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1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! Part I Writing (30 minutes) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead ofinteracting in the real wor

2、ld. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only

3、once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) Project organizer. B)

4、 Public relations officer. C) Marketing manager. D) Market research consultant. 2. A) Quantitative advertising research. B) Questionnaire design. C) Research methodology. D) Interviewer training. 3. A) They are intensive studies of peoples spending habits. B) They examine relations between producers

5、 and customers. C) They look for new and effective ways to promote products. D) They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period. 4. A) The lack of promotion opportunity. B) Checking charts and tables. C) Designing questionnaires. D) The persistent intensity. Questions 5 to 8 are based

6、on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) His view on Canadian universities. B) His understanding of higher education. C) His suggestions for improvements in higher education. D) His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities. 6. A) It is well designed. B) It is rather inflexible. C)

7、It varies among universities. D) It has undergone great changes. 7. A) The United States and Canada can learn from each other. B) Public universities are often superior to private universities. C) Everyone should be given equal access to higher education. D) Private schools work more efficiently tha

8、n public institutions. 8. A) University systems vary from country to country. B) Efficiency is essential to university management. C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private one. D) Many private universities in the US are actually large bureaucracies. Section B Directions

9、: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corr

10、esponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。 Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9. A) Governments role in resolving an economic crisis. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! B) The worsening real wage situation

11、around the world. C) Indications of economic recovery in the United States. D) The impact of the current economic crisis on peoples life. 10. A) They will feel less pressure to raise employees wages. B) They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees. C) They will feel inclined to expand t

12、heir business operations. D) They will feel more confident in competing with their rivals. 11. A) Employees and companies cooperate to pull through the economic crisis. B) Government and companies join hands to create jobs for the unemployed. C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs. D) Team

13、 work will be encouraged in companies. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 12. A) Whether memory supplements work. B) Whether herbal medicine works wonders. C) Whether exercise enhances ones memory. D) Whether a magic memory promises success. 13. A) They help the elderly

14、 more than the young. B) They are beneficial in one way or another. C) They generally do not have side effects. D) They are not based on real science. 14. A) They are available at most country fairs. B) They are taken in relatively high dosage. C) They are collected or grown by farmers. D) They are

15、prescribed by trained practitioners. 15. A) They have often proved to be as helpful as doing mental exercise. B) Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks. C) Their effect lasts only a short time. D) Many have benefited from them. Section C Directions: In this section, you wi

16、ll hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line

17、through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。 Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. 16. A) How catastrophic natural disasters turn out to be to developing nations. B) How the World Meteorological Organization studies natural disasters. C) How powerless humans appear to be in

18、face of natural disasters. D) How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced. 17. A) By training rescue teams for emergencies. B) By taking steps to prepare people for them. C) By changing peoples views of nature. D) By relocating people to safer places. 18. A) How preventive action ca

19、n reduce the loss of life. B) How courageous Cubans are in face of disasters. C) How Cubans suffer from tropical storms. D) How destructive tropical storms can be. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard. 19. A) Pay back their loans to the American government. B) Provide lo

20、ans to those in severe financial difficulty. C) Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery. D) Speed up their recovery from the housing bubble. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 20. A) Some banks may have to merge with others. B) Many smaller regional banks are going to fail. C) I

21、t will be hard for banks to provide more loans. D) Many banks will have to lay off some employees. 21. A) It will work closely with the government. B) It will endeavor to write off bad loans. C) It will try to lower the interest rate. D) It will try to provide more loans. 22. A) It wont help the Ame

22、rican economy to turn around. B) It wont do any good to the major commercial banks. C) It will win the approval of the Obama administration. D) It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard. 23. A) Being unable to learn

23、new things. B) Being rather slow to make changes. C) Losing temper more and more often. D) Losing the ability to get on with others. 24. A) Cognitive stimulation. B) Community activity. C) Balanced diet . D) Fresh air. 25. A) Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging. B) Adopting an optimistic attitu

24、de towards life. C) Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles. D) Seeking advice from doctors from time to time. Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of

25、choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the

26、 words in the bank more than once. Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development. “The adolescent becomes an adult when he 26 a real job.” To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an 27 . Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, th

27、eir newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal. The 28 of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become 29 of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristical

28、ly adolescent way. Piaget said: “True adaptation to society comes 30 when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.” Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams. Perhaps, taken 31 out of context, Piagets statement seems harsh. What he was 32

29、, however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. Some people refer to such modification as maturity. Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature. As careers and vocations become less available during times of 33 , ad

30、olescents may be especially 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! hard hit. Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents 34 about their roles in society. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only econom

31、ically 35 but also help to stimulate the adolescents sense of worth. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 A) automatically B) beneficial C) capturing D) confused E) emphasizing F) entrance G) excited H) existence I) incidentally J) intolerant K) occupation L) promises M) recession N) slightly O) undertakes Section

32、B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked wit

33、h a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Can Societies Be Rich and Green? A “If our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the worlds people enhancednot just in this generation but in succeeding generat

34、ionswe must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends.” That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world greenie (环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigor, tho

35、roughness and above all, caution. B A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the worlds most powerful economies to say? Perhaps; though in the run-up to the five-year review of the Millenn ium (千年的) Goals, he is far from alone. The roots of his speech, given in March at the roundtable meeting

36、of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations, stretch back to 1972, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. C “The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic developme

37、nt throughout the world,” read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago. D Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groupsman

38、y for conferences such as this years Millennium Goals reviewand you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread. E Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But f

39、inding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two. F If such an indicator exists, it is well hidden. A

