequ

6、entialmobile DRAM supply growth with limited demand recovery from PC.Asymmetric mobile DRAM consumption implies steep competitionGiven dominant positions in the smartphone market, SEC and Apple have3,5003,0002,5002,0001,5001,0005000TotalMobileDRAMSupplyOver/(Under)supply(RHS)TotalMobileDRAMDemand25%

7、20%15%10%5%0%5%emerged as major demand drivers for mobile DRAM, accounting foraround 50% of global mobile DRAM demand. We view that asymmetricmobile DRAM consumption will lead to steep pricing competition, takinginto account: (1)SECs internal mobile DRAM sourcing resulting in smalleraddressable mark

8、et for other DRAM makers, and (2) heavy dependency onApple leaving DRAM makers with limited bargaining power and fluctuatingmobile DRAM shipments coinciding with Apples product cycles.Samsung Electronics remains our top Buy pick; Neutral on HynixAlthough Hynix recently rebounded on expectation for s

9、equential earningsmomentums and stabilizing PC DRAM prices, we view that its current shareprice largely reflects its improving outlook. We expect accelerating mobileDRAM price contraction in 1Q13 to deteriorate its profitability as well asshare price momentum. Meanwhile, we maintain our Buy rating o

10、nSamsung Electronics (our top pick in the memory sector). Although currentshare price is at a historically high level, P/E, EV/EBITDA, and P/B remainsbelow three-year historical levels and we see several catalysts in FY13.Source: Company data, DRAMeXchange, Gartner, GoldmanSachs Research estimates.M

11、arcus Shin+82(2)3788-1154 Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul BranchMichael Bang+82(2)3788-1655 Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul BranchIkuo Matsuhashi, CMA+81(3)6437-9860 Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.Hyunwoo Nam+82(2)3788-1704 Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul BranchThe Goldman Sachs Group, In

12、c.Goldman Sachs does and seeks to do business withcompanies covered in its research reports. As a result,investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict ofinterest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investorsshould consider this report as only a single factor in makingthei

13、r investment decision. For Reg AC certification and otherimportant disclosures, see the Disclosure Appendix, or go Analysts employed by non-US affiliates are not registered/qualified as research analystswith FINRA in the U.S.Global Investment Research2November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: Semiconducto

14、rsPC DRAM price stabilizing on supply cutsAfter posting a 14% qoq decline in 3Q12, commodity DRAM contract price started tostabilize in November. According to DRAMeXchange, 2Gb DDR3 remained flat at $0.83 inthe first half of November 2012. Along with stabilizing prices, the price gap betweencontract

15、 and spot prices has narrowed substantially.Exhibit 1: DDR3 2Gb pricing trend(US$)2.502.302.101.901.701.501.301.100.900.700.50Exhibit 2: DDR3 2Gb contract price premium vs. spot50%40%30%20%10%0%-10%-20%-30%2GbeTTSource: DRAMeXchange2Gb1333MHzspotDDR32Gb1333MHzcontractDDR3 2Gb 1333MHz contract price

16、premium vs. spotSource: DRAMeXchangeAlthough PC demand remains weak despite favorable seasonality for 2H12, production cutsby DRAM makers have contributed to stabilized PC DRAM prices, in our view. As aconsequence of lackluster PC demand as well as ongoing price erosion, less costcompetitive DRAM ma

17、kers started to lower utilization rate in 2H12. Our bottom-up analysissuggests that global DRAM capacity will likely decline 8% to 1.06mn WPM (12-inchequivalent) in 4Q12 from 1.15mn WPM in 2Q12.Exhibit 3: Global DRAM capacity trend(K wafer/m)1,8001,6001,4001,20030%20%8%1,00080060040020001Q084Q083Q09

18、2Q101Q114Q113Q122Q13ESamsungNanyaSK HynixPowerchipMicronProMosElpidaOthersNote: We are Not Covered on Nanya, Powerchip, ProMos and Elpida. Estimates for NC companies are based onDRAMeXchange and Gartner data.Source: Company data, DRAMeXchange, Gartner, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Goldman Sachs

