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1、GrammarC第1页/共27页第一页,共28页。used to谈论一个过去的习惯或状态, 后跟不定式1.他过去曾是个数学老师。2.我哥哥过去在美国工作。3.他过去花许多(xdu)时间编电脑程序。4.李先生过去对我们很好。过去曾当过慈善演出的主持人。He used to be a math teacher. My brother used to work in the USA.He used to spend much time writing computer programs.Mr Li used to be very kind to us.Millie used to be a host

2、 of a charity show.第2页/共27页第二页,共28页。be used to 谈论一件我们长时间习惯于做的动作。后面跟名词,名词短语或动名词形式1.老人们习惯于宁静的环境。2.他习惯在电脑上听音乐。3.他不习惯城市里新的生活方式。4.我父亲(f qn)习惯喝红茶。5.你习惯于炎热的天气吗?The old men are used to the peaceful environment.He is used to listening to music on the computer.He isnt used to the new lifestyle in the city.My

3、father is used to drinking black tea.Are you used to the hot weather?第3页/共27页第三页,共28页。Kittys house is so beautiful that I want to live in it.so + _+ that clauseadjective第4页/共27页第四页,共28页。Hello Kitty danced so beautifully that everyone screamed.so+_+thatclauseadverb第5页/共27页第五页,共28页。so + _+ that clause

4、adjective/adverb The rain is very heavy. I dont want to go out.The rain is _ I dont want to go out. It rains _ I dont want to go out.so heavy thatso heavily that第6页/共27页第六页,共28页。_ + so + adjective + that clause_ + so + adverb + that clausebedobedo第7页/共27页第七页,共28页。 1. She sings very well. Everyone li

5、kes her songs. 2. The coat is too dear. I cant buy it. 3. He spoke very quickly. We couldnt understand him.She sings so well that everyone likes her songs.The coat is so dear that I cant buy it. He spoke so quickly that we couldnt understand him. Join the sentences with sothat第8页/共27页第八页,共28页。 4. Th

6、e boy is very short. He cant reach the table. 5. Millie worked very hard. She got the most scores in the test. The boy is so short that he cant reach the table. Millie worked so hard that she got the most scores in the test.第9页/共27页第九页,共28页。beautiful interesting tired slow big hot happyThe airport w

7、as _ I got lost.I felt _I slept on the sofa.Mount Fuji was _ I could not stop taking photos. Choose and fill with sothatso big thatso tired thatso beautiful that第10页/共27页第十页,共28页。4. My friends were walking _ I began to feel bored.5. Thailand is _ people like to go swimming every day.6. In the park,

8、children played _ they forgot to go back.7. Disneyland in the USA is _ _ no one feels bored there.beautiful interesting tired slow big hot happyso slowly that so hot thatso happily that so interestingthat第11页/共27页第十一页,共28页。Manyofourpatientsaresopoorthattheycantaffordtotraveltohospital.Modernmedicine

9、isdevelopingsoquicklythatwecantreatandcuremosteyeproblems.Youhavedonesuchanimportantjobthatpeoplemustbereallygratefultoyou.such+_+that+clause_ + so + adjective + that clause_ + so + adverb + that clausebedo名词(mng c)短语第12页/共27页第十二页,共28页。1.LiuXiangis_thatwealllikehim.(如此伟大的一个(y)运动员)2.Itis_thatIcantsto




13、leonthebusthatIfeeltired.sosuchsuchso第17页/共27页第十七页,共28页。8. It is _ a little dog that Lucy likes it very much.9. There is _ little water that it is not enough for _ many people.sosuchso第18页/共27页第十八页,共28页。用so. That或such that连接(linji)下列句子It was a fine day. They went out for a picnic.2.It was noisy outs

14、ide. We could not hear the teacher clearly.3.She is a good teacher. All the students love her.It was such a fine day that they went out for a picnic.It was so noisy outside that we could not hear the teacher clearly.She is such a good teacher that all the students love her.第19页/共27页第十九页,共28页。用so. th

15、at或such that连接(linji)下列句子4. The boy is young. He cannot go to school on his own.5.He always tells us funny jokes. They make us laugh.6.This math problem is difficult. Few people can work it out.The boy is so young that he cannot go to school on his own.He always tells us such funny jokes that they m

16、ake us laugh.This math problem is so difficult that few people can work it out.第20页/共27页第二十页,共28页。Johnnyisaverypoorpatient.Hecantaffordtoanymedicaltreatment.Johnnyis_hecantaffordtoanymedicaltreatment.Johnnyis_hecantaffordtoanymedicaltreatment.Johnnyis_poor_affordtoanymedicaltreatment.Johnnyisnot_aff

17、ordtoanymedicaltreatment. so poor a patient that such a poor patient that too to rich enough to第21页/共27页第二十一页,共28页。1.Thecarransofastthatitcouldcatchupwiththetrain.Thecarranfastenoughtocatchupwiththetrain.2.Themanwassoangrythathecouldntsayaword.Themanwastooangrytosayaword.3.Theboyissoyoungthathecantg

18、otoschool.Theboyistooyoungtogotoschool.Theboyisnotoldenoughtogotoschool.so that 与too to及enough to 的转换(zhunhun)第22页/共27页第二十二页,共28页。4.Theexercisesaresodifficultthatwecantworkthemout.Theexercisesaretoodifficultforustoworkout.Theexercisesarenoteasyenoughforustoworkout.5.YourvoicewassolowthatIcouldnthear






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