40、nd on reflection, this is not surprising; the single word “environment” has so many dimensions, and there are so many other factors affecting wealthsuch as the oil depositsthat teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible. G The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a

41、vast four-year global study which reported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainablyworking with nature rather than against itmight be less profitable in the short term, 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! but certainly bring

42、s long-term rewards. H And the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its World Resources 2005 report, issued at the end of August, produced several such examples from Africa and Asia; it also demonstrated that environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much

43、 higher proportion of their income directly from the natural resources around them. I But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of 6 the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-

44、and-burn farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling (大量消耗) transport. Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out. Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery. For almost

45、 five centuries a very large supply of cod (鳕鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland. Then, abruptly, the cod population collapsed. There were no longer enough fish in the sea for the stock to mai

46、ntain itself, let alone an industry. More than a decade later, there was no sign of the ecosystem re-building itself. It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor. J There is a view that modern humans

47、are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster. The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planets environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means. One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this “ec

48、ological overshoot of the human economy,” and found that we are using 1.2 Earths-worth of environmental goods and servicesthe implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those servicesthe things which the planet does for us for freewill grind to a halt. K Whether this is

49、 right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precisionwhich is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. It is also the reason why development agencies are not united in their vi

50、ew of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving economy, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation. L This view assumes that

51、rich societies will invest in environmental care. But is this right? Do things get better or worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous. “In the developing countries,” it says, “most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development.” So it is saying that economi

52、c development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily; “In the industralized countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialization and technological development,” it continues. In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reason

53、s. Its simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner. M Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities. Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free

54、 food. They also, however, use far more natural resources-fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials. N A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems, the most graphic 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! example being climate change. As a c

55、ountrys wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions. The figures available will not be completely accurate. Measuring emissions is not a precise science, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use; not all nations have released up-to-date data, and in any case, emissions from som

56、e sectors such as aviation are not included in national statistics. But the data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world. O Wealth is not,

57、of course, the only factor involved. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? That question, repeated across a do

58、zen environmental issues and across our diverse planet, is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 36. Examples show that both rich and poor countries exploited the environment for economic progr

59、ess. 37. Environmental protection and improvement benefit people all over the world. 38. It is not necessarily true that economic growth will make our world cleaner. 39. The common theme of the UN reports is the relation between environmental protection and economic growth. 40. Development agencies

60、disagree regarding how to tackle environment issues while ensuring economic progress. 41. It is difficult to find solid evidence to prove environmental friendliness generates more profits than exploiting the natural environment. 42. Sustainable management of ecosystems will prove rewarding in the lo

61、ng run. 43. A politician noted for being cautious asserts that sustainable human development depends on the natural environment. 44. Poor countries will have to bear the cost for rich nations economic development. 45. One recent study warns us of the danger of the exhaustion of natural resources on

62、Earth. Section C Directions: There are two passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a si

63、ngle line through the center. Passage One Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of “Friends,

64、” a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Anistons with a few taps on their remote control. “Its been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years,” says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy. So the news that Cablevi

65、sion, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism. During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! butto

66、n to request a free sample or order a catalogue. Cablevision 8 hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year. Television advertising could do with a boost. Spending fell by 10% in the first half of the year. The popularization of digital video recorders has caused

67、 advertisers to worry that their commercials will be skipped. Some are turning to the Internet, which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through ratesespecially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight. With the launch of interactive advertising, “many of the dollars

68、that went to the Internet will come back to the TV,” says David Kline of Cablevision. Or so the industry hopes. In theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not. Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant (除臭剂 ), which kept viewers e

69、ngaged for more than three minutes on average. The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small. Magna, an advertising agency, reckons it will be worth about $138 million this year. That falls far short of the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate. But Direc

70、TV, Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it. A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year. BrightLine iTV, which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it

71、expects its revenues almost to triple this year. BSkyB, Britains biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads. Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a “lean back” medium, crave interaction. Click-through rates have been high so fa

72、r (around 34%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty. Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 46. What does Colin Dixon mean by saying “Its been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve year

73、s” (Lines 34, Para.1)? A) Interactive television advertising will become popular in 1012 years. B) Interactive television advertising has been under debate for the last decade or so. C) Interactive television advertising is successful when incorporated into situation comedies. D) Interactive televis

74、ion advertising has not achieved the anticipated results. 47. What is the publics response to Cablevisions planned interactive TV advertising program? A) Pretty positive. B) Totally indifferent. C) Somewhat doubtful. D) Rather critical. 48. What is the impact of the wide use of digital video recorde

75、rs on TV advertising? A) It has made TV advertising easily accessible to viewers. B) It helps advertisers to measure the click-through rates. C) It has placed TV advertising at a great disadvantage. D) It enables viewers to check the sales items with ease. 9 49. What do we learn about Unilevers inte

76、ractive campaign? A) It proves the advantage of TV advertising. B) It has done well in engaging the viewers. C) It helps attract investments in the company. D) It has boosted the TV advertising industry. 50. How does the author view the hitherto high click-through rates? A) They may be due to the no

77、vel way of advertising. B) They signify the popularity of interactive advertising. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! C) They point to the growing curiosity of TV viewers. D) They indicate the future direction of media reform. Passage Two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following pa

78、ssage. What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: therere no quick or easy answers. Theres work to be done, but workers arent ready to do ittheyre in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills. Our problems are “structural,” and will take many years to solve. But dont b

79、other asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. There isnt any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. Saying that therere no easy answers sounds wise, but its actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured ver

80、y quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursing real solutions. The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into par

81、t-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that were mainly suffering

82、 from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular? Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemploymentin part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.