19、Global Investment Research3November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsIn light of decelerating supply growth along with falling utilization rate, we project that PCDRAM price will likely remain stable until the end of 2012, albeit sub-seasonal PC demand.Mobile DRAM supply growth to accelerate

20、price erosion in 1Q13Contrary to ongoing weakness in PC DRAM demand, mobile DRAM demand continues toincrease rapidly with strong smartphone and tablet shipment growth. As per our estimates,global mobile DRAM demand will likely surge by 99% yoy in 2012, followed by an 80% yoygrowth in 2013E.Exhibit 4

21、: Mobile DRAM demand trend(mn,1Gbequiv.)4,0003,5003,0002,5002,0001,5001,000500060%50%40%30%20%10%0%-10%-20%1Q10 3Q10 1Q11Basic/Feature phoneTabletOthers3Q111Q123Q12 1Q13E 3Q13ESmartphonePMP/Portable Game PlayersChang qoq (RHS)Source: Company data, Gartner, DRAMeXchange, Goldman Sachs Research estima

22、tes.In tandem with solid demand growth from smartphones and tablets coupled with lacklusterdemand from PC, major DRAM makers are rapidly increasing capacity allocation to mobileDRAM from PC DRAM. In terms of bit shipment, mobile DRAM will likely represent 29% ofglobal DRAM supply in 4Q12, surging fr

23、om 17% in 4Q11. Along with incremental capacityallocation, mobile DRAM supply will keep increasing rapidly. We estimate that globalmobile DRAM shipment will increase 28% qoq in 4Q12, following a 24% qoq growth in3Q12.Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research4Q12E1Q13E 2Q13E3Q13E 4Q13E1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4

24、Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q124November 28, 2012Exhibit 5: Mobile DRAM bit portion trend60%Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsExhibit 6: Mobile DRAM supply trend(mn,1Gbequiv.)4,00040%50%40%30%20%10%0%3,5003,0002,5002,0001,5001,000500035%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%-5%1Q10 3Q10 1Q11Samsung3Q11 1Q12Hynix3

25、Q12 1Q13E 3Q13EElpidaIndustryaverage.SamsungHynixElpidaMicronMicronChang qoq (RHS)NanyaWinbondNote: We are Not Covered on Elpida. Estimates for NC companies are basedon DRAMeXchange and Gartner data.Source: Company data, DRAMeXchange, Gartner, Goldman Sachs Researchestimates.Note: We are Not Covered

26、 on Nanya, Elpida and Winbond. Estimates for NCcompanies are based on DRAMeXchange and Gartner data.Source: Company data, DRAMeXchange, Gartner, Goldman Sachs Researchestimates.Despite substantial supply growth, decreasing mobile DRAM pricing trend will deceleratein 4Q12 (around 5-10% qoq decline fo

27、r 4Q12 vs. 10%+ qoq declines for the past fewquarters), chiefly on account of solid demand from smartphone and tablet. Due to seasonaldownturn in demand, however, we project that mobile DRAM demand will sequentiallydecline along with potential mobile DRAM inventory de-stocking in 1Q13. On the flip s

28、ide,mobile DRAM supply will continue to grow in 1Q13 with limited demand recovery from PC.As such, we expect mobile DRAM price contraction to accelerate again in 1Q13,pressurizing DRAM makers profitability.Exhibit 7: Mobile DRAM supply/demand trend(mn,1Gbequiv.)4,0003,5003,0002,5002,0001,5001,000500

29、0TotalMobileDRAMSupplyTotalMobileDRAMDemand30%25%20%15%10%5%0%5%Over/(Under)supply(RHS)Source: Company data, DRAMeXchange, Gartner, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research4Q12E 1Q13E 2Q13E 3Q13E 4Q13E1Q102Q103Q104Q101Q112Q113Q114Q111Q122Q123Q125November 28, 2012Asia

