1011高中英语 Unit3《Travel journal》(3)课件 新人教版必修1

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1、 完成句子完成句子As usual (像往常一样像往常一样),we stayed at home watching TV. He got up earlier that morning than usual (比以往比以往). We usually meet at six oclock in the afternoon. He seems to be as busy as ever (和以往一样和以往一样). John is very _ if he promises to do something hell do it. 2009浙江,浙江,15A. independent B. confi

2、dentC. reliable D. flexible【解解析析】选选C。考考查查形形容容词词的的区区别别。约约翰翰非非常常的的可可靠靠,如如果果他他许许诺诺做做某某事事他他一一定定会会做做的的,所所以以reliable“可可靠靠的的”为为答答案案。independent独立的;独立的;confident自信的;自信的;flexible灵活的。灵活的。 选词填空选词填空(view, scene, scenery, sight)We have a fine view of the lake from our window. He saw some surprising sights at the

3、 zoo. Our reporter was the first person on the scene . The scenery of Guilin is beautiful beyond expression. 用用put适当的短语填空适当的短语填空The firefighters tried to put out the fire. She couldnt put up with his temper(脾气脾气) any longer. I cant read the sign from here. So I have to put on my glasses. He had to p

4、ut off going to the doctor because of the busy work. Do you dare to walk in the forest alone_? A. in midnight B. in the midnightC. at midnight D. at the midnight【解析】选【解析】选C。at midnight表示表示“在午夜在午夜”,并且不能加冠词。,并且不能加冠词。 选词填空选词填空(beneath/below/under)We found my daughters toy buried beneath a pile of leave

5、s. Skirts below the knees are in style this year. Go over the fence, not under . 完成句子完成句子做这个蛋糕花了我两个小时。做这个蛋糕花了我两个小时。To make this cake took me two hours. It took me two hours to make this cake . 那样做是我的职责。那样做是我的职责。To do that is my duty. 游泳是夏天的一项不错的运动。游泳是夏天的一项不错的运动。Swimming is a good sport in summer. Ph

6、ilip ran to his room with tears in his eyes, feeling that they were making _ of him. A. a joke B. a faceC. fun D. sure【解解析析】选选C。此此题题考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。make a joke with sb. 和和某某人人开开玩玩笑笑;make a face做做鬼鬼脸脸;make sure of确确信信。根根据据题题意意空格处应表示取笑,嘲笑,所以选空格处应表示取笑,嘲笑,所以选C项。项。. 单项填空单项填空1. When they knew there was a pan

7、da in the zoo, the children could _ wait to see it. A. almost B. hardlyC. mostly D. nearly【解解析析】选选B。could/can hardly wait to do sth. “迫迫不不及及待待地地要要做某事做某事”。2. Although I liked the design of the apartment, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the windows. A. view B. sceneC.

8、sights D. scenery【解解析析】选选A。view指指从从一一特特定定点点观观看看到到的的东东西西、景景物物,尤尤其其是是美美丽丽的的自自然然风风景景;scene通通常常指指局局部部的的、具具体体的的景景致致,但但景景中中多多包包含含着着人人或或者者运运动动状状态态;sight多多指指人人为为的的景景物物,比比如如大大建建筑、史迹等;筑、史迹等;scenery是自然风景的总称。是自然风景的总称。3. _ it is to play football on such a cool afternoon! 2010 聊城高一检测聊城高一检测A. What a fun B. How a f

9、unC. What fun D. How fun【解解析析】选选C。fun是是不不可可数数名名词词,意意为为“有有趣趣的的事事”,因因此此不与不定冠词连用;不用副词不与不定冠词连用;不用副词how来修饰。来修饰。4. After we got there, we put _ our tent and began to sleep in it, but I really couldnt put _ the heat in the tent. A. up; off B. up; up withC. on; out D. over; into【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。pu

10、t up搭搭起起;put up with忍受。忍受。5. She opened her eyes with a start and was about to cry out _ she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet. A. while B. whenC. before D. after【解解析析】选选B。固固定定句句型型“be about to. . . when. . . ”, “正正要要做做这时这时”。6. In order to complete his work ahead of time, he got up