83、 Ive been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is “unadaptable and untrain

84、ed. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer.” A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economys needsand suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers. But now, as then, powerful forces are

85、 ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling our econo

86、my and our society. So what you need to know is that theres no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We arent suffering from a shortage of needed skills; were suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isnt a real problem, its an excusea reason not to act on Amer

87、icas problems at a time when action is desperately needed. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 51. What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America? A) Corporate mismanagement. B) Insufficient demand. C) Technological advances. D) Workers slow adaptation. 52. What does the author think

88、of the experts claim concerning unemployment? A) Self-evident. B) Thought-provoking. C) Irrational. D) Groundless. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 53. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression? A) The booming defense industry. B) The wise hea

89、ds benefit package. C) Nationwide training of workers. D) Thorough restructuring of industries. 54. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply? A) Powerful opposition to governments stimulus efforts. B) Very Serious Peoples attempt to cripple the economy. C) Evidence gathered fro

90、m many sectors of the industries. D) Economists failure to detect the problems in time. 55. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? A) To testify to the experts analysis of Americas problems. B) To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment. C) To show the urgent need for t

91、he government to take action. D) To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation. Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You shouldwrite your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。 为了在科学技

92、术上尽快赶超世界发达国家, 中国近年来大幅度增加了研究开发资金。 中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究, 这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学、 从新能源到机器人等高科技领域。 它们还与各地的科技园合作,使创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的需求。 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 2016 年 6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第一套)解析 Part I Writing 【参考范文】 When it comes

93、to the issues of living in the virtual world, opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that the virtual world will enlighten us, while others worry that it will ruin our daily lives. As I see it, people are indulging too much in the virtual world through social networks, on-line game

94、s and virtual reality. With computers and virtual social networks becoming pervasive, it can easily be imagined that peoples lives will be absolutely changed in future generations. There is no need for people to do hard and complicated work themselves anymore; instead, mass human labor will be repla

95、ced by a few computer programs. The increased use of computer programs to accomplish tasks will naturally isolate people and hinder communication between them. Consequently, people may be increasingly indifferent and cold-blooded towards others. As more and more people choose to live in the virtual

96、world, it is time that we decided our stance on this issue. Part II Listening Comprehension Section A Conversation One 【话题预测】根据选项中的 market research consultant,design,promote products 等词可预测本篇对话与 工作有关。 【正确答案】14 D A D B 听力原文 M: So how long have you been a market research consultant? W: Well, I started

97、straight after finishing university. M: Did you study market research? W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that its more important to get experience in different types of market research to find out exactly what youre interested in. M: So what are you interes

98、ted in? W: Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects. Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of yo

99、ur time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad-hoc jobs which are much shorter projects. M: What exactly do you mean by ad-hoc jobs? W: Its basically when companies need quick answers to their questions about their consumers habits. They just ask for one q

100、uestionnaire to be sent out for example, so the time you spend on an ad-hoc project tends to be fairly short. M: Which do you prefer, trackers or ad-hoc? W: I like doing both and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy. I need the variety. M: Can you just explain what

101、process you go through with a new client? W: Well, together we decide on the methodology and the objectives of the research. I then design a questionnaire. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! Once the interviewers have been briefed, I send the client a schedule and then they get back to

102、me with deadlines. Once the final charts and tables are ready, I have to check them and organize a presentation. M: Hmm, one last question, what do you like and dislike about your job? W: As I said, variety is important and as for what I dont like, it has to be the checking of charts and tables. Que

103、stions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. What position does the woman hold in the company? 2. What does the woman specialize in at the moment? 3. What does the woman say about trackers? 4. What does the woman dislike about her job? 试题解析 【话题分类】工作与职场 【对话大意】 本对话是有关市场研究顾问的对话,

104、对话中女士对 tracker 和 ad-hoc 两项工作任务进行描述。 1. 【考核技能】语义理解 D) 【答案解析】根据对话中男士的问题 So how long have you been a market research consultant(你在市场调 查顾问一职做了多久) ,以及女士的回答 I started straight after finishing university (一毕业就开始从事这 一工作) , 可知女士的工作是市场调查顾问。 D 项是原文的重述,故选 D。 2. 【考核技能】语义理解 A) 【答案解析】原文提到 I specialize in quantitat

105、ive advertising research(我专门从事量化广告调研) ,A 项 与原文所述相符。 3. 【考核技能】得出结论 D) 【答案解析】原文提到 Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time(追踪表单是不间断的项目,用以长期观察趋势或顾客满意度) 。D 项是原文的同 义转述。 4. 【考核技能】得出结论 B) 【答案解析】对话最后提到 as for what I dont like, it has to be

106、the checking of charts and tables(至于我不 喜欢的,则是我必须要检查图表) 。B 项与原文相同,故选 B。 Conversation Two 【话题预测】根据选项中的 universities,education 可预测本篇对话与教育有关。 【正确答案】58 A B C C 听力原文 W: Hello, Im here with Frederick. Now Fred, you went to university in Canada? M: Yeah, thats right. W: OK, and you have very strong views ab

107、out universities in Canada. Could you please explain? M: Well, we dont have private universities in Canada. Theyre all public. All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much ro

108、om for flexibility. Since its a government operated institution, things dont move very fast. If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because hes a worker for the government. So I dont think its very efficient. However, there are certain advantages

109、 of public 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! universities, such as the fees being free. You dont have to pay for your education. But the system isnt efficient, and it does not work that well. W: Yeah, I can see your point, but in the United States we have many private universities, and