30、: Technology: SemiconductorsAsymmetric mobile DRAM consumptions imply steep competitionIn the global smartphone market, Samsung Electronics (SEC) and Apple (AAPL, Buy, on CL,US$589.53; covered by Bill Shope) continue to lead the market, commanding dominantshares. Accordingly, mobile DRAM demand from

31、 SEC and Apple kept increasing rapidly aswell. As per our estimates, mobile DRAM demand from SEC and Apple including bothsmartphones and tablets will reach 1.9bn units and 1.1bn units (on a 1Gb equivalent basis)for 2012, representing 31% and 18% of global mobile DRAM demand, respectively.Exhibit 8:

32、Mobile DRAM demand from SEC and Apple as % of total60%50%40%30%20%10%0%DemandfromSamsung&AppleDemandfromSamsungDemandfromAppleSource: Company data, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Given that SECs smartphone and tablet supply chain is vertically integrated fromsemiconductors such as mobile DRAM, NAN

33、D, and AP to other components includingdisplay and battery, SEC mostly sources its mobile DRAM internally. In addition, as aconsequence of ongoing patent litigation, Apple has substantially lowered its proportion ofmobile DRAM procurement from SEC. In our view, these factors pose structural challeng

34、esfor major DRAM makers from two perspectives.Firstly, with SEC mostly procuring its mobile DRAM for smartphones and tablets internally,other DRAM makers such as Hynix and Elpida (6665.T, Not Covered)/Micron (MU, NotRated; covered by James Schneider) inherently have very limited exposure to SECs mob

35、ileDRAM supply chains. As such, we view that SECs internal mobile DRAM sourcing willcontinue to leave a smaller addressable market for other DRAM makers, which will result inintensifying price competition so as to gain more share within the remaining mobile DRAMmarket.Goldman Sachs Global Investment

36、 Research6November 28, 2012Exhibit 9: Mobile DRAM supply/demand mapAsia: Technology: SemiconductorsMobileDRAMdemand(2012E)51%18%31%MajorSuppliersSamsung,Hynix,Elpida,Micron,Winbond,NanyaHynixandElpidaMostlySamsungSamsungAppleOthersNote: We are Not Covered on Nanya, Winbond and Elpida. Estimates for

37、NC companies are based on DRAMeXchange andGartner data.Source: DRAMeXchange, Gartner, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Secondly, we view that Apples dominant shares in the mobile DRAM demand will leaveDRAM makers with limited bargaining power as well as fluctuating shipment trends. Weestimate that A

38、pple represents approximately 25%-30% of global mobile DRAM demandexcluding SEC. As Hynix and Elpida/Micron have to largely rely on mobile DRAM shipmentfrom a single customer, we project that those DRAM makers will have limited bargainingpower in terms of pricing. On top of it, due to their heavy de

39、pendency on Apples demand,their mobile DRAM shipment will likely move in line with Apples product cycles, resultingin substantial fluctuations in mobile DRM shipment.Exhibit 10: Mobile DRAM demand from Apple(mn,1Gbequiv.)9008007006005004003002001000140%120%100%80%60%40%20%0%-20%1Q103Q101Q113Q111Q123

40、Q12 1Q13E 3Q13EFrom Apple handsetsFrom Apple tabletsChange qoq (RHS)Source: Company data, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research7November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsSamsung Electronics remains our top Buy pick; Neutral on HynixAs a consequence of: (1)

41、stabilizing PC DRAM pricing trends, (2) robust rebound in NANDprice, and (3) expectation for sequential earnings momentum from 4Q12, Hynixs shareshave exhibited solid upward momentum, rebounding about 27% from its recent bottom(W20,250 in July 2012) vs. KOSPIs 6%. Trading at 17X P/E and 1.6X P/B wit

42、h ROE of 8% forFY13E, however, its current share price mostly reflects improving earnings outlook, in ourview. On top of that, we project that accelerating mobile DRAM price contraction in 1Q13will potentially deteriorate its profitability as well as any upward share price momentum.Hence, we remain

