七年级英语下册 Lesson41课件 冀教版

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1、河北版七年级英语(下册)Unit6Lessons41-48WinterInCanada LESSON 41 SNOW! ITS WINTER!ByYishuiMiddleSchoolWangJinLEARNING AIMS: A. New words: winter n.冬天冬天,冬季冬季spring n.春天,春季春天,春季bright adj.明亮的,耀眼的明亮的,耀眼的night n.夜晚夜晚scarf n.围巾,巾,头巾巾skate v.滑冰滑冰ski v.滑雪滑雪learn v.学,学学,学习teach v.教,教,讲授授ice n.冰冰B. Phrases and expressi

2、ons: come in, put on , walk in the snow, skate on the ice, ski on the snow.C. Sentence pattern 1. What a cold, snowy day! 2. Can you ? 3. What do you like to do? I like to .THINK ABOUT IT1.Whatdoyouwearonacoldday?2.Whatdoesyourmothersaytoyouonacoldday?Wintercoat,mittens/gloves,scarf,boots,hatDontfor

3、getyourbootsandmittensorgloves.ASK AND ANSWER:HOW IS THE WEATHER? ITS cloud,cloudysun,sunnyrain,rainyHow is the weather? Its .HOW IS THE WEATHER? ITS .What a cold, snowy day!snowsnowyWHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN WINTER?skateskateontheiceskiskionthesnowDIALOGUE:T:Lookoutofthewindow!Itissnowing.Letsplay.

4、Whatdoyouliketodo?S:Iliketo.T:ButIcant.Canyouteachme?S:OK/Sure.LookoutofLookoutof 向向外看外看你能教我吗?你能教我吗?cancan是情态动词,其后是情态动词,其后用动词原形用动词原形 LISTEN AND ANSWERDoes it snow in April in China?Does it snow in April in Canada? Does it often snow?Who can ski and skate? What does Li Ming like to do? What does he w

5、ant to learn?WEAR & PUT ONwear表示持续性的动作或强调穿着的状态,除了表示穿着以外还可表示佩戴的意思。Sheiswearingaprettydresstoday.puton强调穿戴的瞬间动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,也不能用进行时态。Itiscoldoutside.Pleaseputonyourwinterjacket!PROJECT (LETS DO IT)Where can you ski and skate in China? Work with a partner. Use the Internet, magazines, newspaper, or

6、books to find the answer. Write a paragraph and present it to your classmates.B. Describe your favorite season.EXERCISE 根据句意,用适当的词填空。1.Thereare_daysinaweek.2._isthethirddayoftheweek.3.Idontlikescience_itistoodifficult.4.Whatacold_(snow)day!5.Iwant_(learn)howto_(在冰上滑冰).6.ThistermMr.Woodteaches_(we)English.7.Everyone_(look)happy.sevenTuesdaybecausesnowytolearnskateontheiceuslooksIts time to relax! Good bye!



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