110、 I think they are large bureaucracies also. Maybe people dont act that much differently, because its the same thing working for a private university. They get paid for their job. I dont know if theyre that much more motivated to help people. Also, we have a problem in the United States that usually

111、only wealthy kids go to the best schools and its kind of a problem actually. M: I agree with you. I think its a problem because youre not giving equal access to education to everybody. Its not easy, but having only public universities also might not be the best solution. Perhaps we can learn from Ja

112、pan where they have a system of private and public universities. Now, in Japan, public universities are considered to be the best. W: Right. Its the exact opposite in the United States. M: So, as you see, its very hard to say which one is better. W: Right, a good point. Questions 5 to 8 are based on

113、 the conversation you have just heard. 5. What does the woman want Frederick to talk about? 6. What does the man say about the curriculum in Canadian universities? 7. On what point do the speakers agree? 8. What point does the man make at the end of the conversation? 试题解析 【话题分类】教育 【对话大意】本对话与教育有关,男士讲

114、述了自己对加拿大教育的一些看法。女士也提出一些自己对教育的看法和意见。 5. 【考核技能】语义理解 A) 【答案解析】 从对话中的 and you have very strong views about universities in Canada. Could you please explain 可知,女士认为男士对加拿大的大学有明确的看法,并让其解释。由此可知她让 Frederick 讲述对大学的看法。A 项是原文的同义转述。 6. 【考核技能】语义理解 B) 【答案解析】男士提到 All the universities are owned by the government, so

115、 there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility(所有的大学受政府的管理, 因此, 教育部负责设置学校的课程, 所以灵活性很小) 。由此可知 B 项是原文的同义转述。 7. 【考核技能】观点支持 C) 【答案解析】男士提到 I agree with you. I think its a problem because youre not giving equal ac

116、cess to education to everybody(我认为这是个问题,因为每个人受教育的机会并非平等) 。由此可知,两个说话人就“每个人应得到平等的高等教育机会”一问题达成共识。C 项是原文的同义转述。 8. 【考核技能】得出结论 C) 【答案解析】在对话最后,男士提到 its very hard to say which one is better(很难说哪个更好) 。这是他概括得出的结论,C 项是原文的同义转述。由此可知 C 正确。 Section B Passage One 【话题预测】从选项中的 wages,economic recovery,raise,unemployed

117、 可推测出本篇文章与劳工和工资有关。 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 【正确答案】911 B A C 听力原文 A recent International Labor Organization report says the deterioration of real wages around the world calls into question the true extent of an economic recovery, especially if government rescue packages are pha

118、sed out too early. The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get worse this year, despite indications of an economic rebound. Patrick Belser, an International Labor Organization specialist, says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment. “The quite dramatic unemployment

119、figures, which we now see in some of the countries, strongly suggest that there will be greater pressure on wages in the future as more people will be unemployed, more people will be looking for jobs and the pressure on employers to raise wages to attract workers will decline. So, we expect that the

120、 second part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.” The report finds more than a quarter of the countries experienced flat or falling monthly wages in real terms. They include the United States, Austria, Costa Rica, South Africa and Germany. International Labor Organization econ

121、omists say some nations have come up with policies to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis. An example of these is work sharing with government subsidies. Under this scheme, the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layoffs. For this scheme to wor

122、k, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9. What is the International Labor Organizations report mainly about? 10. According to an International Labor Organization specialist, ho

123、w will employers feel if there are more people looking for jobs? 11. What does the speaker mean by the work sharing scheme? 试题解析 【话题分类】工作与职场 【文章大意】根据国际劳工组织的报告显示,世界各国的实际工资在下降,这会导致失业。 9. 【考核技能】主旨大意 B) 【答案解析】 原文提到 A recent International Labor Organization report says the deterioration of real wages aro

124、und the world calls into question the true extent of an economic recovery (国际劳工组织最近的一份报告显示, 全球各地的实际工资状况都在恶化, 这让人们对经济复苏的真正程度提出了质疑) 。B 项是原文中 deterioration of real wage 的同义转述。 10. 【考核技能】观点意见 A) 【答案解析】原文提到 there will be greater pressure on wages in the future as more people will be unemployed,more peopl

125、e will be looking for jobs and the pressure on employers to raise wages to attract workers will decline (今后,随着更多的人失业,找工作的人也会增多,工资的压力将会变大,雇主通过涨工资吸引工人的压力也会变小) 。由此可知 A 是原文的同义转述。 11.【考核技能】观点意见 C) 【答案解析】 原文提到 Under this scheme, the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layof

126、fs(这一方案减少了个人工作时间,从而避免裁员) 。C 项符合原文所述。 Passage Two 【话题预测】从选项中的 memory,medicine 可推测本篇文章与记忆或医疗有关。 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 【正确答案】1215 A D D B 听力原文 Is there really a magic memory pill or a herbal recall remedy? I have been frequently asked if these memory supplements work. You know

127、, one of the first things I like to tell people when they ask me about these supplements is that a lot of them are promoted as a cure for your memory. But your memory doesnt need a cure. What your memory needs is a good work-out. So really those supplements arent going to give you that perfect memor

128、y in the way that they promise. The other thing is that a lot of these supplements arent necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them. The science isnt there behind most of them. Theyre not really well-regulated unless they adhere to some industry stand

129、ard. You dont really know that what they say is in there is in there. What you must understand is that those supplements, especially in some Eastern cultures, are part of a medical practice tradition. People dont just go in a local grocery store and buy these supplements. In fact, they are prescribe