11、earlier _ . A. as usual B. as usuallyC. than usual D. than usually【解析】选【解析】选C。than usual“比往常比往常”,不用副词,不用副词usually。7. It was said that the accident happened _ midnight, when it was snowing heavily. A. on B. inC. during D. at【解析】选【解析】选D。at midnight“在午夜在午夜”。8. _ a trip abroad is certainly good for the

12、old couple, but sometimes it is too much for them. 2010 潮州高一检测潮州高一检测A. Having B. To haveC. Have D. Had【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:去去国国外外旅旅游游对对这这对对老老夫夫妇妇来来说说有有好好处处, 但但是是有有时时候候会会很很劳劳累累。根根据据句句意意可可知知去去国国外外旅旅游游指指的的是是一一般般情情况,而不是具体的一次,故选动名词作主语。况,而不是具体的一次,故选动名词作主语。9. Have you decided when to leave for Shanghai? Yes, we

13、_ on Friday. A. leave B. are leavingC. have left D. leaves【解解析析】选选B。be doing表表示示按按计计划划、安安排排将将要要发发生生的的动动作作,尤其是表位移的动词。尤其是表位移的动词。10. Did you listen to the weather _ today? A. news B. informationC. record D. forecast【解析】选【解析】选D。the weather forecast“天气预报天气预报”。用下列方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空用下列方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空as usua

14、l, at midnight, cave, forecast, flame, boil, beneath, insurance, temple, reliable 1. The boys huddled(拥抱拥抱) together in the cave to keep warm. 2. The plane burst into flames after hitting a power line. 3. We were advised to boil the water before drinking it. 4. They didnt invite any women to the par

15、ty as usual . 5. Have you been to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing? 6. The train we are taking on is arriving at the station at midnight . 7. Do you have insurance on your house and your new car? 8. The ship hit a rock and sank beneath the waves soon. 9. Miller was a reliable man and I think you can

16、rely on him. 10. Peoples Bank of China forecasts that the economy will grow by 2% this year. . 完形填空完形填空 Ann Jones is one of the most 1 people I have met;she is only twenty-five,but she has travelled to over fifty different 2 . Five years ago,she was a typist in Birmingham,but she decided to give up

17、her 3 and see the worldSince then,her 4 has changed completely The first time she went 5 was seven years ago, 6 she was just 18She took a boat to France and then hitch-hiked(搭搭便便车车)around 7 for five weeksShe has visited Europe many times since that first trip, 8 ,but this holiday was the one which m

18、ade her start travellingShe never forgets the 9 of those five weeksalthough it was not all enjoyable. When she was on a train,somebody 10 her purseSo she lost all her 11 and had to work in a restaurant for a fortnightShe made some good friends there,and has 12 several times since then How did she fi

19、nd money for her 13 ? After her first trip abroad, she went home and worked for two years, 14 all the timeNow she travels 15 ,finding work when her money is littleShe has made a lot of 16 ;she says she has learned quite a few 17 Although she has had occasional(偶偶尔尔的的) 18 and has often been sick,she

20、never thinks about 19 her travels“My first time abroad changed my life,”she says,“and I have 20 to travel ever since” 本篇介绍了作者认识的一个特别喜欢旅行的人的经历。本篇介绍了作者认识的一个特别喜欢旅行的人的经历。1Abeautiful Bnice Chelpful Dinteresting【解解析析】选选D。根根据据下下文文可可知知此此处处指指有有趣趣的的,其其他他三三项项不不符符合合题意。题意。2Acities Bcountries Ccontinents Dplaces【

21、解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下文文可可知知选选B。continent大大陆陆,洲洲,不不可可能有能有over fifty different continents,A、D也不符合题意。也不符合题意。3Ahabit Bstudy Cinterest Djob【解解析析】选选D。前前面面有有“she was a typist”,所所以以选选job。其其他他三项不符合题意。三项不符合题意。4Adecision Blife Cappearance Dopinion【解解析析】选选B。本本句句意意为为“自自那那以以后后,她她的的生生活活完完全全改改变变了了”。故选故选life。decision决定;决定