43、Neutral on Hynix.Exhibit 11: Hynixs forward P/B(X)3.53.0Exhibit 12: Hynixs historical ROE trend60%40%2.52.020%0%-20%Historical avg. = 10%1.51.0Historical avg. = 1.6x-40%-60%-80%0.520042006ROE20082010 2012EHistorical average2014E0.0Jan-04Jan-05Jan-06Jan-07Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11Jan-12Hynix 1-yr fwd

44、P/BHistorical averageSource: Company data, Goldman Sachs ResearchSource: Company data, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Meanwhile, we maintain our Buy rating on SEC. Although current share price is at ahistorically high level, P/E, EV/EBITDA, and P/B remains below the three-year historicallevel and

45、we see several catalysts in FY13 such as firm smartphone operations andimprovements from the NAND, System LSI, Display Panel, and tablet businesses. As such,SEC remains our top Buy pick in the memory sector.Exhibit 13: Samsung Electronics P/B band(W)1,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000

46、400,000200,0000Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13Exhibit 14: Samsung Electronics EV/EBITDA band(W)1,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,0000Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-

47、10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13Price1X1.5X2X2.5X3XPrice3X4.5X6X7.5X9XSource: Company data, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.Goldman Sachs Global Investment ResearchSource: Company data, Goldman Sachs Research estimates.8November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsRating and pricing informationSamsung E

48、lectronics (B/A, W1,404,000) and SK Hynix Inc. (N/A, W25,800)Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research9November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsDisclosure AppendixReg ACI, Marcus Shin, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the

49、 subject company orcompanies and its or their securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specificrecommendations or views expressed in this report.Investment ProfileThe Goldman Sachs Investment Profile provides investment con

50、text for a security by comparing key attributes of that security to its peer group andmarket. The four key attributes depicted are: growth, returns, multiple and volatility. Growth, returns and multiple are indexed based on compositesof several methodologies to determine the stocks percentile rankin

51、g within the regions coverage universe.The precise calculation of each metric may vary depending on the fiscal year, industry and region but the standard approach is as follows:Growth is a composite of next years estimate over current years estimate, e.g. EPS, EBITDA, Revenue. Return is a year one p

52、rospective aggregateof various return on capital measures, e.g. CROCI, ROACE, and ROE. Multiple is a composite of one-year forward valuation ratios, e.g. P/E, dividendyield, EV/FCF, EV/EBITDA, EV/DACF, Price/Book. Volatility is measured as trailing twelve-month volatility adjusted for dividends.Quan

53、tumQuantum is Goldman Sachs proprietary database providing access to detailed financial statement histories, forecasts and ratios. It can be used forin-depth analysis of a single company, or to make comparisons between companies in different sectors and markets.GS SUSTAINGS SUSTAIN is a global inves

54、tment strategy aimed at long-term, long-only performance with a low turnover of ideas. The GS SUSTAIN focus listincludes leaders our analysis shows to be well positioned to deliver long term outperformance through sustained competitive advantage andsuperior returns on capital relative to their globa

55、l industry peers. Leaders are identified based on quantifiable analysis of three aspects of corporateperformance: cash return on cash invested, industry positioning and management quality (the effectiveness of companies management of theenvironmental, social and governance issues facing their indust

56、ry).DisclosuresCoverage group(s) of stocks by primary analyst(s)Marcus Shin: Asia Pacific Chemicals, Korea Technology.Asia Pacific Chemicals: Cheil Industries, Far Eastern New Century Corp., Formosa Chemicals & Fibre, Formosa Plastics, Hanwha Chemical, HonamPetrochemical, KP Chemical, Kumho Petro Ch

57、emical Co., LG Chem, Nan Ya Plastics, PTT Global Chemical, Petronas Chemicals Group Berhad, TaiwanFertilizer, Tata Chemicals, United Phosphorus.Korea Technology: Asia Pacific Systems, Iljin Materials, LG Display, LG Electronics, LG Innotek Co., SFA Engineering, SK Hynix Inc., Samsung Electro-Mechani