130、d and theyre given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner whos been trained. And thats not really the way theyre used in this country. The other thing people do forget is that these are medicines, so they do have an impact. A lot of times people are not really aware of the

131、 impact they have, or the fact that taking them in combination with other medications might put you at increased risk for something that you wouldnt otherwise be encountering or be at risk for. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 12. What question is frequently put to th

132、e speaker? 13. What does the speaker say about most memory supplements? 14. What do we learn about memory supplements in Eastern cultures? 15. What does the speaker say about memory supplements at the end? 试题解析 【话题分类】健康 【文章大意】提高记忆力的保健品真的有效吗?有些保健品的疗效不像它们所宣称的那样,也没有科学依据。服用这些保健品还有风险。 12. 【考核技能】 A) 【答案解析

133、】原文提到 I have been frequently asked if these memory supplements work(经常有人问我 : 这些记忆保健品是否有效) 。A 项与原文是同义替换,故选 A。 13. 【考核技能】观点意见 D) 【答案解析】原文提到 a lot of these supplements arent necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them. The science isn t there behind most

134、of them(很多保健品并不会像他们承诺的那样有效,你吃这些保健品时也一定要小心。它们大多数都没有科学依据) 。由此可知 D 是原文的同义转述。 14. 【考核技能】语义理解 D) 【答案解析】原文提到尤其在东方文化中,保健品是医疗实践传统的一部分,后面又提到 In fact, they are prescribed and theyre given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner whos been trained (按一定的标准给人们开药,受过训练的从业人员清楚剂量的使用) 。D 项是原文

135、的同义转述。 15. 【考核技能】概括总结 B) 【答案解析】 原文提到 that taking them in combination with other medications might put you 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! at increased risk for something that you wouldnt otherwise be encountering or be at risk for(将保健品与其他药物同时服用,你会遇到其他风险) 。由此可知 B 项是原文的同义转述。 Section C

136、Recording One 【话题预测】 由选项的 natural disasters, tropical storm 可预测出本篇讲座与自然灾害有关。 【正确答案】1618 D B A 听力原文 The negative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere. In just the past few weeks, the world has witnessed the destructive power of earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in the Philippines, and

137、 the destructive sea waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands. A study by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters finds that, between 1980 and 2007, nearly 8,400 natural disasters killed more than 2 million people. These catastrophic events caused more than $1.5 trillion in e

138、conomic losses. The UN weather expert Geoffrey Love says that is the bad news. “Over the last 50 years, economic losses have increased by a factor of 50. That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10 simply because we are getting better at warning people. We are m

139、aking a difference. Extreme events, however, will continue to occur. But, the message is that they may not be disasters.” Love, who is director of Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization, says most of the deaths and economic losses were caused by weather, climate

140、, or water-related extremes. These include droughts, floods, windstorms, strong tropical winds and wildfires. He says extreme events will continue. But, he says extreme events become disasters only when people fail to prepare for them. “Many of the remedies are well-known. From a planning perspectiv

141、e, its pretty simple. Build better buildings. Dont build where the hazards will destroy them. From an early-warning perspective, make sure the warnings go right down to the community level. Build community action plans. ” The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as example

142、s of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caused by natural disasters by taking preventive action. It says tropical storms formerly claimed dozens, if not hundreds of lives, each year, in Cuba. But, the development of an early-warning system has reversed that trend. In 2008, Cub

143、a was hit by five successive hurricanes, but only 7 people were killed. Bangladesh also has achieved substantial results. Major storm surges in 1970 and 1991 caused the deaths of about 440,000 people. Through careful preparation, the death toll from a super tropical storm in November 2007 was less t

144、han 3,500. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. 16. What is the talk mainly about? 17. How can we stop extreme events from turning into disasters? 18. What does the example of Cuba serve to show? 试题解析 【话题分类】环境与发展 【文章大意】自然灾害的消极影响随处可见, 如果能采取适当的预防措施, 就可避免一些不必要的损失。 16.【考核技能

145、】文章大意 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! D) 【答案解析】通过第 17、18 题的选项可推测出本篇听力与自然灾害有关,并且引用不同国家的例子来说明采取预防措施的必要性。由此可判断 D 是全文的概括,故选 D。 17.【考核技能】方式方法 B) 【答案解析】 原文提到: he says extreme events become disasters only when people fail to prepare for them (只有人们没有做好准备时,这些极端事件才会成为灾难) 。此句暗示 : 如果有准备,就可避免遭遇自然

146、灾 害。由此可知 B 正确。 18.【考核技能】语义理解 A) 【答案解析】 原文引用了古巴的例子, 提到 : The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as examples of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caused by natural disasters by taking preventive action (世界气象组织引用古巴和孟加拉国的例子,指出这两个国家通过采取预防措施,成功地降低了由自然灾害

147、引发的人员伤亡) 。由此可知 A 项是原文的同义转述。 Recording Two 【话题预测】根据选项中的 Obama,economy 可预测本篇文章与美国的经济有关。 【正确答案】1922 C B D D 听力原文 As US banks recovered with the help of the American government and the American taxpayers, President Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them its time to return the favor.