22、;appearance外貌;外貌;opinion想法。想法。5Aabroad Bout Cthrough Dhome【解解析析】选选A。由由下下文文“to France”可可知知她她出出国国了了,故故选选abroad; go out太太笼笼统统了了;go through经经历历(苦苦难难、痛痛苦苦等等);go home回家,也不恰当。回家,也不恰当。6Aeven if Bwhen Calthough Dsince【解解析析】选选B。 “在在她她刚刚18岁岁的的时时候候”,when引引导导定定语语从从句句。even if即使;即使;although尽管;尽管;since自从。自从。7AEurop

23、e BAmerica CAsia DAfrica【解解析析】选选A。下下文文有有“She has visited Europe many times since that first trip. . . ”,所以选,所以选A。其他三项均不符合题意。其他三项均不符合题意。8Aof course BthereforeCin case Dmeanwhile【解解析析】选选A。of course“当当然然”,作作插插入入语语。therefore因因此此;in case以防;以防;meanwhile同时。同时。B、C、D都不恰当。都不恰当。9Ahard work Bcost Cfood Dexcitem

24、ent【解解析析】选选D。由由全全文文可可知知Ann喜喜欢欢旅旅游游,第第一一次次出出国国的的经经历历肯定让她兴奋不已,故选肯定让她兴奋不已,故选excitement。其他三项均不符合题意。其他三项均不符合题意。10Afound Bstole Ccaught Dlent【解解析析】选选B。“偷偷”用用stole,因因为为上上文文提提到到“it was not all enjoyable”,所以此句话应描述令人不愉快的事。,所以此句话应描述令人不愉快的事。11Apossessions BluggageCmoney D. courage【解析】选【解析】选C。她的钱包被偷,肯定钱丢了,选。她的钱包

25、被偷,肯定钱丢了,选C。12Aforgotten BremindedCreturned Dmissed【解解析析】选选C。她她在在那那儿儿交交了了一一些些好好朋朋友友,所所以以她她又又回回去去了了好好几次,故选几次,故选returned。13Atravels Bfriends Cholidays Dtickets【解解析析】选选A。她她怎怎样样为为自自己己的的旅旅行行筹筹集集钱钱呢呢? 选选travels,其其他三项均不合题意。他三项均不合题意。14Atravelling BincreasingCsaving Dworking【解解析析】选选C。她她工工作作了了两两年年,一一直直在在攒攒钱钱。

26、选选saving,其其他他三项不合题意。三项不合题意。15Acontinually BfortunatelyChappily Dunwillingly【 解解 析析 】 选选 A。 现现 在在 她她 不不 断断 地地 旅旅 行行 。 用用 continually。fortunately幸运地;幸运地;happily快乐地;快乐地;unwillingly不情愿地。不情愿地。16Amoney BfriendsCtrips Dhomes【解解析析】选选B。她她交交了了许许多多朋朋友友,选选B。make a lot of trips旅旅行行多多次次,与与前前文文“she travels continu

27、ally”重重复复,A、D两两项项也也易排除。易排除。17Atextbooks BlanguagesCskills Dsubjects【解解析析】选选B。因因为为她她去去了了很很多多国国家家,所所以以她她学学会会了了好好几几门门语语言。其他三项不合题意。言。其他三项不合题意。18Ahappiness BpleasuresCdifficulties Denjoyments【解解析析】选选C。前前面面有有although,表表示示让让步步,前前文文说说的的都都是是excitement,后文就开始说,后文就开始说difficulties。19A. keeping BcontinuingCsharing Dgiving up【解析】选【解析】选D。give up放弃。其他三项不符合文意。放弃。其他三项不符合文意。20Amade BlearnedCwanted Dtrained【解解析析】选选C。“此此后后我我就就一一直直想想旅旅行行”,选选wanted。make使,让;使,让;learn学习;学习;train训练。训练。



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