58、cs, Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI Co., Samsung Techwin, Seoul Semiconductor, Soulbrain.Company-specific regulatory disclosuresThe following disclosures relate to relationships between The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (with its affiliates, Goldman Sachs) and companiescovered by the Global Investment

59、Research Division of Goldman Sachs and referred to in this research.Goldman Sachs has received compensation for investment banking services in the past 12 months: Samsung Electronics (W1,416,000)Goldman Sachs expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services in the n

60、ext 3 months: Samsung Electronics(W1,416,000)Goldman Sachs had an investment banking services client relationship during the past 12 months with: Samsung Electronics (W1,416,000)Goldman Sachs had a non-investment banking securities-related services client relationship during the past 12 months with:

61、 Samsung Electronics(W1,416,000)Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research10November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsGoldman Sachs had a non-securities services client relationship during the past 12 months with: Samsung Electronics (W1,416,000)Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch benefic

62、ially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1346SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C

63、., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1212SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Gol

64、dman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1213SAMSUNG ELECTRO

65、NICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., L

66、TD. 0065SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA D

67、AETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 0087SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liq

68、uidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1278SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for whic

69、h it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1347SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to th

70、e current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1279SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two bu

71、siness days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1362SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of thec

72、lose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1214SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as t

73、he underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1215SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has

74、the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1D73SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked

75、Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1E21SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially own

76、ed 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 9313SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul

77、Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANA DAETOO SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1364SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sach

78、s (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1G71SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD

79、. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: HANWHA SECURITIES CO. LTD. 1064SAMSUNG ELE

80、CTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., L

81、TD. 0456SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHI

82、N SECURITIES CO., LTD. 0869SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidi

83、ty provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 0923SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is

84、acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 0924SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current da

85、te for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 0E48SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Goldman Sachs Global Investment ResearchIndexPriceStockPrice11November 28, 2012Asia: Technology: SemiconductorsGoldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Seoul Branch beneficially owned 0 Equity

86、Linked Warrants which has the companys stock as the underlier as of theclose of business two business days prior to the current date for which it is acting as a liquidity provider: DAISHIN SECURITIES CO., LTD. 1D64SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. CALL.Distribution of ratings/investment banking relation

87、shipsGoldman Sachs Investment Research global coverage universeRating DistributionInvestment Banking RelationshipsBuyHoldSellBuyHoldSellGlobal31%55%14%49%42%35%As of October 1, 2012, Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research had investment ratings on 3,442 equity securities. Goldman Sachs assigns sto

88、cksas Buys and Sells on various regional Investment Lists; stocks not so assigned are deemed Neutral. Such assignments equate to Buy, Hold and Sellfor the purposes of the above disclosure required by NASD/NYSE rules. See Ratings, Coverage groups and views and related definitions below.Price target a

89、nd rating history chart(s)Sam sung Ele ctronics (005930.KS)Stock Price Currency : South Korean WonGoldman Sachs rating and stock price target history1,600,0001,400,0001,200,00092500093200091800010200009500001000000110000010500009500009750001200000145000015500002,4002,2002,0001,000,000 91500013000001

90、,800800,000600,000Mar 21110000011100001080000Nov 22100000010250001100000140000015000001,6001,400BCSBN D J F MA M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F MA M J J A S2009201020112012Source: Goldman Sachs Investment Research for ratings and price targets; FactSet closing prices as of 9/30/2012.Jan 1

91、4, 2010 to N from BRatingPrice targetPrice target at removalCovered by Michael Bang,as of Nov 22, 2010Not covered by current analystKorea SE Composite(KOSPI)The price targets show n should be considered in the context of all prior published Goldman Sachs research, w hich may ormay not have included

92、price targets, as w ell as developments relating to the company, its industry and f inancial markets.Regulatory disclosuresDisclosures required by United States laws and regulationsSee company-specific regulatory disclosures above for any of the following disclosures required as to companies referre

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