148、“The way I see it are banks now having greater obligation to the goal of a wide recovery,” he said. But the president may be giving the financial sector too much credit. “It was in a free fall, and it was a very scary period.” Economist Martin Neil Baily said. After the failure of Lehman Brothers, m

149、any of the worlds largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed in investments in risky loans. Although he says the worst is over, Bailey says the banking crisis is not. More than 130 US banks failed in 2009. He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks i

150、n 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due. “So there may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small and medium sized businesses in the next year or so.” Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend. But US Bancorp ch

151、ief Richard Davis sees the situation differently. “Were probably more optimistic than the experts might be. With that in mind, were putting in everything we can, lending is the core to our engine, so we want to make more loans. We have to find a way to qualify more people and not put ourselves at ri

152、sks.” While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakestwice. “You know, forecastings become a very hazardous business so I dont want to commit myself too much. I dont think we know exactly whats going t

153、o happen but its certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.” If the economy starts to shrink again, Baily says it would make a strong case for a second stimulussomething the Obama administration hopes will not be necessary. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the re

154、cording you have just heard. 19. What does President Obama hope the banks will do? 20. What is Martin Neil Bailys prediction about the financial situation in the future? 21. What does US Bancorp chief Richard Davis say about its future operation? 22. What does Martin Neil Baily think of a second sti

155、mulus to the economy? 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 试题解析 【话题分类】经济 【文章大意】 美国总统奥巴马认为银行有义务来帮助实现更大范围上的经济复苏, 地区性银行的破产率并未降低。如果再次出现经济萎缩,就需要经济刺激。 19. 【考核技能】语义理解 C) 【答案解析】原文提到 The way I see it are banks now having a greater obligation to the goal of a wide recovery(我认为,银行现在有更大的义务,须帮助实现经济的大面

156、积复苏) 。C 项 contribute to 是 have an obligation to 的同义转述。 20.【考核技能】语义理解 B) 【答案解析】原文提到 He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due (他预测,由于商业不动产贷款到期,小型地区性银行在 2010 年的破产概率会比较高) 。由此可知 B 项是原文的复述。 21.【考核技能】观点意见 D) 【答案解析】原文提到 lending is the core t

157、o our engine, so we want to make more loans(借款是我们引擎的核心,所以我们想要发放更多的贷款) 。由此可知 D 是原文的同义转述。 22.【考核技能】观点意见 D) 【答案解析】原文提到 If the economy starts to shrink again, Baily says it would make a strong case for a second stimulus(如果经济开始再次萎缩,贝利说这将亟需第二次经济刺激) 。D 是原文的同义转述。 Recording Three 【话题预测】从选项中的 lifestyle,cognit

158、ive 可推测本篇文章与认知能力相关。 【正确答案】2325 A A C 听力原文 A new study has failed to find any conclusive evidence that lifestyle changes can prevent cognitive decline in older adults. Still there are good reasons to make positive changes in how we live and what we eat as we age. Cognitive decline is the loss of abil

159、ity to learn new skills, or recall words, names, and faces that is most common as we age. To reduce or avoid it, researchers have examined the effect of smoking, diet, brain-challenging games, exercise and other strategies. Researchers at Duke University scrutinized more than 160 published studies a

160、nd found an absence of strong evidence that any of these approaches can make a big difference. Co-author James Burke helped design the study. “In the observational studies we found that some of the B vitamins were beneficial. Exercise, diet, cognitive stimulation showed some positive effects, althou

161、gh the evidence was not so strong that we could actually consider these firmly established.” Some previous studies have suggested that challenging your brain with mentally stimulating activities might help. And Burke says that actually does seem to help, based on randomized studiesthe researchers go

162、ld standard. “Cognitive stimulation is one of the areas where we did find some benefit. The exact type of stimulation that an individual uses is not as important as being intellectually engaged.” The expert review also found insufficient evidence to recommend any drugs or dietary supplements that co

163、uld prevent or slow cognitive decline. However, given that there is at least some evidence for positive effects from some of these lifestyle changes, plus other benefits apparently unrelated to cognitive decline, Burke was willing to offer some recommendations. “I think that by having people adopt a

164、 healthy lifestyle, both from a medical standpoint as well as nutritional and cognitive stimulation standpoint, we can reduce the incidence of cognitive decline, 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! which will be proof that these factors are, in fact, important.” James Burke of Duke Unive

165、rsity is one of the authors of a study reviewing previous research on cognitive decline. The paper is published online by the Annals of Internal Medicine. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard. 23. According to the speaker, what might be a symptom of cognitive decline in

166、older adults? 24. According to James Burke, what does seem to help reduce cognitive decline? 25. What did James Burke recommend to reduce the incidence of cognitive decline? 试题解析 【话题分类】健康 【文章大意】本文主要讲述老年人认知能力的下降,以及应对下降的方法,如锻炼、认知刺激、改变不良的生活习惯。 23.【考核技能】语义理解 A) 【答案解析】原文提到 Cognitive decline is the loss o

167、f ability to learn new skills, or recall words, names, and faces that is most common as we age(随着我们年龄的增长,最常见的认知能力衰退是学习新技能,或者回忆文字、名字和面孔的能力丧失) 。由此可知 A 与原文所述相符。 24. 【考核技能】方式方法 A) 【答案解析】 原文提到 Exercise, diet, cognitive stimulation showed some positive effects (锻炼、规定饮食、认知刺激显示出一些积极的效果) 。由此可知 A 是原文的重述。 25.

168、【考核技能】方式方法 C) 【答案解析】原文提到 I think that by having people adopt a healthy lifestyle, both from a medical standpoint as well as nutritional and cognitive stimulation standpoint, we can reduce the incidence of cognitive decline (我认为, 从医学角度以及营养和认知刺激角度来看, 人们选择健康的生活方式, 就能降低认知能力衰退出现的概率) 。由此可知 C 项“努力改掉不健康的生活方

169、式”符合题意。 Part III Reading Comprehension Section A 【答案解析】 26. O) undertakes。根据原文中的 The adolescent becomes an adult when he _ a real job 可知本题需要填入动词,其时态要与前面的 becomes 一致,故 O 符合题意,undertake 意为“承担” 。 27. K) occupation。 本题的答案在 an 后面, 应是元音开头的名词, 由此可知 K 符合条件, occupation 意为“职业” 。 28. H) existence。根据句子结构可判断此处需要

170、填入名词,上文提到 too ideal,本句又出现 such ideals,由此可判断本句是指理想的存在,故 H 正确。 29. J) intolerant。原文中 rapidly leads adolescents to become _ of the non-idealistic world 意为 : 前面的那种理想似的想法会迅速导致青年人 _ 这非理想化的世界。选项 J 符合逻辑,intolerant 意为“无法忍受的” 。 30. A) automatically。本题需要填入副词。原文提到 true adaptation to society comes _,意为 : _ 去适应社会

171、。由此可知 A 项 automatically(自然地)符合逻辑。 31. N) slightly。由 taken _ out of context 可判断 taken 后应加副词,take out of context 意为“断章取义” ,N 项 slightly(轻微地)符合题意。 32. E) emphasizing。本句应填入动词的 -ing 形式,构成过去进行时,emphasize 意为“强调” 。这里意为 :他所强调的是 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 33. M) recession。根据原文中的 As career

172、s and vocations become less available during times of _ 可知,在萧条时期才不好找工作,由此可知 recession(衰退,不景气)符合题意。 34. D) confused。由原文中的 Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents _ about their roles in society 可知 confused(迷茫的,困惑的)符合逻辑,confused about 意为“对感到困惑,迷茫” 。 35. B) beneficial。副词后面可接形容词,选项中 bene

173、ficial 意为“有益的,有利的” ,符合逻辑。economically beneficial 意为 : 在经济上有利的。 Section B 36. Examples show that both rich and poor countries exploited the environment for economic progress. 【正确答案】I 【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 example,rich and poor countries 可将答案定位至 I 段。本段提到 But there are also many examples of growing wealth by

174、 trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike (富国和穷国都通过破坏环境来创造财富) , trash the environment 与 exploited the environment 相对应。 37. Environmental protection and improvement benefit people all over the world. 【正确答案】C 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 environmental protection and improvement 可将答案定位至 C

175、段,本段提 到 The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world(人类环境的保护和改善是影响到世界人民幸福和经济发展的主要问题) 。题干是原文的概括。 38. It is not necessarily true that economic growth will make our world cleaner. 【正确答案】L 【

176、答案解析】由题干中的关键词 necessarily 可将答案定位至 L 段。 本段提到 : So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily (经济发展未必会造成一个更干净的世界) ,由此可知本题与原文所述相符。 39. The common theme of the UN reports is the relation between environmental protection and economic growth. 【正确答案】D 【答案解析】 由题干

177、中的关键词 common 可将答案定位至 D 段, 本段提到 : you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread(环境保护和经济发展之间的联系是一个共同的思路) 。由此可知本题是原文的同义转述。 40. Development agencies disagree regarding how to tackle environment issues while ensuring economic progress. 【正确答案】K 【答

178、案解析】由题干中的关键词 development agencies 可将答案定位至 K 段,本段提到 development agencies are not united in their view of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving econo

179、my, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation(各发展机构对环境问题有不同的意见 : 一些机构,如世界资源研究所认为环境改善需要与经济发展携手前进, 而也有机构认为首先应做的是打造繁荣发展的经济,然后用获得的财富来解决环境恶化问题) 。由此可判断出在保证经济发展的情况下,对于如何处理环境问题,发展机构之间意见不统一。 41. It is difficult to find solid evidence to prove environmental friendliness generates mor

180、e profits 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! than exploiting the natural environment. 【正确答案】E 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 evidence 可将答案定位至 E 段,本段提到 :Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But finding hard evidence to

181、 support the thesis is not so easy (根据千禧生态系统评估报告, 可持续地管理生态系统比掠夺消耗它更有好处。 但是找到确凿的证据来支持这一论点并不容易) 。由此可知 E 是原文的同义转述。 42. Sustainable management of ecosystems will prove rewarding in the long run. 【正确答案】G 【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 ecosystem 和 rewarding 可将答案定位至 G 段, 由原文中的 managing ecosystems sustainablyworking with

182、nature rather than against itmight be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards (可持续地管理生态系统 与自然和谐相处, 而不是破坏它 在短期内可能没有多大好处,但是一定会带来长期的回报) 。由此可知 G 是原文的同义转述。 43. A politician noted for being cautious asserts that sustainable human development depends on the natural environ

183、ment. 【正确答案】A 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 politician,cautious,depends on the natural environment 可将答案定位至 A 段, 一位政治家说道 : If our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the worlds people enhancednot just in this generation but in succeeding generationswe must make

184、sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends (如果想让我们的经济繁荣,如果想消除全球贫困, 如果还想让世界的人民更加康乐不仅是这一代, 还要世世代代都这样我们必须珍惜经济活动赖以生存的自然环境和资源) 。A 项是原文的概括。 44. Poor countries will have to bear the cost for rich nations economic development. 【正确答案】N 【答案解析】由题干中的 poor c

185、ountries 可将答案定位至 N 段,本段提到 As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world(随着国家日益富有,它们会产生更多的温室气体,这些气体则主要影响世界上的贫穷国家) 。由此可知,穷国在承受富国经济发展带来的代价。题干是原文的概括。 45. One recent study warns us of the danger of the exhausti

186、on of natural resources on Earth. 【正确答案】J 【答案解析】根据题干中的关键词 one recent study 可将答案定位至 J 段,本段提到 One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this “ecological overshoot of the human economy,” and found that we are using 1.2 Earths-worth of environmental goods and servicesthe implication being th

187、at at some point the debt will be called in, and all those servicesthe things which the planet does for us for freewill grind to a halt。 这一小段都在讲人类发展经济造成的“生态超载”问题,警告说我们生存的这个地球在未来某一时刻将会停止运转。 Section C Passage One 【话题分类】经济 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 【文章大意】互动广告已兴起十余年,这些年来,这一广告模式蓬勃发展

188、,由于新媒体形式的出现,将互动广告广泛地传播开来。 46.【正确答案】D 【考核技能】语义理解 【答案解析】题干句尾已将答案定位至第一段,本段提到 Its been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years (在过去十到十二年间每年大家都在热议互动广告) ,再结合第二段第一句话 由逻辑关系可知互动广告并未取得预想的结果,D 与原文同义。 47.【正确答案】C 【考核技能】观点意见 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 Cablevision 可将答案定位至第二段,本段提到 : So t

189、he news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism(美国有线电视公司宣布自 10 月 6 日起向其所有消费者开放互动广告服务, 但受到了大家的质疑) 。skepticism 意为“怀疑态度” , 由此可知 C 是原文的同义转述。 48.【正确答案】C 【考核技能】概括总结 【答案解析】本题意为 :数字视频录像机的普遍使用

190、对电视广告业有何影响?根据题干中的关键词 digital video recorders 可将答案定位至第三段,本段提到 Spending fell by 10% in the first half of the year.The popularization of digital video recorders has caused advertisers to worry that their commercials will be skipped(上半年支出下降了 10%。数字视频录像机的普及令广告商们担心,自己的广告将被忽略) 。由此可推断出数字视频录像机的普及使电视广告业处于不利地位

191、。C 项 place at a great disadvantage 意为 : 使处于极为不利的地位。C 项是原文的概括,故选 C。 49.【正确答案】B 【考核技能】语义理解 【答案解析】根据题目中的关键词 Unilever 可将答案定位至第四段,该段提到 Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant, which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average (联合利华最近推出其除臭剂的互动活动, 观众的平均观看时间超过了 3

192、分钟) 。 这表明该广告十分吸引观众, 由此可知 B 正确。 50.【正确答案】A 【考核技能】观点意见 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 click-through 可将答案定位至最后一段,本段提到 : Click-through rates have been high so far (around34%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty(到目前为止,点击率一直很高,是因为新奇) 。选项 A 中的 novel way 是 novelty 的同义转述。 Passage Tw

193、o 【话题分类】工作与职场 【文章大意】本篇文章主要讲述了失业问题,有人认为美国的高失业是需求不足的结果,但有专家说原因尚不清楚。总而言之,需要采取迫切的行动来解决这一问题。 51.【正确答案】B 【考核技能】缘由结果 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 the root cause of 可将答案定位至第二段,本段提到 : all 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand(

194、所以证据表明,美国的高失业是需求不足的结果) 。B 项是原文的 inadequate demand 的同义转述。 52.【正确答案】D 【考核技能】观点意见 【答案解析】 由题干中的关键词 expert 可将答案定位至第四段, 本段提到 : because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious(专家和分析人士认为, 宣称这一问题根源很深, 不易回答, 可以使他们听上去很严肃) , 由此可知 D 项

195、Groundless(无 理由的,无根据的)符合题意。A 项 Self-evident 意为“不言而喻的” ,B 项 Thought-provoking 意为“发人深省的” ,C 项 Irrational 意为“不合理的” 。 53.【正确答案】A 【考核技能】语义理解 【答案解析】由题干的关键词 Great Depression 可将答案定位至倒数第三段,本段提到 A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economys needsand sud

196、denly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers(几年之后,大笔国防支出终于提供了足够的财政刺激来适应经济的需要 突然间,企业开始雇用那些“不合适和没经过训练的”员工) 。A 项是 a large defense 的同义替换,由此可知 A 符合逻辑。 54.【正确答案】A 【考核技能】观点意见 【答案解析】由题干中的关键词 huge structural problems 可将答案定位至倒数第二段 : as then, powerful forces are ideologically op

197、posed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy (强大势力在思想意识上完全反对政府在启动经济方面做出巨大努力) ,后面又提到 And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying (这便是究竟为什么越来越多的声音宣称我们面临巨大的结构性问题) 。由此可知 A 项是原文的同义转述。 55.【正确答案】C 【考核技能】文

198、章大意 【答案解析】最后一段提到 As I said, structural unemployment isnt a real problem, its an excusea reason not to act on Americas problems at a time when action is desperately needed(正如我所言, 结构性失业并不是真正的问题, 它是一个借口当迫切需要采取行动解决美国问题的时候,人们才有理由不作为) 。作者的意思是迫切需要政府采取行动,故选 C。 Part IV Translation 【参考译文】 In China, innovation

199、 is flourishing in an unprecedented speed. In order to surpass the developed countries in the world as fast as it can in science and technology, China has increased funds for research and development substantially in recent years. Chinese universities and institutes are actively carrying out innovat

200、ion research, which cover high-technology fields such as big data, biochemistry, new energy and robots, etc. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different regions so as to commercialize the fruits of their innovation. Meanwhile, to adapt to the constantly changing and increasing needs of foreign and domestic markets, Chinese entrepreneurs are also competing to be pioneers in innovating both products and business models.



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